Introduction / 1,000 GF (alpha) / 1,000 GF (1000-1) / 1,000 GF (1-1000) / 1,000 GF (by year) / 1,000 GF (sortable table) / 1,000 GF (plain) / 1,000 GF (ranking history) / Alternative Titles / Analysis / Sources/Critics / Top 250 Directors / Starting List (sortable table) / Ex-1000 GF / Resources/Links
The table below lists all 25,562 films in the Greatest Films Starting List. This is also available in spreadsheet format. Once fully loaded up, this monstrous table can be sorted by any of the displayed columns. Please note: Where more than one country received a production credit, only the first country credited has been listed (to make the table more compact).
Stop. Too much. I'm only interested in the 1,000 Greatest Films.
2025 EDITION CHANGES (Impacting on the Starting List)
Previously, all films in TSPDT's 1,000 Noir Films and The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films listings were included in the Greatest Films Starting List. From this edition onwards, this is no longer the case.
For those of you who check-off previous editions to the current one, this is the explanation as to why many noir films and a small number of 21st Century films have been removed from the Starting List.
Also, I've added a new 'qualification' system to four ranking groups…
1) Films ranked in the top 1,000 must appear on at least 5 lists (collated by TSPDT). This qualification is attained comfortably, as no film in this year's top 1,000 has fewer than 22 list appearances.
2) Films ranked in the top 2,500 (1,001 to 2,500) must appear on at least 4 lists (collated by TSPDT).
3) Films ranked in the top 5,000 (2,501 to 5,000) must appear on at least 3 lists (collated by TSPDT).
4) Films ranked in the top 10,000 (5,001 to 10,000) must appear on at least 2 lists (collated by TSPDT).
5) There are no restrictions on films ranked beyond 10,000 (10,001 to 25,562). They just need to appear on at least 1 list (collated by TSPDT).
This 'qualification' system has primarily been introduced to avoid excessively high rankings for films that appear on only 1 list (as collated by TSPDT). For example, Going to Mars: The Nikki Giovanni Project appears only on 1 list. In 2024, it's ranking was 5,145. This year, it's ranking is 10,002.
• The previous format of this table can be viewed here.
Pos | 2024 | Title | Director | Year | Country | Mins |
1 | 1 | Citizen Kane | Welles, Orson | 1941 | USA | 119 |
2 | 2 | Vertigo | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1958 | USA | 128 |
3 | 3 | 2001: A Space Odyssey | Kubrick, Stanley | 1968 | UK | 139 |
4 | 4 | Tokyo Story | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1953 | Japan | 134 |
5 | 5 | Rules of the Game, The | Renoir, Jean | 1939 | France | 113 |
6 | 6 | Godfather, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1972 | USA | 175 |
7 | 7 | 8½ | Fellini, Federico | 1963 | Italy | 135 |
8 | 8 | Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans | Murnau, F.W. | 1927 | USA | 110 |
9 | 9 | Searchers, The | Ford, John | 1956 | USA | 119 |
10 | 10 | Seven Samurai | Kurosawa, Akira | 1954 | Japan | 200 |
11 | 11 | Singin' in the Rain | Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly | 1952 | USA | 102 |
12 | 12 | Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles | Akerman, Chantal | 1975 | Belgium | 201 |
13 | 13 | Apocalypse Now | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1979 | USA | 150 |
14 | 15 | Bicycle Thieves | De Sica, Vittorio | 1948 | Italy | 89 |
15 | 14 | Taxi Driver | Scorsese, Martin | 1976 | USA | 113 |
16 | 16 | Persona | Bergman, Ingmar | 1966 | Sweden | 83 |
17 | 17 | In the Mood for Love | Wong Kar-wai | 2000 | Hong Kong | 97 |
18 | 19 | Breathless | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1960 | France | 89 |
19 | 18 | Passion of Joan of Arc, The | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1928 | France | 110 |
20 | 20 | Atalante, L' | Vigo, Jean | 1934 | France | 89 |
21 | 21 | Battleship Potemkin | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1925 | USSR | 71 |
22 | 22 | Man with a Movie Camera | Vertov, Dziga | 1929 | USSR | 80 |
23 | 23 | Mirror | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1975 | USSR | 107 |
24 | 24 | Rashomon | Kurosawa, Akira | 1950 | Japan | 88 |
25 | 25 | City Lights | Chaplin, Charles | 1931 | USA | 86 |
26 | 28 | Psycho | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1960 | USA | 109 |
27 | 26 | 400 Blows, The | Truffaut, François | 1959 | France | 99 |
28 | 27 | Andrei Rublev | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1966 | USSR | 185 |
29 | 29 | Au hasard Balthazar | Bresson, Robert | 1966 | France | 95 |
30 | 30 | Mulholland Dr. | Lynch, David | 2001 | USA | 147 |
31 | 32 | Some Like it Hot | Wilder, Billy | 1959 | USA | 121 |
32 | 33 | Ordet | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1955 | Denmark | 125 |
33 | 31 | Godfather Part II, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1974 | USA | 200 |
34 | 34 | Dolce vita, La | Fellini, Federico | 1960 | Italy | 175 |
35 | 35 | Raging Bull | Scorsese, Martin | 1980 | USA | 129 |
36 | 36 | Night of the Hunter, The | Laughton, Charles | 1955 | USA | 92 |
37 | 37 | Avventura, L' | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1960 | Italy | 145 |
38 | 38 | Casablanca | Curtiz, Michael | 1942 | USA | 102 |
39 | 41 | Blade Runner | Scott, Ridley | 1982 | USA | 118 |
40 | 39 | Rear Window | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1954 | USA | 112 |
41 | 45 | Touch of Evil | Welles, Orson | 1958 | USA | 108 |
42 | 40 | Playtime | Tati, Jacques | 1967 | France | 108 |
43 | 46 | Sunset Blvd. | Wilder, Billy | 1950 | USA | 110 |
44 | 43 | Barry Lyndon | Kubrick, Stanley | 1975 | UK | 183 |
45 | 42 | Contempt | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1963 | France | 103 |
46 | 44 | Pather Panchali | Ray, Satyajit | 1955 | India | 112 |
47 | 48 | Close-Up | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1990 | Iran | 98 |
48 | 47 | Stalker | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1979 | USSR | 160 |
49 | 49 | Lawrence of Arabia | Lean, David | 1962 | UK | 216 |
50 | 50 | General, The | Keaton, Buster & Clyde Bruckman | 1926 | USA | 74 |
51 | 52 | Modern Times | Chaplin, Charles | 1936 | USA | 89 |
52 | 51 | Beau travail | Denis, Claire | 1999 | France | 92 |
53 | 59 | Apartment, The | Wilder, Billy | 1960 | USA | 125 |
54 | 55 | Third Man, The | Reed, Carol | 1949 | UK | 104 |
55 | 54 | M | Lang, Fritz | 1931 | Germany | 99 |
56 | 53 | Late Spring | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1949 | Japan | 108 |
57 | 56 | North by Northwest | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1959 | USA | 136 |
58 | 57 | Ugetsu monogatari | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1953 | Japan | 96 |
59 | 58 | Battle of Algiers, The | Pontecorvo, Gillo | 1966 | Italy | 121 |
60 | 63 | GoodFellas | Scorsese, Martin | 1990 | USA | 146 |
61 | 60 | Grande illusion, La | Renoir, Jean | 1937 | France | 117 |
62 | 61 | Wild Strawberries | Bergman, Ingmar | 1957 | Sweden | 90 |
63 | 65 | Rio Bravo | Hawks, Howard | 1959 | USA | 141 |
64 | 62 | Fanny and Alexander | Bergman, Ingmar | 1982 | Sweden | 189 |
65 | 64 | Shoah | Lanzmann, Claude | 1985 | France | 566 |
66 | 66 | Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb | Kubrick, Stanley | 1964 | UK | 93 |
67 | 69 | Once Upon a Time in the West | Leone, Sergio | 1968 | Italy | 165 |
68 | 67 | Pierrot le fou | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1965 | France | 110 |
69 | 68 | Journey to Italy | Rossellini, Roberto | 1954 | Italy | 97 |
70 | 70 | Chinatown | Polanski, Roman | 1974 | USA | 131 |
71 | 71 | Do the Right Thing | Lee, Spike | 1989 | USA | 120 |
72 | 72 | Metropolis | Lang, Fritz | 1927 | Germany | 153 |
73 | 74 | Woman Under the Influence, A | Cassavetes, John | 1974 | USA | 155 |
74 | 73 | Strada, La | Fellini, Federico | 1954 | Italy | 115 |
75 | 76 | Leopard, The | Visconti, Luchino | 1963 | Italy | 186 |
76 | 75 | Enfants du paradis, Les | Carné, Marcel | 1945 | France | 195 |
77 | 77 | Amarcord | Fellini, Federico | 1973 | Italy | 127 |
78 | 79 | Pulp Fiction | Tarantino, Quentin | 1994 | USA | 154 |
79 | 80 | Wild Bunch, The | Peckinpah, Sam | 1969 | USA | 135 |
80 | 88 | Viridiana | Buñuel, Luis | 1961 | Spain | 90 |
81 | 78 | Man Escaped, A | Bresson, Robert | 1956 | France | 102 |
82 | 81 | It's a Wonderful Life | Capra, Frank | 1946 | USA | 129 |
83 | 91 | Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The | Ford, John | 1962 | USA | 119 |
84 | 82 | Seventh Seal, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1957 | Sweden | 96 |
85 | 84 | Sansho the Bailiff | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1954 | Japan | 125 |
86 | 86 | Shining, The | Kubrick, Stanley | 1980 | USA | 142 |
87 | 83 | Conformist, The | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1970 | Italy | 107 |
88 | 89 | Pickpocket | Bresson, Robert | 1959 | France | 75 |
89 | 85 | Magnificent Ambersons, The | Welles, Orson | 1942 | USA | 88 |
90 | 87 | Blue Velvet | Lynch, David | 1986 | USA | 120 |
91 | 92 | Jaws | Spielberg, Steven | 1975 | USA | 124 |
92 | 90 | Nashville | Altman, Robert | 1975 | USA | 160 |
93 | 93 | Gold Rush, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1925 | USA | 82 |
94 | 94 | Gertrud | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1964 | Denmark | 116 |
95 | 95 | Jetée, La | Marker, Chris | 1962 | France | 27 |
96 | 96 | Sans soleil | Marker, Chris | 1983 | France | 100 |
97 | 97 | Cléo from 5 to 7 | Varda, Agnès | 1962 | France | 90 |
98 | 102 | To Be or Not to Be | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1942 | USA | 99 |
99 | 98 | Jules et Jim | Truffaut, François | 1962 | France | 104 |
100 | 99 | Meshes of the Afternoon | Deren, Maya & Alexander Hammid | 1943 | USA | 15 |
101 | 105 | Mother and the Whore, The | Eustache, Jean | 1973 | France | 210 |
102 | 100 | Sátántangó | Tarr, Béla | 1994 | Hungary | 439 |
103 | 101 | Sherlock Jr. | Keaton, Buster | 1924 | USA | 45 |
104 | 103 | Madame de... | Ophüls, Max | 1953 | France | 105 |
105 | 106 | Clockwork Orange, A | Kubrick, Stanley | 1971 | UK | 137 |
106 | 108 | Ikiru | Kurosawa, Akira | 1952 | Japan | 143 |
107 | 104 | Ali: Fear Eats the Soul | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1974 | West Germany | 94 |
108 | 107 | Aguirre, the Wrath of God | Herzog, Werner | 1972 | West Germany | 94 |
109 | 110 | Annie Hall | Allen, Woody | 1977 | USA | 94 |
110 | 111 | Come and See | Klimov, Elem | 1985 | USSR | 142 |
111 | 109 | Last Year at Marienbad | Resnais, Alain | 1961 | France | 94 |
112 | 112 | Spirit of the Beehive, The | Erice, Víctor | 1973 | Spain | 95 |
113 | 116 | Once Upon a Time in America | Leone, Sergio | 1984 | Italy | 229 |
114 | 113 | Greed | von Stroheim, Erich | 1924 | USA | 140 |
115 | 114 | Piano, The | Campion, Jane | 1993 | New Zealand | 121 |
116 | 115 | Brighter Summer Day, A | Yang, Edward | 1991 | Taiwan | 237 |
117 | 117 | Wizard of Oz, The | Fleming, Victor | 1939 | USA | 101 |
118 | 118 | Yi Yi | Yang, Edward | 2000 | Taiwan | 173 |
119 | 121 | Don't Look Now | Roeg, Nicolas | 1973 | UK | 110 |
120 | 119 | Hiroshima mon amour | Resnais, Alain | 1959 | France | 91 |
121 | 120 | Red Shoes, The | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1948 | UK | 133 |
122 | 124 | Blow-Up | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1966 | Italy | 111 |
123 | 122 | Bringing Up Baby | Hawks, Howard | 1938 | USA | 102 |
124 | 126 | Eclisse, L' | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1962 | Italy | 126 |
125 | 123 | Intolerance | Griffith, D.W. | 1916 | USA | 178 |
126 | 125 | Day in the Country, A | Renoir, Jean | 1936 | France | 40 |
127 | 130 | Notorious | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1946 | USA | 101 |
128 | 131 | Alien | Scott, Ridley | 1979 | USA | 117 |
129 | 129 | Vivre sa vie | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1962 | France | 85 |
130 | 127 | Letter from an Unknown Woman | Ophüls, Max | 1948 | USA | 90 |
131 | 128 | Matter of Life and Death, A | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1946 | UK | 104 |
132 | 136 | E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial | Spielberg, Steven | 1982 | USA | 115 |
133 | 138 | Exterminating Angel, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1962 | Mexico | 95 |
134 | 133 | All About Eve | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1950 | USA | 138 |
135 | 139 | Olvidados, Los | Buñuel, Luis | 1950 | Mexico | 88 |
136 | 132 | Imitation of Life | Sirk, Douglas | 1959 | USA | 124 |
137 | 137 | Spirited Away | Miyazaki, Hayao | 2001 | Japan | 124 |
138 | 134 | Histoire(s) du cinéma | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1988-98 | France | 267 |
139 | 135 | My Darling Clementine | Ford, John | 1946 | USA | 97 |
140 | 143 | Gone with the Wind | Fleming, Victor | 1939 | USA | 222 |
141 | 140 | His Girl Friday | Hawks, Howard | 1940 | USA | 92 |
142 | 154 | Rome, Open City | Rossellini, Roberto | 1945 | Italy | 105 |
143 | 142 | Céline and Julie Go Boating | Rivette, Jacques | 1974 | France | 192 |
144 | 141 | Gospel According to St. Matthew, The | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1964 | Italy | 135 |
145 | 146 | Daisies | Chytilová, Věra | 1966 | Czechoslovakia | 76 |
146 | 147 | Nosferatu | Murnau, F.W. | 1922 | Germany | 84 |
147 | 145 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Forman, Milos | 1975 | USA | 133 |
148 | 148 | Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The | Demy, Jacques | 1964 | France | 91 |
149 | 144 | Killer of Sheep | Burnett, Charles | 1977 | USA | 83 |
150 | 150 | Conversation, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1974 | USA | 113 |
151 | 151 | Wanda | Loden, Barbara | 1970 | USA | 105 |
152 | 158 | Star Wars | Lucas, George | 1977 | USA | 121 |
153 | 161 | There Will Be Blood | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2007 | USA | 158 |
154 | 156 | Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The | Leone, Sergio | 1966 | Italy | 161 |
155 | 149 | Chien andalou, Un | Buñuel, Luis | 1928 | France | 16 |
156 | 152 | Argent, L' | Bresson, Robert | 1983 | France | 90 |
157 | 153 | Days of Heaven | Malick, Terrence | 1978 | USA | 95 |
158 | 155 | Trouble in Paradise | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1932 | USA | 83 |
159 | 157 | Chungking Express | Wong Kar-wai | 1994 | Hong Kong | 104 |
160 | 163 | Cries and Whispers | Bergman, Ingmar | 1972 | Sweden | 106 |
161 | 160 | My Neighbour Totoro | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1988 | Japan | 86 |
162 | 159 | Manhattan | Allen, Woody | 1979 | USA | 96 |
163 | 170 | Double Indemnity | Wilder, Billy | 1944 | USA | 106 |
164 | 162 | Tropical Malady | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2004 | Thailand | 118 |
165 | 165 | Badlands | Malick, Terrence | 1973 | USA | 95 |
166 | 164 | Passenger, The | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1975 | Italy | 119 |
167 | 166 | Âge d'or, L' | Buñuel, Luis | 1930 | France | 63 |
168 | 167 | Deer Hunter, The | Cimino, Michael | 1978 | USA | 183 |
169 | 168 | Dekalog | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1989 | Poland | 550 |
170 | 169 | Texas Chain Saw Massacre, The | Hooper, Tobe | 1974 | USA | 83 |
171 | 176 | Only Angels Have Wings | Hawks, Howard | 1939 | USA | 121 |
172 | 175 | Rosemary's Baby | Polanski, Roman | 1968 | USA | 136 |
173 | 174 | Stagecoach | Ford, John | 1939 | USA | 96 |
174 | 173 | Touki Bouki | Diop Mambéty, Djibril | 1973 | Senegal | 85 |
175 | 171 | Duck Soup | McCarey, Leo | 1933 | USA | 70 |
176 | 172 | Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1972 | France | 100 |
177 | 179 | Brief Encounter | Lean, David | 1945 | UK | 85 |
178 | 184 | Ran | Kurosawa, Akira | 1985 | France | 161 |
179 | 180 | Birds, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1963 | USA | 119 |
180 | 178 | Colour of Pomegranates, The | Parajanov, Sergei | 1969 | USSR | 80 |
181 | 177 | Earth | Dovzhenko, Alexander | 1930 | USSR | 75 |
182 | 181 | Portrait of a Lady on Fire | Sciamma, Céline | 2019 | France | 121 |
183 | 185 | Johnny Guitar | Ray, Nicholas | 1954 | USA | 110 |
184 | 182 | River, The | Renoir, Jean | 1951 | France | 99 |
185 | 183 | Mouchette | Bresson, Robert | 1967 | France | 80 |
186 | 186 | Chimes at Midnight | Welles, Orson | 1965 | Switzerland | 115 |
187 | 189 | Out of the Past | Tourneur, Jacques | 1947 | USA | 97 |
188 | 193 | Napoléon | Gance, Abel | 1927 | France | 235 |
189 | 188 | Notte, La | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1961 | Italy | 120 |
190 | 187 | Vampyr | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1932 | Germany | 73 |
191 | 200 | Nights of Cabiria | Fellini, Federico | 1957 | Italy | 110 |
192 | 194 | Rocco and His Brothers | Visconti, Luchino | 1960 | Italy | 180 |
193 | 190 | Tree of Life, The | Malick, Terrence | 2011 | USA | 139 |
194 | 192 | Black Narcissus | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1947 | UK | 99 |
195 | 191 | Spring in a Small Town | Fei Mu | 1948 | China | 98 |
196 | 201 | Paris, Texas | Wenders, Wim | 1984 | West Germany | 150 |
197 | 195 | Paisan | Rossellini, Roberto | 1946 | Italy | 120 |
198 | 199 | Lady Eve, The | Sturges, Preston | 1941 | USA | 94 |
199 | 208 | Gleaners & I, The | Varda, Agnès | 2000 | France | 82 |
200 | 207 | Raiders of the Lost Ark | Spielberg, Steven | 1981 | USA | 115 |
201 | 196 | Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1975 | Italy | 117 |
202 | 197 | City of Sadness, A | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1989 | Taiwan | 157 |
203 | 203 | On the Waterfront | Kazan, Elia | 1954 | USA | 108 |
204 | 206 | Close Encounters of the Third Kind | Spielberg, Steven | 1977 | USA | 135 |
205 | 202 | King Kong | Cooper, Merian C. & Ernest B. Schoedsack | 1933 | USA | 103 |
206 | 204 | Last Laugh, The | Murnau, F.W. | 1924 | Germany | 77 |
207 | 198 | Vagabond | Varda, Agnès | 1985 | France | 105 |
208 | 205 | News from Home | Akerman, Chantal | 1976 | Belgium | 85 |
209 | 210 | Death in Venice | Visconti, Luchino | 1971 | Italy | 130 |
210 | 214 | Great Dictator, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1940 | USA | 128 |
211 | 211 | Thing, The | Carpenter, John | 1982 | USA | 108 |
212 | 209 | Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1943 | UK | 163 |
213 | 213 | Wings of Desire | Wenders, Wim | 1987 | West Germany | 130 |
214 | 215 | Solaris | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1972 | USSR | 165 |
215 | 212 | Wavelength | Snow, Michael | 1967 | Canada | 45 |
216 | 216 | Moonlight | Jenkins, Barry | 2016 | USA | 111 |
217 | 219 | Breaking the Waves | von Trier, Lars | 1996 | Denmark | 156 |
218 | 223 | Magnolia | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1999 | USA | 188 |
219 | 217 | Zero for Conduct | Vigo, Jean | 1933 | France | 41 |
220 | 220 | Samouraï, Le | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1967 | France | 101 |
221 | 227 | Quiet Man, The | Ford, John | 1952 | USA | 129 |
222 | 218 | Kes | Loach, Ken | 1969 | UK | 113 |
223 | 221 | Grapes of Wrath, The | Ford, John | 1940 | USA | 129 |
224 | 222 | Umberto D. | De Sica, Vittorio | 1952 | Italy | 89 |
225 | 225 | Brazil | Gilliam, Terry | 1985 | UK | 131 |
226 | 224 | Life of Oharu, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1952 | Japan | 146 |
227 | 226 | Where is the Friend's House? | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1987 | Iran | 85 |
228 | 228 | Sullivan's Travels | Sturges, Preston | 1941 | USA | 91 |
229 | 229 | Love Streams | Cassavetes, John | 1984 | USA | 141 |
230 | 231 | Travelling Players, The | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1975 | Greece | 230 |
231 | 230 | Black God, White Devil | Rocha, Glauber | 1964 | Brazil | 110 |
232 | 233 | Germany, Year Zero | Rossellini, Roberto | 1948 | Italy | 74 |
233 | 232 | House is Black, The | Farrokhzad, Forugh | 1963 | Iran | 20 |
234 | 238 | Ashes and Diamonds | Wajda, Andrzej | 1958 | Poland | 96 |
235 | 242 | Parasite | Bong Joon-ho | 2019 | South Korea | 132 |
236 | 234 | Red Desert | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1964 | Italy | 118 |
237 | 235 | McCabe & Mrs. Miller | Altman, Robert | 1971 | USA | 121 |
238 | 237 | Matrix, The | Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski | 1999 | USA | 136 |
239 | 246 | Best Years of Our Lives, The | Wyler, William | 1946 | USA | 172 |
240 | 239 | Autumn Afternoon, An | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1962 | Japan | 115 |
241 | 236 | Crowd, The | Vidor, King | 1928 | USA | 104 |
242 | 244 | Ivan the Terrible, Part II | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1946 | USSR | 88 |
243 | 240 | Memories of Underdevelopment | Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás | 1968 | Cuba | 97 |
244 | 241 | Performance | Roeg, Nicolas & Donald Cammell | 1970 | UK | 105 |
245 | 247 | Caché | Haneke, Michael | 2005 | France | 117 |
246 | 243 | Eraserhead | Lynch, David | 1977 | USA | 89 |
247 | 251 | Ivan the Terrible, Part I | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1944 | USSR | 96 |
248 | 250 | In a Lonely Place | Ray, Nicholas | 1950 | USA | 91 |
249 | 245 | Band Wagon, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1953 | USA | 112 |
250 | 253 | Big Lebowski, The | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1998 | USA | 113 |
251 | 268 | Schindler's List | Spielberg, Steven | 1993 | USA | 195 |
252 | 248 | Thin Red Line, The | Malick, Terrence | 1998 | USA | 170 |
253 | 249 | Meet Me in St. Louis | Minnelli, Vincente | 1944 | USA | 113 |
254 | 252 | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind | Gondry, Michel | 2004 | USA | 108 |
255 | 257 | Diary of a Country Priest | Bresson, Robert | 1951 | France | 120 |
256 | 261 | Cinema Paradiso | Tornatore, Giuseppe | 1988 | Italy | 155 |
257 | 255 | Green Ray, The | Rohmer, Eric | 1986 | France | 99 |
258 | 254 | Daughters of the Dust | Dash, Julie | 1991 | USA | 112 |
259 | 313 | Verdugo, El | García Berlanga, Luis | 1963 | Spain | 90 |
260 | 260 | Graduate, The | Nichols, Mike | 1967 | USA | 105 |
261 | 259 | Tabu | Murnau, F.W. | 1931 | USA | 82 |
262 | 256 | Belle de jour | Buñuel, Luis | 1967 | France | 100 |
263 | 265 | Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The | Wiene, Robert | 1920 | Germany | 75 |
264 | 271 | Eyes Wide Shut | Kubrick, Stanley | 1999 | USA | 159 |
265 | 258 | Red River | Hawks, Howard | 1948 | USA | 133 |
266 | 276 | Three Colours: Blue | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1993 | France | 100 |
267 | 263 | Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2010 | Thailand | 114 |
268 | 264 | Heat | Mann, Michael | 1995 | USA | 174 |
269 | 262 | Night and Fog | Resnais, Alain | 1955 | France | 32 |
270 | 270 | Exorcist, The | Friedkin, William | 1973 | USA | 122 |
271 | 269 | Fargo | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1996 | USA | 98 |
272 | 272 | Black Girl | Sembene, Ousmane | 1966 | Senegal | 65 |
273 | 266 | Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The | Huston, John | 1948 | USA | 124 |
274 | 274 | F for Fake | Welles, Orson | 1973 | France | 89 |
275 | 267 | Kind Hearts and Coronets | Hamer, Robert | 1949 | UK | 106 |
276 | 273 | Taste of Cherry | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1997 | Iran | 99 |
277 | 280 | My Night at Maud's | Rohmer, Eric | 1969 | France | 105 |
278 | 279 | Sweet Smell of Success | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1957 | USA | 96 |
279 | 292 | Back to the Future | Zemeckis, Robert | 1985 | USA | 116 |
280 | 278 | Story of the Last Chrysanthemums, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1939 | Japan | 148 |
281 | 277 | Shop Around the Corner, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1940 | USA | 97 |
282 | 275 | Ciénaga, La | Martel, Lucrecia | 2001 | Argentina | 103 |
283 | 291 | Paths of Glory | Kubrick, Stanley | 1957 | USA | 86 |
284 | 284 | Goodbye, Dragon Inn | Tsai Ming-liang | 2003 | Taiwan | 82 |
285 | 281 | Groundhog Day | Ramis, Harold | 1993 | USA | 103 |
286 | 286 | Throne of Blood | Kurosawa, Akira | 1957 | Japan | 110 |
287 | 282 | Day of Wrath | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1943 | Denmark | 110 |
288 | 288 | 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1967 | France | 87 |
289 | 283 | Pandora's Box | Pabst, G.W. | 1929 | Germany | 133 |
290 | 285 | Ascent, The | Shepitko, Larisa | 1977 | USSR | 111 |
291 | 300 | Sacrifice, The | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1986 | France | 145 |
292 | 295 | Army of Shadows | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1969 | France | 140 |
293 | 287 | All That Heaven Allows | Sirk, Douglas | 1955 | USA | 89 |
294 | 290 | India Song | Duras, Marguerite | 1975 | France | 120 |
295 | 289 | Three Colours: Red | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1994 | France | 99 |
296 | 293 | All About My Mother | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1999 | Spain | 101 |
297 | 294 | Big Sleep, The | Hawks, Howard | 1946 | USA | 114 |
298 | 319 | Cabaret | Fosse, Bob | 1972 | USA | 128 |
299 | 296 | Happy Together | Wong Kar-wai | 1997 | Hong Kong | 97 |
300 | 302 | Unforgiven | Eastwood, Clint | 1992 | USA | 127 |
301 | 314 | All That Jazz | Fosse, Bob | 1979 | USA | 123 |
302 | 297 | Distant Voices, Still Lives | Davies, Terence | 1988 | UK | 85 |
303 | 298 | Mean Streets | Scorsese, Martin | 1973 | USA | 110 |
304 | 299 | Floating Clouds | Naruse, Mikio | 1955 | Japan | 123 |
305 | 304 | Terra em Transe | Rocha, Glauber | 1967 | Brazil | 106 |
306 | 301 | Mr. Hulot's Holiday | Tati, Jacques | 1953 | France | 86 |
307 | 303 | Music Room, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1958 | India | 95 |
308 | 307 | Maltese Falcon, The | Huston, John | 1941 | USA | 100 |
309 | 306 | Charulata | Ray, Satyajit | 1964 | India | 117 |
310 | 320 | World of Apu, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1959 | India | 103 |
311 | 321 | Melancholia | von Trier, Lars | 2011 | Denmark | 136 |
312 | 308 | Faces | Cassavetes, John | 1968 | USA | 130 |
313 | 315 | City of God | Meirelles, Fernando & Kátia Lund | 2002 | Brazil | 129 |
314 | 310 | Werckmeister Harmonies | Tarr, Béla | 2000 | Hungary | 145 |
315 | 323 | I Am Cuba | Kalatozov, Mikhail | 1964 | Cuba | 141 |
316 | 305 | Nanook of the North | Flaherty, Robert J. | 1922 | USA | 79 |
317 | 311 | Separation, A | Farhadi, Asghar | 2011 | Iran | 123 |
318 | 309 | Monsieur Verdoux | Chaplin, Charles | 1947 | USA | 123 |
319 | 312 | Videodrome | Cronenberg, David | 1983 | Canada | 90 |
320 | 316 | Kings of the Road | Wenders, Wim | 1976 | West Germany | 175 |
321 | 330 | In the Realm of the Senses | Oshima, Nagisa | 1976 | Japan | 109 |
322 | 318 | Freaks | Browning, Tod | 1932 | USA | 64 |
323 | 324 | Berlin Alexanderplatz [TV] | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1980 | West Germany | 931 |
324 | 322 | Belle et la bête, La | Cocteau, Jean | 1946 | France | 95 |
325 | 329 | Philadelphia Story, The | Cukor, George | 1940 | USA | 112 |
326 | 333 | Empire Strikes Back, The | Kershner, Irvin | 1980 | USA | 124 |
327 | 348 | High and Low | Kurosawa, Akira | 1963 | Japan | 142 |
328 | 317 | Lola Montès | Ophüls, Max | 1955 | France | 116 |
329 | 326 | Young Girls of Rochefort, The | Demy, Jacques | 1967 | France | 124 |
330 | 327 | Husbands | Cassavetes, John | 1970 | USA | 138 |
331 | 325 | Canterbury Tale, A | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1944 | UK | 124 |
332 | 337 | Amadeus | Forman, Milos | 1984 | USA | 158 |
333 | 335 | Bonnie and Clyde | Penn, Arthur | 1967 | USA | 111 |
334 | 331 | Kid, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1921 | USA | 60 |
335 | 328 | Pyaasa | Dutt, Guru | 1957 | India | 146 |
336 | 332 | Underground | Kusturica, Emir | 1995 | Yugoslavia | 167 |
337 | 336 | Time to Live and the Time to Die, The | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1985 | Taiwan | 137 |
338 | 334 | Broken Blossoms | Griffith, D.W. | 1919 | USA | 90 |
339 | 339 | Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks | Wang Bing | 2003 | China | 551 |
340 | 338 | King of Comedy, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1982 | USA | 109 |
341 | 341 | Wages of Fear, The | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1953 | France | 105 |
342 | 343 | Midnight Cowboy | Schlesinger, John | 1969 | USA | 113 |
343 | 340 | Touch of Zen, A | Hu, King | 1971 | Taiwan | 180 |
344 | 364 | Cranes Are Flying, The | Kalatozov, Mikhail | 1957 | USSR | 95 |
345 | 344 | Weekend | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1967 | France | 105 |
346 | 342 | Kiss Me Deadly | Aldrich, Robert | 1955 | USA | 106 |
347 | 345 | Double Life of Véronique, The | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1991 | France | 97 |
348 | 352 | West Side Story | Wise, Robert & Jerome Robbins | 1961 | USA | 151 |
349 | 349 | Cloud-Capped Star, The | Ghatak, Ritwik | 1960 | India | 126 |
350 | 357 | Mad Max: Fury Road | Miller, George | 2015 | Australia | 120 |
351 | 353 | Dog Day Afternoon | Lumet, Sidney | 1975 | USA | 125 |
352 | 354 | Get Out | Peele, Jordan | 2017 | USA | 104 |
353 | 356 | Night of the Living Dead | Romero, George A. | 1968 | USA | 96 |
354 | 347 | Puppetmaster, The | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1993 | Taiwan | 141 |
355 | 346 | El | Buñuel, Luis | 1953 | Mexico | 91 |
356 | 350 | Out 1 | Rivette, Jacques | 1971 | France | 729 |
357 | 351 | Last Picture Show, The | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1971 | USA | 118 |
358 | 358 | How Green Was My Valley | Ford, John | 1941 | USA | 118 |
359 | 359 | Some Came Running | Minnelli, Vincente | 1958 | USA | 136 |
360 | 355 | Tree of Wooden Clogs, The | Olmi, Ermanno | 1978 | Italy | 185 |
361 | 367 | It Happened One Night | Capra, Frank | 1934 | USA | 105 |
362 | 363 | Make Way for Tomorrow | McCarey, Leo | 1937 | USA | 92 |
363 | 360 | Last Tango in Paris | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1972 | Italy | 129 |
364 | 365 | Quince Tree Sun, The | Erice, Víctor | 1992 | Spain | 133 |
365 | 362 | Heaven's Gate | Cimino, Michael | 1980 | USA | 219 |
366 | 361 | Muriel | Resnais, Alain | 1963 | France | 115 |
367 | 370 | Marnie | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1964 | USA | 130 |
368 | 373 | Through the Olive Trees | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1994 | Iran | 103 |
369 | 375 | Silence of the Lambs, The | Demme, Jonathan | 1991 | USA | 118 |
370 | 379 | Affair to Remember, An | McCarey, Leo | 1957 | USA | 115 |
371 | 371 | Yojimbo | Kurosawa, Akira | 1961 | Japan | 110 |
372 | 372 | Harold and Maude | Ashby, Hal | 1971 | USA | 91 |
373 | 381 | Teorema | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1968 | Italy | 98 |
374 | 374 | Peeping Tom | Powell, Michael | 1960 | UK | 101 |
375 | 369 | Fitzcarraldo | Herzog, Werner | 1982 | West Germany | 157 |
376 | 377 | Lost Highway | Lynch, David | 1997 | USA | 134 |
377 | 378 | Stranger Than Paradise | Jarmusch, Jim | 1984 | USA | 89 |
378 | 366 | Written on the Wind | Sirk, Douglas | 1956 | USA | 99 |
379 | 368 | I Was Born, But... | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1932 | Japan | 100 |
380 | 385 | Stromboli | Rossellini, Roberto | 1950 | Italy | 107 |
381 | 376 | Two-Lane Blacktop | Hellman, Monte | 1971 | USA | 101 |
382 | 382 | White Ribbon, The | Haneke, Michael | 2009 | Germany | 144 |
383 | 391 | Turin Horse, The | Tarr, Béla | 2011 | Hungary | 155 |
384 | 386 | Safe | Haynes, Todd | 1995 | USA | 119 |
385 | 383 | Aliens | Cameron, James | 1986 | USA | 137 |
386 | 388 | Elephant Man, The | Lynch, David | 1980 | USA | 125 |
387 | 380 | Killing of a Chinese Bookie, The | Cassavetes, John | 1976 | USA | 109 |
388 | 390 | This is Spinal Tap | Reiner, Rob | 1984 | USA | 82 |
389 | 393 | Nostalghia | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1983 | Italy | 120 |
390 | 414 | Under the Skin | Glazer, Jonathan | 2013 | UK | 108 |
391 | 384 | Tristana | Buñuel, Luis | 1970 | Spain | 98 |
392 | 387 | Hour of the Furnaces, The | Getino, Octavio & Fernando E. Solanas | 1968 | Argentina | 260 |
393 | 389 | Mon oncle | Tati, Jacques | 1958 | France | 126 |
394 | 403 | Dogville | von Trier, Lars | 2003 | Denmark | 177 |
395 | 397 | Orlando | Potter, Sally | 1992 | UK | 94 |
396 | 400 | Opening Night | Cassavetes, John | 1977 | USA | 144 |
397 | 392 | Limite | Peixoto, Mario | 1931 | Brazil | 114 |
398 | 394 | In a Year with 13 Moons | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1978 | West Germany | 129 |
399 | 413 | Day for Night | Truffaut, François | 1973 | France | 120 |
400 | 404 | Flowers of St. Francis, The | Rossellini, Roberto | 1950 | Italy | 83 |
401 | 395 | Woman in the Dunes | Teshigahara, Hiroshi | 1964 | Japan | 147 |
402 | 415 | 1900 | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1976 | Italy | 245 |
403 | 401 | Thin Blue Line, The | Morris, Errol | 1988 | USA | 101 |
404 | 399 | Headless Woman, The | Martel, Lucrecia | 2008 | Argentina | 87 |
405 | 396 | I Know Where I'm Going! | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1945 | UK | 92 |
406 | 402 | Suspiria | Argento, Dario | 1977 | Italy | 92 |
407 | 398 | Crimes and Misdemeanors | Allen, Woody | 1989 | USA | 104 |
408 | 407 | Tenant, The | Polanski, Roman | 1976 | France | 126 |
409 | 405 | Birth of a Nation, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1915 | USA | 187 |
410 | 411 | Orpheus | Cocteau, Jean | 1950 | France | 95 |
411 | 409 | Eyes Without a Face | Franju, Georges | 1960 | France | 88 |
412 | 416 | Miracle in Milan | De Sica, Vittorio | 1951 | Italy | 95 |
413 | 418 | Lost in Translation | Coppola, Sofia | 2003 | USA | 102 |
414 | 408 | Dawn of the Dead | Romero, George A. | 1978 | USA | 126 |
415 | 429 | All the President's Men | Pakula, Alan J. | 1976 | USA | 138 |
416 | 410 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs | Hand, David | 1937 | USA | 83 |
417 | 406 | Splendor in the Grass | Kazan, Elia | 1961 | USA | 124 |
418 | 417 | Fantasia | Various Directors | 1940 | USA | 120 |
419 | 412 | Awful Truth, The | McCarey, Leo | 1937 | USA | 92 |
420 | 431 | Scenes from a Marriage | Bergman, Ingmar | 1973 | Sweden | 168 |
421 | 421 | Plaisir, Le | Ophüls, Max | 1952 | France | 97 |
422 | 419 | Chelsea Girls | Warhol, Andy | 1966 | USA | 210 |
423 | 424 | Europa '51 | Rossellini, Roberto | 1952 | Italy | 113 |
424 | 420 | Salvatore Giuliano | Rosi, Francesco | 1962 | Italy | 125 |
425 | 422 | Bride of Frankenstein | Whale, James | 1935 | USA | 75 |
426 | 442 | If…. | Anderson, Lindsay | 1968 | UK | 111 |
427 | 425 | Bonheur, Le | Varda, Agnès | 1965 | France | 79 |
428 | 439 | Long Goodbye, The | Altman, Robert | 1973 | USA | 112 |
429 | 433 | Angel at My Table, An | Campion, Jane | 1990 | New Zealand | 158 |
430 | 427 | Possession | Zulawski, Andrzej | 1981 | France | 124 |
431 | 451 | Twenty Years Later | Coutinho, Eduardo | 1984 | Brazil | 119 |
432 | 423 | Holy Motors | Carax, Leos | 2012 | France | 115 |
433 | 435 | Winter Light | Bergman, Ingmar | 1963 | Sweden | 80 |
434 | 430 | Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors | Parajanov, Sergei | 1965 | USSR | 97 |
435 | 444 | Shawshank Redemption, The | Darabont, Frank | 1994 | USA | 142 |
436 | 428 | Days of Being Wild | Wong Kar-wai | 1990 | Hong Kong | 94 |
437 | 426 | Star is Born, A | Cukor, George | 1954 | USA | 154 |
438 | 441 | Accattone | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1961 | Italy | 120 |
439 | 456 | Casino | Scorsese, Martin | 1995 | USA | 182 |
440 | 432 | Scarlet Empress, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1934 | USA | 110 |
441 | 463 | Cameraman, The | Keaton, Buster & Edward Sedgwick | 1928 | USA | 69 |
442 | 469 | Network | Lumet, Sidney | 1976 | USA | 121 |
443 | 434 | Flowers of Shanghai | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1998 | Taiwan | 130 |
444 | 462 | Terra trema, La | Visconti, Luchino | 1948 | Italy | 160 |
445 | 458 | Naked | Leigh, Mike | 1993 | UK | 126 |
446 | 447 | Limelight | Chaplin, Charles | 1952 | USA | 145 |
447 | 443 | Innocents, The | Clayton, Jack | 1961 | UK | 100 |
448 | 438 | Wind, The | Sjöström, Victor | 1928 | USA | 88 |
449 | 436 | Crime of Monsieur Lange, The | Renoir, Jean | 1936 | France | 90 |
450 | 487 | Toni Erdmann | Ade, Maren | 2016 | Germany | 162 |
451 | 440 | French Cancan | Renoir, Jean | 1955 | France | 102 |
452 | 461 | À nos amours | Pialat, Maurice | 1983 | France | 102 |
453 | 448 | Koyaanisqatsi | Reggio, Godfrey | 1982 | USA | 87 |
454 | 437 | Ivan's Childhood | Tarkovsky, Andrei | 1962 | USSR | 94 |
455 | 445 | Région centrale, La | Snow, Michael | 1971 | Canada | 180 |
456 | 446 | Festen | Vinterberg, Thomas | 1998 | Denmark | 105 |
457 | 460 | Songs from the Second Floor | Andersson, Roy | 2000 | Sweden | 98 |
458 | 449 | Trip to the Moon, A | Méliès, Georges | 1902 | France | 14 |
459 | 466 | Act of Killing, The | Oppenheimer, Joshua | 2012 | Denmark | 115 |
460 | 450 | Shoot the Piano Player | Truffaut, François | 1960 | France | 81 |
461 | 482 | Dersu Uzala | Kurosawa, Akira | 1975 | USSR | 144 |
462 | 467 | Grave of the Fireflies | Takahata, Isao | 1988 | Japan | 93 |
463 | 452 | October | Eisenstein, Sergei & Grigori Aleksandrov | 1928 | USSR | 103 |
464 | 459 | Paris is Burning | Livingston, Jennie | 1990 | USA | 78 |
465 | 453 | Listen to Britain | Jennings, Humphrey & Stewart McAllister | 1942 | UK | 20 |
466 | 465 | A.I. Artificial Intelligence | Spielberg, Steven | 2001 | USA | 145 |
467 | 516 | Pan's Labyrinth | del Toro, Guillermo | 2006 | Spain | 120 |
468 | 468 | Harlan County, U.S.A. | Kopple, Barbara | 1976 | USA | 103 |
469 | 457 | Pinocchio | Sharpsteen, Ben & Hamilton Luske | 1940 | USA | 88 |
470 | 464 | Palm Beach Story, The | Sturges, Preston | 1942 | USA | 88 |
471 | 454 | In Vanda's Room | Costa, Pedro | 2000 | Portugal | 170 |
472 | 471 | Talk to Her | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2002 | Spain | 112 |
473 | 490 | Steamboat Bill, Jr. | Keaton, Buster & Charles Reisner | 1928 | USA | 71 |
474 | 470 | Syndromes and a Century | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2006 | Thailand | 105 |
475 | 484 | By the Bluest of Seas | Barnet, Boris | 1936 | USSR | 71 |
476 | 455 | Phantom Thread | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2017 | USA | 130 |
477 | 483 | Elephant | Van Sant, Gus | 2003 | USA | 81 |
478 | 478 | High Noon | Zinnemann, Fred | 1952 | USA | 84 |
479 | 480 | Dead, The | Huston, John | 1987 | USA | 83 |
480 | 479 | Landscape in the Mist | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1988 | Greece | 127 |
481 | 474 | Wagon Master | Ford, John | 1950 | USA | 86 |
482 | 488 | Reservoir Dogs | Tarantino, Quentin | 1992 | USA | 99 |
483 | 496 | Death of Mr. Lazarescu, The | Puiu, Cristi | 2005 | Romania | 153 |
484 | 477 | Lola | Demy, Jacques | 1961 | France | 90 |
485 | 472 | Platform | Jia Zhangke | 2000 | China | 154 |
486 | 499 | Secrets & Lies | Leigh, Mike | 1996 | UK | 142 |
487 | 475 | Carrie | De Palma, Brian | 1976 | USA | 97 |
488 | 473 | Barren Lives | Pereira dos Santos, Nelson | 1963 | Brazil | 103 |
489 | 476 | Senso | Visconti, Luchino | 1954 | Italy | 123 |
490 | 489 | Withnail & I | Robinson, Bruce | 1987 | UK | 107 |
491 | 486 | Raise the Red Lantern | Zhang Yimou | 1991 | China | 125 |
492 | 481 | Once Upon a Time in Anatolia | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 2011 | Turkey | 157 |
493 | 485 | Zama | Martel, Lucrecia | 2017 | Argentina | 115 |
494 | 491 | Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant, The | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1972 | West Germany | 124 |
495 | 537 | Fight Club | Fincher, David | 1999 | USA | 139 |
496 | 521 | Hustler, The | Rossen, Robert | 1961 | USA | 134 |
497 | 509 | Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me | Lynch, David | 1992 | USA | 134 |
498 | 523 | No Country for Old Men | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2007 | USA | 122 |
499 | 498 | Bridge on the River Kwai, The | Lean, David | 1957 | UK | 161 |
500 | 501 | Five Easy Pieces | Rafelson, Bob | 1970 | USA | 98 |
501 | 492 | Blow Out | De Palma, Brian | 1981 | USA | 107 |
502 | 525 | To Have and Have Not | Hawks, Howard | 1944 | USA | 100 |
503 | 495 | Shane | Stevens, George | 1953 | USA | 118 |
504 | 507 | To Kill a Mockingbird | Mulligan, Robert | 1962 | USA | 129 |
505 | 505 | Monty Python's Life of Brian | Jones, Terry | 1979 | UK | 93 |
506 | 493 | Masculin féminin | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1966 | France | 103 |
507 | 502 | Marketa Lazarová | Vlácil, Frantisek | 1967 | Czechoslovakia | 162 |
508 | 494 | After Life | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 1998 | Japan | 118 |
509 | 497 | Our Hospitality | Keaton, Buster & John G. Blystone | 1923 | USA | 74 |
510 | 522 | Princess Mononoke | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1997 | Japan | 134 |
511 | 518 | Closely Watched Trains | Menzel, Jirí | 1966 | Czechoslovakia | 89 |
512 | 500 | Moment of Innocence, A | Makhmalbaf, Mohsen | 1996 | Iran | 78 |
513 | 520 | Short Cuts | Altman, Robert | 1993 | USA | 189 |
514 | 510 | Inland Empire | Lynch, David | 2006 | USA | 180 |
515 | 503 | Early Summer | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1951 | Japan | 135 |
516 | 508 | Oldboy | Park Chan-wook | 2003 | South Korea | 120 |
517 | 512 | Crash | Cronenberg, David | 1996 | Canada | 100 |
518 | 524 | Die Hard | McTiernan, John | 1988 | USA | 131 |
519 | 517 | And Life Goes On... | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1992 | Iran | 108 |
520 | 504 | Twin Peaks: The Return [TV] | Lynch, David | 2017 | USA | 1024 |
521 | 511 | Boogie Nights | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1997 | USA | 155 |
522 | 530 | Age of Innocence, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1993 | USA | 133 |
523 | 513 | Dead Ringers | Cronenberg, David | 1988 | Canada | 115 |
524 | 514 | Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, The | Herzog, Werner | 1974 | West Germany | 110 |
525 | 534 | East of Eden | Kazan, Elia | 1955 | USA | 115 |
526 | 568 | French Connection, The | Friedkin, William | 1971 | USA | 104 |
527 | 506 | Vampires, Les | Feuillade, Louis | 1915 | France | 421 |
528 | 515 | Damned, The | Visconti, Luchino | 1969 | Italy | 155 |
529 | 533 | 12 Angry Men | Lumet, Sidney | 1957 | USA | 95 |
530 | 519 | Alice in the Cities | Wenders, Wim | 1974 | West Germany | 110 |
531 | 528 | Lives of Others, The | von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel | 2006 | Germany | 138 |
532 | 529 | Faust | Murnau, F.W. | 1926 | Germany | 116 |
533 | 544 | Boyhood | Linklater, Richard | 2014 | USA | 165 |
534 | 531 | Aparajito | Ray, Satyajit | 1956 | India | 108 |
535 | 539 | Memories of Murder | Bong Joon-ho | 2003 | South Korea | 132 |
536 | 535 | Alexander Nevsky | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1938 | USSR | 107 |
537 | 526 | Yeelen | Cissé, Souleymane | 1987 | Mali | 105 |
538 | 550 | Wind Will Carry Us, The | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1999 | France | 118 |
539 | 527 | Blue | Jarman, Derek | 1993 | UK | 79 |
540 | 536 | Point Blank | Boorman, John | 1967 | USA | 92 |
541 | 567 | Ninotchka | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1939 | USA | 110 |
542 | 532 | Rosetta | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 1999 | Belgium | 94 |
543 | 579 | Night at the Opera, A | Wood, Sam | 1935 | USA | 96 |
544 | 547 | Terminator, The | Cameron, James | 1984 | USA | 107 |
545 | 561 | Doctor Zhivago | Lean, David | 1965 | USA | 197 |
546 | 541 | Nostalgia for the Light | Guzmán, Patricio | 2010 | France | 90 |
547 | 569 | Children of Men | Cuarón, Alfonso | 2006 | USA | 109 |
548 | 538 | Man of Aran | Flaherty, Robert J. | 1934 | UK | 77 |
549 | 543 | Hannah and Her Sisters | Allen, Woody | 1986 | USA | 106 |
550 | 552 | Haine, La | Kassovitz, Mathieu | 1995 | France | 98 |
551 | 542 | Lady from Shanghai, The | Welles, Orson | 1948 | USA | 87 |
552 | 546 | Picnic at Hanging Rock | Weir, Peter | 1975 | Australia | 110 |
553 | 540 | Je, tu, il, elle | Akerman, Chantal | 1974 | Belgium | 85 |
554 | 558 | Se7en | Fincher, David | 1995 | USA | 127 |
555 | 556 | Punch-Drunk Love | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2002 | USA | 95 |
556 | 545 | Strangers on a Train | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1951 | USA | 101 |
557 | 559 | Young Mr. Lincoln | Ford, John | 1939 | USA | 100 |
558 | 551 | Sound of Music, The | Wise, Robert | 1965 | USA | 174 |
559 | 548 | Russian Ark | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2002 | Russia | 99 |
560 | 571 | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid | Hill, George Roy | 1969 | USA | 110 |
561 | 549 | Devil, Probably, The | Bresson, Robert | 1977 | France | 95 |
562 | 553 | WALL-E | Stanton, Andrew | 2008 | USA | 98 |
563 | 555 | I Walked with a Zombie | Tourneur, Jacques | 1943 | USA | 69 |
564 | 554 | Dead Man | Jarmusch, Jim | 1995 | USA | 121 |
565 | 570 | Kagemusha | Kurosawa, Akira | 1980 | Japan | 159 |
566 | 563 | Morvern Callar | Ramsay, Lynne | 2002 | UK | 97 |
567 | 608 | As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty | Mekas, Jonas | 2000 | USA | 288 |
568 | 584 | Land Without Bread | Buñuel, Luis | 1933 | Spain | 28 |
569 | 566 | Brokeback Mountain | Lee, Ang | 2005 | USA | 134 |
570 | 557 | Fellini Satyricon | Fellini, Federico | 1969 | Italy | 129 |
571 | 565 | Wedding March, The | von Stroheim, Erich | 1928 | USA | 113 |
572 | 582 | Being There | Ashby, Hal | 1979 | USA | 130 |
573 | 578 | Mad Max 2 | Miller, George | 1981 | Australia | 96 |
574 | 560 | Yellow Earth | Chen Kaige | 1984 | China | 89 |
575 | 564 | Sambizanga | Maldoror, Sarah | 1972 | Angola | 97 |
576 | 562 | Blue Angel, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1930 | Germany | 103 |
577 | 572 | Testament of Dr. Mabuse, The | Lang, Fritz | 1933 | Germany | 120 |
578 | 575 | Master, The | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2012 | USA | 144 |
579 | 624 | Loves of a Blonde | Forman, Milos | 1965 | Czechoslovakia | 88 |
580 | 581 | Easy Rider | Hopper, Dennis | 1969 | USA | 94 |
581 | 577 | Laura | Preminger, Otto | 1944 | USA | 85 |
582 | 574 | Cat People | Tourneur, Jacques | 1942 | USA | 73 |
583 | 573 | Shadow of a Doubt | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1943 | USA | 108 |
584 | 583 | Silence, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1963 | Sweden | 96 |
585 | 576 | That Obscure Object of Desire | Buñuel, Luis | 1977 | France | 103 |
586 | 613 | Forrest Gump | Zemeckis, Robert | 1994 | USA | 142 |
587 | 580 | Barton Fink | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1991 | USA | 117 |
588 | 596 | D'Est | Akerman, Chantal | 1993 | Belgium | 107 |
589 | 669 | Plácido | García Berlanga, Luis | 1961 | Spain | 85 |
590 | 591 | Bande à part | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1964 | France | 95 |
591 | 588 | Bigger Than Life | Ray, Nicholas | 1956 | USA | 95 |
592 | 598 | Servant, The | Losey, Joseph | 1963 | UK | 115 |
593 | 586 | Halloween | Carpenter, John | 1978 | USA | 93 |
594 | 610 | Amélie | Jeunet, Jean-Pierre | 2001 | France | 122 |
595 | 587 | Taking of Power by Louis XIV, The | Rossellini, Roberto | 1966 | France | 100 |
596 | 594 | Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The | Jackson, Peter | 2001 | New Zealand | 178 |
597 | 595 | Jurassic Park | Spielberg, Steven | 1993 | USA | 127 |
598 | 599 | Repulsion | Polanski, Roman | 1965 | UK | 105 |
599 | 585 | Tale of Tales | Norshteyn, Yuriy | 1979 | USSR | 29 |
600 | 601 | Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon | Lee, Ang | 2000 | Taiwan | 120 |
601 | 592 | Tootsie | Pollack, Sydney | 1982 | USA | 116 |
602 | 627 | Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One | Greaves, William | 1968 | USA | 75 |
603 | 606 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day | Cameron, James | 1991 | USA | 136 |
604 | 589 | Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | Hawks, Howard | 1953 | USA | 91 |
605 | 590 | Grey Gardens | Maysles, David/Albert Maysles/Ellen Hovde/Muffie Meyer | 1975 | USA | 95 |
606 | 625 | Zodiac | Fincher, David | 2007 | USA | 158 |
607 | 593 | Colossal Youth | Costa, Pedro | 2006 | France | 155 |
608 | 603 | Long Day Closes, The | Davies, Terence | 1992 | UK | 83 |
609 | 602 | Hatari! | Hawks, Howard | 1962 | USA | 157 |
610 | 605 | West Indies | Hondo, Med | 1979 | France | 110 |
611 | 597 | Seven Chances | Keaton, Buster | 1925 | USA | 56 |
612 | 609 | Full Metal Jacket | Kubrick, Stanley | 1987 | USA | 116 |
613 | 600 | Fellini's Roma | Fellini, Federico | 1972 | Italy | 128 |
614 | 623 | Synecdoche, New York | Kaufman, Charlie | 2008 | USA | 124 |
615 | 620 | Deliverance | Boorman, John | 1972 | USA | 109 |
616 | 653 | Down by Law | Jarmusch, Jim | 1986 | USA | 107 |
617 | 611 | Devils, The | Russell, Ken | 1971 | UK | 109 |
618 | 621 | My Friend Ivan Lapshin | German, Aleksei | 1985 | USSR | 100 |
619 | 607 | Round-Up, The | Jancsó, Miklós | 1966 | Hungary | 90 |
620 | 604 | Providence | Resnais, Alain | 1977 | France | 110 |
621 | 612 | Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les | Carax, Leos | 1991 | France | 126 |
622 | 619 | Shadows | Cassavetes, John | 1959 | USA | 87 |
623 | 628 | Wicker Man, The | Hardy, Robin | 1973 | UK | 103 |
624 | 614 | Edvard Munch [TV] | Watkins, Peter | 1974 | Sweden | 210 |
625 | 633 | Asphalt Jungle, The | Huston, John | 1950 | USA | 112 |
626 | 630 | 3 Women | Altman, Robert | 1977 | USA | 125 |
627 | 615 | Boudu Saved from Drowning | Renoir, Jean | 1932 | France | 87 |
628 | 617 | Scorpio Rising | Anger, Kenneth | 1963 | USA | 28 |
629 | 618 | Red Circle, The | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1970 | France | 150 |
630 | 616 | Ladies Man, The | Lewis, Jerry | 1961 | USA | 95 |
631 | 622 | Pink Flamingos | Waters, John | 1972 | USA | 92 |
632 | 626 | Portrait of Jason | Clarke, Shirley | 1967 | USA | 105 |
633 | 631 | Alphaville | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1965 | France | 95 |
634 | 634 | Don't Look Back | Pennebaker, D.A. | 1967 | USA | 96 |
635 | 632 | Golden Coach, The | Renoir, Jean | 1952 | Italy | 100 |
636 | 644 | Rebecca | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1940 | USA | 130 |
637 | 635 | Hour of the Wolf | Bergman, Ingmar | 1968 | Sweden | 88 |
638 | 636 | Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid | Peckinpah, Sam | 1973 | USA | 122 |
639 | 629 | Harakiri | Kobayashi, Masaki | 1962 | Japan | 133 |
640 | 647 | Casque d'or | Becker, Jacques | 1952 | France | 96 |
641 | 656 | Royal Tenenbaums, The | Anderson, Wes | 2001 | USA | 109 |
642 | 648 | Titanic | Cameron, James | 1997 | USA | 194 |
643 | 652 | Dark Knight, The | Nolan, Christopher | 2008 | USA | 152 |
644 | 655 | Watermelon Woman, The | Dunye, Cheryl | 1996 | USA | 90 |
645 | 637 | Hana-bi | Kitano, Takeshi | 1997 | Japan | 103 |
646 | 642 | They Live by Night | Ray, Nicholas | 1948 | USA | 95 |
647 | 646 | Frankenstein | Whale, James | 1931 | USA | 70 |
648 | 641 | Rocky | Avildsen, John G. | 1976 | USA | 119 |
649 | 638 | Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler | Lang, Fritz | 1922 | Germany | 270 |
650 | 640 | My Own Private Idaho | Van Sant, Gus | 1991 | USA | 102 |
651 | 659 | Scarface | Hawks, Howard | 1932 | USA | 93 |
652 | 645 | Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia | Peckinpah, Sam | 1974 | USA | 112 |
653 | 654 | Strike | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1925 | USSR | 82 |
654 | 639 | Hoop Dreams | James, Steve | 1994 | USA | 170 |
655 | 671 | Nazarín | Buñuel, Luis | 1958 | Mexico | 94 |
656 | 678 | Ratcatcher | Ramsay, Lynne | 1999 | UK | 94 |
657 | 643 | Walkabout | Roeg, Nicolas | 1971 | UK | 100 |
658 | 670 | Manchurian Candidate, The | Frankenheimer, John | 1962 | USA | 126 |
659 | 651 | Vitelloni, I | Fellini, Federico | 1953 | Italy | 104 |
660 | 665 | Marriage of Maria Braun, The | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1979 | West Germany | 120 |
661 | 649 | Top Hat | Sandrich, Mark | 1935 | USA | 99 |
662 | 650 | Xala | Sembene, Ousmane | 1975 | Senegal | 123 |
663 | 675 | Navigator, The | Keaton, Buster & Donald Crisp | 1924 | USA | 59 |
664 | 662 | Akira | Otomo, Katsuhiro | 1988 | Japan | 124 |
665 | 664 | Lady Vanishes, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1938 | UK | 97 |
666 | 672 | Arrebato | Zulueta, Iván | 1979 | Spain | 105 |
667 | 658 | Millennium Mambo | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 2001 | Taiwan | 119 |
668 | 692 | Prophet, A | Audiard, Jacques | 2009 | France | 155 |
669 | 657 | Virgin Spring, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1960 | Sweden | 88 |
670 | 660 | Amour | Haneke, Michael | 2012 | Austria | 127 |
671 | 703 | Piano Teacher, The | Haneke, Michael | 2001 | Austria | 130 |
672 | 696 | Purple Rose of Cairo, The | Allen, Woody | 1985 | USA | 82 |
673 | 695 | Young Frankenstein | Brooks, Mel | 1974 | USA | 105 |
674 | 661 | Bambi | Hand, David | 1942 | USA | 69 |
675 | 668 | Silent Light | Reygadas, Carlos | 2007 | Mexico | 136 |
676 | 663 | Fat City | Huston, John | 1972 | USA | 96 |
677 | 718 | Ace in the Hole | Wilder, Billy | 1951 | USA | 112 |
678 | 666 | Posto, Il | Olmi, Ermanno | 1961 | Italy | 93 |
679 | 694 | Toy Story | Lasseter, John | 1995 | USA | 81 |
680 | 676 | Farewell, My Concubine | Chen Kaige | 1993 | China | 155 |
681 | 667 | Ghost and Mrs. Muir, The | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1947 | USA | 104 |
682 | 685 | Wild at Heart | Lynch, David | 1990 | USA | 127 |
683 | 687 | Rushmore | Anderson, Wes | 1998 | USA | 93 |
684 | 682 | Chronicle of a Summer | Rouch, Jean & Edgar Morin | 1961 | France | 85 |
685 | 673 | Intruder, The | Denis, Claire | 2004 | France | 130 |
686 | 691 | Robocop | Verhoeven, Paul | 1987 | USA | 102 |
687 | 706 | When Harry Met Sally... | Reiner, Rob | 1989 | USA | 95 |
688 | 674 | Sorrow and the Pity, The | Ophüls, Marcel | 1969 | France | 260 |
689 | 720 | Killing, The | Kubrick, Stanley | 1956 | USA | 85 |
690 | 681 | Trainspotting | Boyle, Danny | 1996 | UK | 95 |
691 | 677 | Hyènes | Diop Mambéty, Djibril | 1992 | Senegal | 110 |
692 | 679 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington | Capra, Frank | 1939 | USA | 129 |
693 | 749 | Distant | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 2002 | Turkey | 110 |
694 | 715 | Great Beauty, The | Sorrentino, Paolo | 2013 | Italy | 141 |
695 | 684 | Local Hero | Forsyth, Bill | 1983 | UK | 111 |
696 | 686 | Gimme Shelter | Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin | 1970 | USA | 91 |
697 | 700 | Wake in Fright | Kotcheff, Ted | 1971 | Australia | 109 |
698 | 680 | WR: Mysteries of the Organism | Makavejev, Dusan | 1971 | Yugoslavia | 84 |
699 | 693 | Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach | Straub, Jean-Marie | 1968 | West Germany | 94 |
700 | 683 | 7 Women | Ford, John | 1965 | USA | 87 |
701 | 705 | Phantom of Liberty, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1974 | France | 104 |
702 | 713 | Dancer in the Dark | von Trier, Lars | 2000 | Denmark | 140 |
703 | 716 | Thelma & Louise | Scott, Ridley | 1991 | USA | 128 |
704 | 732 | Fish Tank | Arnold, Andrea | 2009 | UK | 123 |
705 | 689 | Cure | Kurosawa, Kiyoshi | 1997 | Japan | 111 |
706 | 688 | Party, The | Edwards, Blake | 1968 | USA | 99 |
707 | 704 | Roma | Cuarón, Alfonso | 2018 | Mexico | 135 |
708 | 710 | 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days | Mungiu, Cristian | 2007 | Romania | 113 |
709 | 701 | Lancelot du Lac | Bresson, Robert | 1974 | France | 85 |
710 | 719 | Adventures of Prince Achmed, The | Reiniger, Lotte | 1926 | Germany | 65 |
711 | 702 | Before Sunset | Linklater, Richard | 2004 | USA | 80 |
712 | 690 | Nouvelle vague | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1990 | France | 90 |
713 | 697 | Salesman | Maysles, Albert/David Maysles/Charlotte Zwerin | 1969 | USA | 85 |
714 | 699 | Sauve qui peut (la vie) | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1980 | France | 87 |
715 | 698 | Holy Mountain, The | Jodorowsky, Alejandro | 1973 | Mexico | 114 |
716 | 714 | Carol | Haynes, Todd | 2015 | UK | 118 |
717 | 707 | Place in the Sun, A | Stevens, George | 1951 | USA | 122 |
718 | 709 | Hunger | McQueen, Steve | 2008 | UK | 96 |
719 | 708 | Sun Shines Bright, The | Ford, John | 1953 | USA | 101 |
720 | 730 | Hard Day's Night, A | Lester, Richard | 1964 | UK | 87 |
721 | 717 | Moulin Rouge! | Luhrmann, Baz | 2001 | Australia | 127 |
722 | 711 | Kaagaz Ke Phool | Dutt, Guru | 1959 | India | 148 |
723 | 712 | Hawks and the Sparrows, The | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1966 | Italy | 91 |
724 | 772 | Malcolm X | Lee, Spike | 1992 | USA | 201 |
725 | 728 | Ben-Hur | Wyler, William | 1959 | USA | 212 |
726 | 724 | Antonio das Mortes | Rocha, Glauber | 1969 | Brazil | 95 |
727 | 729 | Short Film About Killing, A | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1987 | Poland | 85 |
728 | 733 | Big Heat, The | Lang, Fritz | 1953 | USA | 90 |
729 | 741 | New Leaf, A | May, Elaine | 1971 | USA | 102 |
730 | 721 | Circus, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1928 | USA | 72 |
731 | 722 | One Way or Another | Gómez, Sara | 1977 | Cuba | 78 |
732 | 726 | Stand by Me | Reiner, Rob | 1986 | USA | 89 |
733 | 751 | Dames du Bois de Boulogne, Les | Bresson, Robert | 1945 | France | 85 |
734 | 754 | Dazed and Confused | Linklater, Richard | 1993 | USA | 103 |
735 | 723 | Moonfleet | Lang, Fritz | 1955 | USA | 89 |
736 | 742 | Titicut Follies | Wiseman, Frederick | 1967 | USA | 84 |
737 | 735 | Design for Living | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1933 | USA | 90 |
738 | 739 | Bad and the Beautiful, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1952 | USA | 118 |
739 | 813 | Red Beard | Kurosawa, Akira | 1965 | Japan | 185 |
740 | 725 | Grido, Il | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1957 | Italy | 111 |
741 | 736 | Love Me Tonight | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1932 | USA | 96 |
742 | 744 | Fly, The | Cronenberg, David | 1986 | USA | 96 |
743 | 747 | Y tu mamá también | Cuarón, Alfonso | 2001 | Mexico | 105 |
744 | 727 | Tiger of Eschnapur, The | Lang, Fritz | 1958 | West Germany | 101 |
745 | 731 | New York, New York | Scorsese, Martin | 1977 | USA | 155 |
746 | 743 | Phantom of the Paradise | De Palma, Brian | 1974 | USA | 91 |
747 | 734 | Oh, Sun | Hondo, Med | 1970 | France | 98 |
748 | 737 | Emperor's Naked Army Marches On, The | Hara, Kazuo | 1987 | Japan | 122 |
749 | 756 | Wild Child, The | Truffaut, François | 1970 | France | 85 |
750 | 802 | Idiots, The | von Trier, Lars | 1998 | Denmark | 117 |
751 | 738 | Paper Moon | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1973 | USA | 102 |
752 | 745 | Social Network, The | Fincher, David | 2010 | USA | 120 |
753 | 740 | Triumph of the Will | Riefenstahl, Leni | 1935 | Germany | 110 |
754 | 755 | Streetcar Named Desire, A | Kazan, Elia | 1951 | USA | 122 |
755 | 771 | Diaries, Notes and Sketches | Mekas, Jonas | 1969 | USA | 177 |
756 | 821 | Firemen's Ball, The | Forman, Milos | 1967 | Czechoslovakia | 73 |
757 | 780 | Big Deal on Madonna Street | Monicelli, Mario | 1958 | Italy | 91 |
758 | 761 | Born in Flames | Borden, Lizzie | 1983 | USA | 79 |
759 | 748 | Raising Arizona | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1987 | USA | 94 |
760 | 757 | New World, The | Malick, Terrence | 2005 | USA | 135 |
761 | 790 | Fort Apache | Ford, John | 1948 | USA | 127 |
762 | 746 | Subarnarekha | Ghatak, Ritwik | 1965 | India | 126 |
763 | 797 | Memento | Nolan, Christopher | 2000 | USA | 113 |
764 | 750 | Detour | Ulmer, Edgar G. | 1945 | USA | 69 |
765 | 770 | Lolita | Kubrick, Stanley | 1962 | UK | 152 |
766 | 752 | Belle Noiseuse, La | Rivette, Jacques | 1991 | France | 240 |
767 | 753 | Flaming Creatures | Smith, Jack | 1963 | USA | 45 |
768 | 803 | Mädchen in Uniform | Sagan, Leontine | 1931 | Germany | 87 |
769 | 777 | Man Who Would Be King, The | Huston, John | 1975 | UK | 129 |
770 | 760 | Age of the Earth, The | Rocha, Glauber | 1980 | Brazil | 158 |
771 | 758 | Veronika Voss | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1982 | West Germany | 105 |
772 | 789 | Two English Girls | Truffaut, François | 1971 | France | 108 |
773 | 759 | Vive L'Amour | Tsai Ming-liang | 1994 | Taiwan | 118 |
774 | 765 | Ossessione | Visconti, Luchino | 1943 | Italy | 140 |
775 | 764 | Hellzapoppin' | Potter, H.C. | 1941 | USA | 84 |
776 | 791 | Rebel Without a Cause | Ray, Nicholas | 1955 | USA | 111 |
777 | 762 | Good Morning | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1959 | Japan | 94 |
778 | 763 | Great Expectations | Lean, David | 1946 | UK | 118 |
779 | 766 | Trial, The | Welles, Orson | 1962 | France | 119 |
780 | 787 | Mamma Roma | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1962 | Italy | 110 |
781 | 768 | Foolish Wives | von Stroheim, Erich | 1922 | USA | 117 |
782 | 807 | JFK | Stone, Oliver | 1991 | USA | 189 |
783 | 769 | Mother and Son | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1997 | Russia | 73 |
784 | 786 | Morocco | von Sternberg, Josef | 1930 | USA | 92 |
785 | 817 | Chikamatsu monogatari | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1954 | Japan | 100 |
786 | 776 | American Werewolf in London, An | Landis, John | 1981 | UK | 97 |
787 | 767 | Wings | Shepitko, Larisa | 1966 | USSR | 85 |
788 | 775 | Cairo Station | Chahine, Youssef | 1958 | Egypt | 77 |
789 | 778 | Chant d'amour, Un | Genet, Jean | 1950 | France | 26 |
790 | 781 | Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover, The | Greenaway, Peter | 1989 | UK | 124 |
791 | 773 | 39 Steps, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1935 | UK | 87 |
792 | 794 | Miller's Crossing | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1990 | USA | 115 |
793 | 792 | Ferris Bueller's Day Off | Hughes, John | 1986 | USA | 103 |
794 | 801 | Requiem for a Dream | Aronofsky, Darren | 2000 | USA | 100 |
795 | 774 | Zelig | Allen, Woody | 1983 | USA | 79 |
796 | 810 | Evil Dead II | Raimi, Sam | 1987 | USA | 84 |
797 | 784 | Blissfully Yours | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2002 | Thailand | 125 |
798 | 785 | Diaboliques, Les | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1955 | France | 114 |
799 | 796 | 35 Shots of Rum | Denis, Claire | 2008 | France | 101 |
800 | 793 | Trouble Every Day | Denis, Claire | 2001 | France | 101 |
801 | 779 | Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! | Meyer, Russ | 1965 | USA | 83 |
802 | 783 | Code Unknown | Haneke, Michael | 2000 | France | 118 |
803 | 782 | Taipei Story | Yang, Edward | 1985 | Taiwan | 119 |
804 | 804 | All Quiet on the Western Front | Milestone, Lewis | 1930 | USA | 133 |
805 | 843 | Scarface | De Palma, Brian | 1983 | USA | 170 |
806 | 806 | Funny Games | Haneke, Michael | 1997 | Austria | 108 |
807 | 837 | Margaret | Lonergan, Kenneth | 2011 | USA | 150 |
808 | 795 | Producers, The | Brooks, Mel | 1968 | USA | 88 |
809 | 816 | Shock Corridor | Fuller, Samuel | 1963 | USA | 101 |
810 | 818 | Van Gogh | Pialat, Maurice | 1991 | France | 158 |
811 | 815 | Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1988 | Spain | 88 |
812 | 799 | Forbidden Games | Clément, René | 1952 | France | 87 |
813 | 812 | Abraham's Valley | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1993 | Portugal | 187 |
814 | 800 | Dog Star Man | Brakhage, Stan | 1964 | USA | 75 |
815 | 809 | Broadcast News | Brooks, James L. | 1987 | USA | 133 |
816 | 832 | Sur, El | Erice, Víctor | 1983 | Spain | 95 |
817 | 805 | Rose Hobart | Cornell, Joseph | 1936 | USA | 20 |
818 | 820 | Woman of Paris, A | Chaplin, Charles | 1923 | USA | 78 |
819 | 811 | Still Life | Jia Zhangke | 2006 | China | 113 |
820 | 814 | My Life as a Dog | Hallström, Lasse | 1985 | Sweden | 101 |
821 | 808 | Passion | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1982 | France | 87 |
822 | 827 | Thief of Bagdad, The | Powell, Michael/Ludwig Berger/Tim Whelan | 1940 | UK | 106 |
823 | 831 | Smiles of a Summer Night | Bergman, Ingmar | 1955 | Sweden | 108 |
824 | 829 | Petite Maman | Sciamma, Céline | 2021 | France | 73 |
825 | 819 | O Lucky Man! | Anderson, Lindsay | 1973 | UK | 178 |
826 | 848 | Grizzly Man | Herzog, Werner | 2005 | USA | 103 |
827 | 830 | Deep End | Skolimowski, Jerzy | 1970 | UK | 88 |
828 | 835 | Naked Island, The | Shindo, Kaneto | 1960 | Japan | 96 |
829 | 823 | Losing Ground | Collins, Kathleen | 1982 | USA | 86 |
830 | 862 | Amores perros | González Iñárritu, Alejandro | 2000 | Mexico | 153 |
831 | 826 | Edward Scissorhands | Burton, Tim | 1990 | USA | 105 |
832 | 822 | She Wore a Yellow Ribbon | Ford, John | 1949 | USA | 103 |
833 | 913 | Let the Right One In | Alfredson, Tomas | 2008 | Sweden | 114 |
834 | 824 | Dodes'ka-den | Kurosawa, Akira | 1970 | Japan | 140 |
835 | 860 | Irréversible | Noé, Gaspar | 2002 | France | 97 |
836 | 828 | Dumbo | Sharpsteen, Ben | 1941 | USA | 64 |
837 | 825 | Street of Shame | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1956 | Japan | 87 |
838 | 838 | Son, The | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 2002 | Belgium | 103 |
839 | 833 | Funeral Parade of Roses | Matsumoto, Toshio | 1969 | Japan | 105 |
840 | 836 | Commune (Paris, 1871), La | Watkins, Peter | 2000 | France | 345 |
841 | 879 | Great Escape, The | Sturges, John | 1963 | USA | 172 |
842 | 854 | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | Siegel, Don | 1956 | USA | 80 |
843 | 834 | Gummo | Korine, Harmony | 1997 | USA | 88 |
844 | 847 | Persepolis | Paronnaud, Vincent & Marjane Satrapi | 2007 | France | 96 |
845 | 852 | Inglourious Basterds | Tarantino, Quentin | 2009 | USA | 153 |
846 | 839 | Female Trouble | Waters, John | 1974 | USA | 98 |
847 | 841 | White Heat | Walsh, Raoul | 1949 | USA | 114 |
848 | 869 | Angel | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1937 | USA | 91 |
849 | 856 | Point Break | Bigelow, Kathryn | 1991 | USA | 122 |
850 | 840 | Hitler: A Film from Germany | Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen | 1977 | West Germany | 442 |
851 | 863 | Asthenic Syndrome, The | Muratova, Kira | 1989 | USSR | 153 |
852 | 845 | Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood | Tarantino, Quentin | 2019 | USA | 161 |
853 | 865 | Time of the Gypsies | Kusturica, Emir | 1988 | Yugoslavia | 142 |
854 | 934 | Mon oncle d'Amérique | Resnais, Alain | 1980 | France | 123 |
855 | 842 | Right Stuff, The | Kaufman, Philip | 1983 | USA | 193 |
856 | 861 | Starship Troopers | Verhoeven, Paul | 1997 | USA | 129 |
857 | 866 | Blue is the Warmest Colour | Kechiche, Abdellatif | 2013 | France | 179 |
858 | 873 | Mikey and Nicky | May, Elaine | 1976 | USA | 106 |
859 | 850 | Too Early, Too Late | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1981 | France | 100 |
860 | 857 | Toute une nuit | Akerman, Chantal | 1982 | Belgium | 90 |
861 | 851 | Shame | Bergman, Ingmar | 1968 | Sweden | 103 |
862 | 844 | They Were Expendable | Ford, John | 1945 | USA | 135 |
863 | 887 | Claire's Knee | Rohmer, Eric | 1970 | France | 105 |
864 | 846 | Sicilia! | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1999 | Italy | 66 |
865 | 867 | Clueless | Heckerling, Amy | 1995 | USA | 97 |
866 | 849 | My Little Loves | Eustache, Jean | 1974 | France | 123 |
867 | 853 | Tin Drum, The | Schlöndorff, Volker | 1979 | West Germany | 142 |
868 | 889 | Saving Private Ryan | Spielberg, Steven | 1998 | USA | 169 |
869 | 855 | Spione | Lang, Fritz | 1928 | Germany | 90 |
870 | 859 | Shanghai Express | von Sternberg, Josef | 1932 | USA | 82 |
871 | 864 | We All Loved Each Other So Much | Scola, Ettore | 1974 | Italy | 124 |
872 | 858 | Breakfast at Tiffany's | Edwards, Blake | 1961 | USA | 115 |
873 | 874 | Gloria | Cassavetes, John | 1980 | USA | 121 |
874 | 871 | Unknown, The | Browning, Tod | 1927 | USA | 63 |
875 | 924 | Cría cuervos | Saura, Carlos | 1976 | Spain | 110 |
876 | 868 | Outskirts | Barnet, Boris | 1933 | USSR | 98 |
877 | 875 | Monty Python and the Holy Grail | Gilliam, Terry & Terry Jones | 1975 | UK | 90 |
878 | 870 | Adventures of Robin Hood, The | Curtiz, Michael & William Keighley | 1938 | USA | 102 |
879 | 905 | Red and the White, The | Jancsó, Miklós | 1967 | Hungary | 90 |
880 | 912 | Atlantics | Diop, Mati | 2019 | France | 106 |
881 | 872 | Red Sorghum | Zhang Yimou | 1987 | China | 91 |
882 | 908 | Bridges of Madison County, The | Eastwood, Clint | 1995 | USA | 135 |
883 | 880 | Amour fou, L' | Rivette, Jacques | 1969 | France | 252 |
884 | 878 | Misfits, The | Huston, John | 1961 | USA | 124 |
885 | 881 | Mysteries of Lisbon | Ruiz, Raúl | 2010 | Portugal | 272 |
886 | 886 | Night of Counting the Years, The | Salam, Shadi Abdel | 1969 | Egypt | 102 |
887 | 884 | African Queen, The | Huston, John | 1951 | UK | 105 |
888 | 898 | Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | Nichols, Mike | 1966 | USA | 129 |
889 | 877 | Miracle of Morgan's Creek, The | Sturges, Preston | 1944 | USA | 99 |
890 | 882 | Akira Kurosawa's Dreams | Kurosawa, Akira | 1990 | Japan | 119 |
891 | 883 | Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter… and Spring | Kim Ki-duk | 2003 | South Korea | 103 |
892 | 893 | Stroszek | Herzog, Werner | 1977 | West Germany | 115 |
893 | 885 | Seasons, The | Peleshian, Artavazd | 1975 | USSR | 29 |
894 | 890 | Woman Next Door, The | Truffaut, François | 1981 | France | 106 |
895 | 899 | Airplane! | Abrahams, Jim/David Zucker/Jerry Zucker | 1980 | USA | 86 |
896 | 897 | Caro diario | Moretti, Nanni | 1993 | Italy | 100 |
897 | 894 | Showgirls | Verhoeven, Paul | 1995 | USA | 128 |
898 | 888 | Juliet of the Spirits | Fellini, Federico | 1965 | Italy | 148 |
899 | 915 | They Live | Carpenter, John | 1988 | USA | 93 |
900 | 902 | Zabriskie Point | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1970 | USA | 112 |
901 | 920 | Tongues Untied | Riggs, Marlon | 1989 | USA | 55 |
902 | 896 | Exotica | Egoyan, Atom | 1994 | Canada | 104 |
903 | 895 | Assault on Precinct 13 | Carpenter, John | 1976 | USA | 90 |
904 | 903 | Deep Red | Argento, Dario | 1975 | Italy | 98 |
905 | 891 | It's a Gift | McLeod, Norman Z. | 1934 | USA | 73 |
906 | 1003 | Hôtel Terminus | Ophüls, Marcel | 1988 | USA | 267 |
907 | 892 | Heimat [TV] | Reitz, Edgar | 1984 | West Germany | 924 |
908 | 900 | Phantom Carriage, The | Sjöström, Victor | 1921 | Sweden | 107 |
909 | 907 | Wendy and Lucy | Reichardt, Kelly | 2008 | USA | 80 |
910 | 904 | River, The | Tsai Ming-liang | 1997 | Taiwan | 115 |
911 | 962 | Port of Shadows | Carné, Marcel | 1938 | France | 91 |
912 | 919 | Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1955 | Mexico | 91 |
913 | 901 | End of Summer, The | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1961 | Japan | 103 |
914 | 928 | Meek's Cutoff | Reichardt, Kelly | 2010 | USA | 104 |
915 | 911 | Welfare | Wiseman, Frederick | 1975 | USA | 167 |
916 | 906 | Simon of the Desert | Buñuel, Luis | 1965 | Mexico | 43 |
917 | 949 | Tabu | Gomes, Miguel | 2012 | Portugal | 118 |
918 | 909 | Ceddo | Sembene, Ousmane | 1977 | Senegal | 120 |
919 | 922 | Anatomy of a Murder | Preminger, Otto | 1959 | USA | 160 |
920 | 916 | American in Paris, An | Minnelli, Vincente | 1951 | USA | 115 |
921 | 917 | Night of the Demon | Tourneur, Jacques | 1957 | UK | 95 |
922 | 921 | Last Temptation of Christ, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1988 | USA | 164 |
923 | 918 | Zorns Lemma | Frampton, Hollis | 1970 | USA | 60 |
924 | 923 | Cemetery of Splendour | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2015 | Thailand | 122 |
925 | 945 | Fountainhead, The | Vidor, King | 1949 | USA | 114 |
926 | 932 | Roman Holiday | Wyler, William | 1953 | USA | 118 |
927 | 937 | People on Sunday | Siodmak, Robert & Edgar G. Ulmer | 1930 | Germany | 74 |
928 | 946 | Before Sunrise | Linklater, Richard | 1995 | USA | 101 |
929 | 927 | Killer, The | Woo, John | 1989 | Hong Kong | 110 |
930 | 963 | Shaun of the Dead | Wright, Edgar | 2004 | UK | 99 |
931 | 925 | Reds | Beatty, Warren | 1981 | USA | 200 |
932 | 933 | 7th Heaven | Borzage, Frank | 1927 | USA | 119 |
933 | 914 | Boucher, Le | Chabrol, Claude | 1970 | France | 94 |
934 | 943 | Near Dark | Bigelow, Kathryn | 1987 | USA | 95 |
935 | 939 | Blood Simple | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1984 | USA | 97 |
936 | 940 | History of Violence, A | Cronenberg, David | 2005 | USA | 96 |
937 | 926 | Seven Beauties | Wertmüller, Lina | 1975 | Italy | 116 |
938 | 935 | Portrait of Jennie | Dieterle, William | 1948 | USA | 86 |
939 | 982 | Trou, Le | Becker, Jacques | 1960 | France | 131 |
940 | 929 | Mothlight | Brakhage, Stan | 1963 | USA | 4 |
941 | 990 | Sorpasso, Il | Risi, Dino | 1962 | Italy | 105 |
942 | 957 | American Graffiti | Lucas, George | 1973 | USA | 110 |
943 | 931 | Dirty Harry | Siegel, Don | 1971 | USA | 102 |
944 | 938 | Elephant [TV] | Clarke, Alan | 1989 | UK | 39 |
945 | 930 | From the Clouds to the Resistance | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1979 | Italy | 104 |
946 | 936 | Enfance nue, L' | Pialat, Maurice | 1968 | France | 80 |
947 | 1008 | Dust in the Wind | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1986 | Taiwan | 109 |
948 | 950 | Chienne, La | Renoir, Jean | 1931 | France | 95 |
949 | 971 | Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The | Jackson, Peter | 2003 | New Zealand | 201 |
950 | 941 | Khrustalyov, My Car! | German, Aleksei | 1998 | Russia | 147 |
951 | 1025 | Diary | Perlov, David | 1983 | Israel | 330 |
952 | 944 | Last Emperor, The | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1987 | China | 163 |
953 | 965 | Return, The | Zvyagintsev, Andrey | 2003 | Russia | 110 |
954 | 942 | Ice Storm, The | Lee, Ang | 1997 | USA | 113 |
955 | 981 | Spartacus | Kubrick, Stanley | 1960 | USA | 197 |
956 | 947 | American Beauty | Mendes, Sam | 1999 | USA | 121 |
957 | 1049 | Excalibur | Boorman, John | 1981 | UK | 140 |
958 | 951 | Perfumed Nightmare | Tahimik, Kidlat | 1977 | Philippines | 93 |
959 | 961 | Othello | Welles, Orson | 1951 | Italy | 90 |
960 | 1039 | Hurt Locker, The | Bigelow, Kathryn | 2008 | USA | 130 |
961 | 1077 | Cool Hand Luke | Rosenberg, Stuart | 1967 | USA | 126 |
962 | 980 | Avatar | Cameron, James | 2009 | USA | 161 |
963 | 948 | Doomed Love [TV] | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1978 | Portugal | 262 |
964 | 974 | Duel | Spielberg, Steven | 1971 | USA | 90 |
965 | 958 | Léon | Besson, Luc | 1994 | France | 119 |
966 | 975 | Z | Costa-Gavras, Constantin | 1969 | France | 127 |
967 | 960 | Tarnished Angels, The | Sirk, Douglas | 1957 | USA | 91 |
968 | 955 | Olympia | Riefenstahl, Leni | 1938 | Germany | 201 |
969 | 952 | Sawdust and Tinsel | Bergman, Ingmar | 1953 | Sweden | 92 |
970 | 964 | Gun Crazy | Lewis, Joseph H. | 1950 | USA | 86 |
971 | 1016 | Long Farewell, The | Muratova, Kira | 1971 | USSR | 97 |
972 | 954 | Duel in the Sun | Vidor, King | 1946 | USA | 130 |
973 | 1022 | Ghostbusters | Reitman, Ivan | 1984 | USA | 107 |
974 | 956 | True Heart Susie | Griffith, D.W. | 1919 | USA | 87 |
975 | 984 | Carlito's Way | De Palma, Brian | 1993 | USA | 144 |
976 | 967 | Rope | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1948 | USA | 80 |
977 | 959 | Moi, un Noir | Rouch, Jean | 1958 | France | 70 |
978 | 978 | Breakfast Club, The | Hughes, John | 1985 | USA | 97 |
979 | 973 | Page of Madness, A | Kinugasa, Teinosuke | 1926 | Japan | 70 |
980 | 953 | Fox and His Friends | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1975 | West Germany | 123 |
981 | 968 | Ride the High Country | Peckinpah, Sam | 1962 | USA | 94 |
982 | 1132 | Pianist, The | Polanski, Roman | 2002 | France | 148 |
983 | 999 | Last Detail, The | Ashby, Hal | 1973 | USA | 105 |
984 | 966 | Summer with Monika | Bergman, Ingmar | 1953 | Sweden | 96 |
985 | 979 | Reckless Moment, The | Ophüls, Max | 1949 | USA | 82 |
986 | 988 | Host, The | Bong Joon-ho | 2006 | South Korea | 119 |
987 | 969 | Anatahan | von Sternberg, Josef | 1953 | Japan | 92 |
988 | 972 | Bête humaine, La | Renoir, Jean | 1938 | France | 100 |
989 | 992 | Arabian Nights | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1974 | Italy | 130 |
990 | 1041 | Elevator to the Gallows | Malle, Louis | 1958 | France | 92 |
991 | 1038 | Not Reconciled | Straub, Jean-Marie | 1965 | West Germany | 55 |
992 | 996 | Kwaidan | Kobayashi, Masaki | 1964 | Japan | 183 |
993 | 1031 | Saturday Night and Sunday Morning | Reisz, Karel | 1960 | UK | 89 |
994 | 976 | Gilda | Vidor, Charles | 1946 | USA | 110 |
995 | 983 | Handsworth Songs | Akomfrah, John | 1986 | UK | 61 |
996 | 987 | Sholay | Sippy, Ramesh | 1975 | India | 162 |
997 | 991 | Ed Wood | Burton, Tim | 1994 | USA | 124 |
998 | 985 | Sweetie | Campion, Jane | 1989 | Australia | 97 |
999 | 994 | Godfather Part III, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1990 | USA | 161 |
1000 | 986 | Numéro deux | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1975 | France | 88 |
1001 | 788 | Ballad of Narayama, The | Imamura, Shohei | 1983 | Japan | 130 |
1002 | 798 | Duck Amuck | Jones, Chuck | 1953 | USA | 7 |
1003 | 1001 | Wings of Eagles, The | Ford, John | 1957 | USA | 110 |
1004 | 876 | After Hours | Scorsese, Martin | 1985 | USA | 97 |
1005 | 1002 | Superman | Donner, Richard | 1978 | USA | 143 |
1006 | 1004 | Red Balloon, The | Lamorisse, Albert | 1956 | France | 34 |
1007 | 1005 | Bandido da Luz Vermelha, O | Sganzerla, Rogério | 1968 | Brazil | 92 |
1008 | 910 | Sideways | Payne, Alexander | 2004 | USA | 123 |
1009 | 1006 | Pakeezah | Amrohi, Kamal | 1972 | India | 147 |
1010 | 1007 | Iracema - Uma Transa Amazônica | Bodanzky, Jorge & Orlando Senna | 1975 | Brazil | 90 |
1011 | 1018 | Head-On | Akin, Fatih | 2004 | Germany | 121 |
1012 | 1009 | Goodbye to Language | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2014 | Switzerland | 70 |
1013 | 1010 | Outer Space | Tscherkassky, Peter | 1999 | Austria | 10 |
1014 | 1020 | Grand Budapest Hotel, The | Anderson, Wes | 2014 | USA | 100 |
1015 | 1011 | Mother India | Khan, Mehboob | 1957 | India | 172 |
1016 | 1013 | Heartbreak Kid, The | May, Elaine | 1972 | USA | 106 |
1017 | 1019 | Portrait of Ga, A | Tait, Margaret | 1952 | UK | 4 |
1018 | 1012 | Empire | Warhol, Andy | 1964 | USA | 485 |
1019 | 1015 | Still Walking | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 2008 | Japan | 115 |
1020 | 1014 | No Home Movie | Akerman, Chantal | 2015 | Belgium | 115 |
1021 | 1023 | Certified Copy | Kiarostami, Abbas | 2010 | France | 106 |
1022 | 970 | I Am Twenty | Khutsiev, Marlen | 1965 | USSR | 165 |
1023 | 1017 | Diary for Timothy, A | Jennings, Humphrey | 1945 | UK | 40 |
1024 | 1035 | Crumb | Zwigoff, Terry | 1994 | USA | 119 |
1025 | 1028 | Saturday Night Fever | Badham, John | 1977 | USA | 119 |
1026 | 977 | Beyond the Valley of the Dolls | Meyer, Russ | 1970 | USA | 109 |
1027 | 1053 | Flor, La | Llinás, Mariano | 2018 | Argentina | 808 |
1028 | 1021 | Stranger by the Lake | Guiraudie, Alain | 2013 | France | 100 |
1029 | 995 | Cul-de-sac | Polanski, Roman | 1966 | UK | 111 |
1030 | 989 | Berlin: Symphony of a Great City | Ruttmann, Walter | 1927 | Germany | 65 |
1031 | 1030 | Straight Story, The | Lynch, David | 1999 | USA | 111 |
1032 | 993 | America, America | Kazan, Elia | 1963 | USA | 168 |
1033 | 1047 | Assassin, The | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 2015 | Taiwan | 105 |
1034 | 1027 | Last Bolshevik, The | Marker, Chris | 1993 | France | 120 |
1035 | 1024 | Leviathan | Castaing-Taylor, Lucien & Verena Paravel | 2012 | France | 87 |
1036 | 1149 | Blues Brothers, The | Landis, John | 1980 | USA | 130 |
1037 | 1026 | All My Life | Baillie, Bruce | 1966 | USA | 3 |
1038 | 997 | Mildred Pierce | Curtiz, Michael | 1945 | USA | 109 |
1039 | 1000 | Lady Windermere's Fan | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1925 | USA | 120 |
1040 | 1029 | Fata Morgana | Herzog, Werner | 1971 | West Germany | 78 |
1041 | 998 | Naked Kiss, The | Fuller, Samuel | 1964 | USA | 90 |
1042 | 1033 | Docks of New York, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1928 | USA | 76 |
1043 | 1079 | American Friend, The | Wenders, Wim | 1977 | West Germany | 125 |
1044 | 1089 | Princess Bride, The | Reiner, Rob | 1987 | USA | 98 |
1045 | 1036 | 47 Ronin, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1941 | Japan | 219 |
1046 | 1072 | When a Woman Ascends the Stairs | Naruse, Mikio | 1960 | Japan | 111 |
1047 | 1040 | Bad Lieutenant | Ferrara, Abel | 1992 | USA | 98 |
1048 | 1095 | L.A. Confidential | Hanson, Curtis | 1997 | USA | 137 |
1049 | 1032 | Tih Minh | Feuillade, Louis | 1918 | France | 418 |
1050 | 1046 | Diamonds of the Night | Nemec, Jan | 1964 | Czechoslovakia | 63 |
1051 | 1073 | Fall of the House of Usher, The | Epstein, Jean | 1928 | France | 63 |
1052 | 1037 | Street of Crocodiles | Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay | 1986 | UK | 20 |
1053 | 1034 | Vengeance is Mine | Imamura, Shohei | 1979 | Japan | 129 |
1054 | 1044 | Lone Star | Sayles, John | 1996 | USA | 135 |
1055 | 1050 | Four Nights of a Dreamer | Bresson, Robert | 1971 | France | 87 |
1056 | 1078 | Rififi | Dassin, Jules | 1955 | France | 115 |
1057 | 1042 | Maîtres fous, Les | Rouch, Jean | 1955 | France | 36 |
1058 | 1043 | Window, Water, Baby, Moving | Brakhage, Stan | 1962 | USA | 13 |
1059 | 1060 | Sang des bêtes, Le | Franju, Georges | 1949 | France | 22 |
1060 | 1091 | 2046 | Wong Kar-wai | 2004 | Hong Kong | 129 |
1061 | 1054 | 42nd Street | Bacon, Lloyd | 1933 | USA | 89 |
1062 | 1045 | Yol | Gören, Serif & Yilmaz Güney | 1982 | Turkey | 114 |
1063 | 1056 | Stop Making Sense | Demme, Jonathan | 1984 | USA | 88 |
1064 | 1087 | Lusty Men, The | Ray, Nicholas | 1952 | USA | 113 |
1065 | 1048 | Strangers When We Meet | Quine, Richard | 1960 | USA | 117 |
1066 | 1051 | Bad Timing | Roeg, Nicolas | 1980 | UK | 129 |
1067 | 1052 | Trás-os-Montes | Cordeiro, Margarida & António Reis | 1976 | Portugal | 108 |
1068 | 1071 | Truman Show, The | Weir, Peter | 1998 | USA | 102 |
1069 | 1057 | Cluny Brown | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1946 | USA | 100 |
1070 | 1061 | Incredible Shrinking Man, The | Arnold, Jack | 1957 | USA | 81 |
1071 | 1176 | Oasis | Lee Chang-dong | 2002 | South Korea | 133 |
1072 | 1058 | Match Factory Girl, The | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1990 | Finland | 68 |
1073 | 1084 | Miami Vice | Mann, Michael | 2006 | USA | 133 |
1074 | 1055 | City Girl | Murnau, F.W. | 1930 | USA | 90 |
1075 | 1066 | Black Orpheus | Camus, Marcel | 1959 | France | 103 |
1076 | 1105 | Ryan's Daughter | Lean, David | 1970 | UK | 200 |
1077 | 1076 | Floating Weeds | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1959 | Japan | 119 |
1078 | 1109 | Gallipoli | Weir, Peter | 1981 | Australia | 110 |
1079 | 1083 | There's Always Tomorrow | Sirk, Douglas | 1956 | USA | 84 |
1080 | 1082 | Lady Bird | Gerwig, Greta | 2017 | USA | 94 |
1081 | 1107 | Sherman's March | McElwee, Ross | 1985 | USA | 157 |
1082 | 1059 | Branded to Kill | Suzuki, Seijun | 1967 | Japan | 91 |
1083 | 1124 | Blazing Saddles | Brooks, Mel | 1974 | USA | 93 |
1084 | 1096 | Sonatine | Kitano, Takeshi | 1993 | Japan | 94 |
1085 | 1062 | Two for the Road | Donen, Stanley | 1967 | UK | 112 |
1086 | 1063 | Disenchantment, The | Chávarri, Jaime | 1976 | Spain | 97 |
1087 | 1183 | Man of the West | Mann, Anthony | 1958 | USA | 100 |
1088 | 1068 | Macunaima | de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro | 1969 | Brazil | 110 |
1089 | 1064 | Shoeshine | De Sica, Vittorio | 1946 | Italy | 93 |
1090 | 1065 | Odd Man Out | Reed, Carol | 1947 | UK | 115 |
1091 | 1067 | Broadway Danny Rose | Allen, Woody | 1984 | USA | 86 |
1092 | 1069 | Nutty Professor, The | Lewis, Jerry | 1963 | USA | 107 |
1093 | 1070 | Louisiana Story | Flaherty, Robert J. | 1948 | USA | 77 |
1094 | 1154 | Rumble Fish | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1983 | USA | 94 |
1095 | 1174 | Pickup on South Street | Fuller, Samuel | 1953 | USA | 80 |
1096 | 1074 | Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory | Lumière, Louis | 1895 | France | 1 |
1097 | 1075 | Au revoir les enfants | Malle, Louis | 1987 | France | 103 |
1098 | 1080 | Tales of Hoffmann, The | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1951 | UK | 133 |
1099 | 1101 | Outlaw Josey Wales, The | Eastwood, Clint | 1976 | USA | 135 |
1100 | 1094 | Serious Man, A | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2009 | USA | 105 |
1101 | 1130 | À nous la liberté | Clair, René | 1931 | France | 87 |
1102 | 1144 | Inception | Nolan, Christopher | 2010 | USA | 148 |
1103 | 1147 | Who Framed Roger Rabbit? | Zemeckis, Robert | 1988 | USA | 103 |
1104 | 1168 | Happy as Lazzaro | Rohrwacher, Alice | 2018 | Italy | 125 |
1105 | 1081 | Ida | Pawlikowski, Pawel | 2013 | Poland | 80 |
1106 | 1086 | M*A*S*H | Altman, Robert | 1970 | USA | 116 |
1107 | 1106 | Onibaba | Shindo, Kaneto | 1964 | Japan | 103 |
1108 | 1085 | Apple, The | Makhmalbaf, Samira | 1997 | Iran | 86 |
1109 | 1103 | Dracula | Fisher, Terence | 1958 | UK | 82 |
1110 | 1102 | You, the Living | Andersson, Roy | 2007 | Sweden | 93 |
1111 | 1146 | Saragossa Manuscript, The | Has, Wojciech | 1965 | Poland | 182 |
1112 | 1090 | Oedipus Rex | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1967 | Italy | 110 |
1113 | 1118 | Million, Le | Clair, René | 1931 | France | 85 |
1114 | 1122 | Happiness | Solondz, Todd | 1998 | USA | 134 |
1115 | 1140 | Witness | Weir, Peter | 1985 | USA | 112 |
1116 | 1112 | Arrival | Villeneuve, Denis | 2016 | USA | 116 |
1117 | 1129 | Kill Bill Vol. 1 | Tarantino, Quentin | 2003 | USA | 111 |
1118 | 1092 | Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, The | Wilder, Billy | 1970 | USA | 125 |
1119 | 1093 | Enfant secret, L' | Garrel, Philippe | 1979 | France | 92 |
1120 | 1104 | Burnt by the Sun | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1994 | Russia | 152 |
1121 | 1088 | Nomadland | Zhao, Chloé | 2020 | USA | 107 |
1122 | 1120 | Hard to Be a God | German, Aleksei | 2013 | Russia | 177 |
1123 | 1097 | Sweet Hereafter, The | Egoyan, Atom | 1997 | Canada | 112 |
1124 | 1160 | Blair Witch Project, The | Myrick, Daniel & Eduardo Sánchez | 1998 | USA | 80 |
1125 | 1098 | Giant | Stevens, George | 1956 | USA | 201 |
1126 | 1125 | Only Son, The | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1936 | Japan | 87 |
1127 | 1099 | Miss Oyu | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1951 | Japan | 94 |
1128 | 1100 | India: Matri Bhumi | Rossellini, Roberto | 1959 | Italy | 90 |
1129 | 1115 | Inside Llewyn Davis | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2013 | USA | 104 |
1130 | 1127 | Fellini's Casanova | Fellini, Federico | 1976 | Italy | 158 |
1131 | 1110 | Central Station | Salles, Walter | 1998 | Brazil | 110 |
1132 | 1126 | Housemaid, The | Kim Ki-young | 1960 | South Korea | 111 |
1133 | 1119 | 12 Years a Slave | McQueen, Steve | 2013 | USA | 134 |
1134 | 1123 | American Honey | Arnold, Andrea | 2016 | UK | 163 |
1135 | 1232 | Grin Without a Cat, A | Marker, Chris | 1977 | France | 240 |
1136 | 1133 | Jour se lève, Le | Carné, Marcel | 1939 | France | 93 |
1137 | 1116 | Mughal-E-Azam | Asif, K. | 1960 | India | 173 |
1138 | 1108 | Sorcerer | Friedkin, William | 1977 | USA | 121 |
1139 | 1206 | One, Two, Three | Wilder, Billy | 1961 | USA | 108 |
1140 | 1128 | Scattered Clouds | Naruse, Mikio | 1967 | Japan | 108 |
1141 | 1111 | Full Moon in Paris | Rohmer, Eric | 1984 | France | 97 |
1142 | 1166 | World, The | Jia Zhangke | 2004 | China | 140 |
1143 | 1113 | Elephant Sitting Still, An | Hu Bo | 2018 | China | 230 |
1144 | 1121 | Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes, The | Brakhage, Stan | 1971 | USA | 32 |
1145 | 1114 | Regen | Ivens, Joris & Mannus Franken | 1929 | Netherlands | 12 |
1146 | 1117 | On the Town | Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly | 1949 | USA | 98 |
1147 | 1135 | Husbands and Wives | Allen, Woody | 1992 | USA | 107 |
1148 | 1171 | Shoplifters | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 2018 | Japan | 121 |
1149 | 1152 | Mary Poppins | Stevenson, Robert | 1964 | USA | 139 |
1150 | 1275 | Life is Beautiful | Benigni, Roberto | 1997 | Italy | 114 |
1151 | 1134 | Monsoon Wedding | Nair, Mira | 2001 | India | 114 |
1152 | 1153 | Lacombe, Lucien | Malle, Louis | 1974 | France | 137 |
1153 | 1131 | Arbor, The | Barnard, Clio | 2010 | UK | 94 |
1154 | 1141 | Mandabi | Sembene, Ousmane | 1968 | France | 92 |
1155 | 1191 | Audition | Miike, Takashi | 1999 | Japan | 115 |
1156 | 1180 | Far from Heaven | Haynes, Todd | 2002 | USA | 107 |
1157 | 1136 | Princess Yang Kwei Fei | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1955 | Japan | 98 |
1158 | 1139 | My Childhood | Douglas, Bill | 1972 | UK | 46 |
1159 | 1137 | Fantômas | Feuillade, Louis | 1913 | France | 334 |
1160 | 1157 | Palombella rossa | Moretti, Nanni | 1989 | Italy | 89 |
1161 | 1143 | Ten Commandments, The | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1956 | USA | 220 |
1162 | 1190 | Nightmare Before Christmas, The | Selick, Henry | 1993 | USA | 76 |
1163 | 1234 | Autumn Sonata | Bergman, Ingmar | 1978 | Sweden | 99 |
1164 | 1138 | Lovers Rock | McQueen, Steve | 2020 | UK | 70 |
1165 | 1158 | Feu follet, Le | Malle, Louis | 1963 | France | 108 |
1166 | 1155 | Sugar Cane Alley | Palcy, Euzhan | 1983 | France | 103 |
1167 | 1167 | Femme est une femme, Une | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1961 | France | 83 |
1168 | 1142 | Barefoot Contessa, The | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1954 | USA | 128 |
1169 | 1145 | Topsy-Turvy | Leigh, Mike | 1999 | UK | 160 |
1170 | 1150 | In Praise of Love | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2001 | France | 97 |
1171 | 1196 | Donnie Darko | Kelly, Richard | 2001 | USA | 112 |
1172 | 1245 | Eternal Breasts, The | Tanaka, Kinuyo | 1955 | Japan | 110 |
1173 | 1148 | Aguaespejo granadino | Val del Omar, José | 1955 | Spain | 21 |
1174 | 1169 | Humanity and Paper Balloons | Yamanaka, Sadao | 1937 | Japan | 86 |
1175 | 1233 | My Beautiful Laundrette | Frears, Stephen | 1985 | UK | 98 |
1176 | 1151 | Hart of London, The | Chambers, Jack | 1970 | Canada | 80 |
1177 | 1216 | Jason and the Argonauts | Chaffey, Don | 1963 | UK | 104 |
1178 | 1218 | Sting, The | Hill, George Roy | 1973 | USA | 129 |
1179 | 1195 | Swedish Love Story, A | Andersson, Roy | 1970 | Sweden | 115 |
1180 | 1165 | It's Such a Beautiful Day | Hertzfeldt, Don | 2012 | USA | 62 |
1181 | 1244 | Short Film About Love, A | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1988 | Poland | 87 |
1182 | 1156 | You Were Never Really Here | Ramsay, Lynne | 2017 | UK | 89 |
1183 | 1252 | Girlfriends | Weill, Claudia | 1978 | USA | 86 |
1184 | 1193 | Marie Antoinette | Coppola, Sofia | 2006 | USA | 123 |
1185 | 1179 | Forbidden Planet | Wilcox, Fred M. | 1956 | USA | 98 |
1186 | 1159 | Café Lumière | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 2003 | Japan | 108 |
1187 | 1177 | Midnight | Leisen, Mitchell | 1939 | USA | 94 |
1188 | 1161 | Holiday | Cukor, George | 1938 | USA | 93 |
1189 | 1162 | Dillinger is Dead | Ferreri, Marco | 1969 | Italy | 95 |
1190 | 1163 | Street Angel | Yuan Muzhi | 1937 | China | 91 |
1191 | 1164 | At Land | Deren, Maya | 1944 | USA | 15 |
1192 | 1197 | Intimate Lighting | Passer, Ivan | 1965 | Czechoslovakia | 74 |
1193 | 1184 | Ladykillers, The | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1955 | UK | 90 |
1194 | 1181 | Rocky Horror Picture Show, The | Sharman, Jim | 1975 | UK | 95 |
1195 | 1212 | Pépé le Moko | Duvivier, Julien | 1937 | France | 94 |
1196 | 1189 | Magnificent Seven, The | Sturges, John | 1960 | USA | 128 |
1197 | 1178 | Havre, Le | Kaurismäki, Aki | 2011 | Finland | 93 |
1198 | 1324 | Verdict, The | Lumet, Sidney | 1982 | USA | 129 |
1199 | 1170 | Ludwig | Visconti, Luchino | 1973 | Italy | 235 |
1200 | 1172 | Evolution of a Filipino Family | Diaz, Lav | 2004 | Philippines | 540 |
1201 | 1173 | Scarecrow | Schatzberg, Jerry | 1973 | USA | 108 |
1202 | 1187 | Maison des bois, La [TV] | Pialat, Maurice | 1971 | France | 360 |
1203 | 1188 | Usual Suspects, The | Singer, Bryan | 1995 | USA | 105 |
1204 | 1175 | Toni | Renoir, Jean | 1935 | France | 81 |
1205 | 1208 | Gravity | Cuarón, Alfonso | 2013 | USA | 91 |
1206 | 1186 | Divine Intervention | Suleiman, Elia | 2002 | France | 92 |
1207 | 1254 | Eternity and a Day | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1998 | Greece | 132 |
1208 | 1211 | Heaven Can Wait | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1943 | USA | 112 |
1209 | 1192 | This is Not a Film | Panahi, Jafar & Mojtaba Mirtahmasb | 2011 | Iran | 75 |
1210 | 1182 | Nuit du carrefour, La | Renoir, Jean | 1932 | France | 70 |
1211 | 1199 | Girlhood | Sciamma, Céline | 2014 | France | 113 |
1212 | 1471 | Law of Desire | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1987 | Spain | 100 |
1213 | 1396 | Dogtooth | Lanthimos, Yorgos | 2009 | Greece | 97 |
1214 | 1198 | Million Dollar Baby | Eastwood, Clint | 2004 | USA | 137 |
1215 | 1185 | Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, The | Richardson, Tony | 1962 | UK | 104 |
1216 | 1317 | Player, The | Altman, Robert | 1992 | USA | 123 |
1217 | 1207 | Virgin Suicides, The | Coppola, Sofia | 1999 | USA | 96 |
1218 | 1241 | Man for All Seasons, A | Zinnemann, Fred | 1966 | UK | 120 |
1219 | 1201 | Collectionneuse, La | Rohmer, Eric | 1967 | France | 89 |
1220 | 1238 | Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner | Kunuk, Zacharias | 2001 | Canada | 172 |
1221 | 1194 | El Dorado | Hawks, Howard | 1966 | USA | 126 |
1222 | 1202 | Hero | Zhang Yimou | 2002 | China | 99 |
1223 | 1200 | Volver | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2006 | Spain | 121 |
1224 | 1283 | Midnight Run | Brest, Martin | 1988 | USA | 122 |
1225 | 1209 | Delicatessen | Jeunet, Jean-Pierre & Marc Caro | 1991 | France | 99 |
1226 | 1225 | Circle, The | Panahi, Jafar | 2000 | Iran | 90 |
1227 | 1219 | Boot, Das | Petersen, Wolfgang | 1981 | West Germany | 149 |
1228 | 1243 | Topo, El | Jodorowsky, Alejandro | 1970 | Mexico | 124 |
1229 | 1286 | Enter the Dragon | Clouse, Robert | 1973 | USA | 97 |
1230 | 1226 | Seventh Victim, The | Robson, Mark | 1943 | USA | 71 |
1231 | 1203 | Land of Silence and Darkness | Herzog, Werner | 1971 | West Germany | 85 |
1232 | 1204 | Stormy Waters | Grémillon, Jean | 1941 | France | 84 |
1233 | 1368 | Léolo | Lauzon, Jean-Claude | 1992 | Canada | 107 |
1234 | 1229 | Man Who Fell to Earth, The | Roeg, Nicolas | 1976 | UK | 140 |
1235 | 1285 | Bob le flambeur | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1955 | France | 102 |
1236 | 1231 | Devil is a Woman, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1935 | USA | 83 |
1237 | 1205 | War and Peace | Bondarchuk, Sergei | 1966 | USSR | 393 |
1238 | 1248 | Carnival of Souls | Harvey, Herk | 1962 | USA | 80 |
1239 | 1292 | Straw Dogs | Peckinpah, Sam | 1971 | USA | 113 |
1240 | 1250 | Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The | Jackson, Peter | 2002 | New Zealand | 179 |
1241 | 1328 | Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory | Stuart, Mel | 1971 | USA | 98 |
1242 | 1242 | Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore | Scorsese, Martin | 1974 | USA | 113 |
1243 | 1210 | Stories We Tell | Polley, Sarah | 2012 | Canada | 108 |
1244 | 1279 | Tampopo | Itami, Juzo | 1985 | Japan | 114 |
1245 | 1224 | Fuses | Schneemann, Carolee | 1967 | USA | 22 |
1246 | 1213 | Milky Way, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1969 | France | 105 |
1247 | 1220 | Hole, The | Tsai Ming-liang | 1998 | Taiwan | 95 |
1248 | 1284 | Old Joy | Reichardt, Kelly | 2006 | USA | 76 |
1249 | 1214 | Variety | Gordon, Bette | 1983 | UK | 100 |
1250 | 1215 | Go-Between, The | Losey, Joseph | 1971 | UK | 116 |
1251 | 1217 | Night Porter, The | Cavani, Liliana | 1974 | Italy | 118 |
1252 | 1264 | Touchez pas au Grisbi | Becker, Jacques | 1954 | France | 94 |
1253 | 1265 | Son of Saul | Nemes, László | 2015 | Hungary | 107 |
1254 | 1253 | Hard Boiled | Woo, John | 1992 | Hong Kong | 128 |
1255 | 1221 | One Week | Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline | 1920 | USA | 25 |
1256 | 1222 | Ordinary People | Redford, Robert | 1980 | USA | 123 |
1257 | 1227 | Stray Dog | Kurosawa, Akira | 1949 | Japan | 122 |
1258 | 1223 | Souvenir, The | Hogg, Joanna | 2019 | UK | 120 |
1259 | 1301 | Gladiator | Scott, Ridley | 2000 | USA | 154 |
1260 | 1230 | Run Lola Run | Tykwer, Tom | 1998 | Germany | 80 |
1261 | 1228 | Pink Floyd: The Wall | Parker, Alan | 1982 | UK | 95 |
1262 | 1239 | Holy Girl, The | Martel, Lucrecia | 2004 | Argentina | 106 |
1263 | 1246 | Klute | Pakula, Alan J. | 1971 | USA | 114 |
1264 | 1236 | Adaptation. | Jonze, Spike | 2002 | USA | 114 |
1265 | 1235 | Henry V | Olivier, Laurence | 1944 | UK | 137 |
1266 | 1237 | Tale of the Wind, A | Ivens, Joris | 1988 | France | 80 |
1267 | 1240 | Dishonored | von Sternberg, Josef | 1931 | USA | 91 |
1268 | 1261 | Night Mail | Watt, Harry & Basil Wright | 1936 | UK | 24 |
1269 | 1268 | Clock, The | Marclay, Christian | 2010 | UK | 1440 |
1270 | 1318 | Ruggles of Red Gap | McCarey, Leo | 1935 | USA | 92 |
1271 | 1270 | Gold Diggers of 1933 | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1933 | USA | 97 |
1272 | 1280 | Time to Love and a Time to Die, A | Sirk, Douglas | 1958 | USA | 132 |
1273 | 1257 | Nosferatu the Vampyre | Herzog, Werner | 1979 | West Germany | 107 |
1274 | 1247 | Lessons of Darkness | Herzog, Werner | 1992 | France | 50 |
1275 | 1249 | Mauvais sang | Carax, Leos | 1986 | France | 116 |
1276 | 1251 | Loulou | Pialat, Maurice | 1980 | France | 110 |
1277 | 1429 | Dead Poets Society | Weir, Peter | 1989 | USA | 128 |
1278 | 1255 | Desperately Seeking Susan | Seidelman, Susan | 1985 | USA | 104 |
1279 | 1256 | Blood of a Poet, The | Cocteau, Jean | 1930 | France | 58 |
1280 | 1258 | To Sleep with Anger | Burnett, Charles | 1990 | USA | 102 |
1281 | 1294 | Minnie and Moskowitz | Cassavetes, John | 1971 | USA | 114 |
1282 | 1259 | Kramer vs. Kramer | Benton, Robert | 1979 | USA | 104 |
1283 | 1260 | Bamako | Sissako, Abderrahmane | 2006 | Mali | 117 |
1284 | 1273 | Certain Women | Reichardt, Kelly | 2016 | USA | 107 |
1285 | 1262 | Pastoral: To Die in the Country | Terayama, Shuji | 1974 | Japan | 104 |
1286 | 1263 | Coeur en hiver, Un | Sautet, Claude | 1991 | France | 105 |
1287 | 1277 | Dragon Inn | Hu, King | 1967 | Taiwan | 111 |
1288 | 1281 | Goldfinger | Hamilton, Guy | 1964 | UK | 111 |
1289 | 1310 | American Movie | Smith, Chris | 1999 | USA | 107 |
1290 | 1266 | Humanité, L' | Dumont, Bruno | 1999 | France | 141 |
1291 | 1369 | Interstellar | Nolan, Christopher | 2014 | USA | 169 |
1292 | 1267 | I Am Not Your Negro | Peck, Raoul | 2016 | USA | 93 |
1293 | 1306 | Special Day, A | Scola, Ettore | 1977 | Canada | 106 |
1294 | 1269 | Line Describing a Cone | McCall, Anthony | 1973 | UK | 30 |
1295 | 1271 | Stars in My Crown | Tourneur, Jacques | 1950 | USA | 89 |
1296 | 1272 | Corner in Wheat, A | Griffith, D.W. | 1909 | USA | 14 |
1297 | 1287 | 25th Hour | Lee, Spike | 2002 | USA | 134 |
1298 | 1274 | Still Life | Saless, Sohrab Shahid | 1974 | Iran | 95 |
1299 | 1299 | Babe | Noonan, Chris | 1995 | Australia | 94 |
1300 | 1276 | Love and Death | Allen, Woody | 1975 | USA | 82 |
1301 | 1288 | Now, Voyager | Rapper, Irving | 1942 | USA | 117 |
1302 | 1278 | Terrorizers, The | Yang, Edward | 1986 | Taiwan | 109 |
1303 | 1296 | Kung Fu Hustle | Chow, Stephen | 2004 | Hong Kong | 98 |
1304 | 1312 | Gregory's Girl | Forsyth, Bill | 1980 | UK | 91 |
1305 | 1282 | Late Autumn | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1960 | Japan | 127 |
1306 | 1297 | Whiplash | Chazelle, Damien | 2014 | USA | 107 |
1307 | 1311 | Vitalina Varela | Costa, Pedro | 2019 | Portugal | 124 |
1308 | 1303 | Parallax View, The | Pakula, Alan J. | 1974 | USA | 102 |
1309 | 1334 | Shara | Kawase, Naomi | 2003 | Japan | 100 |
1310 | 1351 | First Cow | Reichardt, Kelly | 2019 | USA | 122 |
1311 | 1289 | Unsere Afrikareise | Kubelka, Peter | 1966 | Austria | 13 |
1312 | 1348 | Kuhle Wampe | Dudow, Slatan | 1932 | Germany | 71 |
1313 | 1290 | Kanal | Wajda, Andrzej | 1957 | Poland | 97 |
1314 | 1291 | Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence | Oshima, Nagisa | 1983 | UK | 123 |
1315 | 1300 | Yellow Submarine | Dunning, George | 1968 | UK | 85 |
1316 | 1293 | Camion, Le | Duras, Marguerite | 1977 | France | 76 |
1317 | 1314 | Secret Sunshine | Lee Chang-dong | 2007 | South Korea | 142 |
1318 | 1577 | Terms of Endearment | Brooks, James L. | 1983 | USA | 132 |
1319 | 1295 | Tout va bien | Godard, Jean-Luc & Jean-Pierre Gorin | 1972 | France | 95 |
1320 | 1298 | White Material | Denis, Claire | 2009 | France | 100 |
1321 | 1371 | Ashes of Time | Wong Kar-wai | 1994 | Hong Kong | 100 |
1322 | 1339 | You Only Live Once | Lang, Fritz | 1937 | USA | 86 |
1323 | 1308 | Wrong Trousers, The | Park, Nick | 1993 | UK | 30 |
1324 | 1331 | Ten | Kiarostami, Abbas | 2002 | France | 92 |
1325 | 1302 | Dance, Girl, Dance | Arzner, Dorothy | 1940 | USA | 90 |
1326 | 1309 | Häxan | Christensen, Benjamin | 1922 | Sweden | 83 |
1327 | 1304 | Bogeyman, The | Aravindan, Govindan | 1979 | India | 90 |
1328 | 1420 | English Patient, The | Minghella, Anthony | 1996 | USA | 160 |
1329 | 1305 | Red Snowball Tree, The | Shukshin, Vasiliy | 1974 | USSR | 110 |
1330 | 1307 | Liebelei | Ophüls, Max | 1933 | Germany | 88 |
1331 | 1313 | Gates of Heaven | Morris, Errol | 1978 | USA | 85 |
1332 | 1338 | Route One/USA | Kramer, Robert | 1989 | France | 255 |
1333 | 1343 | Way Down East | Griffith, D.W. | 1920 | USA | 145 |
1334 | 1315 | Wolf of Wall Street, The | Scorsese, Martin | 2013 | USA | 180 |
1335 | 1326 | Wild River | Kazan, Elia | 1960 | USA | 110 |
1336 | 1336 | What Time is it There? | Tsai Ming-liang | 2001 | Taiwan | 116 |
1337 | 1616 | What Have I Done to Deserve This? | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1984 | Spain | 101 |
1338 | 1335 | On Dangerous Ground | Ray, Nicholas | 1951 | USA | 82 |
1339 | 1337 | Power of the Dog, The | Campion, Jane | 2021 | New Zealand | 126 |
1340 | 1321 | Cameraperson | Johnson, Kirsten | 2016 | USA | 102 |
1341 | 1332 | Call Me by Your Name | Guadagnino, Luca | 2017 | Italy | 132 |
1342 | 1333 | Camera Buff | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1979 | Poland | 112 |
1343 | 1327 | Arsenic and Old Lace | Capra, Frank | 1944 | USA | 118 |
1344 | 1319 | Horse Thief, The | Tian Zhuangzhuang | 1986 | China | 88 |
1345 | 1320 | Images of the World and the Inscription of War | Farocki, Harun | 1989 | West Germany | 75 |
1346 | 1360 | Nothing But a Man | Roemer, Michael | 1964 | USA | 95 |
1347 | 1322 | Arrivée d'un train à la Ciotat, L' | Lumière, August & Louis Lumière | 1896 | France | 1 |
1348 | 1350 | My Man Godfrey | La Cava, Gregory | 1936 | USA | 95 |
1349 | 1323 | Before the Rain | Manchevski, Milcho | 1994 | UK | 114 |
1350 | 1363 | Knife in the Water | Polanski, Roman | 1962 | Poland | 94 |
1351 | 1492 | Videograms of a Revolution | Farocki, Harun & Andrei Ujica | 1992 | Germany | 106 |
1352 | 1325 | Indian Tomb, The | Lang, Fritz | 1959 | West Germany | 95 |
1353 | 1342 | Fires Were Started | Jennings, Humphrey | 1943 | UK | 80 |
1354 | 1346 | Enter the Void | Noé, Gaspar | 2009 | France | 161 |
1355 | 1330 | Man of Marble | Wajda, Andrzej | 1977 | Poland | 160 |
1356 | 1384 | Hair | Forman, Milos | 1979 | USA | 121 |
1357 | 1358 | Planet of the Apes | Schaffner, Franklin J. | 1968 | USA | 112 |
1358 | 1418 | Last of the Mohicans, The | Mann, Michael | 1992 | USA | 122 |
1359 | 1345 | Johnny Got His Gun | Trumbo, Dalton | 1971 | USA | 111 |
1360 | 1344 | Suspense | Weber, Lois & Phillips Smalley | 1913 | USA | 11 |
1361 | 1340 | Enthusiasm | Vertov, Dziga | 1930 | USSR | 67 |
1362 | 1347 | Day the Earth Stood Still, The | Wise, Robert | 1951 | USA | 92 |
1363 | 1349 | Poetry | Lee Chang-dong | 2010 | South Korea | 139 |
1364 | 1468 | Bienvenido Mister Marshall | García Berlanga, Luis | 1953 | Spain | 95 |
1365 | 1316 | To Live | Zhang Yimou | 1994 | China | 145 |
1366 | 1341 | Silences of the Palace, The | Tlatli, Moufida | 1994 | France | 127 |
1367 | 1372 | Charade | Donen, Stanley | 1963 | USA | 114 |
1368 | 1545 | Los Angeles Plays Itself | Andersen, Thom | 2003 | USA | 169 |
1369 | 1356 | Movie, A | Conner, Bruce | 1958 | USA | 12 |
1370 | 1354 | Two Lovers | Gray, James | 2008 | USA | 110 |
1371 | 1423 | Argent, L' | L'Herbier, Marcel | 1928 | France | 195 |
1372 | 1398 | Battle of Chile: Part 2, The | Guzmán, Patricio | 1976 | Cuba | 88 |
1373 | 1352 | Rio 40 Graus | Pereira dos Santos, Nelson | 1955 | Brazil | 100 |
1374 | 1380 | Jackie Brown | Tarantino, Quentin | 1997 | USA | 151 |
1375 | 1355 | Toy Story 3 | Unkrich, Lee | 2010 | USA | 103 |
1376 | 1329 | Burning | Lee Chang-dong | 2018 | South Korea | 148 |
1377 | 1415 | Godzilla | Honda, Ishiro | 1954 | Japan | 96 |
1378 | 1364 | Avanti! | Wilder, Billy | 1972 | USA | 144 |
1379 | 1392 | Second Breath | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1966 | France | 144 |
1380 | 1357 | Ulysses' Gaze | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1995 | Greece | 176 |
1381 | 1503 | Typhoon Club | Somai, Shinji | 1985 | Japan | 115 |
1382 | 1353 | Out 1: Spectre | Rivette, Jacques | 1972 | France | 253 |
1383 | 2547 | Holy Innocents, The | Camus, Mario | 1984 | Spain | 107 |
1384 | 1359 | Three Colours: White | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1994 | France | 92 |
1385 | 1367 | Remains of the Day, The | Ivory, James | 1993 | USA | 134 |
1386 | 1383 | Big Road, The | Sun Yu | 1935 | China | 104 |
1387 | 1361 | Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story | Haynes, Todd | 1988 | USA | 43 |
1388 | 1362 | Freeze Die Come to Life | Kanevsky, Vitali | 1989 | USSR | 97 |
1389 | 1365 | Big City, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1963 | India | 136 |
1390 | 1366 | Gion bayashi | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1953 | Japan | 85 |
1391 | 1513 | National Lampoon's Animal House | Landis, John | 1978 | USA | 109 |
1392 | 1591 | Intentions of Murder | Imamura, Shohei | 1964 | Japan | 150 |
1393 | 1375 | Waltz with Bashir | Folman, Ari | 2008 | Israel | 90 |
1394 | 1370 | And the Ship Sails On | Fellini, Federico | 1983 | Italy | 138 |
1395 | 1382 | Difficult Life, A | Risi, Dino | 1961 | Italy | 118 |
1396 | 1386 | Wrong Man, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1956 | USA | 105 |
1397 | 1379 | Pixote | Babenco, Hector | 1981 | Brazil | 127 |
1398 | 1390 | Buffalo '66 | Gallo, Vincent | 1998 | USA | 110 |
1399 | 1373 | Drifting Clouds | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1996 | Finland | 96 |
1400 | 1400 | Storm Over Asia | Pudovkin, Vsevolod | 1928 | USSR | 93 |
1401 | 1388 | Talented Mr. Ripley, The | Minghella, Anthony | 1999 | USA | 139 |
1402 | 1404 | Cremator, The | Herz, Juraj | 1969 | Czechoslovakia | 101 |
1403 | 1389 | Prénom Carmen | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1983 | France | 84 |
1404 | 1374 | Cruising | Friedkin, William | 1980 | USA | 106 |
1405 | 1446 | Hail Mary | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1985 | France | 107 |
1406 | 1376 | Platoon | Stone, Oliver | 1986 | USA | 120 |
1407 | 1377 | Cronaca familiare | Zurlini, Valerio | 1962 | France | 114 |
1408 | 1378 | Santa Sangre | Jodorowsky, Alejandro | 1989 | Mexico | 123 |
1409 | 1387 | Year of Living Dangerously, The | Weir, Peter | 1982 | Australia | 115 |
1410 | 1393 | Shanghai Gesture, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1941 | USA | 98 |
1411 | 1443 | Spider's Stratagem, The | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1970 | Italy | 100 |
1412 | 1495 | Boyz 'N The Hood | Singleton, John | 1991 | USA | 107 |
1413 | 1381 | Adoption | Mészáros, Márta | 1975 | Hungary | 89 |
1414 | 1405 | Days and Nights in the Forest | Ray, Satyajit | 1970 | India | 115 |
1415 | 1428 | Mr. Klein | Losey, Joseph | 1976 | France | 123 |
1416 | 1430 | Marianne & Juliane | von Trotta, Margarethe | 1981 | West Germany | 106 |
1417 | 1458 | Enfant, L' | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 2005 | Belgium | 95 |
1418 | 1494 | Room with a View, A | Ivory, James | 1985 | UK | 117 |
1419 | 1385 | Invasion | Santiago, Hugo | 1969 | Argentina | 123 |
1420 | 1432 | Soft Skin, The | Truffaut, François | 1964 | France | 120 |
1421 | 1617 | Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The | Sargent, Joseph | 1974 | USA | 104 |
1422 | 1441 | Babadook, The | Kent, Jennifer | 2014 | Australia | 93 |
1423 | 1452 | Up | Docter, Pete | 2009 | USA | 96 |
1424 | 1409 | Je t'aime, je t'aime | Resnais, Alain | 1968 | France | 91 |
1425 | 1417 | Yearning | Naruse, Mikio | 1964 | Japan | 98 |
1426 | 1519 | Kids | Clark, Larry | 1995 | USA | 96 |
1427 | 1391 | Nitrate Kisses | Hammer, Barbara | 1992 | USA | 67 |
1428 | 1449 | Almost Famous | Crowe, Cameron | 2000 | USA | 122 |
1429 | 1399 | Devil's Backbone, The | del Toro, Guillermo | 2001 | Spain | 107 |
1430 | 1402 | Black Panther | Coogler, Ryan | 2018 | USA | 134 |
1431 | 1411 | Thing from Another World, The | Nyby, Christian & Howard Hawks | 1951 | USA | 87 |
1432 | 1403 | Frenzy | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1972 | UK | 116 |
1433 | 1394 | Hapax Legomena I: (nostalgia) | Frampton, Hollis | 1971 | USA | 36 |
1434 | 1413 | Goddess, The | Wu Yonggang | 1934 | China | 85 |
1435 | 1467 | Departed, The | Scorsese, Martin | 2006 | USA | 152 |
1436 | 1567 | Bram Stoker's Dracula | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1992 | USA | 123 |
1437 | 1504 | Gentleman Jim | Walsh, Raoul | 1942 | USA | 104 |
1438 | 1395 | War Game, The | Watkins, Peter | 1966 | UK | 48 |
1439 | 1397 | General Line, The | Eisenstein, Sergei & Grigori Aleksandrov | 1929 | USSR | 80 |
1440 | 1401 | Ronde, La | Ophüls, Max | 1950 | France | 97 |
1441 | 1424 | Stolen Kisses | Truffaut, François | 1968 | France | 90 |
1442 | 1663 | Grease | Kleiser, Randal | 1978 | USA | 110 |
1443 | 1412 | Dances with Wolves | Costner, Kevin | 1990 | USA | 181 |
1444 | 1475 | Incredibles, The | Bird, Brad | 2004 | USA | 121 |
1445 | 1515 | Three Times | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 2005 | France | 135 |
1446 | 1462 | Evil Dead, The | Raimi, Sam | 1981 | USA | 85 |
1447 | 1435 | Leave Her to Heaven | Stahl, John M. | 1945 | USA | 110 |
1448 | 1460 | Pulse | Kurosawa, Kiyoshi | 2001 | Japan | 119 |
1449 | 1406 | Funny Face | Donen, Stanley | 1957 | USA | 103 |
1450 | 1431 | Boy | Oshima, Nagisa | 1969 | Japan | 105 |
1451 | 1421 | Happy Hour | Hamaguchi, Ryusuke | 2015 | Japan | 317 |
1452 | 1407 | Bad Sleep Well, The | Kurosawa, Akira | 1960 | Japan | 151 |
1453 | 1408 | Mother | Bong Joon-ho | 2009 | South Korea | 129 |
1454 | 1422 | Scarlet Street | Lang, Fritz | 1945 | USA | 103 |
1455 | 1410 | July Rain | Khutsiev, Marlen | 1967 | USSR | 107 |
1456 | 1445 | Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters | Schrader, Paul | 1985 | USA | 120 |
1457 | 1453 | Weekend | Haigh, Andrew | 2011 | UK | 97 |
1458 | 1414 | Dimensions of Dialogue | Švankmajer, Jan | 1983 | Czechoslovakia | 12 |
1459 | 1416 | Pont du Nord, Le | Rivette, Jacques | 1981 | France | 129 |
1460 | 1463 | Jungle Book, The | Reitherman, Wolfgang | 1967 | USA | 78 |
1461 | 1522 | We Won't Grow Old Together | Pialat, Maurice | 1972 | France | 110 |
1462 | 1440 | Class Relations | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1984 | West Germany | 126 |
1463 | 1419 | Within Our Gates | Micheaux, Oscar | 1920 | USA | 79 |
1464 | 1561 | Man on Wire | Marsh, James | 2008 | UK | 94 |
1465 | 1542 | Nibelungen: Siegfried, Die | Lang, Fritz | 1924 | Germany | 140 |
1466 | 1442 | Bless Their Little Hearts | Woodberry, Billy | 1983 | USA | 80 |
1467 | 1518 | Big Red One, The | Fuller, Samuel | 1980 | USA | 113 |
1468 | 1425 | Milestones | Kramer, Robert & John Douglas | 1975 | USA | 195 |
1469 | 1434 | Brief Encounters | Muratova, Kira | 1967 | USSR | 96 |
1470 | 1426 | Arnulf Rainer | Kubelka, Peter | 1960 | Austria | 7 |
1471 | 1650 | Baby Doll | Kazan, Elia | 1956 | USA | 114 |
1472 | 1427 | Letter to Three Wives, A | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1949 | USA | 103 |
1473 | 1491 | Fantastic Mr. Fox | Anderson, Wes | 2009 | USA | 87 |
1474 | 1555 | For a Few Dollars More | Leone, Sergio | 1965 | Italy | 132 |
1475 | 1459 | Informer, The | Ford, John | 1935 | USA | 91 |
1476 | 1512 | Battle of Chile: Part 1, The | Guzmán, Patricio | 1975 | Venezuela | 97 |
1477 | 1433 | Conversation Piece | Visconti, Luchino | 1974 | Italy | 122 |
1478 | 1447 | Get Carter | Hodges, Mike | 1971 | UK | 112 |
1479 | 1436 | Boys from Fengkuei, The | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1983 | Taiwan | 101 |
1480 | 1538 | Scream | Craven, Wes | 1996 | USA | 104 |
1481 | 1472 | Inside Out | Docter, Pete | 2015 | USA | 94 |
1482 | 1437 | Baraka | Fricke, Ron | 1992 | USA | 96 |
1483 | 1438 | Scenes from Under Childhood | Brakhage, Stan | 1967-70 | USA | 135 |
1484 | 1470 | Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song | Van Peebles, Melvin | 1971 | USA | 97 |
1485 | 1439 | Insect Woman, The | Imamura, Shohei | 1963 | Japan | 123 |
1486 | 1466 | Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, The | Dominik, Andrew | 2007 | USA | 160 |
1487 | 1461 | Being John Malkovich | Jonze, Spike | 1999 | USA | 112 |
1488 | 1501 | Seconds | Frankenheimer, John | 1966 | USA | 106 |
1489 | 1488 | Beaches of Agnès, The | Varda, Agnès | 2008 | France | 110 |
1490 | 1444 | Ju Dou | Zhang Yimou | 1990 | China | 95 |
1491 | 1455 | Changeling, The | Medak, Peter | 1980 | Canada | 107 |
1492 | 1456 | Waiting for Happiness | Sissako, Abderrahmane | 2002 | France | 90 |
1493 | 1448 | Fallen Idol, The | Reed, Carol | 1948 | UK | 94 |
1494 | 1450 | Luna | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1979 | Italy | 142 |
1495 | 1451 | In the City of Sylvia | Guerín, José Luis | 2007 | Spain | 84 |
1496 | 1478 | Titane | Ducournau, Julia | 2021 | France | 108 |
1497 | 1454 | King in New York, A | Chaplin, Charles | 1957 | UK | 105 |
1498 | 1484 | Ganja & Hess | Gunn, Bill | 1973 | USA | 110 |
1499 | 1474 | Mad Max | Miller, George | 1979 | Australia | 88 |
1500 | 1487 | Eve's Bayou | Lemmons, Kasi | 1997 | USA | 108 |
1501 | 1457 | Reason, Debate and a Story | Ghatak, Ritwik | 1974 | India | 113 |
1502 | 1590 | Irma Vep | Assayas, Olivier | 1996 | France | 98 |
1503 | 1511 | Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse | Persichetti, Bob/Peter Ramsey/Rodney Rothman | 2018 | USA | 117 |
1504 | 1486 | Lucía | Solás, Humberto | 1968 | Cuba | 160 |
1505 | 1526 | What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? | Aldrich, Robert | 1962 | USA | 132 |
1506 | 1464 | Vampires of Poverty, The | Mayolo, Carlos & Luis Ospina | 1978 | Colombia | 28 |
1507 | 1465 | Manila: In the Claws of Neon | Brocka, Lino | 1975 | Philippines | 125 |
1508 | 1480 | Querelle | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1982 | West Germany | 108 |
1509 | 1481 | Toy Story 2 | Lasseter, John | 1999 | USA | 94 |
1510 | 1477 | Land and Freedom | Loach, Ken | 1995 | UK | 109 |
1511 | 1469 | Lilith | Rossen, Robert | 1964 | USA | 114 |
1512 | 1493 | Goodbye South, Goodbye | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1996 | Taiwan | 124 |
1513 | 1473 | Three Crowns of the Sailor | Ruiz, Raúl | 1983 | France | 117 |
1514 | 1490 | Paddington 2 | King, Paul | 2017 | UK | 103 |
1515 | 1575 | Anna | Grifi, Alberto & Massimo Sarchielli | 1975 | Italy | 225 |
1516 | 1499 | It's Always Fair Weather | Donen, Stanley & Gene Kelly | 1955 | USA | 102 |
1517 | 1516 | Alice | Švankmajer, Jan | 1988 | Czechoslovakia | 86 |
1518 | 1476 | I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1932 | USA | 93 |
1519 | 1502 | À propos de Nice | Vigo, Jean & Boris Kaufman | 1930 | France | 25 |
1520 | 1574 | Perfect World, A | Eastwood, Clint | 1993 | USA | 137 |
1521 | 1479 | Vivir en Sevilla | García Pelayo, Gonzalo | 1978 | Spain | 109 |
1522 | 1482 | Timbuktu | Sissako, Abderrahmane | 2014 | Mauritania | 97 |
1523 | 1483 | Francisca | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1981 | Portugal | 166 |
1524 | 1603 | Big Parade, The | Vidor, King | 1925 | USA | 141 |
1525 | 1672 | Shampoo | Ashby, Hal | 1975 | USA | 109 |
1526 | 1547 | Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan | Charles, Larry | 2006 | USA | 84 |
1527 | 1485 | This Sporting Life | Anderson, Lindsay | 1963 | UK | 134 |
1528 | 1505 | Man Without a Past, The | Kaurismäki, Aki | 2002 | Finland | 97 |
1529 | 1521 | We Need to Talk About Kevin | Ramsay, Lynne | 2011 | UK | 112 |
1530 | 1489 | Salam Cinema | Makhmalbaf, Mohsen | 1995 | Iran | 75 |
1531 | 1525 | Better Tomorrow, A | Woo, John | 1986 | Hong Kong | 95 |
1532 | 1500 | Infernal Affairs | Lau, Andrew & Alan Mak | 2002 | Hong Kong | 100 |
1533 | 1611 | Rider, The | Zhao, Chloé | 2017 | USA | 104 |
1534 | 1507 | Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion | Anno, Hideaki & Kazuya Tsurumaki | 1997 | Japan | 87 |
1535 | 1496 | Stray Dogs | Tsai Ming-liang | 2013 | Taiwan | 138 |
1536 | 1497 | Story of a Cheat, The | Guitry, Sacha | 1936 | France | 85 |
1537 | 1498 | Music Box, The | Parrott, James | 1932 | USA | 29 |
1538 | 1627 | Untouchables, The | De Palma, Brian | 1987 | USA | 119 |
1539 | 1529 | Black Sunday | Bava, Mario | 1960 | Italy | 83 |
1540 | 1539 | Charley Varrick | Siegel, Don | 1973 | USA | 111 |
1541 | 1534 | Pursued | Walsh, Raoul | 1947 | USA | 101 |
1542 | 1641 | Drive | Refn, Nicolas Winding | 2011 | USA | 100 |
1543 | 1506 | Shop on Main Street, The | Kadár, Ján & Elmar Klos | 1965 | Czechoslovakia | 128 |
1544 | 1535 | Ratatouille | Bird, Brad | 2007 | USA | 111 |
1545 | 1508 | Mephisto | Szabó, István | 1981 | Hungary | 135 |
1546 | 1509 | Random Harvest | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1942 | USA | 126 |
1547 | 1510 | Dodsworth | Wyler, William | 1936 | USA | 101 |
1548 | 1564 | War and Peace | Vidor, King | 1956 | USA | 208 |
1549 | 1580 | American Psycho | Harron, Mary | 2000 | USA | 101 |
1550 | 1642 | Perfect Blue | Kon, Satoshi | 1997 | Japan | 81 |
1551 | 1523 | Romeo + Juliet | Luhrmann, Baz | 1996 | USA | 120 |
1552 | 1612 | Sixth Sense, The | Shyamalan, M. Night | 1999 | USA | 106 |
1553 | 1514 | Hamlet | Kozintsev, Grigori | 1964 | USSR | 140 |
1554 | 1517 | Stardust Memories | Allen, Woody | 1980 | USA | 91 |
1555 | 1559 | Gone to Earth | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1950 | UK | 82 |
1556 | 1587 | Battle of Chile: Part 3, The | Guzmán, Patricio | 1979 | Chile | 80 |
1557 | 1548 | Color Purple, The | Spielberg, Steven | 1985 | USA | 152 |
1558 | 1551 | Que Viva Mexico! | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1932 | USSR | 90 |
1559 | 1520 | Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance | Obomsawin, Alanis | 1993 | Canada | 119 |
1560 | 1570 | sex, lies, and videotape | Soderbergh, Steven | 1989 | USA | 100 |
1561 | 1622 | Actress, The | Kwan, Stanley | 1991 | Hong Kong | 154 |
1562 | 1596 | Murmur of the Heart | Malle, Louis | 1971 | France | 118 |
1563 | 1524 | Force of Evil | Polonsky, Abraham | 1948 | USA | 78 |
1564 | 1549 | Insider, The | Mann, Michael | 1999 | USA | 155 |
1565 | 1527 | Roue, La | Gance, Abel | 1923 | France | 273 |
1566 | 1528 | Modern Romance | Brooks, Albert | 1981 | USA | 93 |
1567 | 1582 | Childhood of Maxim Gorky, The | Donskoi, Mark | 1938 | USSR | 98 |
1568 | 1530 | Equinox Flower | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1958 | Japan | 118 |
1569 | 1531 | Empire of the Sun | Spielberg, Steven | 1987 | USA | 152 |
1570 | 1532 | Man's Castle | Borzage, Frank | 1933 | USA | 66 |
1571 | 1569 | Lion King, The | Minkoff, Rob & Roger Allers | 1994 | USA | 88 |
1572 | 1533 | Rio Grande | Ford, John | 1950 | USA | 105 |
1573 | 1658 | Beyond a Reasonable Doubt | Lang, Fritz | 1956 | USA | 80 |
1574 | 1536 | Death of Maria Malibran, The | Schroeter, Werner | 1972 | West Germany | 104 |
1575 | 1747 | Trust | Hartley, Hal | 1990 | UK | 107 |
1576 | 1537 | Oxhide 2 | Liu Jiayin | 2009 | China | 132 |
1577 | 1540 | Braveheart | Gibson, Mel | 1995 | USA | 177 |
1578 | 1607 | Day He Arrives, The | Hong Sang-soo | 2011 | South Korea | 79 |
1579 | 1541 | Accident | Losey, Joseph | 1967 | UK | 105 |
1580 | 1563 | Man in the White Suit, The | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1951 | UK | 84 |
1581 | 1543 | Right Now, Wrong Then | Hong Sang-soo | 2015 | South Korea | 121 |
1582 | 1544 | King Lear | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1987 | Switzerland | 90 |
1583 | 1572 | Manhunter | Mann, Michael | 1986 | USA | 119 |
1584 | 1585 | Flowing | Naruse, Mikio | 1956 | Japan | 117 |
1585 | 1546 | Mortal Storm, The | Borzage, Frank | 1940 | USA | 100 |
1586 | 1558 | In the Cut | Campion, Jane | 2003 | UK | 119 |
1587 | 1550 | Wayward Cloud, The | Tsai Ming-liang | 2005 | France | 112 |
1588 | 1674 | 12 Monkeys | Gilliam, Terry | 1995 | USA | 131 |
1589 | 1552 | Crimson Gold | Panahi, Jafar | 2003 | Iran | 96 |
1590 | 1560 | Girl Chewing Gum, The | Smith, John | 1976 | UK | 12 |
1591 | 1553 | Schwechater | Kubelka, Peter | 1958 | Austria | 1 |
1592 | 1728 | Safety Last! | Newmeyer, Fred C. & Sam Taylor | 1923 | USA | 78 |
1593 | 1554 | Promised Land, The | Wajda, Andrzej | 1975 | Poland | 179 |
1594 | 1614 | Trial of Joan of Arc | Bresson, Robert | 1962 | France | 65 |
1595 | 1556 | Colour Box, A | Lye, Len | 1935 | UK | 3 |
1596 | 1557 | Long Day's Journey Into Night | Bi Gan | 2018 | China | 138 |
1597 | 1566 | Film socialisme | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2010 | Switzerland | 102 |
1598 | 1562 | Reassemblage | Trinh T. Minh-ha | 1982 | USA | 40 |
1599 | 1593 | Repo Man | Cox, Alex | 1984 | USA | 92 |
1600 | 1630 | Queen Kelly | von Stroheim, Erich | 1929 | USA | 96 |
1601 | 1579 | Body Double | De Palma, Brian | 1984 | USA | 109 |
1602 | 1571 | Black Cat, The | Ulmer, Edgar G. | 1934 | USA | 65 |
1603 | 1660 | Women, The | Cukor, George | 1939 | USA | 132 |
1604 | 1565 | Bellissima | Visconti, Luchino | 1951 | Italy | 112 |
1605 | 1608 | Hellraiser | Barker, Clive | 1987 | UK | 94 |
1606 | 1613 | U.S. Go Home [TV] | Denis, Claire | 1994 | France | 68 |
1607 | 1568 | Natural Born Killers | Stone, Oliver | 1994 | USA | 119 |
1608 | 1760 | Ulzana's Raid | Aldrich, Robert | 1972 | USA | 103 |
1609 | 1592 | Faces Places | Varda, Agnès & JR | 2017 | France | 89 |
1610 | 1789 | Ride Lonesome | Boetticher, Budd | 1959 | USA | 73 |
1611 | 1604 | Leviathan | Zvyagintsev, Andrey | 2014 | Russia | 140 |
1612 | 1628 | Femme douce, Une | Bresson, Robert | 1969 | France | 88 |
1613 | 1581 | Cold War | Pawlikowski, Pawel | 2018 | Poland | 88 |
1614 | 1605 | Beyond, The | Fulci, Lucio | 1981 | Italy | 82 |
1615 | 1573 | Shoes | Weber, Lois | 1916 | USA | 60 |
1616 | 1634 | Slumdog Millionaire | Boyle, Danny | 2008 | UK | 120 |
1617 | 1757 | 21 Grams | González Iñárritu, Alejandro | 2003 | Germany | 125 |
1618 | 1746 | Bandits of Orgosolo | De Seta, Vittorio | 1961 | Italy | 98 |
1619 | 1654 | Diving Bell and the Butterfly, The | Schnabel, Julian | 2007 | France | 112 |
1620 | 1696 | Seventh Continent, The | Haneke, Michael | 1989 | Austria | 104 |
1621 | 1576 | Tomboy | Sciamma, Céline | 2011 | France | 82 |
1622 | 1578 | Bidone, Il | Fellini, Federico | 1955 | Italy | 113 |
1623 | 1595 | One Sings, the Other Doesn't | Varda, Agnès | 1977 | France | 120 |
1624 | 1597 | Ganga Bruta | Mauro, Humberto | 1933 | Brazil | 82 |
1625 | 1662 | Miracle Worker, The | Penn, Arthur | 1962 | USA | 107 |
1626 | 1639 | Death Proof | Tarantino, Quentin | 2007 | USA | 104 |
1627 | 1583 | Clock, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1945 | USA | 90 |
1628 | 1610 | Pyramide humaine, La | Rouch, Jean | 1961 | France | 90 |
1629 | 1584 | Yaaba | Ouedraogo, Idrissa | 1989 | Burkina Faso | 90 |
1630 | 1586 | Eniaios | Markopoulos, Gregory J. | 1990 | USA | 4800 |
1631 | 1753 | Gone Girl | Fincher, David | 2014 | USA | 149 |
1632 | 1697 | Night on Earth | Jarmusch, Jim | 1991 | USA | 125 |
1633 | 1625 | Europa | von Trier, Lars | 1991 | Denmark | 112 |
1634 | 1588 | Twin Peaks [TV] | Lynch, David/Lesli Link Glatter/Caleb Deschanel/Duwayne Dunham/Tim Hunter/Todd Holland/Tina Rathbone | 1990-91 | USA | 1363 |
1635 | 1600 | Grande bouffe, La | Ferreri, Marco | 1973 | France | 130 |
1636 | 1664 | In the Heat of the Night | Jewison, Norman | 1967 | USA | 110 |
1637 | 1594 | Unbearable Lightness of Being, The | Kaufman, Philip | 1988 | USA | 171 |
1638 | 1598 | Out of Africa | Pollack, Sydney | 1985 | USA | 161 |
1639 | 1640 | While the City Sleeps | Lang, Fritz | 1956 | USA | 100 |
1640 | 1646 | River Called Titas, A | Ghatak, Ritwik | 1973 | India | 159 |
1641 | 1599 | Tom Jones | Richardson, Tony | 1963 | UK | 129 |
1642 | 1647 | Four Friends | Penn, Arthur | 1981 | USA | 114 |
1643 | 1806 | Gerry | Van Sant, Gus | 2002 | USA | 102 |
1644 | 1609 | Hour of the Star | Amaral, Suzana | 1985 | Brazil | 95 |
1645 | 1601 | Eureka | Roeg, Nicolas | 1983 | USA | 130 |
1646 | 1602 | Saraband | Bergman, Ingmar | 2003 | Sweden | 107 |
1647 | 1689 | Woman in the Window, The | Lang, Fritz | 1944 | USA | 107 |
1648 | 1725 | Little Girl Who Sold the Sun, The | Diop Mambéty, Djibril | 1999 | Senegal | 45 |
1649 | 1790 | Rain Man | Levinson, Barry | 1988 | USA | 140 |
1650 | 1656 | Even Dwarfs Started Small | Herzog, Werner | 1970 | West Germany | 96 |
1651 | 2085 | Promesse, La | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 1996 | Belgium | 90 |
1652 | 1606 | Dawson City: Frozen Time | Morrison, Bill | 2016 | USA | 120 |
1653 | 1638 | Triplets of Belleville, The | Chomet, Sylvain | 2003 | France | 80 |
1654 | 1731 | Getting to Know the Big, Wide World | Muratova, Kira | 1978 | USSR | 75 |
1655 | 1729 | Chess of the Wind | Aslani, Mohammad Reza | 1976 | Iran | 99 |
1656 | 1765 | My Winnipeg | Maddin, Guy | 2007 | Canada | 80 |
1657 | 1773 | Black Swan | Aronofsky, Darren | 2010 | USA | 108 |
1658 | 1673 | Through a Glass Darkly | Bergman, Ingmar | 1961 | Sweden | 91 |
1659 | 1736 | Face in the Crowd, A | Kazan, Elia | 1957 | USA | 125 |
1660 | 1715 | Fallen Angels | Wong Kar-wai | 1995 | Hong Kong | 90 |
1661 | 1615 | Hail the Conquering Hero | Sturges, Preston | 1944 | USA | 101 |
1662 | 1635 | Under the Roofs of Paris | Clair, René | 1930 | France | 92 |
1663 | 1629 | Blow Job | Warhol, Andy | 1963 | USA | 35 |
1664 | 1618 | Swimmer, The | Perry, Frank | 1968 | USA | 95 |
1665 | 1619 | Story of Qiu Ju, The | Zhang Yimou | 1992 | China | 100 |
1666 | 1643 | Ghost Story, A | Lowery, David | 2017 | USA | 92 |
1667 | 1620 | Sir Arne's Treasure | Stiller, Mauritz | 1919 | Sweden | 106 |
1668 | 1621 | Szerelem | Makk, Károly | 1971 | Hungary | 88 |
1669 | 1623 | When We Were Kings | Gast, Leon | 1996 | USA | 88 |
1670 | 1624 | Rebels of the Neon God | Tsai Ming-liang | 1992 | Taiwan | 106 |
1671 | 1738 | Samson and Delilah | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1949 | USA | 128 |
1672 | 1772 | Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade | Spielberg, Steven | 1989 | USA | 127 |
1673 | 1636 | Mysterious Object at Noon | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2000 | Thailand | 89 |
1674 | 1812 | Naked Spur, The | Mann, Anthony | 1953 | USA | 91 |
1675 | 1637 | Night and the City | Dassin, Jules | 1950 | USA | 101 |
1676 | 1626 | Streetwise | Bell, Martin | 1984 | USA | 91 |
1677 | 1700 | Ballad of Cable Hogue, The | Peckinpah, Sam | 1970 | USA | 121 |
1678 | 1712 | Hallelujah! | Vidor, King | 1929 | USA | 106 |
1679 | 1631 | Out of Sight | Soderbergh, Steven | 1998 | USA | 122 |
1680 | 1632 | Art of Vision, The | Brakhage, Stan | 1965 | USA | 250 |
1681 | 1633 | Gandhi | Attenborough, Richard | 1982 | UK | 188 |
1682 | 1740 | Man from Laramie, The | Mann, Anthony | 1955 | USA | 104 |
1683 | 1768 | Burden of Dreams | Blank, Les | 1982 | USA | 94 |
1684 | 1683 | Fog, The | Carpenter, John | 1980 | USA | 91 |
1685 | 1684 | Horse Money | Costa, Pedro | 2014 | Portugal | 103 |
1686 | 1652 | Moses and Aaron | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1975 | West Germany | 110 |
1687 | 1653 | Moolaadé | Sembene, Ousmane | 2004 | Senegal | 120 |
1688 | 1835 | Mission, The | Joffé, Roland | 1986 | UK | 125 |
1689 | 1675 | Pointe Courte, La | Varda, Agnès | 1955 | France | 80 |
1690 | 1682 | Cérémonie, La | Chabrol, Claude | 1995 | France | 111 |
1691 | 1644 | Colorado Territory | Walsh, Raoul | 1949 | USA | 94 |
1692 | 1645 | In Girum imus nocte et consumimur igni | Debord, Guy | 1978 | France | 100 |
1693 | 1783 | Serras da desordem | Tonacci, Andrea | 2006 | Brazil | 135 |
1694 | 1659 | Heiress, The | Wyler, William | 1949 | USA | 115 |
1695 | 1648 | Orchestra Rehearsal | Fellini, Federico | 1979 | Italy | 72 |
1696 | 1665 | Ghost World | Zwigoff, Terry | 2001 | USA | 111 |
1697 | 1649 | Joli mai, Le | Marker, Chris | 1963 | France | 165 |
1698 | 1698 | Sylvia Scarlett | Cukor, George | 1935 | USA | 95 |
1699 | 1651 | Mr. Arkadin | Welles, Orson | 1955 | France | 99 |
1700 | 1724 | Ghost in the Shell | Oshii, Mamoru | 1995 | Japan | 83 |
1701 | 1732 | Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1977 | USSR | 103 |
1702 | 1655 | Belovy | Kossakovsky, Victor | 1992 | Russia | 60 |
1703 | 1713 | Signora di Tutti, La | Ophüls, Max | 1934 | Italy | 97 |
1704 | 1676 | Police Story | Chan, Jackie | 1985 | Hong Kong | 100 |
1705 | 1657 | Mother | Pudovkin, Vsevolod | 1926 | USSR | 87 |
1706 | 1871 | God's Comedy | Monteiro, João César | 1995 | Portugal | 170 |
1707 | 1661 | Missing | Costa-Gavras, Constantin | 1982 | USA | 122 |
1708 | 1671 | Lost, Lost, Lost | Mekas, Jonas | 1976 | USA | 178 |
1709 | 1708 | Ménilmontant | Kirsanoff, Dimitri | 1926 | France | 37 |
1710 | 1707 | Carabiniers, Les | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1963 | France | 75 |
1711 | 1680 | Minamata: The Victims and Their World | Tsuchimoto, Noriaki | 1971 | Japan | 105 |
1712 | 1754 | Divorce Italian Style | Germi, Pietro | 1961 | Italy | 104 |
1713 | 1910 | Pasazerka | Munk, Andrzej | 1963 | Poland | 62 |
1714 | 1737 | Fuzis, Os | Guerra, Ruy | 1964 | Brazil | 80 |
1715 | 1666 | Diary of a Lost Girl | Pabst, G.W. | 1929 | Germany | 104 |
1716 | 1667 | Notes Towards an African Orestes | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1970 | Italy | 73 |
1717 | 1668 | Women in Love | Russell, Ken | 1969 | UK | 129 |
1718 | 1669 | Hearts and Minds | Davis, Peter | 1974 | USA | 112 |
1719 | 1758 | Night of the Shooting Stars, The | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 1982 | Italy | 106 |
1720 | 1670 | What's Up, Doc? | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1972 | USA | 94 |
1721 | 1734 | Wonders, The | Rohrwacher, Alice | 2014 | Italy | 110 |
1722 | 1804 | Howl's Moving Castle | Miyazaki, Hayao | 2004 | Japan | 119 |
1723 | 1681 | Warriors, The | Hill, Walter | 1979 | USA | 90 |
1724 | 1720 | Outlaw and His Wife, The | Sjöström, Victor | 1918 | Sweden | 111 |
1725 | 1829 | Bitter Victory | Ray, Nicholas | 1957 | France | 82 |
1726 | 1721 | Her | Jonze, Spike | 2013 | USA | 126 |
1727 | 1735 | Taira Clan Saga | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1955 | Japan | 108 |
1728 | 1702 | 36th Chamber of Shaolin, The | Liu Chia-Liang | 1978 | Hong Kong | 115 |
1729 | 1589 | Fat Girl | Breillat, Catherine | 2001 | France | 86 |
1730 | 1705 | Mystic River | Eastwood, Clint | 2003 | USA | 137 |
1731 | 1693 | Brood, The | Cronenberg, David | 1979 | Canada | 92 |
1732 | 1795 | Destiny | Lang, Fritz | 1921 | Germany | 105 |
1733 | 1701 | Small Change | Truffaut, François | 1976 | France | 104 |
1734 | 1677 | Free Radicals | Lye, Len | 1958 | UK | 5 |
1735 | 1678 | Opfergang | Harlan, Veit | 1944 | Germany | 98 |
1736 | 1679 | Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom | Spielberg, Steven | 1984 | USA | 118 |
1737 | 1750 | To Live and Die in L.A. | Friedkin, William | 1985 | USA | 116 |
1738 | 1685 | Night Moves | Penn, Arthur | 1975 | USA | 95 |
1739 | 1723 | Testament of Orpheus | Cocteau, Jean | 1960 | France | 83 |
1740 | 1686 | Beware of a Holy Whore | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1971 | West Germany | 103 |
1741 | 1704 | Text of Light, The | Brakhage, Stan | 1974 | USA | 71 |
1742 | 1880 | Angel Face | Preminger, Otto | 1953 | USA | 91 |
1743 | 1688 | Hamlet | Olivier, Laurence | 1948 | UK | 153 |
1744 | 1690 | Finis terrae | Epstein, Jean | 1929 | France | 80 |
1745 | 1777 | Re-Animator | Gordon, Stuart | 1985 | USA | 86 |
1746 | 1770 | Iron Giant, The | Bird, Brad | 1999 | USA | 86 |
1747 | 1691 | Donkey Skin | Demy, Jacques | 1970 | France | 91 |
1748 | 1692 | Tender Mercies | Beresford, Bruce | 1983 | USA | 89 |
1749 | 1730 | Of a Thousand Delights | Visconti, Luchino | 1965 | Italy | 100 |
1750 | 1694 | Fists in the Pocket | Bellocchio, Marco | 1965 | Italy | 105 |
1751 | 1695 | Calendar | Egoyan, Atom | 1993 | Canada | 75 |
1752 | 1699 | On the Silver Globe | Zulawski, Andrzej | 1988 | Poland | 166 |
1753 | 1703 | Femmes femmes | Vecchiali, Paul | 1974 | France | 115 |
1754 | 1800 | Speed Racer | Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski | 2008 | USA | 135 |
1755 | 1824 | 28 Days Later... | Boyle, Danny | 2002 | UK | 113 |
1756 | 1787 | Corbeau, Le | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1943 | France | 92 |
1757 | 1706 | Cesar and Rosalie | Sautet, Claude | 1972 | France | 107 |
1758 | 1727 | Bad News Bears, The | Ritchie, Michael | 1976 | USA | 102 |
1759 | 1741 | Star Spangled to Death | Jacobs, Ken | 2004 | USA | 402 |
1760 | 1775 | Trash | Morrissey, Paul | 1970 | USA | 110 |
1761 | 1742 | Duvidha | Kaul, Mani | 1973 | India | 82 |
1762 | 1709 | Last Adventure, The | Enrico, Robert | 1967 | France | 112 |
1763 | 1710 | Homework | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1989 | Iran | 86 |
1764 | 1711 | Artists and Models | Tashlin, Frank | 1955 | USA | 109 |
1765 | 1882 | Step Brothers | McKay, Adam | 2008 | USA | 98 |
1766 | 1801 | Extraordinary Stories | Llinás, Mariano | 2008 | Argentina | 245 |
1767 | 1918 | Handmaiden, The | Park Chan-wook | 2016 | South Korea | 144 |
1768 | 1869 | Omen, The | Donner, Richard | 1976 | USA | 111 |
1769 | 1794 | Hours, The | Daldry, Stephen | 2002 | USA | 114 |
1770 | 1781 | Choses de la vie, Les | Sautet, Claude | 1970 | France | 89 |
1771 | 1714 | Draughtsman's Contract, The | Greenaway, Peter | 1982 | UK | 103 |
1772 | 1716 | Mother Joan of the Angels | Kawalerowicz, Jerzy | 1961 | Poland | 110 |
1773 | 1717 | Moonstruck | Jewison, Norman | 1987 | USA | 102 |
1774 | 1718 | Love Affair | McCarey, Leo | 1939 | USA | 87 |
1775 | 1766 | Fantasma, O | Rodrigues, João Pedro | 2000 | Portugal | 90 |
1776 | 1719 | Emigrants, The | Troell, Jan | 1971 | Sweden | 191 |
1777 | 1752 | Finding Nemo | Stanton, Andrew & Lee Unkrich | 2003 | USA | 100 |
1778 | 2021 | In the Heat of the Sun | Jiang Wen | 1994 | China | 134 |
1779 | 1739 | Hugo | Scorsese, Martin | 2011 | USA | 126 |
1780 | 1755 | Black Rain [Japan] | Imamura, Shohei | 1989 | Japan | 123 |
1781 | 1722 | Méditerranée | Pollet, Jean-Daniel | 1963 | France | 45 |
1782 | 1799 | Predator | McTiernan, John | 1987 | USA | 107 |
1783 | 1726 | White Balloon, The | Panahi, Jafar | 1995 | Iran | 84 |
1784 | 1764 | War of the Worlds, The | Haskin, Byron | 1953 | USA | 85 |
1785 | 1792 | Nuts in May [TV] | Leigh, Mike | 1976 | UK | 84 |
1786 | 1920 | Day of the Dead | Romero, George A. | 1985 | USA | 102 |
1787 | 1733 | Tom, Tom the Piper's Son | Jacobs, Ken | 1969 | USA | 115 |
1788 | 1784 | Carnival in Flanders | Feyder, Jacques | 1935 | France | 114 |
1789 | 1743 | Riff-Raff | Loach, Ken | 1991 | UK | 95 |
1790 | 1744 | Misunderstood | Comencini, Luigi | 1966 | Italy | 104 |
1791 | 1805 | Haunting, The | Wise, Robert | 1963 | USA | 112 |
1792 | 1745 | Meantime [TV] | Leigh, Mike | 1983 | UK | 102 |
1793 | 1759 | Peking Opera Blues | Tsui Hark | 1986 | Hong Kong | 104 |
1794 | 1774 | Swing Time | Stevens, George | 1936 | USA | 103 |
1795 | 2023 | Winter Sleep | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 2014 | Turkey | 196 |
1796 | 1762 | Fast Times at Ridgemont High | Heckerling, Amy | 1982 | USA | 92 |
1797 | 1748 | 79 primaveras | Álvarez, Santiago | 1969 | Cuba | 25 |
1798 | 1859 | Pickpocket | Jia Zhangke | 1997 | China | 108 |
1799 | 1763 | Inferno | Argento, Dario | 1980 | Italy | 107 |
1800 | 1823 | Brown Bunny, The | Gallo, Vincent | 2003 | USA | 93 |
1801 | 1749 | Show People | Vidor, King | 1928 | USA | 83 |
1802 | 1885 | Death by Hanging | Oshima, Nagisa | 1968 | Japan | 117 |
1803 | 1751 | Student Prince in Old Heidelberg, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1927 | USA | 105 |
1804 | 1803 | Paprika | Kon, Satoshi | 2006 | Japan | 90 |
1805 | 1886 | Indian Summer | Zurlini, Valerio | 1972 | Italy | 132 |
1806 | 1832 | Election | Payne, Alexander | 1999 | USA | 103 |
1807 | 1776 | Old Dark House, The | Whale, James | 1932 | USA | 71 |
1808 | 1761 | Far Country, The | Mann, Anthony | 1954 | USA | 97 |
1809 | 2020 | Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence, A | Andersson, Roy | 2014 | Sweden | 101 |
1810 | 1809 | Beguiled, The | Siegel, Don | 1971 | USA | 109 |
1811 | 1830 | Slacker | Linklater, Richard | 1991 | USA | 97 |
1812 | 1989 | Padre padrone | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 1977 | Italy | 114 |
1813 | 1767 | Crossroads | Conner, Bruce | 1976 | USA | 36 |
1814 | 1843 | Basic Instinct | Verhoeven, Paul | 1992 | USA | 127 |
1815 | 1769 | Before the Revolution | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1964 | Italy | 115 |
1816 | 1771 | Valerie and Her Week of Wonders | Jireš, Jaromil | 1970 | Czechoslovakia | 77 |
1817 | 1793 | Actor's Revenge, An | Ichikawa, Kon | 1963 | Japan | 115 |
1818 | 1853 | Red Road | Arnold, Andrea | 2006 | UK | 114 |
1819 | 2221 | Incendies | Villeneuve, Denis | 2010 | Canada | 130 |
1820 | 2152 | Birth | Glazer, Jonathan | 2004 | Germany | 100 |
1821 | 1778 | Maborosi | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 1995 | Japan | 110 |
1822 | 1846 | One from the Heart | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1982 | USA | 107 |
1823 | 1779 | Goto, Island of Love | Borowczyk, Walerian | 1968 | France | 93 |
1824 | 1780 | Carnet de Bal, Un | Duvivier, Julien | 1937 | France | 144 |
1825 | 1933 | I Knew Her Well | Pietrangeli, Antonio | 1965 | Italy | 115 |
1826 | 1952 | Honeymoon Killers, The | Kastle, Leonard | 1970 | USA | 108 |
1827 | 1782 | Standard Gauge | Fisher, Morgan | 1984 | USA | 35 |
1828 | 1785 | Judex | Franju, Georges | 1963 | France | 98 |
1829 | 1814 | Escape from New York | Carpenter, John | 1981 | USA | 99 |
1830 | 1786 | Recollections of the Yellow House | Monteiro, João César | 1989 | Portugal | 122 |
1831 | 1847 | Sweet Movie | Makavejev, Dusan | 1974 | France | 98 |
1832 | 1874 | White Nights | Visconti, Luchino | 1957 | Italy | 94 |
1833 | 1788 | Last Wave, The | Weir, Peter | 1977 | Australia | 106 |
1834 | 1850 | Times of Harvey Milk, The | Epstein, Rob | 1984 | USA | 87 |
1835 | 1840 | Bullitt | Yates, Peter | 1968 | USA | 113 |
1836 | 1820 | Thin Man, The | Van Dyke, W.S. | 1934 | USA | 93 |
1837 | 1821 | Went the Day Well? | Cavalcanti, Alberto | 1942 | UK | 92 |
1838 | 1791 | Battle in Heaven | Reygadas, Carlos | 2005 | Mexico | 97 |
1839 | 1836 | Inherent Vice | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2014 | USA | 148 |
1840 | 1796 | Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania | Mekas, Jonas | 1972 | UK | 88 |
1841 | 1797 | Pink Narcissus | Bidgood, James | 1971 | USA | 71 |
1842 | 1810 | Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner, The | Herzog, Werner | 1974 | West Germany | 45 |
1843 | 1798 | There Was a Father | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1942 | Japan | 94 |
1844 | 1845 | Bitter Moon | Polanski, Roman | 1992 | France | 139 |
1845 | 1892 | Braindead | Jackson, Peter | 1992 | New Zealand | 97 |
1846 | 1802 | Othon | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1970 | West Germany | 88 |
1847 | 1904 | Invasion of the Body Snatchers | Kaufman, Philip | 1978 | USA | 115 |
1848 | 1856 | Quai des Orfèvres | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1947 | France | 102 |
1849 | 1808 | Waking Life | Linklater, Richard | 2001 | USA | 100 |
1850 | 1851 | Tetsuo: The Iron Man | Tsukamoto, Shin'ya | 1989 | Japan | 67 |
1851 | 2114 | Everything Everywhere All at Once | Kwan, Dan & Daniel Scheinert | 2022 | USA | 139 |
1852 | 1849 | Winchester '73 | Mann, Anthony | 1950 | USA | 92 |
1853 | 1807 | Anticipation of the Night | Brakhage, Stan | 1958 | USA | 42 |
1854 | 2094 | True Romance | Scott, Tony | 1993 | USA | 116 |
1855 | 1934 | Battle Royale | Fukasaku, Kinji | 2000 | Japan | 113 |
1856 | 1826 | Hitch-Hiker, The | Lupino, Ida | 1953 | USA | 71 |
1857 | 1866 | Fantastic Planet | Laloux, René | 1973 | France | 72 |
1858 | 1837 | Burmese Harp, The | Ichikawa, Kon | 1956 | Japan | 116 |
1859 | 1873 | Now! | Álvarez, Santiago | 1965 | Cuba | 5 |
1860 | 1811 | Home from the Hill | Minnelli, Vincente | 1960 | USA | 150 |
1861 | 1813 | Simone Barbes or Virtue | Treilhou, Marie-Claude | 1980 | France | 77 |
1862 | 1815 | Pour la suite du monde | Perrault, Pierre & Michel Brault | 1963 | Canada | 105 |
1863 | 1816 | Third Generation, The | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1979 | West Germany | 110 |
1864 | 1817 | Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets | Terayama, Shuji | 1971 | Japan | 137 |
1865 | 1818 | Quatorze Juillet | Clair, René | 1933 | France | 92 |
1866 | 1899 | Fish Called Wanda, A | Crichton, Charles | 1988 | UK | 108 |
1867 | 1945 | Forty Guns | Fuller, Samuel | 1957 | USA | 80 |
1868 | 1819 | Adieu Philippine | Rozier, Jacques | 1962 | France | 106 |
1869 | 1833 | They Shoot Horses, Don't They? | Pollack, Sydney | 1969 | USA | 129 |
1870 | 1834 | Field of Dreams | Robinson, Phil Alden | 1989 | USA | 106 |
1871 | 1822 | Near Death | Wiseman, Frederick | 1989 | USA | 358 |
1872 | 2308 | Murder by Contract | Lerner, Irving | 1958 | USA | 81 |
1873 | 1890 | Great Silence, The | Corbucci, Sergio | 1968 | France | 105 |
1874 | 1825 | Fires on the Plain | Ichikawa, Kon | 1959 | Japan | 108 |
1875 | 1870 | O Brother, Where Art Thou? | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2000 | USA | 107 |
1876 | 1839 | Beauty and the Beast | Wise, Kirk/Gary Trousdale | 1991 | USA | 84 |
1877 | 1827 | Why Has Bohdi-Dharma Left for the East? | Bae Yong-Kyun | 1989 | South Korea | 135 |
1878 | 1828 | Dependent, The | Favio, Leonardo | 1969 | Argentina | 87 |
1879 | 1928 | Batman Returns | Burton, Tim | 1992 | USA | 126 |
1880 | 1831 | Man Who Loved Women, The | Truffaut, François | 1977 | France | 120 |
1881 | 1756 | Coeur fidèle | Epstein, Jean | 1923 | France | 87 |
1882 | 1894 | Tale of the Princess Kaguya, The | Takahata, Isao | 2013 | Japan | 137 |
1883 | 1838 | Ici et ailleurs | Godard, Jean-Luc/Anne-Marie Miéville/Jean-Pierre Gorin | 1976 | France | 53 |
1884 | 1898 | Bound | Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski | 1996 | USA | 109 |
1885 | 1841 | Pirate, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1948 | USA | 102 |
1886 | 1842 | 13 Lakes | Benning, James | 2004 | USA | 135 |
1887 | 1844 | Flower of My Secret, The | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1995 | Spain | 100 |
1888 | 2144 | One-Sixth of the World | Vertov, Dziga | 1926 | USSR | 68 |
1889 | 1876 | Christmas Tale, A | Desplechin, Arnaud | 2008 | France | 153 |
1890 | 1848 | Soft Fiction | Strand, Chick | 1979 | USA | 55 |
1891 | 1852 | Betty Blue | Beineix, Jean-Jacques | 1986 | France | 120 |
1892 | 1865 | Christ Stopped at Eboli | Rosi, Francesco | 1979 | Italy | 250 |
1893 | 1965 | Canyon Passage | Tourneur, Jacques | 1946 | USA | 92 |
1894 | 1878 | Love is the Message, the Message is Death | Jafa, Arthur | 2016 | USA | 8 |
1895 | 1884 | Heavenly Creatures | Jackson, Peter | 1994 | New Zealand | 99 |
1896 | 1868 | Drugstore Cowboy | Van Sant, Gus | 1989 | USA | 100 |
1897 | 1854 | Personal Problems | Gunn, Bill | 1980 | USA | 165 |
1898 | 1855 | Dirty Story, A | Eustache, Jean | 1977 | France | 50 |
1899 | 1857 | Mississippi Mermaid | Truffaut, François | 1969 | France | 110 |
1900 | 1858 | Lady with the Dog, The | Kheifits, Iosif | 1959 | USSR | 90 |
1901 | 1860 | Man Who Laughs, The | Leni, Paul | 1928 | USA | 110 |
1902 | 1872 | Kill Bill Vol. 2 | Tarantino, Quentin | 2004 | USA | 136 |
1903 | 1861 | Turkish Delight | Verhoeven, Paul | 1973 | Netherlands | 108 |
1904 | 1862 | My Fair Lady | Cukor, George | 1964 | USA | 170 |
1905 | 1893 | Unbreakable | Shyamalan, M. Night | 2000 | USA | 106 |
1906 | 1917 | To Be and to Have | Philibert, Nicolas | 2002 | France | 104 |
1907 | 1863 | Romance del Aniceto y la Francisca, El | Favio, Leonardo | 1967 | Argentina | 63 |
1908 | 1950 | 1,000 Eyes of Dr. Mabuse, The | Lang, Fritz | 1960 | France | 104 |
1909 | 2176 | Invisible Adversaries | Export, Valie | 1977 | Austria | 112 |
1910 | 1864 | Night and Fog in Japan | Oshima, Nagisa | 1960 | Japan | 107 |
1911 | 1867 | New Babylon, The | Kozintsev, Grigori & Leonid Trauberg | 1929 | USSR | 93 |
1912 | 1877 | Happiness | Medvedkin, Aleksandr | 1934 | USSR | 69 |
1913 | 1939 | Cannibal Holocaust | Deodato, Ruggero | 1980 | Colombia | 98 |
1914 | 2026 | Wayne's World | Spheeris, Penelope | 1992 | USA | 95 |
1915 | 1968 | Passion of Anna, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1969 | Sweden | 101 |
1916 | 1957 | Radio Days | Allen, Woody | 1987 | USA | 85 |
1917 | 1887 | Crying Game, The | Jordan, Neil | 1992 | UK | 112 |
1918 | 1888 | Nobody Knows | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 2004 | Japan | 141 |
1919 | 1902 | David Holzman's Diary | McBride, Jim | 1967 | USA | 74 |
1920 | 1889 | Roaring Twenties, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1939 | USA | 104 |
1921 | 1937 | Comrades: Almost a Love Story | Chan, Peter | 1996 | Hong Kong | 118 |
1922 | 1956 | Vai-E-Vem | Monteiro, João César | 2003 | Portugal | 179 |
1923 | 1891 | In the Year of the Pig | de Antonio, Emile | 1968 | USA | 103 |
1924 | 1879 | Lucky Star | Borzage, Frank | 1929 | USA | 90 |
1925 | 1944 | Libertad, La | Alonso, Lisandro | 2001 | Argentina | 73 |
1926 | 1881 | California Split | Altman, Robert | 1974 | USA | 108 |
1927 | 1896 | Abyss, The | Cameron, James | 1989 | USA | 145 |
1928 | 1883 | Clowns, The [TV] | Fellini, Federico | 1970 | Italy | 92 |
1929 | 1954 | Five Obstructions, The | Leth, Jørgen & Lars von Trier | 2003 | Denmark | 88 |
1930 | 1958 | Ring | Nakata, Hideo | 1998 | Japan | 95 |
1931 | 2074 | Jacob's Ladder | Lyne, Adrian | 1990 | USA | 115 |
1932 | 1923 | Little Fugitive | Engel, Morris/Ray Ashley/Ruth Orkin | 1953 | USA | 80 |
1933 | 1901 | Salt of the Earth | Biberman, Herbert J. | 1954 | USA | 94 |
1934 | 1908 | Mouth Agape, The | Pialat, Maurice | 1974 | France | 82 |
1935 | 1925 | Fist of Fury | Lo Wei | 1972 | Hong Kong | 107 |
1936 | 2130 | Big Sky, The | Hawks, Howard | 1952 | USA | 122 |
1937 | 1895 | Man There Was, A | Sjöström, Victor | 1917 | Sweden | 55 |
1938 | 1897 | Countess from Hong Kong, A | Chaplin, Charles | 1967 | UK | 108 |
1939 | 1906 | Bowling for Columbine | Moore, Michael | 2002 | USA | 120 |
1940 | 1964 | Love Actually | Curtis, Richard | 2003 | UK | 135 |
1941 | 1916 | Big Wednesday | Milius, John | 1978 | USA | 120 |
1942 | 1915 | Poison | Haynes, Todd | 1991 | USA | 85 |
1943 | 1967 | Plein soleil | Clément, René | 1960 | France | 119 |
1944 | 1903 | Smiling Lieutenant, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1931 | USA | 93 |
1945 | 1924 | Hands Over the City | Rosi, Francesco | 1963 | Italy | 101 |
1946 | 1936 | King of Marvin Gardens, The | Rafelson, Bob | 1972 | USA | 104 |
1947 | 1941 | Public Enemy, The | Wellman, William | 1931 | USA | 84 |
1948 | 1907 | Petulia | Lester, Richard | 1968 | UK | 105 |
1949 | 1909 | ...All the Marbles | Aldrich, Robert | 1981 | USA | 113 |
1950 | 1932 | Show Me Love | Moodysson, Lukas | 1998 | Sweden | 89 |
1951 | 1998 | Angels with Dirty Faces | Curtiz, Michael | 1938 | USA | 97 |
1952 | 1993 | Peter Ibbetson | Hathaway, Henry | 1935 | USA | 88 |
1953 | 2499 | Good Will Hunting | Van Sant, Gus | 1997 | USA | 126 |
1954 | 1959 | Lonesome | Fejös, Pál | 1928 | USA | 69 |
1955 | 1940 | Moana | Flaherty, Robert J. & Frances H. Flaherty | 1926 | USA | 85 |
1956 | 1911 | Devil in the Flesh | Autant-Lara, Claude | 1947 | France | 110 |
1957 | 1912 | Innocente, L' | Visconti, Luchino | 1976 | Italy | 115 |
1958 | 1913 | Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting, The | Ruiz, Raúl | 1978 | France | 66 |
1959 | 1980 | From Here to Eternity | Zinnemann, Fred | 1953 | USA | 118 |
1960 | 1914 | Quadrophenia | Roddam, Franc | 1979 | UK | 115 |
1961 | 1919 | High School | Wiseman, Frederick | 1968 | USA | 75 |
1962 | 1921 | Dil Se.. | Ratnam, Mani | 1998 | India | 157 |
1963 | 2234 | Seven Men from Now | Boetticher, Budd | 1956 | USA | 78 |
1964 | 2083 | Diner | Levinson, Barry | 1982 | USA | 110 |
1965 | 1922 | Midnight Express | Parker, Alan | 1978 | UK | 121 |
1966 | 1942 | Best of Youth, The | Giordana, Marco Tullio | 2003 | Italy | 373 |
1967 | 1926 | Profound Desires of the Gods | Imamura, Shohei | 1968 | Japan | 173 |
1968 | 1943 | Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas | Gilliam, Terry | 1998 | USA | 118 |
1969 | 2166 | Advise and Consent | Preminger, Otto | 1962 | USA | 139 |
1970 | 1929 | Sound and Fury | Brisseau, Jean-Claude | 1988 | France | 95 |
1971 | 1931 | Broken Lullaby | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1932 | USA | 77 |
1972 | 1978 | Man and a Woman, A | Lelouch, Claude | 1966 | France | 102 |
1973 | 1962 | Hidden Fortress, The | Kurosawa, Akira | 1958 | Japan | 126 |
1974 | 2095 | Fistful of Dynamite, A | Leone, Sergio | 1971 | Italy | 138 |
1975 | 1935 | Kaos | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 1984 | Italy | 187 |
1976 | 2164 | One-Eyed Jacks | Brando, Marlon | 1961 | USA | 141 |
1977 | 2065 | Clerks | Smith, Kevin | 1994 | USA | 89 |
1978 | 1966 | Playing | Coutinho, Eduardo | 2007 | Brazil | 100 |
1979 | 1977 | Babette's Feast | Axel, Gabriel | 1987 | Denmark | 102 |
1980 | 1938 | Harder They Come, The | Henzell, Perry | 1972 | Jamaica | 98 |
1981 | 2289 | Forest of Bliss | Gardner, Robert | 1986 | USA | 90 |
1982 | 1976 | Kingdom, The [TV] | von Trier, Lars & Morten Arnfred | 1994 | Denmark | 264 |
1983 | 2071 | Coming Home | Ashby, Hal | 1978 | USA | 127 |
1984 | 1961 | Take the Money and Run | Allen, Woody | 1969 | USA | 85 |
1985 | 2180 | Drive My Car | Hamaguchi, Ryusuke | 2021 | Japan | 179 |
1986 | 1946 | Duelle | Rivette, Jacques | 1976 | France | 121 |
1987 | 2196 | Fury | Lang, Fritz | 1936 | USA | 94 |
1988 | 1948 | Man Who Planted Trees, The | Back, Frédéric | 1987 | Canada | 30 |
1989 | 2132 | Once Upon a Time There Was a Singing Blackbird | Iosseliani, Otar | 1970 | USSR | 85 |
1990 | 1949 | Long Absence, The | Colpi, Henri | 1961 | France | 85 |
1991 | 2093 | Marquise of O, The | Rohmer, Eric | 1976 | France | 102 |
1992 | 2146 | Little Big Man | Penn, Arthur | 1970 | USA | 150 |
1993 | 1951 | Unfaithfully Yours | Sturges, Preston | 1948 | USA | 105 |
1994 | 1953 | Sheltering Sky, The | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1990 | UK | 137 |
1995 | 2117 | Jour de Féte | Tati, Jacques | 1948 | France | 70 |
1996 | 2084 | Jeremiah Johnson | Pollack, Sydney | 1972 | USA | 107 |
1997 | 1955 | Falls, The | Greenaway, Peter | 1980 | UK | 195 |
1998 | 1960 | This Man Must Die | Chabrol, Claude | 1969 | France | 115 |
1999 | 2072 | Gattaca | Niccol, Andrew | 1997 | USA | 106 |
2000 | 1974 | Island of Lost Souls | Kenton, Erle C. | 1932 | USA | 70 |
2001 | 2001 | Lust, Caution | Lee, Ang | 2007 | USA | 158 |
2002 | 2002 | Ingeborg Holm | Sjöström, Victor | 1913 | Sweden | 72 |
2003 | 1687 | Battles Without Honour and Humanity | Fukasaku, Kinji | 1973 | Japan | 99 |
2004 | 2004 | Something Different | Chytilová, Věra | 1963 | Czechoslovakia | 85 |
2005 | 2003 | Mattei Affair, The | Rosi, Francesco | 1972 | Italy | 116 |
2006 | 2005 | Afrique 50 | Vautier, René | 1950 | France | 17 |
2007 | 2007 | Homeland (Iraq Year Zero) | Fahdel, Abbas | 2015 | Iraq | 334 |
2008 | 2008 | Howards End | Ivory, James | 1992 | UK | 142 |
2009 | 2012 | Office Space | Judge, Mike | 1999 | USA | 89 |
2010 | 2006 | Valentin de las Sierras | Baillie, Bruce | 1967 | USA | 10 |
2011 | 2011 | Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!, The | Zucker, David | 1988 | USA | 85 |
2012 | 2009 | They All Laughed | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1981 | USA | 115 |
2013 | 2010 | Gabbeh | Makhmalbaf, Mohsen | 1996 | Iran | 74 |
2014 | 2036 | Daisy Kenyon | Preminger, Otto | 1947 | USA | 99 |
2015 | 2013 | Angst | Kargl, Gerald | 1983 | Austria | 87 |
2016 | 2015 | Force Majeure | Östlund, Ruben | 2014 | Sweden | 120 |
2017 | 2017 | Awaara | Kapoor, Raj | 1951 | India | 193 |
2018 | 2016 | Us | Peele, Jordan | 2019 | USA | 116 |
2019 | 2014 | Eight Deadly Shots [TV] | Niskanen, Mikko | 1972 | Finland | 316 |
2020 | 2030 | Bridesmaids | Feig, Paul | 2011 | USA | 125 |
2021 | 2731 | Hunt, The | Vinterberg, Thomas | 2012 | Denmark | 115 |
2022 | 2018 | Begone Dull Care | McLaren, Norman | 1949 | Canada | 8 |
2023 | 2019 | Mandala | Im Kwon-taek | 1981 | South Korea | 105 |
2024 | 1875 | Sant Tukaram | Fattelal, Sheikh & Vishnupant Govind Damle | 1936 | India | 131 |
2025 | 2039 | Idiocracy | Judge, Mike | 2006 | USA | 84 |
2026 | 2022 | Belfast, Maine | Wiseman, Frederick | 1999 | USA | 245 |
2027 | 2025 | Parents' Hearts | Chun Kim | 1955 | Hong Kong | 111 |
2028 | 2041 | Millennium Actress | Kon, Satoshi | 2001 | Japan | 87 |
2029 | 2035 | Addiction, The | Ferrara, Abel | 1995 | USA | 82 |
2030 | 2076 | Antichrist | von Trier, Lars | 2009 | Denmark | 108 |
2031 | 2024 | Timeless Bottomless Bad Movie | Jang Sun-Woo | 1997 | South Korea | 144 |
2032 | 2059 | Isn't Life Wonderful | Griffith, D.W. | 1924 | USA | 120 |
2033 | 2037 | Poltergeist | Hooper, Tobe | 1982 | USA | 114 |
2034 | 2048 | House | Obayashi, Nobuhiko | 1977 | Japan | 88 |
2035 | 1900 | Twenty Days Without War | German, Aleksei | 1976 | USSR | 101 |
2036 | 2031 | Stunt Man, The | Rush, Richard | 1980 | USA | 129 |
2037 | 2165 | Shape of Water, The | del Toro, Guillermo | 2017 | USA | 123 |
2038 | 2027 | Om Shanti Om | Khan, Farah | 2007 | India | 169 |
2039 | 2028 | Plan 9 from Outer Space | Wood Jr., Edward D. | 1959 | USA | 79 |
2040 | 2032 | Gangs of Wasseypur | Kashyap, Anurag | 2012 | India | 320 |
2041 | 2033 | Dune | Lynch, David | 1984 | USA | 137 |
2042 | 2029 | Ornamental Hairpin | Shimizu, Hiroshi | 1941 | Japan | 70 |
2043 | 2042 | Working Girl | Nichols, Mike | 1988 | USA | 113 |
2044 | 1930 | Our Daily Bread | Kaul, Mani | 1970 | India | 110 |
2045 | 2047 | Lobster, The | Lanthimos, Yorgos | 2015 | Ireland | 118 |
2046 | 2034 | Little Stabs at Happiness | Jacobs, Ken | 1959-63 | USA | 15 |
2047 | 1947 | Waiting for Guffman | Guest, Christopher | 1997 | USA | 93 |
2048 | 2101 | Bull Durham | Shelton, Ron | 1988 | USA | 108 |
2049 | 2298 | Pale Flower | Shinoda, Masahiro | 1964 | Japan | 96 |
2050 | 2052 | Sexy Beast | Glazer, Jonathan | 2000 | UK | 88 |
2051 | 2212 | Big Country, The | Wyler, William | 1958 | USA | 166 |
2052 | 2044 | Strange Case of Angelica, The | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2010 | Portugal | 96 |
2053 | 2058 | Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy | McKay, Adam | 2004 | USA | 94 |
2054 | 2040 | Blood of the Condor | Sanjinés, Jorge | 1969 | Bolivia | 85 |
2055 | 2051 | Oh! Man | Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi | 2004 | Italy | 71 |
2056 | 2045 | Winter's Bone | Granik, Debra | 2010 | USA | 100 |
2057 | 2049 | Tingler, The | Castle, William | 1959 | USA | 82 |
2058 | 1963 | Joan of Arc of Mongolia | Ottinger, Ulrike | 1989 | West Germany | 165 |
2059 | 2043 | Witchfinder General, The | Reeves, Michael | 1968 | UK | 98 |
2060 | 2136 | Sunday Bloody Sunday | Schlesinger, John | 1971 | UK | 110 |
2061 | 1984 | They Died with Their Boots On | Walsh, Raoul | 1941 | USA | 138 |
2062 | 1985 | Eros + Massacre | Yoshida, Yoshishige | 1969 | Japan | 202 |
2063 | 2046 | Édouard et Caroline | Becker, Jacques | 1951 | France | 88 |
2064 | 1994 | Raining Stones | Loach, Ken | 1993 | UK | 90 |
2065 | 2054 | Clouds of Sils Maria | Assayas, Olivier | 2014 | France | 124 |
2066 | 1987 | Objective, Burma! | Walsh, Raoul | 1945 | USA | 142 |
2067 | 1969 | Martha [TV] | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1974 | West Germany | 112 |
2068 | 1970 | Taking Off | Forman, Milos | 1971 | USA | 93 |
2069 | 1983 | Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould | Girard, Francois | 1993 | Canada | 93 |
2070 | 2112 | São Bernardo | Hirszman, Leon | 1972 | Brazil | 113 |
2071 | 1971 | Vie de Jésus, La | Dumont, Bruno | 1997 | France | 96 |
2072 | 1990 | Ox-Bow Incident, The | Wellman, William | 1943 | USA | 75 |
2073 | 1992 | Entr'acte | Clair, René | 1924 | France | 22 |
2074 | 1972 | Matewan | Sayles, John | 1987 | USA | 130 |
2075 | 1973 | Damnation | Tarr, Béla | 1988 | Hungary | 116 |
2076 | 1991 | Looking for Langston | Julien, Isaac | 1988 | UK | 46 |
2077 | 1975 | Pajama Game, The | Abbott, George & Stanley Donen | 1957 | USA | 101 |
2078 | 2110 | Meetings of Anna, The | Akerman, Chantal | 1978 | France | 120 |
2079 | 2050 | Anges du péché, Les | Bresson, Robert | 1943 | France | 96 |
2080 | 2060 | Samson and Delilah | Thornton, Warwick | 2009 | Australia | 101 |
2081 | 2053 | Sundays and Cybele | Bourguignon, Serge | 1962 | France | 110 |
2082 | 2068 | Doulos, Le | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1963 | France | 108 |
2083 | 1979 | Dangerous Liaisons | Frears, Stephen | 1988 | USA | 120 |
2084 | 1981 | Marriage Circle, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1924 | USA | 85 |
2085 | 1982 | Serpico | Lumet, Sidney | 1973 | USA | 129 |
2086 | 1999 | Seashell and the Clergyman, The | Dulac, Germaine | 1928 | France | 31 |
2087 | 2063 | Rouge | Kwan, Stanley | 1987 | Hong Kong | 96 |
2088 | 2080 | Daughters of Darkness | Kümel, Harry | 1971 | Belgium | 87 |
2089 | 1986 | Out of the Blue | Hopper, Dennis | 1980 | USA | 94 |
2090 | 2070 | Autumn Marathon | Daneliya, Georgi | 1979 | USSR | 90 |
2091 | 2055 | Image Book, The | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2018 | Switzerland | 84 |
2092 | 1996 | My Ain Folk | Douglas, Bill | 1973 | UK | 55 |
2093 | 2133 | Pee-wee's Big Adventure | Burton, Tim | 1985 | USA | 90 |
2094 | 1988 | Welcome to the Dollhouse | Solondz, Todd | 1995 | USA | 87 |
2095 | 2066 | Ah Ying | Fong, Allen | 1983 | Hong Kong | 110 |
2096 | 2056 | Battle of the Somme, The | Malins, Geoffrey | 1916 | UK | 74 |
2097 | 2057 | Other Side of the Wind, The | Welles, Orson | 2018 | France | 122 |
2098 | 2238 | Riddles of the Sphinx | Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen | 1977 | UK | 92 |
2099 | 2239 | Red Psalm | Jancsó, Miklós | 1972 | Hungary | 87 |
2100 | 1995 | Vera Cruz | Aldrich, Robert | 1954 | USA | 94 |
2101 | 2138 | Me and You and Everyone We Know | July, Miranda | 2005 | USA | 91 |
2102 | 2038 | Raw | Ducournau, Julia | 2016 | France | 99 |
2103 | 2061 | Somewhere in Time | Szwarc, Jeannot | 1980 | USA | 103 |
2104 | 2141 | Witness for the Prosecution | Wilder, Billy | 1957 | USA | 114 |
2105 | 1997 | Heimat 2: Chronicle of a Generation [TV] | Reitz, Edgar | 1992 | Germany | 1416 |
2106 | 2088 | Big Fish | Burton, Tim | 2003 | USA | 125 |
2107 | 2062 | Pictures of the Old World | Hanák, Dusan | 1972 | Czechoslovakia | 74 |
2108 | 2000 | Chambre en ville, Une | Demy, Jacques | 1982 | France | 90 |
2109 | 2211 | Nightmare on Elm Street, A | Craven, Wes | 1984 | USA | 92 |
2110 | 2081 | There's Something About Mary | Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly | 1998 | USA | 119 |
2111 | 2129 | Brigadoon | Minnelli, Vincente | 1954 | USA | 108 |
2112 | 2064 | Beat That My Heart Skipped, The | Audiard, Jacques | 2005 | France | 107 |
2113 | 2270 | Velvet Goldmine | Haynes, Todd | 1998 | UK | 120 |
2114 | 2128 | Cargo 200 | Balabanov, Aleksei | 2007 | Russia | 89 |
2115 | 2090 | Squid and the Whale, The | Baumbach, Noah | 2005 | USA | 80 |
2116 | 2067 | Chinoise, La | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1967 | France | 95 |
2117 | 1927 | Children of Heaven | Majidi, Majid | 1997 | Iran | 89 |
2118 | 2069 | Adalen '31 | Widerberg, Bo | 1969 | Sweden | 115 |
2119 | 2153 | Swept Away | Wertmüller, Lina | 1975 | Italy | 116 |
2120 | 2191 | Gremlins | Dante, Joe | 1984 | USA | 106 |
2121 | 2267 | Good Morning, Night | Bellocchio, Marco | 2003 | Italy | 106 |
2122 | 2087 | Pillow Book, The | Greenaway, Peter | 1996 | Netherlands | 126 |
2123 | 2599 | Chariots of Fire | Hudson, Hugh | 1981 | UK | 123 |
2124 | 2086 | Bye Bye Brasil | Diegues, Carlos | 1980 | Brazil | 110 |
2125 | 2073 | Glen or Glenda? | Wood Jr., Edward D. | 1953 | USA | 61 |
2126 | 2563 | Love in the Afternoon | Rohmer, Eric | 1972 | France | 97 |
2127 | 2075 | Five Year Diary | Robertson, Anne Charlotte | 1981-97 | USA | 2160 |
2128 | 2137 | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1931 | USA | 97 |
2129 | 2103 | Match Point | Allen, Woody | 2005 | UK | 124 |
2130 | 2560 | Watership Down | Rosen, Martin | 1978 | UK | 92 |
2131 | 2077 | Mademoiselle | Richardson, Tony | 1966 | UK | 103 |
2132 | 2078 | Crime Wave | Paizs, John | 1985 | Canada | 80 |
2133 | 2079 | Taste of Honey, A | Richardson, Tony | 1961 | UK | 101 |
2134 | 2123 | School of Rock | Linklater, Richard | 2003 | USA | 108 |
2135 | 2145 | Merry Widow, The | von Stroheim, Erich | 1925 | USA | 137 |
2136 | 2125 | Zvenigora | Dovzhenko, Alexander | 1928 | USSR | 109 |
2137 | 2126 | Signs of Life | Herzog, Werner | 1968 | Germany | 90 |
2138 | 2172 | Together | Moodysson, Lukas | 2000 | Sweden | 106 |
2139 | 2222 | Last Days | Van Sant, Gus | 2005 | USA | 96 |
2140 | 2082 | He Who Gets Slapped | Sjöström, Victor | 1924 | USA | 95 |
2141 | 2374 | Strange Voyage | Fernán Gómez, Fernando | 1964 | Spain | 92 |
2142 | 2203 | Legend of Drunken Master, The | Liu Chia-Liang | 1994 | Hong Kong | 102 |
2143 | 2284 | Neighbouring Sounds | Filho, Kleber Mendonça | 2012 | Brazil | 131 |
2144 | 2116 | Bal, Le | Scola, Ettore | 1983 | France | 109 |
2145 | 2102 | Ballet mécanique | Léger, Fernand & Dudley Murphy | 1924 | France | 19 |
2146 | 2184 | Human Condition I, The | Kobayashi, Masaki | 1959 | Japan | 208 |
2147 | 2435 | Tangerine | Baker, Sean | 2015 | USA | 88 |
2148 | 2121 | Sorry to Bother You | Riley, Boots | 2018 | USA | 111 |
2149 | 2089 | Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator | Makavejev, Dusan | 1967 | Yugoslavia | 79 |
2150 | 2139 | Vanishing, The | Sluizer, George | 1988 | Netherlands | 101 |
2151 | 2124 | Elle | Verhoeven, Paul | 2016 | France | 130 |
2152 | 2173 | Bright Star | Campion, Jane | 2009 | UK | 119 |
2153 | 2091 | Decasia | Morrison, Bill | 2002 | USA | 70 |
2154 | 2174 | Strange Days | Bigelow, Kathryn | 1995 | USA | 145 |
2155 | 2092 | Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai | Jarmusch, Jim | 1999 | USA | 115 |
2156 | 2293 | Play it Again, Sam | Ross, Herbert | 1972 | USA | 87 |
2157 | 2158 | Fidanzati, I | Olmi, Ermanno | 1963 | Italy | 77 |
2158 | 2096 | Son nom de Venise dans Calcutta désert | Duras, Marguerite | 1976 | France | 114 |
2159 | 2097 | Postino, Il | Radford, Michael | 1994 | Italy | 113 |
2160 | 2127 | Lilya 4-Ever | Moodysson, Lukas | 2002 | Sweden | 109 |
2161 | 2098 | Stella Dallas | Vidor, King | 1937 | USA | 106 |
2162 | 2099 | Peppermint Candy | Lee Chang-dong | 1999 | South Korea | 129 |
2163 | 2100 | I Am Somebody | Anderson, Madeline | 1970 | USA | 28 |
2164 | 2240 | State of Things, The | Wenders, Wim | 1982 | Germany | 120 |
2165 | 2113 | Ms .45 | Ferrara, Abel | 1981 | USA | 84 |
2166 | 2118 | Poseidon Adventure, The | Neame, Ronald | 1972 | USA | 117 |
2167 | 2195 | Woodstock | Wadleigh, Michael | 1970 | USA | 184 |
2168 | 2162 | Moonrise Kingdom | Anderson, Wes | 2012 | USA | 94 |
2169 | 1905 | George Washington | Green, David Gordon | 2000 | USA | 89 |
2170 | 2104 | Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion | Petri, Elio | 1970 | Italy | 112 |
2171 | 2105 | Pariah | Rees, Dee | 2011 | USA | 86 |
2172 | 2202 | Guerre est finie, La | Resnais, Alain | 1966 | France | 121 |
2173 | 2634 | Couch | Warhol, Andy | 1964 | USA | 54 |
2174 | 2106 | Clash by Night | Lang, Fritz | 1952 | USA | 105 |
2175 | 2134 | My Brilliant Career | Armstrong, Gillian | 1979 | Australia | 101 |
2176 | 2135 | Three Days of the Condor | Pollack, Sydney | 1975 | USA | 117 |
2177 | 2143 | Sleeping Beauty | Geronimi, Clyde | 1959 | USA | 75 |
2178 | 2107 | Five Dedicated to Ozu | Kiarostami, Abbas | 2003 | Iran | 74 |
2179 | 2108 | Emperor of the North Pole | Aldrich, Robert | 1973 | USA | 118 |
2180 | 2109 | Spiritual Voices | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1995 | Russia | 328 |
2181 | 2306 | Medea | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1969 | France | 118 |
2182 | 2200 | Time | Bradley, Garrett | 2020 | USA | 81 |
2183 | 2111 | Accidental Tourist, The | Kasdan, Lawrence | 1988 | USA | 121 |
2184 | 2188 | Late Chrysanthemums | Naruse, Mikio | 1954 | Japan | 101 |
2185 | 2115 | Dupes, The | Saleh, Tewfik | 1972 | Syria | 107 |
2186 | 2186 | 3:10 to Yuma | Daves, Delmer | 1957 | USA | 92 |
2187 | 2361 | Natural, The | Levinson, Barry | 1984 | USA | 134 |
2188 | 2119 | Melancholia | Diaz, Lav | 2008 | Philippines | 450 |
2189 | 2120 | Ajantrik | Ghatak, Ritwik | 1958 | India | 102 |
2190 | 2122 | Wind from the East | Godard, Jean-Luc/Jean-Pierre Gorin/Gérard Martin | 1970 | France | 100 |
2191 | 2168 | Same Old Song | Resnais, Alain | 1997 | France | 122 |
2192 | 2251 | Bend of the River | Mann, Anthony | 1952 | USA | 91 |
2193 | 2217 | Bigamist, The | Lupino, Ida | 1953 | USA | 80 |
2194 | 2171 | Falbalas | Becker, Jacques | 1945 | France | 111 |
2195 | 2213 | Horse Feathers | McLeod, Norman Z. | 1932 | USA | 68 |
2196 | 2177 | Daguerréotypes | Varda, Agnès | 1975 | France | 80 |
2197 | 2131 | Thunderbolt and Lightfoot | Cimino, Michael | 1974 | USA | 114 |
2198 | 2148 | Amsterdam Global Village | van der Keuken, Johan | 1996 | Netherlands | 245 |
2199 | 2190 | Roger & Me | Moore, Michael | 1989 | USA | 87 |
2200 | 2140 | From Saturday to Sunday | Machatý, Gustav | 1931 | Czechoslovakia | 69 |
2201 | 2316 | World According to Garp, The | Hill, George Roy | 1982 | USA | 136 |
2202 | 2214 | Hud | Ritt, Martin | 1963 | USA | 112 |
2203 | 2241 | My 20th Century | Enyedi, Ildikó | 1989 | Hungary | 92 |
2204 | 2142 | Under Capricorn | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1949 | UK | 117 |
2205 | 2333 | Paterson | Jarmusch, Jim | 2016 | USA | 118 |
2206 | 2398 | Medium Cool | Wexler, Haskell | 1969 | USA | 110 |
2207 | 2147 | Ciel est à vous, Le | Grémillon, Jean | 1944 | France | 105 |
2208 | 2149 | Jean de Florette | Berri, Claude | 1986 | France | 122 |
2209 | 2150 | Asparagus | Pitt, Suzan | 1979 | USA | 20 |
2210 | 2151 | Taste of Others, The | Jaoui, Agnès | 2000 | France | 112 |
2211 | 2247 | Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge | Chopra, Aditya | 1995 | India | 189 |
2212 | 2210 | Naked and the Dead, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1958 | USA | 131 |
2213 | 2178 | Aviator's Wife, The | Rohmer, Eric | 1981 | France | 104 |
2214 | 2206 | Driver, The | Hill, Walter | 1978 | USA | 90 |
2215 | 2154 | Morte rouge, La | Erice, Víctor | 2006 | Spain | 32 |
2216 | 2155 | Sieranevada | Puiu, Cristi | 2016 | Romania | 173 |
2217 | 2156 | Puzzle of a Downfall Child | Schatzberg, Jerry | 1970 | USA | 105 |
2218 | 2157 | Emitaï | Sembene, Ousmane | 1971 | Senegal | 103 |
2219 | 2159 | Salvador | Stone, Oliver | 1986 | USA | 123 |
2220 | 2160 | What's Opera, Doc? | Jones, Chuck | 1957 | USA | 7 |
2221 | 2249 | Vie de Bohème, La | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1992 | France | 100 |
2222 | 2409 | City of Pirates | Ruiz, Raúl | 1983 | France | 111 |
2223 | 2161 | Cops | Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline | 1922 | USA | 18 |
2224 | 2187 | Cold Nights | Lee Sun-Fung | 1955 | Hong Kong | 136 |
2225 | 2163 | King of the Children | Chen Kaige | 1987 | China | 106 |
2226 | 2533 | District 9 | Blomkamp, Neill | 2009 | South Africa | 112 |
2227 | 2193 | Birdman | González Iñárritu, Alejandro | 2014 | USA | 119 |
2228 | 2215 | Whale Rider | Caro, Niki | 2002 | New Zealand | 101 |
2229 | 2167 | Pelican, The | Blain, Gérard | 1973 | France | 90 |
2230 | 2169 | Hourglass Sanatorium, The | Has, Wojciech | 1973 | Poland | 124 |
2231 | 2170 | Something Wild | Demme, Jonathan | 1986 | USA | 113 |
2232 | 2420 | Breaking Away | Yates, Peter | 1979 | USA | 100 |
2233 | 2252 | Prestige, The | Nolan, Christopher | 2006 | USA | 130 |
2234 | 2287 | Martyrs | Laugier, Pascal | 2008 | France | 100 |
2235 | 2342 | Italian Straw Hat, The | Clair, René | 1927 | France | 105 |
2236 | 2175 | Portrait of a Lady, The | Campion, Jane | 1996 | UK | 144 |
2237 | 2179 | New Rose Hotel | Ferrara, Abel | 1998 | USA | 93 |
2238 | 2273 | Fistful of Dollars, A | Leone, Sergio | 1964 | Italy | 96 |
2239 | 2207 | Where Eagles Dare | Hutton, Brian G. | 1968 | USA | 158 |
2240 | 2181 | House on Trubnaya Square, The | Barnet, Boris | 1928 | USSR | 84 |
2241 | 2182 | Man Vanishes, A | Imamura, Shohei | 1967 | Japan | 130 |
2242 | 2292 | Ruby Gentry | Vidor, King | 1952 | USA | 82 |
2243 | 2283 | Mean Girls | Waters, Mark | 2004 | USA | 97 |
2244 | 2183 | 3 Penny Opera, The | Pabst, G.W. | 1931 | Germany | 112 |
2245 | 2312 | Femme infidèle, La | Chabrol, Claude | 1969 | France | 98 |
2246 | 2185 | Tobacco Road | Ford, John | 1941 | USA | 84 |
2247 | 2358 | Quattro Volte, Le | Frammartino, Michelangelo | 2010 | Italy | 88 |
2248 | 2189 | Lodger, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1926 | UK | 75 |
2249 | 2192 | Voyage to Cythera | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1984 | Greece | 120 |
2250 | 2194 | King and the Mockingbird, The | Grimault, Paul | 1980 | France | 83 |
2251 | 2275 | Love & Basketball | Prince-Bythewood, Gina | 2000 | USA | 124 |
2252 | 2274 | Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure | Herek, Stephen | 1989 | USA | 90 |
2253 | 2197 | Love in the Afternoon | Wilder, Billy | 1957 | USA | 130 |
2254 | 2334 | Last Waltz, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1978 | USA | 117 |
2255 | 2198 | Manila by Night | Bernal, Ishmael | 1980 | Philippines | 150 |
2256 | 2223 | Working Girls | Borden, Lizzie | 1986 | USA | 90 |
2257 | 2199 | Pola X | Carax, Leos | 1999 | France | 134 |
2258 | 2201 | White Dog | Fuller, Samuel | 1982 | USA | 89 |
2259 | 2452 | Duellists, The | Scott, Ridley | 1977 | UK | 101 |
2260 | 2718 | Southland Tales | Kelly, Richard | 2006 | USA | 144 |
2261 | 2204 | Bad Education | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2004 | Spain | 105 |
2262 | 2205 | On Her Majesty's Secret Service | Hunt, Peter R. | 1969 | UK | 140 |
2263 | 2311 | South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut | Parker, Trey | 1999 | USA | 81 |
2264 | 2281 | Dracula | Browning, Tod | 1931 | USA | 75 |
2265 | 2208 | We Can't Go Home Again | Ray, Nicholas | 1973 | USA | 93 |
2266 | 2257 | Notting Hill | Michell, Roger | 1999 | USA | 123 |
2267 | 2209 | Merchant of Four Seasons, The | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1971 | West Germany | 88 |
2268 | 2246 | Goonies, The | Donner, Richard | 1985 | USA | 114 |
2269 | 2330 | Farrebique | Rouquier, Georges | 1946 | France | 87 |
2270 | 2366 | It Follows | Mitchell, David Robert | 2014 | USA | 100 |
2271 | 2392 | Long Voyage Home, The | Ford, John | 1940 | USA | 105 |
2272 | 2228 | Raining in the Mountain | Hu, King | 1979 | Taiwan | 120 |
2273 | 2495 | Day I Became a Woman, The | Makhmalbaf, Marzieh | 2000 | Iran | 77 |
2274 | 2227 | Phantom Lady | Siodmak, Robert | 1944 | USA | 87 |
2275 | 2243 | Outrage | Lupino, Ida | 1950 | USA | 75 |
2276 | 2340 | Last Movie, The | Hopper, Dennis | 1971 | USA | 108 |
2277 | 2216 | You Can't Take it with You | Capra, Frank | 1938 | USA | 127 |
2278 | 2218 | Black Cat, White Cat | Kusturica, Emir | 1998 | France | 127 |
2279 | 2219 | Christmas on Earth | Rubin, Barbara | 1963 | USA | 29 |
2280 | 2341 | Time That Remains, The | Suleiman, Elia | 2009 | UK | 109 |
2281 | 2263 | Frances Ha | Baumbach, Noah | 2012 | USA | 86 |
2282 | 2892 | Village de Namo - Panorama pris d'une chaise à porteurs, Le | Veyre, Gabriel | 1900 | France | 1 |
2283 | 2220 | Babel | González Iñárritu, Alejandro | 2006 | France | 143 |
2284 | 2245 | 28 Up [TV] | Apted, Michael | 1985 | UK | 133 |
2285 | 2260 | Under the Bridges | Käutner, Helmut | 1946 | Germany | 99 |
2286 | 2224 | Interiors | Allen, Woody | 1978 | USA | 92 |
2287 | 2231 | Blind Chance | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1981 | Poland | 122 |
2288 | 2225 | Two Stage Sisters | Xie Jin | 1965 | China | 112 |
2289 | 2226 | Ugly, Dirty and Bad | Scola, Ettore | 1976 | Italy | 115 |
2290 | 2272 | My Way Home | Douglas, Bill | 1978 | UK | 71 |
2291 | 2314 | Four Weddings and a Funeral | Newell, Mike | 1994 | UK | 117 |
2292 | 2229 | 3-Iron | Kim Ki-duk | 2004 | South Korea | 88 |
2293 | 2570 | Connection, The | Clarke, Shirley | 1961 | USA | 110 |
2294 | 2302 | Immortal Story, The | Welles, Orson | 1968 | France | 63 |
2295 | 2271 | Ceremony, The | Oshima, Nagisa | 1971 | Japan | 123 |
2296 | 2230 | Trading Places | Landis, John | 1983 | USA | 116 |
2297 | 2363 | Regular Lovers | Garrel, Philippe | 2005 | France | 183 |
2298 | 2242 | Top Secret! | Abrahams, Jim/David Zucker/Jerry Zucker | 1984 | USA | 90 |
2299 | 2250 | Nibelungen: Kriemhild's Revenge, Die | Lang, Fritz | 1924 | Germany | 129 |
2300 | 2232 | Sons of the Desert | Seiter, William A. | 1933 | USA | 69 |
2301 | 2276 | Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed | Kluge, Alexander | 1968 | West Germany | 104 |
2302 | 2262 | Party Girl | Ray, Nicholas | 1958 | USA | 99 |
2303 | 2253 | This is England | Meadows, Shane | 2006 | UK | 103 |
2304 | 2368 | J'entends plus la guitare | Garrel, Philippe | 1991 | France | 98 |
2305 | 2586 | Insiang | Brocka, Lino | 1976 | Philippines | 95 |
2306 | 2233 | S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine | Panh, Rithy | 2003 | Cambodia | 101 |
2307 | 2254 | Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The | Anderson, Wes | 2004 | USA | 118 |
2308 | 2255 | Kiki's Delivery Service | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1989 | Japan | 103 |
2309 | 2235 | Phoenix | Petzold, Christian | 2014 | Germany | 98 |
2310 | 2236 | Devils on the Doorstep | Jiang Wen | 2000 | China | 139 |
2311 | 2348 | Cyrano de Bergerac | Rappeneau, Jean-Paul | 1990 | France | 138 |
2312 | 2237 | Class, The | Cantet, Laurent | 2008 | France | 128 |
2313 | 2295 | Salaam Bombay! | Nair, Mira | 1988 | UK | 113 |
2314 | 2297 | RR | Benning, James | 2007 | USA | 111 |
2315 | 2543 | Fog of War, The | Morris, Errol | 2003 | USA | 107 |
2316 | 2265 | Touch of Sin, A | Jia Zhangke | 2013 | China | 133 |
2317 | 2285 | Reconstruction | Pintilie, Lucian | 1968 | Romania | 100 |
2318 | 2286 | Cross of Iron | Peckinpah, Sam | 1977 | UK | 119 |
2319 | 2244 | Another Woman | Allen, Woody | 1988 | USA | 84 |
2320 | 2248 | Village, The | Shyamalan, M. Night | 2004 | USA | 108 |
2321 | 2353 | Good Bye, Lenin! | Becker, Wolfgang | 2003 | Germany | 121 |
2322 | 2256 | My Left Foot | Sheridan, Jim | 1989 | Ireland | 103 |
2323 | 2258 | Détective | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1985 | France | 95 |
2324 | 2445 | Two Rode Together | Ford, John | 1961 | USA | 109 |
2325 | 2259 | Lumumba | Peck, Raoul | 2000 | France | 115 |
2326 | 2261 | Baker's Wife, The | Pagnol, Marcel | 1938 | France | 124 |
2327 | 2294 | Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1984 | Japan | 117 |
2328 | 2264 | Birth of Love, The | Garrel, Philippe | 1993 | France | 94 |
2329 | 2266 | Toute la mémoire du monde | Resnais, Alain | 1956 | France | 21 |
2330 | 2299 | Crooklyn | Lee, Spike | 1994 | USA | 115 |
2331 | 2268 | Song of the Exile | Hui, Ann | 1990 | Hong Kong | 100 |
2332 | 2325 | Midsommar | Aster, Ari | 2019 | USA | 147 |
2333 | 2269 | Tous les matins du monde | Corneau, Alain | 1991 | France | 114 |
2334 | 2336 | Femme Fatale | De Palma, Brian | 2002 | France | 110 |
2335 | 2331 | Band of Angels | Walsh, Raoul | 1957 | USA | 125 |
2336 | 2690 | Tenebrae | Argento, Dario | 1982 | Italy | 101 |
2337 | 2277 | Fiddler on the Roof | Jewison, Norman | 1971 | USA | 181 |
2338 | 2338 | Room at the Top | Clayton, Jack | 1959 | UK | 118 |
2339 | 2321 | Ballad of a Soldier | Chukhrai, Grigori | 1959 | USSR | 88 |
2340 | 2278 | Dames | Enright, Ray | 1934 | USA | 90 |
2341 | 2279 | Amar Akbar Anthony | Desai, Manmohan | 1977 | India | 184 |
2342 | 2280 | Girl with the Hat Box, The | Barnet, Boris | 1927 | USSR | 60 |
2343 | 2282 | Faust | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2011 | Russia | 140 |
2344 | 2327 | Pot Worth a Million Ryo, A | Yamanaka, Sadao | 1935 | Japan | 92 |
2345 | 2288 | Fire in Castilla (Tactilvision from the Moor of the Fright) | Val del Omar, José | 1961 | Spain | 20 |
2346 | 2290 | Late August, Early September | Assayas, Olivier | 1998 | France | 111 |
2347 | 2303 | Billy Elliot | Daldry, Stephen | 2000 | UK | 110 |
2348 | 2291 | Fisher King, The | Gilliam, Terry | 1991 | USA | 137 |
2349 | 2318 | Wings | Wellman, William | 1927 | USA | 144 |
2350 | 2296 | Rainbow Dance | Lye, Len | 1936 | UK | 4 |
2351 | 2337 | Under the Volcano | Huston, John | 1984 | USA | 109 |
2352 | 2713 | Furtivos | Borau, José Luis | 1975 | Spain | 82 |
2353 | 2414 | Parsifal | Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen | 1982 | West Germany | 255 |
2354 | 2479 | Napoleon Dynamite | Hess, Jared | 2004 | USA | 82 |
2355 | 2412 | Last Metro, The | Truffaut, François | 1980 | France | 133 |
2356 | 2344 | Scum | Clarke, Alan | 1979 | UK | 98 |
2357 | 2300 | Blonde Venus | von Sternberg, Josef | 1932 | USA | 97 |
2358 | 2301 | Captive, La | Akerman, Chantal | 2000 | France | 118 |
2359 | 2370 | My Sex Life... or How I Got Into an Argument | Desplechin, Arnaud | 1996 | France | 178 |
2360 | 2304 | King Lear | Brook, Peter | 1971 | UK | 137 |
2361 | 2349 | Set-Up, The | Wise, Robert | 1949 | USA | 72 |
2362 | 2305 | Zorba the Greek | Cacoyannis, Michael | 1964 | Greece | 146 |
2363 | 2307 | Sound of the Mountain | Naruse, Mikio | 1954 | Japan | 96 |
2364 | 2403 | Twentynine Palms | Dumont, Bruno | 2003 | France | 119 |
2365 | 2362 | Germany Pale Mother | Sanders-Brahms, Helma | 1980 | West Germany | 150 |
2366 | 2309 | Dreamed Path, The | Schanelec, Angela | 2016 | Germany | 86 |
2367 | 2387 | Death of Louis XIV, The | Serra, Albert | 2016 | France | 115 |
2368 | 2310 | How to Live in the German Federal Republic | Farocki, Harun | 1990 | West Germany | 83 |
2369 | 2688 | Fountain, The | Aronofsky, Darren | 2006 | USA | 97 |
2370 | 2451 | London | Keiller, Patrick | 1994 | UK | 85 |
2371 | 2559 | Metropolitan | Stillman, Whit | 1990 | USA | 98 |
2372 | 2382 | Son's Room, The | Moretti, Nanni | 2001 | Italy | 99 |
2373 | 2574 | Shooting, The | Hellman, Monte | 1966 | USA | 82 |
2374 | 2313 | Fragment of an Empire | Ermler, Fridrikh | 1929 | USSR | 75 |
2375 | 2315 | Devil Rides Out, The | Fisher, Terence | 1968 | UK | 95 |
2376 | 2786 | Kings & Queen | Desplechin, Arnaud | 2004 | France | 152 |
2377 | 2345 | When the Wind Blows | Murakami, Jimmy T. | 1986 | UK | 80 |
2378 | 2373 | Vincent, François, Paul and the Others | Sautet, Claude | 1974 | France | 118 |
2379 | 2795 | Valparaiso | Ivens, Joris | 1963 | Chile | 34 |
2380 | 2376 | Throw Down | To, Johnnie | 2004 | Hong Kong | 95 |
2381 | 2317 | At Sea | Hutton, Peter B. | 2007 | USA | 60 |
2382 | 2347 | Santiago | Salles, João Moreira | 2007 | Brazil | 80 |
2383 | 2422 | Gran Torino | Eastwood, Clint | 2008 | USA | 116 |
2384 | 2588 | Carmen | Saura, Carlos | 1983 | Spain | 102 |
2385 | 2426 | Generale Della Rovere, Il | Rossellini, Roberto | 1959 | Italy | 129 |
2386 | 2346 | Capturing the Friedmans | Jarecki, Andrew | 2003 | USA | 107 |
2387 | 2320 | Outcast of the Islands | Reed, Carol | 1951 | UK | 102 |
2388 | 2322 | Espoir, L' | Malraux, André & Boris Peskine | 1940 | Spain | 78 |
2389 | 2323 | Cheyenne Autumn | Ford, John | 1964 | USA | 145 |
2390 | 2324 | Leo the Last | Boorman, John | 1970 | UK | 103 |
2391 | 2326 | Lola | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1981 | West Germany | 115 |
2392 | 2328 | Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice | Mazursky, Paul | 1969 | USA | 105 |
2393 | 2329 | Night Train | Kawalerowicz, Jerzy | 1959 | Poland | 99 |
2394 | 2371 | Gaslight | Cukor, George | 1944 | USA | 114 |
2395 | 2415 | Westward the Women | Wellman, William | 1951 | USA | 118 |
2396 | 2332 | Running on Empty | Lumet, Sidney | 1988 | USA | 116 |
2397 | 2441 | Vanishing Point | Sarafian, Richard C. | 1971 | USA | 99 |
2398 | 2379 | Magician, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1958 | Sweden | 102 |
2399 | 2339 | Jerry Maguire | Crowe, Cameron | 1996 | USA | 139 |
2400 | 2408 | Dressed to Kill | De Palma, Brian | 1980 | USA | 105 |
2401 | 2319 | Cow, The | Mehrjui, Dariush | 1969 | Iran | 104 |
2402 | 2343 | Statues Also Die | Cloquet, Ghislain/Chris Marker/Alain Resnais | 1953 | France | 30 |
2403 | 2407 | Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer | McNaughton, John | 1986 | USA | 90 |
2404 | 2527 | Moonrise | Borzage, Frank | 1948 | USA | 90 |
2405 | 2384 | Dirty Dancing | Ardolino, Emile | 1987 | USA | 97 |
2406 | 2454 | Man Bites Dog | Belvaux, Rémy/André Bonzel/Benoît Poelvoorde | 1992 | Belgium | 95 |
2407 | 2462 | Dybbuk, The | Waszynski, Michal | 1937 | Poland | 125 |
2408 | 2350 | Getaway, The | Peckinpah, Sam | 1972 | USA | 122 |
2409 | 2654 | Primer | Carruth, Shane | 2004 | USA | 78 |
2410 | 2352 | Whistle Down the Wind | Forbes, Bryan | 1961 | UK | 99 |
2411 | 2354 | Under the Skin | Adler, Carine | 1997 | UK | 82 |
2412 | 2381 | Red Line 7000 | Hawks, Howard | 1965 | USA | 110 |
2413 | 2355 | End, The | Maclaine, Christopher | 1953 | USA | 35 |
2414 | 2356 | Fruitvale Station | Coogler, Ryan | 2013 | USA | 85 |
2415 | 2594 | Venom and Eternity | Isou, Isidore | 1951 | France | 111 |
2416 | 2383 | Erin Brockovich | Soderbergh, Steven | 2000 | USA | 130 |
2417 | 2357 | Ishtar | May, Elaine | 1987 | USA | 107 |
2418 | 2359 | Belly | Williams, Hype | 1998 | USA | 96 |
2419 | 2762 | Bend it Like Beckham | Chadha, Gurinder | 2002 | UK | 112 |
2420 | 2360 | Gunga Din | Stevens, George | 1939 | USA | 117 |
2421 | 2335 | Days of Eclipse | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1988 | USSR | 133 |
2422 | 2364 | Peggy and Fred in Hell: Folding | Thornton, Leslie | 1984-2016 | USA | 95 |
2423 | 2365 | Foreign Correspondent | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1940 | USA | 119 |
2424 | 2367 | O.J.: Made in America [TV] | Edelman, Ezra | 2016 | USA | 450 |
2425 | 2453 | Suddenly, Last Summer | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1959 | USA | 114 |
2426 | 2369 | My Dinner with Andre | Malle, Louis | 1981 | USA | 110 |
2427 | 2393 | Pain and Glory | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2019 | Spain | 113 |
2428 | 2395 | Iron Horse, The | Ford, John | 1924 | USA | 119 |
2429 | 2372 | Modern Life | Depardon, Raymond | 2008 | France | 87 |
2430 | 2416 | Lovers, The | Malle, Louis | 1958 | France | 88 |
2431 | 2396 | Two Women | De Sica, Vittorio | 1960 | Italy | 99 |
2432 | 2375 | Atlantic City | Malle, Louis | 1980 | Canada | 104 |
2433 | 2377 | Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu, The | Ujica, Andrei | 2010 | Romania | 180 |
2434 | 2378 | Song of Ceylon | Wright, Basil | 1934 | UK | 38 |
2435 | 2380 | Long Gray Line, The | Ford, John | 1955 | USA | 138 |
2436 | 2436 | Lightning | Naruse, Mikio | 1952 | Japan | 87 |
2437 | 2465 | Kill List | Wheatley, Ben | 2011 | UK | 95 |
2438 | 2492 | Minority Report | Spielberg, Steven | 2002 | USA | 144 |
2439 | 2385 | Irishman, The | Scorsese, Martin | 2019 | USA | 209 |
2440 | 2386 | But I'm a Cheerleader | Babbit, Jamie | 1999 | USA | 85 |
2441 | 2443 | Compensation | Davis, Zeinabu irene | 1999 | USA | 95 |
2442 | 2418 | Tokyo Olympiad | Ichikawa, Kon | 1965 | Japan | 170 |
2443 | 2552 | Time Out | Cantet, Laurent | 2001 | France | 134 |
2444 | 2388 | Satya | Varma, Ram Gopal | 1998 | India | 170 |
2445 | 2389 | Nazareno Cruz and the Wolf | Favio, Leonardo | 1975 | Argentina | 92 |
2446 | 2390 | Sleepless in Seattle | Ephron, Nora | 1993 | USA | 104 |
2447 | 2423 | It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World | Kramer, Stanley | 1963 | USA | 154 |
2448 | 2391 | Gallivant | Kötting, Andrew | 1996 | UK | 100 |
2449 | 2685 | Tokyo Drifter | Suzuki, Seijun | 1966 | Japan | 82 |
2450 | 2428 | Isle of Flowers | Furtado, Jorge | 1989 | Brazil | 13 |
2451 | 2509 | Eika Katappa | Schroeter, Werner | 1969 | West Germany | 144 |
2452 | 2434 | Wonderland | Winterbottom, Michael | 1999 | UK | 108 |
2453 | 2394 | Douce | Autant-Lara, Claude | 1943 | France | 111 |
2454 | 2439 | Rocker [TV] | Lemke, Klaus | 1972 | West Germany | 85 |
2455 | 2397 | Daratt | Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh | 2006 | Chad | 96 |
2456 | 2399 | Gently Down the Stream | Friedrich, Su | 1981 | USA | 14 |
2457 | 2511 | Attack the Block | Cornish, Joe | 2011 | UK | 88 |
2458 | 2444 | Heremias | Diaz, Lav | 2006 | Philippines | 540 |
2459 | 2400 | Guys and Dolls | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1955 | USA | 150 |
2460 | 2401 | Arch, The | Tong Shu Shuen | 1968 | Hong Kong | 94 |
2461 | 2485 | Dumb and Dumber | Farrelly, Peter | 1994 | USA | 106 |
2462 | 2402 | Conan the Barbarian | Milius, John | 1982 | USA | 129 |
2463 | 2404 | Garden, The | Jarman, Derek | 1990 | UK | 92 |
2464 | 2546 | She's Gotta Have It | Lee, Spike | 1986 | USA | 84 |
2465 | 2421 | Kid with a Bike, The | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 2011 | Belgium | 87 |
2466 | 2406 | Picnic on the Grass | Renoir, Jean | 1959 | France | 91 |
2467 | 2410 | I Even Met Happy Gypsies | Petrovic, Aleksandar | 1967 | Yugoslavia | 94 |
2468 | 2541 | Mysterious Skin | Araki, Gregg | 2004 | USA | 105 |
2469 | 2411 | Left-Handed Woman, The | Handke, Peter | 1977 | West Germany | 119 |
2470 | 2433 | Human Surge, The | Williams, Eduardo | 2016 | Argentina | 100 |
2471 | 2432 | Western | Grisebach, Valeska | 2017 | Germany | 121 |
2472 | 2413 | Desert Hearts | Deitch, Donna | 1985 | USA | 93 |
2473 | 2580 | Heathers | Lehmann, Michael | 1988 | USA | 102 |
2474 | 2597 | Fast, Cheap & Out of Control | Morris, Errol | 1997 | USA | 80 |
2475 | 2555 | Manchester by the Sea | Lonergan, Kenneth | 2016 | USA | 137 |
2476 | 2477 | Scaramouche | Sidney, George | 1952 | USA | 118 |
2477 | 2522 | Killers, The | Siodmak, Robert | 1946 | USA | 105 |
2478 | 2458 | Ordinary Fascism | Romm, Mikhail | 1965 | USSR | 138 |
2479 | 2767 | Castle in the Sky | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1986 | Japan | 124 |
2480 | 2417 | Moby Dick | Huston, John | 1956 | USA | 116 |
2481 | 2419 | Revenant, The | González Iñárritu, Alejandro | 2015 | USA | 156 |
2482 | 2424 | Over the Edge | Kaplan, Jonathan | 1979 | USA | 95 |
2483 | 2425 | Hangmen Also Die! | Lang, Fritz | 1943 | USA | 131 |
2484 | 2467 | Attenberg | Tsangari, Athina Rachel | 2010 | Greece | 97 |
2485 | 2449 | Grandmaster, The | Wong Kar-wai | 2013 | Hong Kong | 130 |
2486 | 2427 | Hat Wolff von Amerongen Konkursdelikte begangen? | Friedl, Gerhard Benedikt | 2004 | Germany | 73 |
2487 | 2774 | Django | Corbucci, Sergio | 1966 | Italy | 92 |
2488 | 2430 | Bugsy Malone | Parker, Alan | 1976 | UK | 93 |
2489 | 2431 | Perceval | Rohmer, Eric | 1978 | France | 140 |
2490 | 2510 | Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World | Weir, Peter | 2003 | USA | 138 |
2491 | 2482 | High Life | Denis, Claire | 2018 | UK | 113 |
2492 | 2564 | Tire die | Birri, Fernando | 1958 | Argentina | 33 |
2493 | 2440 | Li'l Quinquin [TV] | Dumont, Bruno | 2014 | France | 206 |
2494 | 2459 | Martin | Romero, George A. | 1977 | USA | 95 |
2495 | 2536 | Zoolander | Stiller, Ben | 2001 | USA | 89 |
2496 | 2636 | Casino Royale | Campbell, Martin | 2006 | UK | 144 |
2497 | 2517 | Marseillaise, La | Renoir, Jean | 1938 | France | 130 |
2498 | 2437 | Do You Remember Dolly Bell? | Kusturica, Emir | 1981 | Yugoslavia | 110 |
2499 | 2468 | La La Land | Chazelle, Damien | 2016 | USA | 128 |
2500 | 2438 | Organiser, The | Monicelli, Mario | 1963 | Italy | 126 |
2501 | 2516 | Tokyo Twilight | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1957 | Japan | 140 |
2502 | 2491 | Pauline at the Beach | Rohmer, Eric | 1983 | France | 94 |
2503 | 2537 | Letters from Iwo Jima | Eastwood, Clint | 2006 | USA | 140 |
2504 | 2568 | Unknown Pleasures | Jia Zhangke | 2002 | China | 112 |
2505 | 2484 | 24 Hour Party People | Winterbottom, Michael | 2002 | UK | 115 |
2506 | 2800 | Lili Marleen | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1981 | West Germany | 120 |
2507 | 2498 | Cops and Robbers | Monicelli, Mario & Steno | 1951 | Italy | 109 |
2508 | 2442 | Marble Ass | Zilnik, Zelimir | 1995 | Yugoslavia | 86 |
2509 | 2566 | Ro.Go.Pa.G. | Godard, Jean-Luc/Ugo Gregoretti/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Roberto Rossellini | 1963 | Italy | 122 |
2510 | 2446 | Siberiade | Konchalovsky, Andrei | 1979 | USSR | 275 |
2511 | 2464 | Look of Silence, The | Oppenheimer, Joshua | 2014 | Denmark | 103 |
2512 | 2447 | Chocolat | Denis, Claire | 1988 | France | 105 |
2513 | 2448 | Sun, The | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2005 | Russia | 115 |
2514 | 2450 | Wild Grass | Resnais, Alain | 2009 | France | 104 |
2515 | 2540 | Team America: World Police | Parker, Trey | 2004 | USA | 108 |
2516 | 2489 | Cyclo | Tran Anh Hung | 1995 | France | 129 |
2517 | 2455 | Journeys from Berlin/1971 | Rainer, Yvonne | 1980 | USA | 125 |
2518 | 2483 | Duke of Burgundy, The | Strickland, Peter | 2014 | UK | 104 |
2519 | 2456 | Billy Liar | Schlesinger, John | 1963 | UK | 98 |
2520 | 2558 | First Blood | Kotcheff, Ted | 1982 | USA | 97 |
2521 | 2457 | Lost in America | Brooks, Albert | 1985 | USA | 91 |
2522 | 2616 | Peter Pan | Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson | 1953 | USA | 77 |
2523 | 2579 | Magino Village: A Tale | Ogawa, Shinsuke | 1987 | Japan | 222 |
2524 | 2460 | Memory of Justice, The | Ophüls, Marcel | 1976 | Germany | 278 |
2525 | 2461 | Paloma, La | Schmid, Daniel | 1974 | Switzerland | 104 |
2526 | 2463 | Jane B. for Agnès V. | Varda, Agnès | 1988 | France | 99 |
2527 | 2736 | Little Miss Sunshine | Dayton, Jonathan & Valerie Faris | 2006 | USA | 102 |
2528 | 2601 | Mary and Max | Elliot, Adam | 2008 | Australia | 80 |
2529 | 2469 | Wise Blood | Huston, John | 1979 | USA | 108 |
2530 | 2470 | Cool World, The | Clarke, Shirley | 1963 | USA | 106 |
2531 | 2471 | Flicker, The | Conrad, Tony | 1966 | USA | 30 |
2532 | 2472 | Eden | Hansen-Løve, Mia | 2014 | France | 131 |
2533 | 2473 | Fearless | Weir, Peter | 1993 | USA | 122 |
2534 | 2520 | Twentieth Century | Hawks, Howard | 1934 | USA | 91 |
2535 | 2474 | Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome | Anger, Kenneth | 1954 | USA | 38 |
2536 | 2664 | Stage Door | La Cava, Gregory | 1937 | USA | 92 |
2537 | 2524 | Man on Fire | Scott, Tony | 2004 | USA | 145 |
2538 | 2525 | Three Kings | Russell, David O. | 1999 | USA | 115 |
2539 | 2475 | Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The | Ingram, Rex | 1921 | USA | 114 |
2540 | 2493 | Threads [TV] | Jackson, Mick | 1984 | UK | 110 |
2541 | 2476 | Osaka Elegy | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1936 | Japan | 71 |
2542 | 2562 | 40-Year-Old Virgin, The | Apatow, Judd | 2005 | USA | 116 |
2543 | 2505 | Housekeeping | Forsyth, Bill | 1987 | USA | 116 |
2544 | 2696 | Great War, The | Monicelli, Mario | 1959 | France | 118 |
2545 | 2480 | Turtles Can Fly | Ghobadi, Bahman | 2004 | Iran | 97 |
2546 | 2466 | Planes, Trains & Automobiles | Hughes, John | 1987 | USA | 93 |
2547 | 2503 | Punishment Park | Watkins, Peter | 1971 | USA | 88 |
2548 | 2481 | Illusions | Dash, Julie | 1982 | USA | 34 |
2549 | 2519 | Canibais, Os | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1988 | Portugal | 90 |
2550 | 2535 | Pale Rider | Eastwood, Clint | 1985 | USA | 113 |
2551 | 2608 | Our Daily Bread | Geyrhalter, Nikolaus | 2005 | Austria | 92 |
2552 | 2500 | Notre musique | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2004 | France | 80 |
2553 | 2526 | Hotel du Nord | Carné, Marcel | 1938 | France | 90 |
2554 | 2528 | Picnic | Logan, Joshua | 1955 | USA | 115 |
2555 | 2607 | Bad Day at Black Rock | Sturges, John | 1955 | USA | 81 |
2556 | 2515 | Personal Shopper | Assayas, Olivier | 2016 | France | 105 |
2557 | 2780 | Downfall | Hirschbiegel, Oliver | 2004 | Germany | 156 |
2558 | 2486 | Blue Valentine | Cianfrance, Derek | 2010 | USA | 112 |
2559 | 2487 | River, The | Borzage, Frank | 1929 | USA | 55 |
2560 | 2822 | Mouth of the Wolf, The | Marcello, Pietro | 2009 | Italy | 76 |
2561 | 2488 | Favourites of the Moon | Iosseliani, Otar | 1984 | France | 102 |
2562 | 2838 | Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The | Gilliam, Terry | 1989 | USA | 126 |
2563 | 2691 | Spring Breakers | Korine, Harmony | 2012 | USA | 94 |
2564 | 2490 | News Items | Depardon, Raymond | 1983 | France | 108 |
2565 | 2494 | Spare Time | Jennings, Humphrey | 1939 | UK | 15 |
2566 | 3049 | Privilege | Rainer, Yvonne | 1990 | USA | 100 |
2567 | 2496 | Voyage à travers l'impossible, Le | Méliès, Georges | 1904 | France | 24 |
2568 | 2497 | Decline of Western Civilization, The | Spheeris, Penelope | 1981 | USA | 100 |
2569 | 2530 | BPM (Beats Per Minute) | Campillo, Robin | 2017 | France | 143 |
2570 | 2550 | Not Wanted | Clifton, Elmer & Ida Lupino | 1949 | USA | 91 |
2571 | 2501 | Thief | Mann, Michael | 1981 | USA | 122 |
2572 | 2502 | Kameradschaft | Pabst, G.W. | 1931 | Germany | 93 |
2573 | 2648 | Human Condition III, The | Kobayashi, Masaki | 1961 | Japan | 190 |
2574 | 2619 | Wind Rises, The | Miyazaki, Hayao | 2013 | Japan | 126 |
2575 | 2572 | Exiles, The | MacKenzie, Kent | 1961 | USA | 72 |
2576 | 2504 | Toto the Hero | Van Dormael, Jaco | 1991 | Belgium | 90 |
2577 | 2624 | Best in Show | Guest, Christopher | 2000 | USA | 89 |
2578 | 2506 | Magnificent Obsession | Sirk, Douglas | 1954 | USA | 108 |
2579 | 2507 | Castro Street | Baillie, Bruce | 1966 | USA | 10 |
2580 | 2508 | Poem of the Sea | Solntseva, Yuliya | 1958 | USSR | 95 |
2581 | 2512 | Do Bigha Zamin | Roy, Bimal | 1953 | India | 131 |
2582 | 2799 | Christine [TV] | Clarke, Alan | 1987 | UK | 52 |
2583 | 2643 | Bonnes femmes, Les | Chabrol, Claude | 1960 | France | 102 |
2584 | 2545 | Front Page, The | Wilder, Billy | 1974 | USA | 105 |
2585 | 2513 | Cold Water | Assayas, Olivier | 1994 | France | 95 |
2586 | 2514 | Exit Through the Gift Shop | Banksy | 2010 | UK | 87 |
2587 | 2565 | First Reformed | Schrader, Paul | 2017 | USA | 113 |
2588 | 2585 | Creature From the Black Lagoon | Arnold, Jack | 1954 | USA | 79 |
2589 | 2518 | Sylvester | Pick, Lupu | 1924 | Germany | 66 |
2590 | 2584 | Bang Bang | Tonacci, Andrea | 1971 | Brazil | 85 |
2591 | 2645 | Silent Running | Trumbull, Douglas | 1972 | USA | 89 |
2592 | 2717 | Descent, The | Marshall, Neil | 2005 | UK | 99 |
2593 | 2521 | Son of the White Mare | Jankovics, Marcell | 1981 | Hungary | 86 |
2594 | 2523 | Petit à petit | Rouch, Jean | 1970 | France | 96 |
2595 | 2630 | Congress Dances | Charell, Erik | 1931 | Germany | 85 |
2596 | 2529 | Report | Conner, Bruce | 1967 | USA | 13 |
2597 | 3270 | About Elly | Farhadi, Asghar | 2009 | Iran | 119 |
2598 | 2531 | Bimbo's Initiation | Fleischer, Dave | 1931 | USA | 6 |
2599 | 2532 | Oyster Princess, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1919 | Germany | 58 |
2600 | 2709 | Our Beloved Month of August | Gomes, Miguel | 2008 | Portugal | 147 |
2601 | 2593 | Innocence | Hadzihalilovic, Lucile | 2004 | France | 115 |
2602 | 2666 | Sleeper | Allen, Woody | 1973 | USA | 88 |
2603 | 2534 | Fruit of Paradise | Chytilová, Věra | 1970 | Czechoslovakia | 99 |
2604 | 2739 | Michael Clayton | Gilroy, Tony | 2007 | USA | 119 |
2605 | 2538 | Black Peter | Forman, Milos | 1964 | Czechoslovakia | 85 |
2606 | 2663 | Blue Collar | Schrader, Paul | 1978 | USA | 114 |
2607 | 2539 | Visite au Louvre, Une | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 2004 | France | 44 |
2608 | 2589 | Mystery Train | Jarmusch, Jim | 1989 | USA | 113 |
2609 | 2542 | Girl Can't Help It, The | Tashlin, Frank | 1956 | USA | 99 |
2610 | 2692 | Climates | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 2006 | Turkey | 102 |
2611 | 2544 | Patton | Schaffner, Franklin J. | 1970 | USA | 169 |
2612 | 2595 | Bus 174 | Larceda, Felipe & José Padilha | 2002 | Brazil | 119 |
2613 | 2590 | Boys Don't Cry | Peirce, Kimberly | 1999 | USA | 118 |
2614 | 2577 | Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind | Tsui Hark | 1980 | Hong Kong | 95 |
2615 | 2750 | Hope and Glory | Boorman, John | 1987 | UK | 113 |
2616 | 2548 | Fingers | Toback, James | 1978 | USA | 91 |
2617 | 2582 | House of Flying Daggers | Zhang Yimou | 2004 | China | 111 |
2618 | 2695 | Going Places | Blier, Bertrand | 1974 | France | 117 |
2619 | 2549 | Our Nazi | Kramer, Robert | 1984 | France | 113 |
2620 | 2551 | Papillon | Schaffner, Franklin J. | 1973 | USA | 151 |
2621 | 2605 | Little Shop of Horrors | Oz, Frank | 1986 | USA | 88 |
2622 | 2553 | Killing Fields, The | Joffé, Roland | 1984 | UK | 141 |
2623 | 2554 | Funny Girl | Wyler, William | 1968 | USA | 155 |
2624 | 2598 | Day of the Jackal, The | Zinnemann, Fred | 1973 | France | 141 |
2625 | 2556 | Camille | Cukor, George | 1936 | USA | 108 |
2626 | 2557 | Simple Men | Hartley, Hal | 1992 | UK | 105 |
2627 | 2561 | From the Notebook of... | Beavers, Robert | 1971/98 | USA | 48 |
2628 | 2604 | Jesus of Montreal | Arcand, Denys | 1989 | Canada | 119 |
2629 | 2843 | Django Unchained | Tarantino, Quentin | 2012 | USA | 165 |
2630 | 2567 | Landscape Suicide | Benning, James | 1986 | USA | 95 |
2631 | 2575 | Paradise: Love | Seidl, Ulrich | 2012 | Austria | 120 |
2632 | 2569 | Zero Dark Thirty | Bigelow, Kathryn | 2012 | USA | 157 |
2633 | 2729 | Angel Heart | Parker, Alan | 1987 | UK | 113 |
2634 | 2659 | Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India | Gowariker, Ashutosh | 2001 | India | 224 |
2635 | 2571 | Sisters of the Gion | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1936 | Japan | 69 |
2636 | 2622 | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | Ritchie, Guy | 1998 | UK | 106 |
2637 | 2573 | Blackmail | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1929 | UK | 86 |
2638 | 2693 | Slave of Love, A | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1976 | USSR | 94 |
2639 | 3096 | Edge of Tomorrow | Liman, Doug | 2014 | USA | 113 |
2640 | 3694 | Calle Mayor | Bardem, Juan Antonio | 1956 | Spain | 99 |
2641 | 2576 | Sign of Leo, The | Rohmer, Eric | 1959 | France | 90 |
2642 | 2578 | Jaguar | Rouch, Jean | 1967 | France | 110 |
2643 | 2581 | Muertos, Los | Alonso, Lisandro | 2004 | Argentina | 78 |
2644 | 2756 | Dead of Night | Cavalcanti, Alberto/Basil Dearden/Robert Hamer/Charles Crichton | 1945 | UK | 103 |
2645 | 2683 | Merry Widow, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1934 | USA | 99 |
2646 | 2583 | Tres tristes tigres | Ruiz, Raúl | 1968 | Chile | 100 |
2647 | 2702 | Priest of Darkness | Yamanaka, Sadao | 1936 | Japan | 82 |
2648 | 2763 | King of New York | Ferrara, Abel | 1990 | USA | 103 |
2649 | 2752 | Train to Busan | Yeon Sang-ho | 2016 | South Korea | 118 |
2650 | 2587 | Days | Tsai Ming-liang | 2020 | Taiwan | 127 |
2651 | 2628 | Seduced and Abandoned | Germi, Pietro | 1964 | Italy | 118 |
2652 | 2611 | Di Cavalcanti | Rocha, Glauber | 1977 | Brazil | 18 |
2653 | 2405 | Children of the Beehive | Shimizu, Hiroshi | 1948 | Japan | 86 |
2654 | 2639 | Traffic | Tati, Jacques | 1971 | France | 96 |
2655 | 2715 | Body Heat | Kasdan, Lawrence | 1981 | USA | 113 |
2656 | 2591 | Bay of Angels | Demy, Jacques | 1963 | France | 85 |
2657 | 2758 | Glengarry Glen Ross | Foley, James | 1992 | USA | 100 |
2658 | 2592 | Canterbury Tales, The | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1971 | France | 109 |
2659 | 2790 | Yesterday Girl | Kluge, Alexander | 1966 | West Germany | 88 |
2660 | 2620 | Deewaar | Chopra, Yash | 1975 | India | 174 |
2661 | 2596 | Lower Depths, The | Renoir, Jean | 1936 | France | 90 |
2662 | 2623 | 45 Years | Haigh, Andrew | 2015 | UK | 95 |
2663 | 2600 | Hold Me While I'm Naked | Kuchar, George | 1966 | USA | 17 |
2664 | 2719 | Burn! | Pontecorvo, Gillo | 1969 | Italy | 112 |
2665 | 2742 | Oblomov | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1980 | USSR | 140 |
2666 | 2602 | Mother Küsters Goes to Heaven | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1975 | West Germany | 108 |
2667 | 2603 | Harvest: 3,000 Years | Gerima, Haile | 1975 | Ethiopia | 150 |
2668 | 4422 | Pi | Aronofsky, Darren | 1998 | USA | 83 |
2669 | 2606 | Ne goryuy! | Daneliya, Georgi | 1968 | USSR | 90 |
2670 | 2701 | Blue Kite, The | Tian Zhuangzhuang | 1993 | China | 140 |
2671 | 2716 | Remember the Night | Leisen, Mitchell | 1940 | USA | 94 |
2672 | 2704 | Bellboy, The | Lewis, Jerry | 1960 | USA | 72 |
2673 | 2970 | In Cold Blood | Brooks, Richard | 1967 | USA | 134 |
2674 | 2667 | Landlord, The | Ashby, Hal | 1970 | USA | 113 |
2675 | 2733 | Pirosmani | Shengelaia, Giorgi | 1969 | USSR | 105 |
2676 | 2927 | At Home Among Strangers, Stranger at Home | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1974 | USSR | 97 |
2677 | 2609 | Anvil!: The Story of Anvil | Gervasi, Sacha | 2008 | USA | 80 |
2678 | 2647 | Question of Silence, A | Gorris, Marleen | 1982 | Netherlands | 92 |
2679 | 2644 | Kiss of the Spider Woman | Babenco, Hector | 1985 | Brazil | 119 |
2680 | 2610 | Heaven and Earth Magic | Smith, Harry | 1962 | USA | 66 |
2681 | 2679 | Rocks | Gavron, Sarah | 2019 | UK | 93 |
2682 | 2612 | Court Jester, The | Panama, Norman/Melvin Frank | 1956 | USA | 101 |
2683 | 2613 | Father and Daughter | Dudok de Wit, Michaël | 2000 | UK | 8 |
2684 | 2614 | Pretty in Pink | Deutch, Howard | 1986 | USA | 96 |
2685 | 2615 | On the Beach | Kramer, Stanley | 1959 | USA | 134 |
2686 | 2808 | Lamerica | Amelio, Gianni | 1994 | France | 111 |
2687 | 2617 | JLG/JLG | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1994 | France | 62 |
2688 | 2618 | American Gigolo | Schrader, Paul | 1980 | USA | 117 |
2689 | 2687 | Mission, The | To, Johnnie | 1999 | Hong Kong | 84 |
2690 | 2848 | Elf | Favreau, Jon | 2003 | USA | 97 |
2691 | 2621 | Puissance de la parole | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1988 | France | 25 |
2692 | 2865 | Candyman | Rose, Bernard | 1992 | USA | 93 |
2693 | 2735 | Bamboozled | Lee, Spike | 2000 | USA | 135 |
2694 | 2661 | Germany in Autumn | Various Directors | 1978 | West Germany | 123 |
2695 | 2625 | Summer Interlude | Bergman, Ingmar | 1951 | Sweden | 96 |
2696 | 2626 | Blood of Jesus, The | Williams, Spencer | 1941 | USA | 57 |
2697 | 2629 | Gosford Park | Altman, Robert | 2001 | UK | 137 |
2698 | 2712 | Sem Essa, Aranha | Sganzerla, Rogério | 1970 | Brazil | 102 |
2699 | 2665 | Steel Helmet, The | Fuller, Samuel | 1951 | USA | 84 |
2700 | 2631 | Outsiders, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1983 | USA | 91 |
2701 | 2632 | Summertime | Lean, David | 1955 | USA | 99 |
2702 | 2633 | Max mon amour | Oshima, Nagisa | 1986 | France | 92 |
2703 | 2635 | I Am Curious (Yellow) | Sjöman, Vilgot | 1967 | Sweden | 121 |
2704 | 2745 | Artist, The | Hazanavicius, Michel | 2011 | France | 100 |
2705 | 2637 | Postman Always Rings Twice, The | Rafelson, Bob | 1981 | USA | 123 |
2706 | 2682 | Repentance | Abuladze, Tengiz | 1984 | Russia | 155 |
2707 | 2638 | Twelve O'Clock High | King, Henry | 1949 | USA | 132 |
2708 | 2640 | Notebook | Menken, Marie | 1963 | USA | 10 |
2709 | 2641 | Truth About Bebe Donge, The | Decoin, Henri | 1952 | France | 110 |
2710 | 2706 | Stalag 17 | Wilder, Billy | 1953 | USA | 120 |
2711 | 2642 | Nayakan | Ratnam, Mani | 1987 | India | 145 |
2712 | 2747 | Gangs of New York | Scorsese, Martin | 2002 | USA | 166 |
2713 | 2646 | Borom sarret | Sembene, Ousmane | 1963 | Senegal | 20 |
2714 | 2834 | Nine Queens | Bielinsky, Fabián | 2000 | Argentina | 113 |
2715 | 2983 | Trial on the Road | German, Aleksei | 1971 | USSR | 96 |
2716 | 2649 | Bonjour Tristesse | Preminger, Otto | 1958 | USA | 94 |
2717 | 2884 | Hedwig and the Angry Inch | Mitchell, John Cameron | 2001 | USA | 91 |
2718 | 3124 | Me and My Gal | Walsh, Raoul | 1932 | USA | 79 |
2719 | 2650 | Siddeshwari | Kaul, Mani | 1989 | India | 123 |
2720 | 2651 | I'm Not There | Haynes, Todd | 2007 | USA | 135 |
2721 | 3126 | Kung-fu Master! | Varda, Agnès | 1988 | France | 80 |
2722 | 2652 | Wadjda | Al-Mansour, Haifaa | 2012 | Saudi Arabia | 98 |
2723 | 2680 | Strictly Ballroom | Luhrmann, Baz | 1992 | Australia | 94 |
2724 | 2653 | Set it Off | Gray, F. Gary | 1996 | USA | 120 |
2725 | 2765 | Pandora and the Flying Dutchman | Lewin, Albert | 1951 | UK | 123 |
2726 | 2655 | Muppet Movie, The | Frawley, James | 1979 | USA | 94 |
2727 | 2656 | Garm Hava | Sathyu, M.S. | 1974 | India | 146 |
2728 | 2657 | I Hired a Contract Killer | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1990 | Finland | 79 |
2729 | 2705 | Mostri, I | Risi, Dino | 1963 | Italy | 87 |
2730 | 2658 | Ritual in Transfigured Time | Deren, Maya | 1946 | USA | 15 |
2731 | 2770 | World on a Wire [TV] | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1973 | West Germany | 212 |
2732 | 2660 | Samurai Rebellion | Kobayashi, Masaki | 1967 | Japan | 128 |
2733 | 2777 | No Path Through Fire | Panfilov, Gleb | 1968 | USSR | 95 |
2734 | 3052 | Cuadecuc, vampir | Portabella, Pere | 1971 | Spain | 67 |
2735 | 2662 | I Don't Want to Sleep Alone | Tsai Ming-liang | 2006 | Taiwan | 118 |
2736 | 2814 | Batman | Burton, Tim | 1989 | USA | 126 |
2737 | 3263 | Carmen Jones | Preminger, Otto | 1954 | USA | 105 |
2738 | 2783 | Bed and Sofa | Room, Abram | 1927 | USSR | 86 |
2739 | 2694 | Way Things Go, The | Fischli, Peter & David Weiss | 1987 | USA | 30 |
2740 | 3071 | Hereditary | Aster, Ari | 2018 | USA | 127 |
2741 | 2860 | Summer Palace | Lou Ye | 2006 | China | 140 |
2742 | 2668 | Lost One, The | Lorre, Peter | 1951 | West Germany | 98 |
2743 | 2789 | Only Lovers Left Alive | Jarmusch, Jim | 2013 | UK | 123 |
2744 | 2669 | When Father Was Away on Business | Kusturica, Emir | 1985 | Yugoslavia | 136 |
2745 | 2686 | Chinese Odyssey: Part One - Pandora's Box, A | Lau, Jeffrey | 1994 | Hong Kong | 87 |
2746 | 2918 | Judex | Feuillade, Louis | 1916 | France | 300 |
2747 | 2670 | Brides of Dracula, The | Fisher, Terence | 1960 | UK | 85 |
2748 | 2671 | Seventeen | DeMott, Joel & Jeff Kreines | 1983 | USA | 120 |
2749 | 2734 | Green Room, The | Truffaut, François | 1978 | France | 94 |
2750 | 3220 | Monty Python's The Meaning of Life | Jones, Terry | 1983 | UK | 103 |
2751 | 2710 | Silence | Scorsese, Martin | 2016 | USA | 161 |
2752 | 2672 | Fear | Rossellini, Roberto | 1954 | Italy | 82 |
2753 | 2673 | In the Street | Agee, James/Helen Levitt/Janice Loeb | 1948 | USA | 16 |
2754 | 2674 | Muna Moto | Dikongue-Pipa, Jean-Pierre | 1975 | Cameroon | 100 |
2755 | 2675 | Ticket of No Return | Ottinger, Ulrike | 1979 | West Germany | 108 |
2756 | 2676 | Paddington | King, Paul | 2014 | UK | 95 |
2757 | 2677 | Two People | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1945 | Sweden | 78 |
2758 | 2678 | Pigsty | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1969 | Italy | 99 |
2759 | 2910 | Du côté d'Orouët | Rozier, Jacques | 1971 | France | 150 |
2760 | 3266 | Variety | Dupont, E.A. | 1925 | Germany | 104 |
2761 | 2809 | You Can Count on Me | Lonergan, Kenneth | 2000 | USA | 110 |
2762 | 2746 | Square, The | Östlund, Ruben | 2017 | Sweden | 142 |
2763 | 2681 | Wuthering Heights | Buñuel, Luis | 1954 | Mexico | 90 |
2764 | 2901 | Vanya on 42nd Street | Malle, Louis | 1994 | USA | 120 |
2765 | 2684 | Lullaby to the Sorrowful Mystery, A | Diaz, Lav | 2016 | Philippines | 485 |
2766 | 2689 | Life and Nothing But | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1989 | France | 135 |
2767 | 2899 | Superbad | Mottola, Greg | 2007 | USA | 113 |
2768 | 2740 | Romeo and Juliet | Zeffirelli, Franco | 1968 | Italy | 138 |
2769 | 3140 | Black Christmas | Clark, Bob | 1974 | Canada | 98 |
2770 | 2827 | Time Machine, The | Pal, George | 1960 | USA | 103 |
2771 | 2698 | Cinderella | Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson | 1950 | USA | 74 |
2772 | 2699 | Towering Inferno, The | Guillermin, John | 1974 | USA | 165 |
2773 | 2828 | Tale of Cinema | Hong Sang-soo | 2005 | South Korea | 89 |
2774 | 2932 | Game, The | Fincher, David | 1997 | USA | 128 |
2775 | 2700 | Bells of St. Mary's, The | McCarey, Leo | 1945 | USA | 126 |
2776 | 2945 | In Bruges | McDonagh, Martin | 2008 | UK | 107 |
2777 | 2784 | Smoking/No Smoking | Resnais, Alain | 1993 | France | 147 |
2778 | 2703 | Rust and Bone | Audiard, Jacques | 2012 | France | 120 |
2779 | 2707 | History Lessons | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1972 | West Germany | 85 |
2780 | 2854 | Ballad of Narayama, The | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1958 | Japan | 98 |
2781 | 2775 | Trash Humpers | Korine, Harmony | 2009 | USA | 78 |
2782 | 2708 | Auntie Mame | DaCosta, Morton | 1958 | USA | 143 |
2783 | 2818 | From Russia with Love | Young, Terence | 1963 | UK | 115 |
2784 | 2855 | Honkytonk Man | Eastwood, Clint | 1982 | USA | 122 |
2785 | 2711 | Sidewalk Stories | Lane, Charles | 1989 | USA | 97 |
2786 | 3234 | Time Indefinite | McElwee, Ross | 1993 | USA | 117 |
2787 | 2791 | Sin City | Rodriguez, Robert & Frank Miller | 2005 | USA | 124 |
2788 | 2908 | Apocalypto | Gibson, Mel | 2006 | USA | 138 |
2789 | 3523 | Cutter's Way | Passer, Ivan | 1981 | USA | 105 |
2790 | 2803 | Dune | Villeneuve, Denis | 2021 | Canada | 155 |
2791 | 2714 | Vernon, Florida | Morris, Errol | 1981 | USA | 55 |
2792 | 2898 | Contact | Zemeckis, Robert | 1997 | USA | 135 |
2793 | 2882 | Skin I Live In, The | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2011 | Spain | 120 |
2794 | 2720 | Last Days of Disco, The | Stillman, Whit | 1998 | USA | 113 |
2795 | 2721 | Bouquets 1-10 | Lowder, Rose | 1995 | France | 11 |
2796 | 2722 | Chronicle of a Disappearance | Suleiman, Elia | 1996 | Palestine | 88 |
2797 | 3054 | Love and Anarchy | Wertmüller, Lina | 1973 | Italy | 108 |
2798 | 2723 | Demon Lover Diary | DeMott, Joel | 1980 | USA | 90 |
2799 | 2724 | Shirin | Kiarostami, Abbas | 2008 | Iran | 92 |
2800 | 2725 | Summer Hours | Assayas, Olivier | 2008 | France | 103 |
2801 | 2726 | Joyless Street, The | Pabst, G.W. | 1925 | Germany | 125 |
2802 | 2727 | Wind That Shakes the Barley, The | Loach, Ken | 2006 | UK | 127 |
2803 | 2728 | Saute ma ville | Akerman, Chantal | 1968 | Belgium | 13 |
2804 | 2730 | Record of a Tenement Gentleman | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1947 | Japan | 72 |
2805 | 2947 | Effi Briest | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1974 | West Germany | 135 |
2806 | 2732 | Tempestaire, Le | Epstein, Jean | 1947 | France | 22 |
2807 | 2853 | Drowning by Numbers | Greenaway, Peter | 1988 | UK | 118 |
2808 | 3892 | France/tour/detour/deux/enfants [TV] | Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville | 1977-78 | France | 312 |
2809 | 2737 | Film About a Woman Who... | Rainer, Yvonne | 1974 | USA | 90 |
2810 | 2802 | Wonder Boys | Hanson, Curtis | 2000 | USA | 112 |
2811 | 2738 | Ten Minutes Older | Frank, Herz | 1978 | USSR | 10 |
2812 | 2779 | Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The | Elliott, Stephan | 1994 | Australia | 102 |
2813 | 2697 | Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination | Zapruder, Abraham | 1963 | USA | 1 |
2814 | 2741 | Sea Horse, The | Painlevé, Jean | 1934 | France | 15 |
2815 | 2952 | Numéro zéro | Eustache, Jean | 1971 | France | 107 |
2816 | 2940 | 10 | Edwards, Blake | 1979 | USA | 122 |
2817 | 2863 | Pride & Prejudice | Wright, Joe | 2005 | UK | 127 |
2818 | 2743 | And Then | Morita, Yoshimitsu | 1985 | Japan | 130 |
2819 | 2825 | Richard III | Olivier, Laurence | 1955 | UK | 155 |
2820 | 2744 | Paris qui dort | Clair, René | 1924 | France | 36 |
2821 | 2810 | Miss Julie | Sjöberg, Alf | 1951 | Sweden | 87 |
2822 | 2748 | Shout, The | Skolimowski, Jerzy | 1978 | UK | 86 |
2823 | 2787 | Hot Fuzz | Wright, Edgar | 2007 | UK | 121 |
2824 | 2749 | Palomita blanca | Ruiz, Raúl | 1973 | Chile | 125 |
2825 | 2849 | Police, Adjective | Porumboiu, Corneliu | 2009 | Romania | 115 |
2826 | 2991 | Patsy, The | Lewis, Jerry | 1964 | USA | 101 |
2827 | 2902 | Long Good Friday, The | Mackenzie, John | 1980 | UK | 114 |
2828 | 2829 | Commitments, The | Parker, Alan | 1991 | Ireland | 118 |
2829 | 2751 | Fugitive, The | Davis, Andrew | 1993 | USA | 127 |
2830 | 2793 | Bullet in the Head | Woo, John | 1990 | Hong Kong | 126 |
2831 | 3057 | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World | Wright, Edgar | 2010 | USA | 112 |
2832 | 2796 | Bitter Rice | De Santis, Giuseppe | 1949 | Italy | 108 |
2833 | 2874 | Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan | Meyer, Nicholas | 1982 | USA | 113 |
2834 | 2753 | One Froggy Evening | Jones, Chuck | 1955 | USA | 7 |
2835 | 2866 | War of the Worlds | Spielberg, Steven | 2005 | USA | 116 |
2836 | 2755 | High Sierra | Walsh, Raoul | 1941 | USA | 100 |
2837 | 3461 | Saint Omer | Diop, Alice | 2022 | France | 122 |
2838 | 2851 | Sisters | De Palma, Brian | 1973 | USA | 93 |
2839 | 2820 | Shaft | Parks, Gordon | 1971 | USA | 100 |
2840 | 2841 | Heart of Glass | Herzog, Werner | 1976 | West Germany | 94 |
2841 | 2842 | Blackboards | Makhmalbaf, Samira | 2000 | Iran | 85 |
2842 | 2757 | Somewhere | Coppola, Sofia | 2010 | USA | 98 |
2843 | 2823 | My Love Has Been Burning | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1949 | Japan | 96 |
2844 | 2759 | Sopyonje | Im Kwon-taek | 1993 | South Korea | 112 |
2845 | 2826 | Angèle | Pagnol, Marcel | 1934 | France | 145 |
2846 | 2760 | Sankofa | Gerima, Haile | 1993 | USA | 124 |
2847 | 2761 | Sanrizuka: Heta Village | Ogawa, Shinsuke | 1973 | Japan | 146 |
2848 | 2962 | Second Circle, The | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1990 | USSR | 92 |
2849 | 3148 | Seven Year Itch, The | Wilder, Billy | 1955 | USA | 105 |
2850 | 2764 | Sleep Has Her House | Barley, Scott | 2017 | UK | 90 |
2851 | 2766 | Serene Velocity | Gehr, Ernie | 1970 | USA | 23 |
2852 | 2768 | Cleopatra | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1963 | USA | 251 |
2853 | 2769 | Pina | Wenders, Wim | 2011 | Germany | 103 |
2854 | 2771 | Triple Agent | Rohmer, Eric | 2004 | France | 115 |
2855 | 2772 | Madame X: An Absolute Ruler | Ottinger, Ulrike | 1978 | West Germany | 147 |
2856 | 2773 | 'Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen | Snow, Michael | 1974 | Canada | 255 |
2857 | 2815 | What's Eating Gilbert Grape | Hallström, Lasse | 1993 | USA | 117 |
2858 | 2852 | Falling Leaves | Iosseliani, Otar | 1966 | USSR | 91 |
2859 | 2776 | Come Back, Africa | Rogosin, Lionel | 1959 | USA | 83 |
2860 | 2778 | Double Tide | Lockhart, Sharon | 2009 | USA | 99 |
2861 | 2839 | Seven Brides for Seven Brothers | Donen, Stanley | 1954 | USA | 103 |
2862 | 2781 | Amma Ariyan | Abraham, John | 1986 | India | 115 |
2863 | 2782 | Friends of Eddie Coyle, The | Yates, Peter | 1973 | USA | 102 |
2864 | 2824 | Fate of Lee Khan, The | Hu, King | 1973 | Hong Kong | 105 |
2865 | 2926 | Atonement | Wright, Joe | 2007 | UK | 123 |
2866 | 2871 | Demonlover | Assayas, Olivier | 2002 | France | 129 |
2867 | 2785 | ¡Vivan las Antipodas! | Kossakovsky, Victor | 2011 | Germany | 108 |
2868 | 2864 | Whispering Pages | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1993 | Germany | 77 |
2869 | 2788 | 3 Bad Men | Ford, John | 1926 | USA | 92 |
2870 | 2847 | Caravaggio | Jarman, Derek | 1986 | UK | 93 |
2871 | 2792 | Carlos | Assayas, Olivier | 2010 | France | 334 |
2872 | 2794 | Sabotage | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1936 | UK | 76 |
2873 | 2971 | Just Before Nightfall | Chabrol, Claude | 1971 | France | 106 |
2874 | 2797 | Elena and Her Men | Renoir, Jean | 1956 | France | 98 |
2875 | 2798 | Big Trail, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1930 | USA | 121 |
2876 | 2831 | Drunken Angel | Kurosawa, Akira | 1948 | Japan | 98 |
2877 | 2900 | Altered States | Russell, Ken | 1980 | USA | 102 |
2878 | 2833 | Train, The | Frankenheimer, John | 1964 | USA | 133 |
2879 | 2867 | Amistad | Spielberg, Steven | 1997 | USA | 152 |
2880 | 2857 | Prizzi's Honor | Huston, John | 1985 | USA | 129 |
2881 | 2801 | Sylvie [TV] | Lemke, Klaus | 1973 | West Germany | 86 |
2882 | 2804 | Big Chill, The | Kasdan, Lawrence | 1983 | USA | 103 |
2883 | 2805 | Spirits of the Dead | Fellini, Federico/Louis Malle/Roger Vadim | 1968 | France | 121 |
2884 | 2836 | Men and Women | Khouri, Walter Hugo | 1964 | Brazil | 93 |
2885 | 3137 | Witch, The | Eggers, Robert | 2015 | USA | 92 |
2886 | 3445 | Important c'est d'aimer, L' | Zulawski, Andrzej | 1975 | France | 109 |
2887 | 3175 | Tarnation | Caouette, Jonathan | 2003 | USA | 88 |
2888 | 3236 | Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, A | Amirpour, Ana Lily | 2014 | USA | 101 |
2889 | 2811 | About Schmidt | Payne, Alexander | 2002 | USA | 125 |
2890 | 2812 | Juan Moreira | Favio, Leonardo | 1973 | Argentina | 102 |
2891 | 2868 | Raven's End | Widerberg, Bo | 1963 | Sweden | 101 |
2892 | 2817 | Neighbours | McLaren, Norman | 1952 | Canada | 8 |
2893 | 2819 | Departures | Takita, Yojiro | 2008 | Japan | 130 |
2894 | 2878 | Visitor Q | Miike, Takashi | 2001 | Japan | 84 |
2895 | 3379 | Guess Who's Coming to Dinner | Kramer, Stanley | 1967 | USA | 108 |
2896 | 2821 | Angelic Conversation, The | Jarman, Derek | 1985 | UK | 78 |
2897 | 2890 | Another Year | Leigh, Mike | 2010 | UK | 130 |
2898 | 3116 | Ginger Snaps | Fawcett, John | 2000 | Canada | 108 |
2899 | 2893 | Kiss Me, Stupid | Wilder, Billy | 1964 | USA | 126 |
2900 | 3298 | Kaili Blues | Bi Gan | 2015 | China | 113 |
2901 | 2862 | Wind Across the Everglades | Ray, Nicholas | 1958 | USA | 93 |
2902 | 3651 | History is Made at Night | Borzage, Frank | 1937 | USA | 97 |
2903 | 2903 | Saga of Gosta Berling, The | Stiller, Mauritz | 1924 | Sweden | 183 |
2904 | 2881 | Sweet Sixteen | Loach, Ken | 2002 | UK | 106 |
2905 | 3109 | Silver Lode | Dwan, Allan | 1954 | USA | 81 |
2906 | 2832 | Last Chants for a Slow Dance | Jost, Jon | 1977 | USA | 90 |
2907 | 2835 | Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ | Niblo, Fred | 1925 | USA | 143 |
2908 | 2837 | Primary | Drew, Robert | 1960 | USA | 60 |
2909 | 2844 | Born on the Fourth of July | Stone, Oliver | 1989 | USA | 144 |
2910 | 2845 | Young One, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1960 | Mexico | 96 |
2911 | 2942 | Testament of Dr. Cordelier, The | Renoir, Jean | 1959 | France | 95 |
2912 | 2846 | Funeral, The | Ferrara, Abel | 1996 | USA | 100 |
2913 | 3321 | Kuroneko | Shindo, Kaneto | 1968 | Japan | 99 |
2914 | 3395 | Silence de la mer, Le | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1949 | France | 86 |
2915 | 2877 | Blade, The | Tsui Hark | 1995 | Hong Kong | 105 |
2916 | 2915 | Darling | Schlesinger, John | 1965 | UK | 128 |
2917 | 2904 | Boom | Losey, Joseph | 1968 | UK | 110 |
2918 | 2850 | Renaldo and Clara | Dylan, Bob | 1978 | USA | 292 |
2919 | 3414 | Masque of the Red Death, The | Corman, Roger | 1964 | USA | 86 |
2920 | 3136 | Mommy | Dolan, Xavier | 2014 | Canada | 139 |
2921 | 2856 | Straight Time | Grosbard, Ulu | 1978 | USA | 114 |
2922 | 2993 | Taxi zum Klo | Ripploh, Frank | 1980 | West Germany | 94 |
2923 | 2858 | Commingled Containers | Brakhage, Stan | 1997 | USA | 5 |
2924 | 2859 | Loveless | Zvyagintsev, Andrey | 2017 | Russia | 127 |
2925 | 2889 | Tarzan and His Mate | Gibbons, Cedric | 1934 | USA | 93 |
2926 | 3226 | Last Command, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1928 | USA | 88 |
2927 | 2998 | Hospital [TV] | Wiseman, Frederick | 1970 | USA | 84 |
2928 | 3199 | Arsenal | Dovzhenko, Alexander | 1929 | USSR | 70 |
2929 | 2861 | Extreme Private Eros: Love Song 1974 | Hara, Kazuo | 1974 | Japan | 98 |
2930 | 2955 | Beetlejuice | Burton, Tim | 1988 | USA | 92 |
2931 | 3585 | Gueule d'amour | Grémillon, Jean | 1937 | France | 90 |
2932 | 2916 | Love Letter | Iwai, Shunji | 1995 | Japan | 117 |
2933 | 2917 | Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train | Chéreau, Patrice | 1998 | France | 122 |
2934 | 2935 | Import Export | Seidl, Ulrich | 2007 | Austria | 141 |
2935 | 3357 | Maeve | Murphy, Pat | 1981 | UK | 110 |
2936 | 2869 | White Sheik, The | Fellini, Federico | 1952 | Italy | 83 |
2937 | 2870 | Origins of the 21st Century | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2000 | France | 13 |
2938 | 3092 | Bank Dick, The | Cline, Eddie | 1940 | USA | 74 |
2939 | 2872 | Project A | Chan, Jackie | 1983 | Hong Kong | 106 |
2940 | 2982 | Way We Were, The | Pollack, Sydney | 1973 | USA | 118 |
2941 | 2938 | Say Anything... | Crowe, Cameron | 1989 | USA | 100 |
2942 | 3172 | Saint Jack | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1979 | USA | 112 |
2943 | 2960 | Violent Cop | Kitano, Takeshi | 1989 | Japan | 103 |
2944 | 2873 | No Sex Last Night | Calle, Sophie & Greg Shephard | 1996 | USA | 76 |
2945 | 2928 | Zigeunerweisen | Suzuki, Seijun | 1980 | Japan | 144 |
2946 | 2988 | My Hustler | Warhol, Andy & Chuck Wein | 1965 | USA | 79 |
2947 | 2876 | Atomic Cafe, The | Loader, Jayne/Kevin Rafferty/Pierce Rafferty | 1982 | USA | 86 |
2948 | 2929 | Big | Marshall, Penny | 1988 | USA | 102 |
2949 | 3277 | Total Recall | Verhoeven, Paul | 1990 | USA | 109 |
2950 | 2879 | Je t'aime moi non plus | Gainsbourg, Serge | 1975 | France | 89 |
2951 | 2883 | Hôtel des Invalides | Franju, Georges | 1952 | France | 22 |
2952 | 2921 | Lavender Hill Mob, The | Crichton, Charles | 1951 | UK | 82 |
2953 | 2885 | Jackal of Nahueltoro | Littin, Miguel | 1969 | Chile | 95 |
2954 | 2886 | Golden Eighties | Akerman, Chantal | 1986 | France | 96 |
2955 | 2887 | True Stories | Byrne, David | 1986 | USA | 111 |
2956 | 2888 | Wuthering Heights | Arnold, Andrea | 2011 | UK | 129 |
2957 | 3196 | Flavour of Green Tea Over Rice | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1952 | Japan | 116 |
2958 | 3119 | Exodus | Preminger, Otto | 1960 | USA | 213 |
2959 | 3143 | eXistenZ | Cronenberg, David | 1999 | Canada | 96 |
2960 | 3384 | Friday Night | Denis, Claire | 2002 | France | 89 |
2961 | 2891 | Time for Drunken Horses, A | Ghobadi, Bahman | 2000 | Iran | 80 |
2962 | 3127 | All About Lily Chou-Chou | Iwai, Shunji | 2001 | Japan | 146 |
2963 | 3185 | Identification of a Woman | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1982 | Italy | 128 |
2964 | 2894 | El Cid | Mann, Anthony | 1961 | USA | 184 |
2965 | 2895 | White Men Can't Jump | Shelton, Ron | 1992 | USA | 114 |
2966 | 2896 | Spring River Flows East, The | Cai Chusheng | 1947 | China | 192 |
2967 | 2897 | Black Hawk Down | Scott, Ridley | 2001 | USA | 144 |
2968 | 3157 | Sophie's Choice | Pakula, Alan J. | 1982 | UK | 150 |
2969 | 2967 | Fahrenheit 451 | Truffaut, François | 1966 | UK | 111 |
2970 | 2934 | In the Name of the Father | Sheridan, Jim | 1993 | Ireland | 127 |
2971 | 2906 | Water Lilies | Sciamma, Céline | 2007 | France | 85 |
2972 | 2907 | Bleak Moments | Leigh, Mike | 1971 | UK | 106 |
2973 | 2979 | Monster | Jenkins, Patty | 2003 | USA | 109 |
2974 | 2909 | Love Unto Death | Resnais, Alain | 1984 | France | 92 |
2975 | 2978 | Dark Star | Carpenter, John | 1974 | USA | 83 |
2976 | 2961 | Nowhere | Araki, Gregg | 1997 | USA | 81 |
2977 | 2963 | Victim | Dearden, Basil | 1961 | UK | 100 |
2978 | 2911 | Rentrée des classes | Rozier, Jacques | 1955 | France | 24 |
2979 | 2912 | Blight | Smith, John | 1996 | UK | 15 |
2980 | 2964 | Official Story, The | Puenzo, Luis | 1985 | Argentina | 110 |
2981 | 2968 | Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1989 | Spain | 101 |
2982 | 2913 | Flic, Un | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1972 | France | 98 |
2983 | 3250 | Face/Off | Woo, John | 1997 | USA | 138 |
2984 | 2985 | Fedora | Wilder, Billy | 1978 | Germany | 114 |
2985 | 3339 | Naked Lunch | Cronenberg, David | 1991 | UK | 115 |
2986 | 2914 | City of Lost Children, The | Jeunet, Jean-Pierre & Marc Caro | 1995 | France | 112 |
2987 | 2948 | Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith | Lucas, George | 2005 | USA | 140 |
2988 | 2951 | Man on the Roof | Widerberg, Bo | 1976 | Sweden | 110 |
2989 | 3785 | Blast of Silence | Baron, Allen | 1961 | USA | 77 |
2990 | 2919 | Robin and Marian | Lester, Richard | 1976 | USA | 106 |
2991 | 2920 | Série noire | Corneau, Alain | 1979 | France | 111 |
2992 | 3231 | Snatch | Ritchie, Guy | 2000 | USA | 102 |
2993 | 2999 | Fragile as the World | Azevedo Gomes, Rita | 2001 | Portugal | 90 |
2994 | 3264 | Letter from Siberia | Marker, Chris | 1957 | France | 62 |
2995 | 2922 | Strawberry and Chocolate | Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás & Juan Carlos Tabío | 1993 | Mexico | 108 |
2996 | 2923 | Utopia | Saless, Sohrab Shahid | 1983 | West Germany | 198 |
2997 | 3748 | Eureka | Aoyama, Shinji | 2000 | Japan | 217 |
2998 | 3095 | Utamaro and His Five Women | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1946 | Japan | 106 |
2999 | 3151 | Culloden [TV] | Watkins, Peter | 1964 | UK | 69 |
3000 | 2958 | Odd Couple, The | Saks, Gene | 1968 | USA | 105 |
3001 | 3001 | Adebar | Kubelka, Peter | 1957 | Austria | 2 |
3002 | 3002 | Straits of Love and Hate, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1937 | Japan | 108 |
3003 | 3003 | Last Night | McKellar, Don | 1998 | Canada | 94 |
3004 | 3004 | Happiest Days of Your Life, The | Launder, Frank | 1950 | UK | 84 |
3005 | 3005 | Quick Billy | Baillie, Bruce | 1971 | USA | 56 |
3006 | 3029 | Biutiful | González Iñárritu, Alejandro | 2010 | Mexico | 148 |
3007 | 3006 | Let's Scare Jessica to Death | Hancock, John D. | 1971 | USA | 89 |
3008 | 2351 | Oki's Movie | Hong Sang-soo | 2010 | South Korea | 80 |
3009 | 3011 | Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension, The | Richter, W.D. | 1984 | USA | 103 |
3010 | 3008 | Night and Day | Akerman, Chantal | 1991 | Belgium | 92 |
3011 | 3012 | Lion in Winter, The | Harvey, Anthony | 1968 | UK | 135 |
3012 | 3009 | Station Agent, The | McCarthy, Tom | 2003 | USA | 88 |
3013 | 2429 | Je vous salue, Sarajevo [VIDEO] | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1993 | France | 2 |
3014 | 3010 | Radio On | Petit, Christopher | 1979 | UK | 104 |
3015 | 3013 | Blue Planet, The | Piavoli, Franco | 1982 | Italy | 83 |
3016 | 3014 | Mutiny on the Bounty | Lloyd, Frank | 1935 | USA | 132 |
3017 | 2478 | Outer and Inner Space | Warhol, Andy | 1966 | USA | 33 |
3018 | 3015 | Nothing But Time | Cavalcanti, Alberto | 1926 | France | 45 |
3019 | 3016 | Charge of the Light Brigade, The | Richardson, Tony | 1968 | UK | 139 |
3020 | 3017 | Allures | Belson, Jordan | 1961 | USA | 8 |
3021 | 3018 | Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies | Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay | 1987 | UK | 14 |
3022 | 3019 | Raising Cain | De Palma, Brian | 1992 | USA | 95 |
3023 | 3020 | Mo' Better Blues | Lee, Spike | 1990 | USA | 127 |
3024 | 3022 | Boat Leaving the Port | Lumière, Louis | 1895 | France | 1 |
3025 | 3031 | Pharaoh | Kawalerowicz, Jerzy | 1966 | Poland | 180 |
3026 | 3023 | Trade Tattoo | Lye, Len | 1937 | UK | 5 |
3027 | 3024 | Prowler, The | Losey, Joseph | 1951 | USA | 92 |
3028 | 3025 | Hours for Jerome | Dorsky, Nathaniel | 1982 | USA | 45 |
3029 | 3027 | Last of England, The | Jarman, Derek | 1987 | UK | 92 |
3030 | 3028 | Shortbus | Mitchell, John Cameron | 2006 | USA | 101 |
3031 | 3038 | Boston Strangler, The | Fleischer, Richard | 1968 | USA | 116 |
3032 | 3042 | Man's Favorite Sport? | Hawks, Howard | 1964 | USA | 120 |
3033 | 3030 | Gay Divorcee, The | Sandrich, Mark | 1934 | USA | 107 |
3034 | 3036 | Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | Hughes, Ken | 1968 | USA | 142 |
3035 | 3032 | Mass for the Dakota Sioux | Baillie, Bruce | 1964 | USA | 24 |
3036 | 3033 | Simple Event, A | Saless, Sohrab Shahid | 1973 | Iran | 80 |
3037 | 3034 | Sièges de l'Alcazar, Les | Moullet, Luc | 1989 | France | 54 |
3038 | 3039 | Kids Are All Right, The | Cholodenko, Lisa | 2010 | USA | 106 |
3039 | 3035 | Behindert [TV] | Dwoskin, Stephen | 1974 | West Germany | 96 |
3040 | 3037 | Night Tide | Harrington, Curtis | 1961 | USA | 84 |
3041 | 3041 | Killing of a Sacred Deer, The | Lanthimos, Yorgos | 2017 | UK | 121 |
3042 | 3040 | High Tide | Armstrong, Gillian | 1987 | Australia | 101 |
3043 | 3078 | How to Be Loved | Has, Wojciech | 1963 | Poland | 97 |
3044 | 2806 | Dyketactics | Hammer, Barbara | 1974 | USA | 4 |
3045 | 2807 | Alexandria: Again and Forever | Chahine, Youssef | 1989 | France | 100 |
3046 | 2813 | Screaming Man, A | Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh | 2010 | France | 92 |
3047 | 3043 | Forty-First, The | Chukhrai, Grigori | 1956 | USSR | 88 |
3048 | 3044 | After Lucia | Franco, Michel | 2012 | Mexico | 103 |
3049 | 2816 | Magic Mike XXL | Jacobs, Gregory | 2015 | USA | 115 |
3050 | 3045 | Musketeers of Pig Alley, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1912 | USA | 17 |
3051 | 3048 | Coming to America | Landis, John | 1988 | USA | 116 |
3052 | 2830 | Other Men's Women | Wellman, William | 1931 | USA | 70 |
3053 | 2840 | When the Day Breaks | Forbis, Amanda & Wendy Tilby | 1999 | Canada | 10 |
3054 | 3047 | Départ, Le | Skolimowski, Jerzy | 1967 | Belgium | 93 |
3055 | 3065 | Dunkirk | Nolan, Christopher | 2017 | UK | 106 |
3056 | 3050 | Grissom Gang, The | Aldrich, Robert | 1971 | USA | 127 |
3057 | 3152 | Breaking Point, The | Curtiz, Michael | 1950 | USA | 97 |
3058 | 2627 | Beyond the Hills | Mungiu, Cristian | 2012 | Romania | 150 |
3059 | 3051 | Die Hard with a Vengeance | McTiernan, John | 1995 | USA | 128 |
3060 | 3063 | Quo vadis, Aida? | Zbanic, Jasmila | 2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 101 |
3061 | 3053 | Welcome II the Terrordome | Onwurah, Ngozi | 1995 | UK | 90 |
3062 | 3066 | Spider | Cronenberg, David | 2002 | Canada | 98 |
3063 | 3055 | Beshkempir | Kubat, Aktan Arym | 1998 | Kyrgyzstan | 81 |
3064 | 2880 | Archipelago | Hogg, Joanna | 2010 | UK | 115 |
3065 | 3104 | Barbara | Petzold, Christian | 2012 | Germany | 105 |
3066 | 3073 | This is Not a Burial, it's a Resurrection | Mosese, Lemohang Jeremiah | 2019 | Lesotho | 120 |
3067 | 3088 | Ex Machina | Garland, Alex | 2014 | UK | 108 |
3068 | 2924 | On the Beach at Night Alone | Hong Sang-soo | 2017 | South Korea | 101 |
3069 | 3056 | Chunhyang | Im Kwon-taek | 2000 | South Korea | 120 |
3070 | 3058 | Pilgrimage | Ford, John | 1933 | USA | 96 |
3071 | 3059 | Secret in Their Eyes, The | Campanella, Juan José | 2009 | Spain | 129 |
3072 | 3060 | Memoria | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2021 | Colombia | 136 |
3073 | 2905 | Love and Duty | Bu Wancang | 1931 | China | 152 |
3074 | 7152 | 12:08 East of Bucharest | Porumboiu, Corneliu | 2006 | Romania | 89 |
3075 | 3061 | Public Housing | Wiseman, Frederick | 1997 | USA | 200 |
3076 | 3062 | Last Black Man in San Francisco, The | Talbot, Joe | 2019 | USA | 121 |
3077 | 3064 | Weather Diary 3 | Kuchar, George | 1988 | USA | 24 |
3078 | 3089 | Saint Joan | Preminger, Otto | 1957 | USA | 110 |
3079 | 2957 | Still | Gehr, Ernie | 1971 | USA | 55 |
3080 | 4065 | Beirut My City | Saab, Jocelyne | 1983 | France | 38 |
3081 | 2925 | 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1962 | USA | 153 |
3082 | 3201 | Gunnar Hede's Saga | Stiller, Mauritz | 1923 | Sweden | 101 |
3083 | 2930 | Miracle of Marcelino, The | Vajda, Ladislao | 1955 | Spain | 91 |
3084 | 2931 | Primate | Wiseman, Frederick | 1974 | USA | 105 |
3085 | 2966 | Dead Zone, The | Cronenberg, David | 1983 | USA | 103 |
3086 | 3179 | Solaris | Soderbergh, Steven | 2002 | USA | 99 |
3087 | 3068 | Stavisky | Resnais, Alain | 1974 | France | 120 |
3088 | 3129 | Lady Vengeance | Park Chan-wook | 2005 | South Korea | 115 |
3089 | 3262 | Porco Rosso | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1992 | Japan | 94 |
3090 | 2933 | Sink or Swim | Friedrich, Su | 1990 | USA | 48 |
3091 | 2754 | Rose King, The | Schroeter, Werner | 1986 | West Germany | 106 |
3092 | 2936 | Cézanne - Conversation with Joachim Gasquet | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1990 | France | 52 |
3093 | 3070 | Side/Walk/Shuttle | Gehr, Ernie | 1991 | USA | 41 |
3094 | 3075 | Canta delle Marane, La | Mangini, Cecilia | 1961 | Italy | 10 |
3095 | 3072 | Wasp | Arnold, Andrea | 2003 | UK | 26 |
3096 | 3076 | Our Voice of Earth, Memory and Future | Rodríguez, Marta & Jorge Silva | 1982 | Colombia | 110 |
3097 | 3074 | Crip Camp | Lebrecht, James & Nicole Newnham | 2020 | USA | 106 |
3098 | 3377 | Good Men, Good Women | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1995 | Japan | 108 |
3099 | 2939 | Today We Live | Hawks, Howard | 1933 | USA | 113 |
3100 | 3077 | Shame | McQueen, Steve | 2011 | UK | 101 |
3101 | 2941 | Ere erera baleibu icik subua aruaren | Sistiaga, José Antonio | 1970 | Spain | 75 |
3102 | 3079 | Bread Day | Dvortsevoy, Sergei | 1998 | Russia | 55 |
3103 | 2987 | Belle équipe, La | Duvivier, Julien | 1936 | France | 101 |
3104 | 2943 | Lumière d'été | Grémillon, Jean | 1943 | France | 112 |
3105 | 3153 | Drunken Master | Yuen Woo-Ping | 1978 | Hong Kong | 107 |
3106 | 2944 | Smiling Madame Beudet, The | Dulac, Germaine | 1923 | France | 37 |
3107 | 3620 | Deprisa, deprisa | Saura, Carlos | 1981 | Spain | 99 |
3108 | 3082 | Day After, The | Hong Sang-soo | 2017 | South Korea | 92 |
3109 | 3285 | Human Condition II, The | Kobayashi, Masaki | 1959 | Japan | 181 |
3110 | 2946 | Easter Parade | Walters, Charles | 1948 | USA | 103 |
3111 | 3582 | Lenny | Fosse, Bob | 1974 | USA | 112 |
3112 | 2992 | Tombstone | Cosmatos, George P. | 1993 | USA | 128 |
3113 | 3133 | Midsummer Night's Dream, A | Dieterle, William & Max Reinhardt | 1935 | USA | 133 |
3114 | 3254 | Married Couple, A | King, Allan | 1969 | Canada | 97 |
3115 | 2949 | Ange, L' | Bokanowski, Patrick | 1982 | France | 70 |
3116 | 2950 | Sun-Tribe Myth from the Bakumatsu Era, A | Kawashima, Yuzo | 1957 | Japan | 110 |
3117 | 4391 | Lady Chatterley | Ferran, Pascale | 2006 | France | 168 |
3118 | 3225 | Invisible Man, The | Whale, James | 1933 | USA | 71 |
3119 | 3162 | Time Bandits | Gilliam, Terry | 1981 | UK | 110 |
3120 | 3125 | Targets | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1968 | USA | 90 |
3121 | 2995 | Tall T, The | Boetticher, Budd | 1957 | USA | 78 |
3122 | 2953 | Wire, The [TV] | Various Directors | 2002-08 | USA | 3600 |
3123 | 2954 | Monkey Business | McLeod, Norman Z. | 1931 | USA | 77 |
3124 | 3080 | Jaane Bhi Do Yaaro | Shah, Kundan | 1983 | India | 143 |
3125 | 2956 | Under the Sun of Satan | Pialat, Maurice | 1987 | France | 97 |
3126 | 2997 | Lyre of Delight, The | Lima Jr., Walter | 1978 | Brazil | 105 |
3127 | 2959 | Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A | Kazan, Elia | 1945 | USA | 128 |
3128 | 3120 | Knack... and How to Get It, The | Lester, Richard | 1965 | UK | 84 |
3129 | 3276 | Cockfighter | Hellman, Monte | 1974 | USA | 83 |
3130 | 3098 | Upstream Color | Carruth, Shane | 2013 | USA | 96 |
3131 | 3081 | Canoa: A Shameful Memory | Cazals, Felipe | 1976 | Mexico | 115 |
3132 | 3626 | Intimacy | Chéreau, Patrice | 2001 | France | 120 |
3133 | 4461 | Aftersun | Wells, Charlotte | 2022 | UK | 102 |
3134 | 3207 | Four Feathers, The | Korda, Zoltan | 1939 | UK | 115 |
3135 | 3103 | Danger: Diabolik | Bava, Mario | 1968 | Italy | 105 |
3136 | 2965 | Father | Szabó, István | 1966 | Hungary | 89 |
3137 | 2969 | Chaser, The | Na Hong-jin | 2008 | South Korea | 125 |
3138 | 3150 | Moon | Jones, Duncan | 2009 | UK | 97 |
3139 | 3146 | Imitation of Life | Stahl, John M. | 1934 | USA | 111 |
3140 | 2972 | Powers of Ten | Eames, Charles & Ray Eames | 1978 | USA | 9 |
3141 | 2973 | Our Lady of the Turks | Bene, Carmelo | 1968 | Italy | 124 |
3142 | 3256 | Other, The | Mulligan, Robert | 1972 | USA | 100 |
3143 | 3083 | Cousins, Les | Chabrol, Claude | 1959 | France | 112 |
3144 | 3108 | Anomalisa | Johnson, Duke & Charlie Kaufman | 2015 | USA | 90 |
3145 | 3258 | Streets of Fire | Hill, Walter | 1984 | USA | 93 |
3146 | 3110 | Appropriate Behavior | Akhavan, Desiree | 2014 | UK | 86 |
3147 | 2974 | Merrily We Go to Hell | Arzner, Dorothy | 1932 | USA | 78 |
3148 | 2975 | Amour existe, L' | Pialat, Maurice | 1960 | France | 21 |
3149 | 3111 | On Body and Soul | Enyedi, Ildikó | 2017 | Hungary | 116 |
3150 | 2976 | Alpine Fire | Murer, Fredi M. | 1985 | Switzerland | 117 |
3151 | 3112 | Devil's Envoys, The | Carné, Marcel | 1942 | France | 115 |
3152 | 3138 | God's Step Children | Micheaux, Oscar | 1938 | USA | 105 |
3153 | 3084 | Opera Jawa | Nugroho, Garin | 2006 | Indonesia | 120 |
3154 | 2977 | Caza, La | Saura, Carlos | 1966 | Spain | 91 |
3155 | 2980 | 15/67: TV | Kren, Kurt | 1967 | Austria | 7 |
3156 | 3791 | Bullets Over Broadway | Allen, Woody | 1994 | USA | 99 |
3157 | 2981 | Un soir, un train | Delvaux, André | 1968 | France | 86 |
3158 | 3085 | Ruskin | Beavers, Robert | 1974 | USA | 39 |
3159 | 2984 | Who's Singing Over There? | Sijan, Slobodan | 1980 | Yugoslavia | 86 |
3160 | 3303 | Principio y fin | Ripstein, Arturo | 1993 | Mexico | 188 |
3161 | 3359 | Rancho Notorious | Lang, Fritz | 1952 | USA | 89 |
3162 | 2986 | Lost Weekend, The | Wilder, Billy | 1945 | USA | 101 |
3163 | 3144 | Happy-Go-Lucky | Leigh, Mike | 2008 | UK | 118 |
3164 | 3533 | Norte, the End of History | Diaz, Lav | 2013 | Philippines | 250 |
3165 | 3245 | Carnal Knowledge | Nichols, Mike | 1971 | USA | 96 |
3166 | 3086 | Ivan | Dovzhenko, Alexander | 1932 | USSR | 83 |
3167 | 3183 | Death of Empedocles, The | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1987 | France | 132 |
3168 | 2989 | Report on the Party and Guests, A | Nemec, Jan | 1966 | Czechoslovakia | 71 |
3169 | 2990 | Hairspray | Waters, John | 1988 | USA | 96 |
3170 | 3176 | Wolf Man, The | Waggner, George | 1941 | USA | 70 |
3171 | 3161 | Desperate Living | Waters, John | 1977 | USA | 90 |
3172 | 3881 | Mr. Thank You | Shimizu, Hiroshi | 1936 | Japan | 78 |
3173 | 3217 | Shivers | Cronenberg, David | 1975 | Canada | 87 |
3174 | 3289 | Ludwig - Requiem for a Virgin King | Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen | 1972 | West Germany | 140 |
3175 | 2994 | Death of a Bureaucrat | Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás | 1966 | Cuba | 85 |
3176 | 3130 | Europa Europa | Holland, Agnieszka | 1990 | Germany | 112 |
3177 | 3134 | Wild Reeds | Téchiné, André | 1993 | France | 110 |
3178 | 2996 | Thérèse | Cavalier, Alain | 1986 | France | 91 |
3179 | 3090 | Body Remembers When the World Broke Open, The | Hepburn, Kathleen & Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers | 2019 | Canada | 105 |
3180 | 3000 | Chapayev | Vasilyev, Georgi & Sergei Vasilyev | 1934 | USSR | 101 |
3181 | 3091 | Christiane F. | Edel, Uli | 1981 | Germany | 124 |
3182 | 3093 | Foreign Affair, A | Wilder, Billy | 1948 | USA | 116 |
3183 | 3296 | Tol'able David | King, Henry | 1921 | USA | 99 |
3184 | 3317 | Looper | Johnson, Rian | 2012 | USA | 119 |
3185 | 3094 | Three Songs About Lenin | Vertov, Dziga | 1934 | USSR | 61 |
3186 | 3097 | Bad Seed, The | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1956 | USA | 129 |
3187 | 3173 | Mr. Deeds Goes to Town | Capra, Frank | 1936 | USA | 115 |
3188 | 3327 | Electra Glide in Blue | Guercio, James William | 1973 | USA | 113 |
3189 | 3099 | Palms | Aristakisian, Artour | 1994 | Russia | 140 |
3190 | 3149 | Léon Morin, Priest | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1961 | France | 112 |
3191 | 3178 | Life is Sweet | Leigh, Mike | 1990 | UK | 102 |
3192 | 3237 | Fury, The | De Palma, Brian | 1978 | USA | 118 |
3193 | 3206 | Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, The | Jones, Tommy Lee | 2005 | France | 121 |
3194 | 3100 | Hedgehog in the Fog | Norshteyn, Yuriy | 1975 | USSR | 11 |
3195 | 3101 | Up the Junction [TV] | Loach, Ken | 1965 | UK | 72 |
3196 | 3102 | Black Sun | Tarn, Gary | 2005 | UK | 75 |
3197 | 3340 | Four Adventures of Reinette and Mirabelle | Rohmer, Eric | 1986 | France | 95 |
3198 | 3300 | Munich | Spielberg, Steven | 2005 | USA | 160 |
3199 | 2875 | As Tears Go By | Wong Kar-wai | 1988 | Hong Kong | 102 |
3200 | 3278 | Michael | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1924 | Germany | 86 |
3201 | 4097 | Welcome, or No Trespassing | Klimov, Elem | 1964 | USSR | 74 |
3202 | 3517 | Wet Hot American Summer | Wain, David | 2001 | USA | 97 |
3203 | 3105 | Unforgettable Summer, An | Pintilie, Lucian | 1994 | France | 82 |
3204 | 3156 | Eat Drink Man Woman | Lee, Ang | 1994 | Taiwan | 124 |
3205 | 3485 | Criss Cross | Siodmak, Robert | 1949 | USA | 87 |
3206 | 3106 | Rat-Trap | Gopalakrishnan, Adoor | 1982 | India | 121 |
3207 | 3187 | I Can't Sleep | Denis, Claire | 1994 | France | 110 |
3208 | 3189 | Parade | Tati, Jacques | 1974 | France | 85 |
3209 | 3227 | Entre Nous | Kurys, Diane | 1983 | France | 110 |
3210 | 3113 | Antoine and Antoinette | Becker, Jacques | 1947 | France | 78 |
3211 | 3115 | Cabiria | Pastrone, Giovanni | 1914 | Italy | 148 |
3212 | 3194 | Vida en un hilo, La | Neville, Edgar | 1945 | Spain | 92 |
3213 | 3224 | Elena | Zvyagintsev, Andrey | 2011 | Russia | 109 |
3214 | 3240 | Garçu, Le | Pialat, Maurice | 1995 | France | 102 |
3215 | 3117 | This Land is Mine | Renoir, Jean | 1943 | USA | 103 |
3216 | 3118 | Paraguayan Hammock | Encina, Paz | 2006 | Argentina | 78 |
3217 | 3268 | Severe Young Man, A | Room, Abram | 1935 | USSR | 100 |
3218 | 4022 | Mississippi Burning | Parker, Alan | 1988 | USA | 128 |
3219 | 3170 | Only Yesterday | Takahata, Isao | 1991 | Japan | 118 |
3220 | 3121 | Others, The | Amenábar, Alejandro | 2001 | Spain | 100 |
3221 | 3122 | Memories and Confessions | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1993 | Portugal | 73 |
3222 | 3123 | Man Who Left His Will on Film, The | Oshima, Nagisa | 1970 | Japan | 94 |
3223 | 3363 | 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T., The | Rowland, Roy | 1953 | USA | 88 |
3224 | 3128 | Angelo, My Love | Duvall, Robert | 1983 | USA | 115 |
3225 | 3184 | Commando | Lester, Mark L. | 1985 | USA | 88 |
3226 | 3131 | Carne | Noé, Gaspar | 1991 | France | 40 |
3227 | 3132 | Pas de deux | McLaren, Norman | 1968 | Canada | 13 |
3228 | 3188 | Human Desire | Lang, Fritz | 1954 | USA | 90 |
3229 | 3135 | Pornographers, The | Imamura, Shohei | 1966 | Japan | 128 |
3230 | 3347 | Pont des Arts, Le | Green, Eugène | 2004 | France | 126 |
3231 | 3230 | Pretty Woman | Marshall, Garry | 1990 | USA | 119 |
3232 | 3193 | Sense and Sensibility | Lee, Ang | 1995 | UK | 135 |
3233 | 3139 | Multiple Maniacs | Waters, John | 1970 | USA | 91 |
3234 | 3141 | Passion of the Christ, The | Gibson, Mel | 2004 | USA | 126 |
3235 | 3142 | Enfants terribles, Les | Melville, Jean-Pierre | 1950 | France | 107 |
3236 | 4227 | Day of the Beast, The | de la Iglesia, Álex | 1995 | Spain | 103 |
3237 | 3329 | Secret of the Grain, The | Kechiche, Abdellatif | 2007 | France | 151 |
3238 | 3468 | Nightmare Alley | Goulding, Edmund | 1947 | USA | 111 |
3239 | 3192 | Orphanage, The | Bayona, Juan Antonio | 2007 | Spain | 100 |
3240 | 3238 | Reisender Krieger [TV] | Schocher, Christian | 1981 | Switzerland | 195 |
3241 | 3292 | Wrestler, The | Aronofsky, Darren | 2008 | USA | 109 |
3242 | 3328 | Monterey Pop | Pennebaker, D.A. | 1968 | USA | 88 |
3243 | 3145 | Mutants, The | Villaverde, Teresa | 1998 | Portugal | 113 |
3244 | 3147 | If Beale Street Could Talk | Jenkins, Barry | 2018 | USA | 119 |
3245 | 3387 | Fin du jour, La | Duvivier, Julien | 1939 | France | 99 |
3246 | 3302 | Grand Moment, The | Santos, Roberto | 1958 | Brazil | 80 |
3247 | 3771 | Bigger Splash, A | Hazan, Jack | 1973 | UK | 106 |
3248 | 3400 | Train of Shadows | Guerín, José Luis | 1997 | Spain | 88 |
3249 | 3154 | Dog's Life, A | Chaplin, Charles | 1918 | USA | 33 |
3250 | 3210 | Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit | Park, Nick & Steve Box | 2005 | UK | 85 |
3251 | 3155 | Shoulder Arms | Chaplin, Charles | 1918 | USA | 38 |
3252 | 3218 | Before Midnight | Linklater, Richard | 2013 | USA | 109 |
3253 | 3215 | Fireworks | Anger, Kenneth | 1947 | USA | 20 |
3254 | 3209 | Day at the Races, A | Wood, Sam | 1937 | USA | 111 |
3255 | 3449 | Cocorico Monsieur Poulet | Rouch, Jean | 1974 | France | 93 |
3256 | 3158 | Meet John Doe | Capra, Frank | 1941 | USA | 132 |
3257 | 3159 | Hill, The | Lumet, Sidney | 1965 | UK | 122 |
3258 | 3160 | Tía Tula, La | Picazo, Miguel | 1964 | Spain | 109 |
3259 | 3212 | To the Left of the Father | Carvalho, Luiz Fernando | 2001 | Brazil | 163 |
3260 | 3361 | Crow, The | Proyas, Alex | 1994 | USA | 100 |
3261 | 3163 | Scénario du film 'Passion' | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1982 | France | 54 |
3262 | 3164 | Defending Your Life | Brooks, Albert | 1991 | USA | 112 |
3263 | 3290 | Warning Shadows | Robison, Arthur | 1923 | Germany | 90 |
3264 | 3291 | Enchanted Desna | Solntseva, Yuliya | 1964 | USSR | 81 |
3265 | 3165 | Life on Earth | Sissako, Abderrahmane | 1998 | Mali | 61 |
3266 | 3166 | Birdy | Parker, Alan | 1984 | USA | 120 |
3267 | 3575 | Eastern Promises | Cronenberg, David | 2007 | UK | 101 |
3268 | 3167 | Turksib | Turin, Victor A. | 1929 | USSR | 57 |
3269 | 3168 | Ma vie en rose | Berliner, Alain | 1997 | France | 89 |
3270 | 3583 | Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow | Angelopoulos, Theo | 2004 | Greece | 170 |
3271 | 3378 | Footlight Parade | Bacon, Lloyd | 1933 | USA | 104 |
3272 | 3169 | Prozess, Der [TV] | Fechner, Eberhard | 1984 | West Germany | 270 |
3273 | 3411 | Quei loro incontri | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 2006 | Italy | 68 |
3274 | 3171 | Traidores, Los | Gleyzer, Raymundo | 1972 | Argentina | 113 |
3275 | 3271 | Mountain Pass | Stévenin, Jean-François | 1978 | France | 108 |
3276 | 3174 | Seeking Asylum | Ferreri, Marco | 1979 | Italy | 110 |
3277 | 3177 | Monkey Business | Hawks, Howard | 1952 | USA | 97 |
3278 | 3180 | When the Tenth Month Comes | Minh Dang Nhat | 1984 | Vietnam | 95 |
3279 | 3181 | Zefiro Torna or Scenes from the Life of George Maciunas | Mekas, Jonas | 1992 | USA | 35 |
3280 | 3246 | Anémic cinéma | Duchamp, Marcel | 1926 | France | 7 |
3281 | 3182 | Bluebeard's Eighth Wife | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1938 | USA | 85 |
3282 | 3251 | Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance | Park Chan-wook | 2002 | South Korea | 129 |
3283 | 3186 | Madeline's Madeline | Decker, Josephine | 2018 | USA | 93 |
3284 | 3370 | Like Someone in Love | Kiarostami, Abbas | 2012 | France | 109 |
3285 | 3283 | No End | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1985 | Poland | 109 |
3286 | 3312 | Life of Pi | Lee, Ang | 2012 | USA | 127 |
3287 | 3422 | Chameleon Street | Harris Jr., Wendell B. | 1989 | USA | 95 |
3288 | 3190 | Island of Love, The | Rocha, Paulo | 1982 | Portugal | 170 |
3289 | 3191 | Emmanuelle | Jaeckin, Just | 1975 | USA | 105 |
3290 | 3261 | Chopper | Dominik, Andrew | 2000 | Australia | 94 |
3291 | 3293 | Light Sleeper | Schrader, Paul | 1992 | USA | 103 |
3292 | 3265 | Gunfighter, The | King, Henry | 1950 | USA | 84 |
3293 | 3195 | Of Gods and Men | Beauvois, Xavier | 2010 | France | 122 |
3294 | 3564 | Runner, The | Naderi, Amir | 1985 | Iran | 94 |
3295 | 3197 | Bête lumineuse, La | Perrault, Pierre | 1982 | Canada | 128 |
3296 | 4310 | I Saw the Devil | Kim Jee-woon | 2010 | South Korea | 144 |
3297 | 3198 | Blaise Pascal [TV] | Rossellini, Roberto | 1972 | Italy | 135 |
3298 | 3200 | Donovan's Reef | Ford, John | 1963 | USA | 109 |
3299 | 3436 | Adam's Rib | Cukor, George | 1949 | USA | 100 |
3300 | 3326 | Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000 | Tanner, Alain | 1976 | Switzerland | 115 |
3301 | 3202 | Kanchenjungha | Ray, Satyajit | 1962 | India | 102 |
3302 | 3203 | Mahjong | Yang, Edward | 1996 | Taiwan | 121 |
3303 | 3304 | Kiss Me Kate | Sidney, George | 1953 | USA | 109 |
3304 | 3472 | Shanghai Blues | Tsui Hark | 1984 | Hong Kong | 103 |
3305 | 3204 | Cosmic Ray | Conner, Bruce | 1962 | USA | 4 |
3306 | 3330 | Darwin's Nightmare | Sauper, Hubert | 2004 | Austria | 111 |
3307 | 3205 | Umut | Güney, Yilmaz | 1970 | Turkey | 100 |
3308 | 3307 | Tommy | Russell, Ken | 1975 | UK | 111 |
3309 | 3390 | Silence and Cry | Jancsó, Miklós | 1967 | Hungary | 77 |
3310 | 3208 | Bad Boy Bubby | De Heer, Rolf | 1993 | Australia | 114 |
3311 | 3211 | Quatermass 2 | Guest, Val | 1957 | UK | 84 |
3312 | 3213 | Super Fly | Parks Jr., Gordon | 1972 | USA | 91 |
3313 | 3214 | I Only Want You to Love Me [TV] | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1976 | West Germany | 101 |
3314 | 3216 | Parson's Widow, The | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1920 | Sweden | 80 |
3315 | 3334 | Fifth Element, The | Besson, Luc | 1997 | France | 127 |
3316 | 3219 | Hunt for the Wilderpeople | Waititi, Taika | 2016 | New Zealand | 101 |
3317 | 3221 | Blind Beast | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1969 | Japan | 86 |
3318 | 3222 | Steamboat Willie | Iwerks, Ub | 1928 | USA | 8 |
3319 | 3223 | Olivier, Olivier | Holland, Agnieszka | 1991 | France | 110 |
3320 | 4130 | Salvation Hunters, The | von Sternberg, Josef | 1925 | USA | 65 |
3321 | 3316 | Sunday in the Country, A | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1984 | France | 90 |
3322 | 3228 | Body and Soul | Micheaux, Oscar | 1925 | USA | 102 |
3323 | 3229 | Robber Symphony, The | Feher, Friedrich | 1937 | UK | 136 |
3324 | 3319 | Graveyard of Honor | Fukasaku, Kinji | 1975 | Japan | 94 |
3325 | 3232 | 13th | DuVernay, Ava | 2016 | USA | 100 |
3326 | 4099 | Traffic | Soderbergh, Steven | 2000 | USA | 147 |
3327 | 3351 | Rite of Spring | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1963 | Portugal | 94 |
3328 | 3294 | Monsters, Inc. | Docter, Pete | 2001 | USA | 95 |
3329 | 3233 | End of St. Petersburg, The | Pudovkin, Vsevolod | 1927 | USSR | 80 |
3330 | 3979 | Man Who Knew Too Much, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1956 | USA | 120 |
3331 | 3235 | Pawnbroker, The | Lumet, Sidney | 1965 | USA | 116 |
3332 | 3522 | Vikings, The | Fleischer, Richard | 1958 | USA | 114 |
3333 | 3239 | Romy and Michele's High School Reunion | Mirkin, David | 1997 | USA | 91 |
3334 | 3241 | Egyptian Series | Brakhage, Stan | 1984 | USA | 17 |
3335 | 3243 | Young and Innocent | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1937 | UK | 80 |
3336 | 3244 | Mystery of Picasso, The | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1956 | France | 85 |
3337 | 3708 | Small Back Room, The | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1949 | UK | 106 |
3338 | 3446 | Selma | DuVernay, Ava | 2014 | UK | 128 |
3339 | 3247 | Orphans of the Storm | Griffith, D.W. | 1921 | USA | 125 |
3340 | 3248 | Last Vacation, The | Leenhardt, Roger | 1948 | France | 95 |
3341 | 4018 | Time Without Pity | Losey, Joseph | 1957 | UK | 85 |
3342 | 3249 | Repas de bébé | Lumière, Louis | 1895 | France | 1 |
3343 | 3337 | Slaughterhouse-Five | Hill, George Roy | 1972 | USA | 104 |
3344 | 3471 | Howling, The | Dante, Joe | 1981 | USA | 91 |
3345 | 3544 | Dirty Ho | Liu Chia-Liang | 1979 | Hong Kong | 103 |
3346 | 3453 | Promising Young Woman | Fennell, Emerald | 2020 | USA | 113 |
3347 | 3252 | Berceau de cristal, Le | Garrel, Philippe | 1975 | France | 80 |
3348 | 3253 | Devdas | Bhansali, Sanjay Leela | 2002 | India | 181 |
3349 | 3344 | Gold of Naples, The | De Sica, Vittorio | 1954 | Italy | 107 |
3350 | 3255 | Honey Pot, The | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1967 | USA | 131 |
3351 | 3257 | Ladybird, Ladybird | Loach, Ken | 1994 | UK | 101 |
3352 | 3259 | Aurora | Puiu, Cristi | 2010 | Romania | 181 |
3353 | 3260 | Menace II Society | Hughes, Albert & Allen Hughes | 1993 | USA | 97 |
3354 | 3335 | Bottle Rocket | Anderson, Wes | 1996 | USA | 95 |
3355 | 4032 | For Sama | Al-Kateab, Waad & Edward Watts | 2019 | UK | 100 |
3356 | 3537 | Marathon Man | Schlesinger, John | 1976 | USA | 125 |
3357 | 3349 | Paranoid Park | Van Sant, Gus | 2007 | France | 85 |
3358 | 3320 | Rabbit-Proof Fence | Noyce, Phillip | 2002 | Australia | 93 |
3359 | 3596 | Story of a Love Affair | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1950 | Italy | 98 |
3360 | 3267 | Babylon | Rosso, Franco | 1980 | UK | 95 |
3361 | 3269 | Salamandre, La | Tanner, Alain | 1971 | Switzerland | 125 |
3362 | 3355 | Caddyshack | Ramis, Harold | 1980 | USA | 99 |
3363 | 3272 | Lost Horizon | Capra, Frank | 1937 | USA | 132 |
3364 | 3273 | Bunny Lake is Missing | Preminger, Otto | 1965 | USA | 107 |
3365 | 3274 | Buena Vista Social Club | Wenders, Wim | 1999 | Germany | 104 |
3366 | 3607 | Offside | Panahi, Jafar | 2006 | Iran | 91 |
3367 | 3392 | Candidate, The | Ritchie, Michael | 1972 | USA | 109 |
3368 | 3526 | Beverly Hills Cop | Brest, Martin | 1984 | USA | 105 |
3369 | 3385 | Little Women | Armstrong, Gillian | 1994 | USA | 118 |
3370 | 3450 | Never Rarely Sometimes Always | Hittman, Eliza | 2020 | USA | 101 |
3371 | 3279 | Track of the Cat | Wellman, William | 1954 | USA | 102 |
3372 | 3280 | Chess Players, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1977 | India | 129 |
3373 | 3281 | 36 Chowringhee Lane | Sen, Aparna | 1981 | India | 122 |
3374 | 3401 | Naked Dawn, The | Ulmer, Edgar G. | 1955 | USA | 82 |
3375 | 3369 | Oxhide | Liu Jiayin | 2005 | China | 110 |
3376 | 3341 | Billy Madison | Davis, Tamra | 1995 | USA | 89 |
3377 | 3282 | Time Stands Still | Gothár, Péter | 1982 | Hungary | 99 |
3378 | 3284 | Eijanaika | Imamura, Shohei | 1981 | Japan | 151 |
3379 | 3611 | Careful | Maddin, Guy | 1992 | Canada | 100 |
3380 | 3286 | Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine | Tscherkassky, Peter | 2005 | Austria | 17 |
3381 | 3287 | Theatre of Blood | Hickox, Douglas | 1973 | UK | 104 |
3382 | 3288 | American Splendor | Pulcini, Robert & Shari Springer Berman | 2003 | USA | 101 |
3383 | 2937 | Satin Slipper, The | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1985 | France | 410 |
3384 | 3295 | Interrogation | Bugajski, Ryszard | 1989 | Poland | 118 |
3385 | 3534 | Last Seduction, The | Dahl, John | 1994 | USA | 110 |
3386 | 3297 | Madhumati | Roy, Bimal | 1958 | India | 110 |
3387 | 3299 | Far from the Trees | Esteva, Jacinto | 1972 | Spain | 101 |
3388 | 3396 | Mist, The | Darabont, Frank | 2007 | USA | 126 |
3389 | 3301 | Pelle the Conqueror | August, Bille | 1987 | Denmark | 150 |
3390 | 3345 | Corps à coeur | Vecchiali, Paul | 1979 | France | 121 |
3391 | 3404 | Zombie | Fulci, Lucio | 1979 | Italy | 91 |
3392 | 3343 | Bed You Sleep In, The | Jost, Jon | 1993 | USA | 117 |
3393 | 3305 | My Son John | McCarey, Leo | 1952 | USA | 122 |
3394 | 3306 | 3 Rooms of Melancholia, The | Honkasalo, Pirjo | 2004 | Finland | 106 |
3395 | 3354 | Sao Paulo, Sociedade Anonima | Person, Luis Sergio | 1965 | Brazil | 107 |
3396 | 3358 | Embrace of the Serpent | Guerra, Ciro | 2015 | Colombia | 125 |
3397 | 3508 | Lazybones | Borzage, Frank | 1925 | USA | 80 |
3398 | 3308 | Mascot, The | Starewicz, Ladislaw | 1933 | France | 26 |
3399 | 3364 | Frozen | Buck, Chris & Jennifer Lee | 2013 | USA | 102 |
3400 | 3309 | Fugitive from the Past, A | Uchida, Tomu | 1965 | Japan | 183 |
3401 | 3310 | Catch-22 | Nichols, Mike | 1970 | USA | 121 |
3402 | 3311 | Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse | Bahr, Fax/George Hickenlooper/Eleanor Coppola | 1991 | USA | 96 |
3403 | 3397 | Chung Kuo - Cina | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1972 | Italy | 207 |
3404 | 3380 | Limey, The | Soderbergh, Steven | 1999 | USA | 88 |
3405 | 3879 | Clouds of May | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 1999 | Turkey | 130 |
3406 | 3313 | Hue and Cry | Crichton, Charles | 1947 | UK | 82 |
3407 | 3314 | Blood Wedding | Saura, Carlos | 1981 | Spain | 72 |
3408 | 3315 | Vida en sombras | Llobet Gracia, Lorenzo | 1948 | Spain | 90 |
3409 | 3318 | Behind the Green Door | Mitchell, Jim & Artie Mitchell | 1972 | USA | 72 |
3410 | 3371 | Beasts of the Southern Wild | Zeitlin, Benh | 2012 | USA | 93 |
3411 | 3666 | Collateral | Mann, Michael | 2004 | USA | 120 |
3412 | 3372 | John Wick | Stahelski, Chad | 2014 | USA | 101 |
3413 | 3375 | Liquid Sky | Tsukerman, Slava | 1982 | USA | 112 |
3414 | 3322 | Frozen River | Hunt, Courtney | 2008 | USA | 97 |
3415 | 4377 | Computer Chess | Bujalski, Andrew | 2013 | USA | 92 |
3416 | 3645 | Dial M for Murder | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1954 | USA | 105 |
3417 | 3641 | Booksmart | Wilde, Olivia | 2019 | USA | 102 |
3418 | 3431 | Bonne chance! | Guitry, Sacha & Fernand Rivers | 1935 | France | 78 |
3419 | 3440 | Raid: Redemption, The | Evans, Gareth | 2011 | Indonesia | 101 |
3420 | 3323 | Vie nouvelle, La | Grandrieux, Philippe | 2002 | France | 102 |
3421 | 3324 | Generation, A | Wajda, Andrzej | 1955 | Poland | 88 |
3422 | 3325 | Voyage to Nowhere | Fernán Gómez, Fernando | 1986 | Spain | 140 |
3423 | 3409 | Return of the Jedi | Marquand, Richard | 1983 | USA | 133 |
3424 | 3382 | Them! | Douglas, Gordon | 1954 | USA | 94 |
3425 | 3417 | Copacabana, Mon Amour | Sganzerla, Rogério | 1970 | Brazil | 85 |
3426 | 3331 | Black Stallion, The | Ballard, Carroll | 1979 | USA | 118 |
3427 | 3332 | Talking Picture, A | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2003 | Portugal | 96 |
3428 | 3333 | Breakdown | Mostow, Jonathan | 1997 | USA | 96 |
3429 | 3336 | Dr. No | Young, Terence | 1962 | UK | 111 |
3430 | 3338 | Fortini/Cani | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1976 | Italy | 83 |
3431 | 3399 | Pom Poko | Takahata, Isao | 1994 | Japan | 119 |
3432 | 3670 | Married Woman, A | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1964 | France | 95 |
3433 | 3405 | Swordsman II | Ching Siu-Tung | 1992 | Hong Kong | 112 |
3434 | 3346 | Ghost Writer, The | Polanski, Roman | 2010 | France | 128 |
3435 | 3592 | Juno | Reitman, Jason | 2007 | USA | 96 |
3436 | 3662 | DiG! | Timoner, Ondi | 2004 | USA | 115 |
3437 | 3348 | Brother's Keeper | Berlinger, Joe & Bruce Sinofsky | 1992 | USA | 104 |
3438 | 3350 | Successive Slidings of Pleasure | Robbe-Grillet, Alain | 1974 | France | 105 |
3439 | 3542 | In the Company of Men | LaBute, Neil | 1997 | USA | 97 |
3440 | 3439 | Moulin Rouge | Huston, John | 1952 | UK | 119 |
3441 | 3352 | Twice a Man | Markopoulos, Gregory J. | 1963 | USA | 49 |
3442 | 3353 | Devi | Ray, Satyajit | 1960 | India | 93 |
3443 | 3467 | Everyone Says I Love You | Allen, Woody | 1996 | USA | 101 |
3444 | 3525 | Amiche, Le | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1955 | Italy | 104 |
3445 | 3469 | Joe Versus the Volcano | Shanley, John Patrick | 1990 | USA | 102 |
3446 | 3410 | BlacKkKlansman | Lee, Spike | 2018 | USA | 135 |
3447 | 3356 | 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance | Haneke, Michael | 1995 | Austria | 96 |
3448 | 3574 | Road to Nowhere | Hellman, Monte | 2010 | USA | 121 |
3449 | 3563 | Twenty-Four Eyes | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1954 | Japan | 154 |
3450 | 3360 | Navire Night, Le | Duras, Marguerite | 1979 | France | 90 |
3451 | 3362 | Dangerous Game | Ferrara, Abel | 1993 | USA | 108 |
3452 | 3535 | Trouble with Harry, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1955 | USA | 99 |
3453 | 4161 | Juvenile Court | Wiseman, Frederick | 1973 | USA | 144 |
3454 | 3365 | Summer of '42 | Mulligan, Robert | 1971 | USA | 104 |
3455 | 3366 | Easy Living | Leisen, Mitchell | 1937 | USA | 86 |
3456 | 3367 | Immigrant, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1917 | USA | 25 |
3457 | 3427 | Night of Knowing Nothing, A | Kapadia, Payal | 2021 | France | 99 |
3458 | 3368 | America | Bradley, Garrett | 2019 | USA | 27 |
3459 | 3429 | Nil by Mouth | Oldman, Gary | 1997 | UK | 128 |
3460 | 3493 | Truly Madly Deeply | Minghella, Anthony | 1990 | UK | 107 |
3461 | 3511 | Who Can Kill a Child? | Ibáñez Serrador, Narciso | 1976 | Spain | 107 |
3462 | 3457 | Wild Boys of the Road | Wellman, William | 1933 | USA | 68 |
3463 | 3458 | Women of the Night | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1948 | Japan | 75 |
3464 | 4075 | Invitation au Voyage, L' | Dulac, Germaine | 1927 | France | 36 |
3465 | 4060 | Flammes | Arrieta, Adolfo | 1978 | France | 90 |
3466 | 5613 | To Catch a Thief | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1955 | USA | 106 |
3467 | 3555 | Aerograd | Dovzhenko, Alexander | 1935 | USSR | 82 |
3468 | 3637 | Cheat, The | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1915 | USA | 59 |
3469 | 3373 | Hapax Legomena II: Poetic Justice | Frampton, Hollis | 1972 | USA | 31 |
3470 | 3751 | Tale of Two Sisters, A | Kim Jee-woon | 2003 | South Korea | 114 |
3471 | 4705 | Endless Summer, The | Brown, Bruce | 1966 | USA | 95 |
3472 | 3374 | From the Pole to the Equator | Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi | 1987 | Italy | 96 |
3473 | 3560 | Distant Thunder | Ray, Satyajit | 1973 | India | 100 |
3474 | 3376 | By the Time it Gets Dark | Suwichakornpong, Anocha | 2016 | Thailand | 105 |
3475 | 3480 | Phantasm | Coscarelli, Don | 1979 | USA | 87 |
3476 | 3434 | Flesh for Frankenstein | Morrissey, Paul | 1973 | USA | 95 |
3477 | 3381 | Gold Diggers, The | Potter, Sally | 1983 | UK | 89 |
3478 | 3757 | Speed | de Bont, Jan | 1994 | USA | 116 |
3479 | 3649 | Gremlins 2: The New Batch | Dante, Joe | 1990 | USA | 106 |
3480 | 3524 | Lighthouse, The | Eggers, Robert | 2019 | Canada | 109 |
3481 | 3572 | Little Dieter Needs to Fly | Herzog, Werner | 1997 | Germany | 80 |
3482 | 3470 | Anatomy of Hell | Breillat, Catherine | 2004 | France | 77 |
3483 | 3413 | Material | Heise, Thomas | 2009 | Germany | 166 |
3484 | 3383 | Profit Motive and the Whispering Wind | Gianvito, John | 2007 | USA | 58 |
3485 | 3386 | Ritual, The | Kasaravalli, Girish | 1977 | India | 120 |
3486 | 3388 | Twilight | Fehér, György | 1990 | Hungary | 105 |
3487 | 3654 | Sugarland Express, The | Spielberg, Steven | 1974 | USA | 109 |
3488 | 3475 | Hibiscus Town | Xie Jin | 1986 | China | 164 |
3489 | 3389 | Au bonheur des dames | Duvivier, Julien | 1930 | France | 85 |
3490 | 3391 | Eyes on the Prize [TV] | Hampton, Henry | 1987 | USA | 360 |
3491 | 3477 | Post Tenebras Lux | Reygadas, Carlos | 2012 | Mexico | 115 |
3492 | 3393 | Society | Yuzna, Brian | 1989 | USA | 99 |
3493 | 3394 | Winter's Tale, A | Rohmer, Eric | 1992 | France | 114 |
3494 | 3451 | Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith, The | Schepisi, Fred | 1978 | Australia | 124 |
3495 | 3398 | Crazy Thunder Road | Ishii, Gakuryu | 1980 | Japan | 97 |
3496 | 3483 | In This World | Winterbottom, Michael | 2002 | UK | 88 |
3497 | 3492 | Edward II | Jarman, Derek | 1991 | UK | 87 |
3498 | 3737 | Whirlpool | Preminger, Otto | 1949 | USA | 98 |
3499 | 3402 | One Hour with You | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1932 | USA | 80 |
3500 | 3403 | Curious Adventures of Mr. Wonderbird, The | Grimault, Paul | 1952 | France | 63 |
3501 | 3739 | Classe tous risques | Sautet, Claude | 1960 | France | 111 |
3502 | 3406 | L. Cohen | Benning, James | 2018 | USA | 48 |
3503 | 3491 | Labyrinth | Henson, Jim | 1986 | USA | 101 |
3504 | 3407 | Stemple Pass | Benning, James | 2012 | USA | 121 |
3505 | 3497 | Star 80 | Fosse, Bob | 1983 | USA | 103 |
3506 | 3408 | Bed & Board | Truffaut, François | 1970 | France | 97 |
3507 | 3710 | Chircales | Rodríguez, Marta & Jorge Silva | 1972 | Colombia | 42 |
3508 | 3519 | Aladdin | Musker, John/Ron Clements | 1992 | USA | 90 |
3509 | 3466 | Macbeth | Welles, Orson | 1948 | USA | 89 |
3510 | 3501 | Body and Soul | Rossen, Robert | 1947 | USA | 104 |
3511 | 3795 | Love Eterne, The | Li Han Hsiang | 1963 | Hong Kong | 126 |
3512 | 4194 | [Rec] | Balagueró, Jaume & Paco Plaza | 2007 | Spain | 78 |
3513 | 3412 | Tokyo-Ga | Wenders, Wim | 1985 | USA | 92 |
3514 | 3415 | Woman King, The | Prince-Bythewood, Gina | 2022 | USA | 135 |
3515 | 3505 | Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean | Altman, Robert | 1982 | USA | 110 |
3516 | 3416 | Love is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of Francis Bacon/Ai no Akuma | Maybury, John | 1998 | UK | 90 |
3517 | 3418 | Misère au Borinage | Ivens, Joris & Henri Storck | 1933 | Belgium | 36 |
3518 | 3419 | Nightcleaners, The | Karlin, Marc & James Scott | 1975 | UK | 90 |
3519 | 3420 | Working Class Goes to Heaven, The | Petri, Elio | 1971 | Italy | 125 |
3520 | 3421 | Daimajin | Yasuda, Kimiyoshi | 1966 | Japan | 84 |
3521 | 3504 | Favourite, The | Lanthimos, Yorgos | 2018 | Ireland | 119 |
3522 | 3423 | Cave of Forgotten Dreams | Herzog, Werner | 2010 | Canada | 90 |
3523 | 3478 | Muriel's Wedding | Hogan, P.J. | 1994 | Australia | 105 |
3524 | 3424 | Deadlier Than the Male | Duvivier, Julien | 1956 | France | 113 |
3525 | 3482 | Little Caesar | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1931 | USA | 79 |
3526 | 3425 | Sombre | Grandrieux, Philippe | 1998 | France | 112 |
3527 | 3484 | Chinese Ghost Story, A | Ching Siu-Tung | 1987 | Hong Kong | 98 |
3528 | 3426 | Family, The | Scola, Ettore | 1987 | Italy | 127 |
3529 | 3428 | My Apprenticeship | Donskoi, Mark | 1939 | USSR | 100 |
3530 | 3490 | Beautiful Thing | MacDonald, Hettie | 1995 | UK | 90 |
3531 | 3488 | Gasman | Ramsay, Lynne | 1997 | UK | 15 |
3532 | 3549 | Escape from Alcatraz | Siegel, Don | 1979 | USA | 112 |
3533 | 3430 | NYC Street Scenes and Noises | Uncredited Director | 1929 | USA | 10 |
3534 | 3432 | Killer Elite, The | Peckinpah, Sam | 1975 | USA | 122 |
3535 | 3433 | Land of the Pharaohs | Hawks, Howard | 1955 | USA | 106 |
3536 | 3516 | Waterloo Bridge | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1940 | USA | 103 |
3537 | 3435 | Woman Who Left, The | Diaz, Lav | 2016 | Philippines | 226 |
3538 | 3636 | Années 80, Les | Akerman, Chantal | 1983 | Belgium | 82 |
3539 | 3437 | Road to Perdition | Mendes, Sam | 2002 | USA | 117 |
3540 | 4527 | Paris Belongs to Us | Rivette, Jacques | 1961 | France | 120 |
3541 | 3674 | Barbarella | Vadim, Roger | 1968 | France | 98 |
3542 | 4528 | Licorice Pizza | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2021 | USA | 133 |
3543 | 3438 | Geschichte der Nacht | Klopfenstein, Clemens | 1979 | Switzerland | 61 |
3544 | 3593 | Like Father, Like Son | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 2013 | Japan | 121 |
3545 | 3556 | Things to Come | Menzies, William Cameron | 1936 | UK | 100 |
3546 | 3788 | Spellbound | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1945 | USA | 111 |
3547 | 3976 | Blood and Black Lace | Bava, Mario | 1964 | France | 88 |
3548 | 3441 | Yourself and Yours | Hong Sang-soo | 2016 | South Korea | 86 |
3549 | 3562 | Compartment No. 6 | Kuosmanen, Juho | 2021 | Finland | 107 |
3550 | 3442 | Sans lendemain | Ophüls, Max | 1939 | France | 82 |
3551 | 3443 | Life of a Beijing Policeman | Shi Hui | 1950 | China | 120 |
3552 | 3686 | Postman Always Rings Twice, The | Garnett, Tay | 1946 | USA | 113 |
3553 | 3527 | Kikujiro | Kitano, Takeshi | 1999 | Japan | 122 |
3554 | 3502 | Purple Rain | Magnoli, Albert | 1984 | USA | 111 |
3555 | 3444 | Messidor | Tanner, Alain | 1979 | France | 123 |
3556 | 3690 | When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts [TV] | Lee, Spike | 2006 | USA | 255 |
3557 | 3507 | Shakespeare in Love | Madden, John | 1998 | USA | 122 |
3558 | 3616 | Bourne Ultimatum, The | Greengrass, Paul | 2007 | USA | 115 |
3559 | 3536 | Baisers de secours, Les | Garrel, Philippe | 1989 | France | 90 |
3560 | 3447 | Thousand Suns, A | Diop, Mati | 2013 | France | 45 |
3561 | 3448 | Yama: Attack to Attack | Sato, Mitsuo & Kyoichi Yamaoka | 1985 | Japan | 110 |
3562 | 3570 | Man on the Moon | Forman, Milos | 1999 | USA | 118 |
3563 | 3659 | Shrek | Adamson, Andrew & Vicky Jenson | 2001 | USA | 90 |
3564 | 3663 | Moment of Truth, The | Rosi, Francesco | 1965 | Italy | 110 |
3565 | 3545 | Beginning, The | Panfilov, Gleb | 1970 | USSR | 91 |
3566 | 3454 | Belfast | Branagh, Kenneth | 2021 | UK | 98 |
3567 | 3699 | Stolen Children, The | Amelio, Gianni | 1992 | Italy | 112 |
3568 | 3455 | Guide | Anand, Vijay | 1965 | India | 120 |
3569 | 3734 | Love of a Woman, The | Grémillon, Jean | 1953 | France | 104 |
3570 | 3459 | Big Blue, The | Besson, Luc | 1988 | France | 119 |
3571 | 3460 | Let the Bullets Fly | Jiang Wen | 2010 | China | 132 |
3572 | 3783 | Let the Sunshine In | Denis, Claire | 2017 | France | 94 |
3573 | 3462 | Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait | Gordon, Douglas & Philippe Parreno | 2006 | France | 90 |
3574 | 3463 | 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The | Juran, Nathan | 1958 | USA | 87 |
3575 | 3464 | Manuel on the Island of Wonders [TV] | Ruiz, Raúl | 1985 | Portugal | 130 |
3576 | 3597 | Chuji's Travel Diary - Story of Bloody Shinshu | Ito, Daisuke | 1927 | Japan | 107 |
3577 | 3521 | Great Train Robbery, The | Porter, Edwin S. | 1903 | USA | 12 |
3578 | 3465 | Tahia ya didou! | Zinet, Mohamed | 1971 | Algeria | 76 |
3579 | 4345 | Ball of Fire | Hawks, Howard | 1941 | USA | 111 |
3580 | 3652 | Mind Game | Yuasa, Masaaki | 2004 | Japan | 103 |
3581 | 3720 | Smoke | Wang, Wayne | 1995 | USA | 112 |
3582 | 3473 | Rita, Sue and Bob Too | Clarke, Alan | 1986 | UK | 93 |
3583 | 3474 | Mélomane, Le | Méliès, Georges | 1903 | France | 3 |
3584 | 3538 | Maurice | Ivory, James | 1987 | UK | 140 |
3585 | 3476 | Maqbool | Bhardwaj, Vishal | 2003 | India | 132 |
3586 | 3479 | Om Dar-ba-Dar | Swaroop, Kamal | 1988 | India | 101 |
3587 | 3481 | Grass | Cooper, Merian C. & Ernest B. Schoedsack | 1925 | USA | 70 |
3588 | 4509 | For Love and Gold | Monicelli, Mario | 1966 | Italy | 120 |
3589 | 3731 | Chase, The | Penn, Arthur | 1966 | USA | 135 |
3590 | 3486 | Wonderful Lies of Nina Petrovna, The | Schwarz, Hanns | 1929 | Germany | 80 |
3591 | 3487 | Beggars of Life | Wellman, William | 1928 | USA | 100 |
3592 | 3489 | Where Does Your Hidden Smile Lie? | Costa, Pedro | 2001 | Portugal | 104 |
3593 | 4374 | I Lost My Body | Clapin, Jérémy | 2019 | France | 81 |
3594 | 3631 | Everyone Else | Ade, Maren | 2009 | Germany | 119 |
3595 | 3552 | Ear, The | Kachyna, Karel | 1970 | Czechoslovakia | 94 |
3596 | 3494 | Santa Claus Has Blue Eyes | Eustache, Jean | 1966 | France | 50 |
3597 | 3495 | When it Rains | Burnett, Charles | 1995 | USA | 13 |
3598 | 3633 | Precious | Daniels, Lee | 2009 | USA | 110 |
3599 | 3496 | Anantaram | Gopalakrishnan, Adoor | 1987 | India | 125 |
3600 | 3594 | Matador | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1986 | Spain | 102 |
3601 | 3679 | Burn After Reading | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2008 | USA | 96 |
3602 | 3595 | Cocksucker Blues | Frank, Robert | 1972 | USA | 93 |
3603 | 3559 | They Call Me Trinity | Barboni, Enzo | 1971 | Italy | 109 |
3604 | 3498 | Devil in Miss Jones, The | Damiano, Gerard | 1972 | USA | 68 |
3605 | 3558 | My Name is Joe | Loach, Ken | 1998 | UK | 105 |
3606 | 3499 | All-Around Reduced Personality: Outtakes, The | Sander, Helke | 1978 | West Germany | 98 |
3607 | 3500 | Head | Rafelson, Bob | 1968 | USA | 86 |
3608 | 3650 | Capitaine Fracasse, Le | Gance, Abel | 1943 | France | 108 |
3609 | 3503 | French Lieutenant's Woman, The | Reisz, Karel | 1981 | UK | 123 |
3610 | 3840 | One Hundred Children Waiting for a Train | Agüero, Ignacio | 1988 | Chile | 55 |
3611 | 4174 | Isle, The | Kim Ki-duk | 2000 | South Korea | 90 |
3612 | 3506 | Cracking Up | Lewis, Jerry | 1983 | USA | 89 |
3613 | 4205 | House of Mirth, The | Davies, Terence | 2000 | UK | 140 |
3614 | 3571 | Pontypool | McDonald, Bruce | 2008 | Canada | 93 |
3615 | 3612 | Diamond Arm, The | Gaidai, Leonid | 1969 | USSR | 100 |
3616 | 3658 | Companeros! | Corbucci, Sergio | 1970 | Italy | 115 |
3617 | 3509 | United Red Army | Wakamatsu, Koji | 2007 | Japan | 190 |
3618 | 3510 | Day a Pig Fell Into the Well, The | Hong Sang-soo | 1996 | South Korea | 115 |
3619 | 3512 | Mer dare | Peleshian, Artavazd | 1983 | USSR | 47 |
3620 | 3513 | Millions Like Us | Launder, Frank/Sidney Gilliat | 1943 | UK | 103 |
3621 | 3812 | Woman on the Beach, The | Renoir, Jean | 1947 | USA | 71 |
3622 | 3514 | King-Size Canary | Avery, Tex | 1947 | USA | 8 |
3623 | 3623 | Victor/Victoria | Edwards, Blake | 1982 | UK | 133 |
3624 | 3700 | Girl with Hyacinths | Ekman, Hasse | 1950 | Sweden | 89 |
3625 | 3515 | Valley of the Dolls | Robson, Mark | 1967 | USA | 123 |
3626 | 3741 | White Hunter, Black Heart | Eastwood, Clint | 1990 | USA | 112 |
3627 | 4424 | Moonlighting | Skolimowski, Jerzy | 1982 | UK | 97 |
3628 | 3994 | Bashu, the Little Stranger | Beizai, Bahram | 1989 | Iran | 120 |
3629 | 3518 | Cooley High | Schultz, Michael | 1975 | USA | 107 |
3630 | 3680 | Stevie | James, Steve | 2002 | USA | 140 |
3631 | 3952 | Paradise Now | Abu-Assad, Hany | 2005 | Netherlands | 91 |
3632 | 3644 | My Mother's Smile | Bellocchio, Marco | 2002 | Italy | 105 |
3633 | 3712 | Long Arm of the Law | Mak, Johnny | 1984 | Hong Kong | 100 |
3634 | 3520 | Pillow Talk | Gordon, Michael | 1959 | USA | 105 |
3635 | 4666 | Wuthering Heights | Wyler, William | 1939 | USA | 103 |
3636 | 3242 | Rapsodia satanica | Oxilia, Nino | 1917 | Italy | 45 |
3637 | 3528 | Without Anesthesia | Wajda, Andrzej | 1978 | Poland | 131 |
3638 | 3529 | Story of Adele H, The | Truffaut, François | 1975 | France | 96 |
3639 | 3568 | Motorcycle Diaries, The | Salles, Walter | 2004 | UK | 125 |
3640 | 3530 | Nelly & Monsieur Arnaud | Sautet, Claude | 1995 | France | 106 |
3641 | 3761 | Sixteen Candles | Hughes, John | 1984 | USA | 93 |
3642 | 3834 | Galaxy Quest | Parisot, Dean | 1999 | USA | 102 |
3643 | 3531 | Pressure | Ové, Horace | 1976 | UK | 120 |
3644 | 3532 | In-Laws, The | Hiller, Arthur | 1979 | USA | 103 |
3645 | 3657 | Lust for Life | Minnelli, Vincente | 1956 | USA | 122 |
3646 | 3692 | Children Are Watching Us, The | De Sica, Vittorio | 1944 | Italy | 85 |
3647 | 3925 | Whisky Galore! | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1949 | UK | 82 |
3648 | 3539 | Motion Painting No. 1 | Fischinger, Oskar | 1947 | USA | 11 |
3649 | 3540 | Passage to India, A | Lean, David | 1984 | UK | 163 |
3650 | 3541 | White Reindeer, The | Blomberg, Erik | 1952 | Finland | 67 |
3651 | 3728 | Christmas Story, A | Clark, Bob | 1983 | USA | 94 |
3652 | 3621 | Once Were Warriors | Tamahori, Lee | 1994 | New Zealand | 103 |
3653 | 3543 | Way Out West | Horne, James W. | 1937 | USA | 65 |
3654 | 3546 | Winter adé | Misselwitz, Helke | 1989 | East Germany | 116 |
3655 | 3547 | Cabbage Fairy, The | Guy-Blaché, Alice | 1896 | France | 1 |
3656 | 3548 | L.A. Plays Itself | Halsted, Fred | 1972 | USA | 55 |
3657 | 3673 | Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence | Oshii, Mamoru | 2004 | Japan | 99 |
3658 | 3629 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | Cuarón, Alfonso | 2004 | UK | 142 |
3659 | 3550 | Camp de Thiaroye | Sembene, Ousmane & Thierno Faty Sow | 1988 | Senegal | 157 |
3660 | 3702 | Mon oncle Antoine | Jutra, Claude | 1971 | Canada | 104 |
3661 | 3852 | Bay of Blood, A | Bava, Mario | 1971 | Italy | 84 |
3662 | 3551 | Letter from My Village | Faye, Safi | 1976 | Senegal | 90 |
3663 | 3553 | Zazie dans le Metro | Malle, Louis | 1960 | France | 88 |
3664 | 3554 | Ghost | Zucker, Jerry | 1990 | USA | 122 |
3665 | 3676 | Polyester | Waters, John | 1981 | USA | 86 |
3666 | 3678 | J'accuse! | Gance, Abel | 1938 | France | 95 |
3667 | 3557 | Inconvenient Truth, An | Guggenheim, Davis | 2006 | USA | 97 |
3668 | 3561 | Longest Yard, The | Aldrich, Robert | 1974 | USA | 121 |
3669 | 3565 | Car Wash | Schultz, Michael | 1976 | USA | 97 |
3670 | 3566 | Big Swallow, The | Williamson, James | 1901 | UK | 1 |
3671 | 3567 | Flash Gordon | Hodges, Mike | 1980 | USA | 110 |
3672 | 3643 | Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street | Burton, Tim | 2007 | USA | 116 |
3673 | 3682 | Once | Carney, John | 2007 | Ireland | 87 |
3674 | 3798 | Invaders From Mars | Menzies, William Cameron | 1953 | USA | 78 |
3675 | 3569 | Taxing Woman, A | Itami, Juzo | 1987 | Japan | 126 |
3676 | 3639 | Island, The | Lungin, Pavel | 2006 | Russia | 112 |
3677 | 3655 | Fame | Parker, Alan | 1980 | USA | 134 |
3678 | 3573 | Obsession | De Palma, Brian | 1976 | USA | 98 |
3679 | 3802 | Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, The | Liu Chia-Liang | 1984 | Hong Kong | 98 |
3680 | 3576 | Kiss of Death, The [TV] | Leigh, Mike | 1977 | UK | 75 |
3681 | 3803 | House of Games | Mamet, David | 1987 | USA | 102 |
3682 | 3577 | Passport to Pimlico | Cornelius, Henry | 1949 | UK | 84 |
3683 | 4066 | Adolescente, sucre d'amour | Saab, Jocelyne | 1985 | Lebanon | 90 |
3684 | 3894 | Lineup, The | Siegel, Don | 1958 | USA | 86 |
3685 | 4618 | Amanece, que no es poco | Cuerda, José Luis | 1989 | Spain | 110 |
3686 | 4592 | Day of the Outlaw | de Toth, André | 1959 | USA | 92 |
3687 | 3901 | Bitter Tea of General Yen, The | Capra, Frank | 1933 | USA | 89 |
3688 | 3817 | Whisky | Rebella, Juan Pablo & Pablo Stoll | 2004 | Uruguay | 98 |
3689 | 3584 | Coffea Arábiga | Landrián, Nicolás Guillén | 1968 | Cuba | 18 |
3690 | 3721 | Knocked Up | Apatow, Judd | 2007 | USA | 129 |
3691 | 3838 | 9 to 5 | Higgins, Colin | 1980 | USA | 110 |
3692 | 3776 | Master of the Flying Guillotine | Wang Yu, Jimmy | 1976 | Taiwan | 93 |
3693 | 3671 | Hudsucker Proxy, The | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 1994 | USA | 111 |
3694 | 3586 | Celluloid Closet, The | Epstein, Rob & Jeffrey Friedman | 1995 | USA | 102 |
3695 | 3587 | Nine Muses, The | Akomfrah, John | 2010 | Ghana | 90 |
3696 | 3824 | Tess | Polanski, Roman | 1979 | France | 170 |
3697 | 3588 | Parting Glances | Sherwood, Bill | 1986 | USA | 90 |
3698 | 3753 | Boum, La | Pinoteau, Claude | 1980 | France | 100 |
3699 | 3589 | Spook Who Sat By the Door, The | Dixon, Ivan | 1973 | USA | 102 |
3700 | 3590 | South | Akerman, Chantal | 1999 | France | 71 |
3701 | 3591 | Caprice Italian Style | Bolognini, Mauro/Mario Monicelli/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Steno/Pino Zac/Franco Rossi | 1968 | Italy | 95 |
3702 | 3707 | Last Supper, The | Gutiérrez Alea, Tomás | 1976 | Cuba | 120 |
3703 | 3675 | Tribe, The | Slaboshpytskyi, Myroslav | 2014 | Ukraine | 126 |
3704 | 4704 | Little Foxes, The | Wyler, William | 1941 | USA | 116 |
3705 | 4098 | Tower of the Seven Hunchbacks | Neville, Edgar | 1944 | Spain | 85 |
3706 | 3598 | Two Weeks in Another Town | Minnelli, Vincente | 1962 | USA | 107 |
3707 | 4360 | Mourning Forest, The | Kawase, Naomi | 2007 | Japan | 97 |
3708 | 3599 | Flowers Have Fallen | Ishida, Tamizo | 1938 | Japan | 74 |
3709 | 3600 | Solo Sunny | Wolf, Konrad | 1980 | East Germany | 100 |
3710 | 3601 | Enemy | Villeneuve, Denis | 2013 | Canada | 91 |
3711 | 3602 | Institute Benjamenta | Quay, Stephen & Timothy Quay | 1995 | UK | 105 |
3712 | 3603 | Three Monkeys | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 2008 | Turkey | 109 |
3713 | 4147 | Gang's All Here, The | Berkeley, Busby | 1943 | USA | 103 |
3714 | 3604 | Searching for Bobby Fischer | Zaillian, Steven | 1993 | USA | 110 |
3715 | 3922 | Hi, Mom! | De Palma, Brian | 1970 | USA | 87 |
3716 | 8061 | Century of the Self, The [TV] | Curtis, Adam | 2002 | UK | 240 |
3717 | 3605 | Raid 2, The | Evans, Gareth | 2014 | Indonesia | 150 |
3718 | 3606 | Invocation of My Demon Brother | Anger, Kenneth | 1969 | USA | 12 |
3719 | 3608 | Cleopatra | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1934 | USA | 100 |
3720 | 3869 | Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang | Black, Shane | 2005 | USA | 103 |
3721 | 3609 | Narita: Peasants of the Second Fortress, The | Ogawa, Shinsuke | 1971 | Japan | 143 |
3722 | 3610 | Inextinguishable Fire, The | Farocki, Harun | 1969 | West Germany | 28 |
3723 | 3613 | Arizona Dream | Kusturica, Emir | 1993 | France | 142 |
3724 | 3614 | Comrades | Douglas, Bill | 1986 | UK | 18 |
3725 | 3615 | Pumpkin Eater, The | Clayton, Jack | 1964 | UK | 110 |
3726 | 3828 | Misery | Reiner, Rob | 1990 | USA | 107 |
3727 | 3617 | Profit & Nothing But! Or Impolite Thoughts on the Class Struggle | Peck, Raoul | 2001 | France | 52 |
3728 | 3811 | God Told Me To | Cohen, Larry | 1976 | USA | 95 |
3729 | 3618 | Railway Children, The | Jeffries, Lionel | 1970 | UK | 109 |
3730 | 4304 | Unrelated | Hogg, Joanna | 2007 | UK | 100 |
3731 | 4156 | What We Do in the Shadows | Clement, Jemaine & Taika Waititi | 2014 | New Zealand | 86 |
3732 | 3619 | Tea and Sympathy | Minnelli, Vincente | 1956 | USA | 122 |
3733 | 3914 | Bourne Supremacy, The | Greengrass, Paul | 2004 | Germany | 108 |
3734 | 3622 | Oliver Twist | Lean, David | 1948 | UK | 105 |
3735 | 3861 | Mélo | Resnais, Alain | 1986 | France | 110 |
3736 | 3624 | Blood and Roses | Vadim, Roger | 1960 | France | 74 |
3737 | 3625 | Oliver! | Reed, Carol | 1968 | UK | 153 |
3738 | 3627 | Six fois deux/Sur et sous la communication [TV] | Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville | 1976 | France | 600 |
3739 | 3628 | Season of the Devil | Diaz, Lav | 2018 | Philippines | 234 |
3740 | 3772 | Open Your Eyes | Amenábar, Alejandro | 1997 | Spain | 119 |
3741 | 3630 | Music Lovers, The | Russell, Ken | 1971 | UK | 123 |
3742 | 3632 | Mon père avait raison | Guitry, Sacha | 1936 | France | 81 |
3743 | 3841 | Ring, The | Verbinski, Gore | 2002 | USA | 115 |
3744 | 3635 | Germany Year 90 Nine Zero | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1991 | France | 62 |
3745 | 3742 | Phantom | Murnau, F.W. | 1922 | Germany | 125 |
3746 | 3638 | Burning an Illusion | Shabazz, Menelik | 1981 | UK | 101 |
3747 | 3747 | Big Combo, The | Lewis, Joseph H. | 1955 | USA | 89 |
3748 | 3640 | Back Street | Stahl, John M. | 1932 | USA | 89 |
3749 | 3642 | Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam | Alvi, Abrar | 1962 | India | 152 |
3750 | 3646 | Story of a Three-Day Pass, The | Van Peebles, Melvin | 1967 | France | 87 |
3751 | 3647 | Dirty Dozen, The | Aldrich, Robert | 1967 | USA | 150 |
3752 | 3648 | I'm All Right Jack | Boulting, John | 1959 | UK | 104 |
3753 | 4608 | Jesus Christ Superstar | Jewison, Norman | 1973 | USA | 106 |
3754 | 3796 | Story of Floating Weeds, A | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1934 | Japan | 86 |
3755 | 3653 | Cicatrice intérieure, La | Garrel, Philippe | 1972 | France | 60 |
3756 | 3764 | Herd, The | Ökten, Zeki | 1978 | Turkey | 129 |
3757 | 3767 | Our Daily Bread | Vidor, King | 1934 | USA | 74 |
3758 | 3656 | Milk of Sorrow, The | Llosa, Claudia | 2009 | Spain | 94 |
3759 | 3759 | Love Witch, The | Biller, Anna | 2016 | USA | 120 |
3760 | 4057 | Consequences of Feminism, The | Guy-Blaché, Alice | 1906 | France | 7 |
3761 | 3660 | Wild Party, The | Arzner, Dorothy | 1929 | USA | 76 |
3762 | 3804 | United 93 | Greengrass, Paul | 2006 | UK | 110 |
3763 | 3756 | Rapture, The | Tolkin, Michael | 1991 | USA | 102 |
3764 | 3661 | Japón | Reygadas, Carlos | 2002 | Mexico | 122 |
3765 | 3664 | Mia madre | Moretti, Nanni | 2015 | Italy | 106 |
3766 | 3665 | Century of Birthing | Diaz, Lav | 2011 | Philippines | 360 |
3767 | 3667 | Immigrant, The | Gray, James | 2013 | USA | 120 |
3768 | 3668 | War of the Gargantuas, The | Honda, Ishiro | 1966 | Japan | 93 |
3769 | 3669 | King of Hearts | de Broca, Philippe | 1966 | France | 102 |
3770 | 3934 | Citizenfour | Poitras, Laura | 2014 | USA | 114 |
3771 | 4368 | Metallica: Some Kind of Monster | Berlinger, Joe & Bruce Sinofsky | 2004 | USA | 141 |
3772 | 3778 | Wife Confesses, A | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1961 | Japan | 91 |
3773 | 3672 | Five Graves to Cairo | Wilder, Billy | 1943 | USA | 96 |
3774 | 3904 | Friday | Gray, F. Gary | 1995 | USA | 89 |
3775 | 3820 | Beautiful Mind, A | Howard, Ron | 2001 | USA | 134 |
3776 | 4267 | Adam & Paul | Abrahamson, Lenny | 2004 | Ireland | 83 |
3777 | 3677 | Time Regained | Ruiz, Raúl | 1999 | France | 162 |
3778 | 3735 | Margem, A | Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro | 1967 | Brazil | 96 |
3779 | 3744 | Linda Linda Linda | Yamashita, Nobuhiro | 2005 | Japan | 114 |
3780 | 3909 | Maskerade | Forst, Willi | 1934 | Germany | 87 |
3781 | 3826 | Dreamers, The | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 2003 | UK | 115 |
3782 | 3951 | Scent of a Woman | Risi, Dino | 1974 | Italy | 104 |
3783 | 3681 | Red Hot Riding Hood | Avery, Tex | 1943 | USA | 7 |
3784 | 3941 | Top Gun | Scott, Tony | 1986 | USA | 110 |
3785 | 3918 | Whip and the Body, The | Bava, Mario | 1963 | Italy | 87 |
3786 | 3683 | Clockmaker of St. Paul, The | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1974 | France | 105 |
3787 | 3684 | Sea Inside, The | Amenábar, Alejandro | 2004 | Spain | 125 |
3788 | 3983 | Oak, The | Pintilie, Lucian | 1992 | France | 105 |
3789 | 3830 | Cabin in the Woods, The | Goddard, Drew | 2011 | USA | 95 |
3790 | 3685 | Love Story | Hiller, Arthur | 1970 | USA | 99 |
3791 | 3687 | Diary of a Teenage Girl, The | Heller, Marielle | 2015 | USA | 102 |
3792 | 3842 | Lacemaker, The | Goretta, Claude | 1977 | Switzerland | 107 |
3793 | 3919 | Two Days, One Night | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 2014 | Belgium | 95 |
3794 | 3688 | Simple histoire, Une | Hanoun, Marcel | 1958 | France | 68 |
3795 | 3752 | Brother | Balabanov, Aleksei | 1997 | Russia | 99 |
3796 | 3689 | Coal Face | Cavalcanti, Alberto | 1935 | UK | 11 |
3797 | 4543 | Soylent Green | Fleischer, Richard | 1973 | USA | 97 |
3798 | 3805 | Railroad Man, The | Germi, Pietro | 1956 | Italy | 116 |
3799 | 3691 | Tall Men, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1955 | USA | 122 |
3800 | 4084 | Snowpiercer | Bong Joon-ho | 2013 | South Korea | 126 |
3801 | 3693 | Dirty Rotten Scoundrels | Oz, Frank | 1988 | USA | 110 |
3802 | 3773 | Mustang | Ergüven, Deniz Gamze | 2015 | France | 97 |
3803 | 3890 | Diary of a Chambermaid | Renoir, Jean | 1945 | USA | 87 |
3804 | 3849 | Once Upon a Time in China | Tsui Hark | 1991 | Hong Kong | 134 |
3805 | 3695 | Museum Hours | Cohen, Jem | 2012 | Austria | 107 |
3806 | 3696 | Mirror, The | Panahi, Jafar | 1997 | Iran | 95 |
3807 | 4188 | Lost Boys, The | Schumacher, Joel | 1987 | USA | 97 |
3808 | 3697 | Few of Us | Bartas, Sharunas | 1996 | Portugal | 105 |
3809 | 3698 | Deep Throat | Damiano, Gerard | 1972 | USA | 62 |
3810 | 3781 | Confessions | Nakashima, Tetsuya | 2010 | Japan | 106 |
3811 | 3701 | Japanese Tragedy, A | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1953 | Japan | 116 |
3812 | 3782 | River of No Return | Preminger, Otto | 1954 | USA | 91 |
3813 | 3703 | Brink of Life | Bergman, Ingmar | 1958 | Sweden | 84 |
3814 | 3704 | Going My Way | McCarey, Leo | 1944 | USA | 126 |
3815 | 3931 | Spring Shower | Fejös, Pál | 1932 | France | 66 |
3816 | 3705 | Bagdad Café | Adlon, Percy | 1988 | West Germany | 108 |
3817 | 3706 | Summer in Narita | Ogawa, Shinsuke | 1968 | Japan | 108 |
3818 | 3827 | Let There Be Light | Huston, John | 1946 | USA | 58 |
3819 | 4983 | Night to Remember, A | Baker, Roy Ward | 1958 | UK | 123 |
3820 | 4265 | Frownland | Bronstein, Ronald | 2007 | USA | 106 |
3821 | 3709 | Mother | Naruse, Mikio | 1952 | Japan | 98 |
3822 | 3711 | Manon des Sources | Berri, Claude | 1986 | France | 113 |
3823 | 4283 | Nope | Peele, Jordan | 2022 | USA | 130 |
3824 | 4430 | Caught | Ophüls, Max | 1949 | USA | 88 |
3825 | 4273 | Cronos | del Toro, Guillermo | 1993 | Mexico | 92 |
3826 | 3713 | Kisapmata | De Leon, Mike | 1981 | Philippines | 90 |
3827 | 3714 | Beau Geste | Wellman, William | 1939 | USA | 114 |
3828 | 3715 | Dreams of a Life | Morley, Carol | 2011 | UK | 95 |
3829 | 4197 | Gomorrah | Garrone, Matteo | 2008 | Italy | 137 |
3830 | 3797 | Phantom of the Opera, The | Julian, Rupert | 1925 | USA | 79 |
3831 | 3716 | Rachel, Rachel | Newman, Paul | 1968 | USA | 101 |
3832 | 3717 | First Contact | Anderson, Robin & Bob Connolly | 1982 | Australia | 58 |
3833 | 3718 | Lilo & Stitch | DeBlois, Dean & Chris Sanders | 2002 | USA | 85 |
3834 | 3719 | Tora-san, Our Lovable Tramp | Yamada, Yoji | 1969 | Japan | 91 |
3835 | 3722 | Petition | Zhao Liang | 2009 | China | 120 |
3836 | 4262 | Cielo negro | Mur Oti, Manuel | 1951 | Spain | 113 |
3837 | 3765 | Touching the Void | Macdonald, Kevin | 2003 | UK | 106 |
3838 | 3723 | Woolworths Choir of 1979, The | Price, Elizabeth | 2012 | USA | 18 |
3839 | 4342 | House of Tolerance | Bonello, Bertrand | 2011 | France | 122 |
3840 | 3724 | House of Hummingbird | Kim Bora | 2018 | South Korea | 138 |
3841 | 3725 | Hateful Eight, The | Tarantino, Quentin | 2015 | USA | 187 |
3842 | 3899 | Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy | Alfredson, Tomas | 2011 | France | 127 |
3843 | 3726 | Missing Picture, The | Panh, Rithy | 2013 | Cambodia | 92 |
3844 | 3727 | Leaving Las Vegas | Figgis, Mike | 1995 | USA | 112 |
3845 | 3729 | Cloud Atlas | Tykwer, Tom/Lana Wachowski/Lilly Wachowski | 2012 | USA | 172 |
3846 | 3730 | Made in Britain [TV] | Clarke, Alan | 1982 | UK | 76 |
3847 | 3816 | Way of the Dragon, The | Lee, Bruce | 1972 | Hong Kong | 90 |
3848 | 4215 | Taboo | Oshima, Nagisa | 1999 | Japan | 100 |
3849 | 3856 | Stuck on You | Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly | 2003 | USA | 118 |
3850 | 3732 | Closeness | Balagov, Kantemir | 2017 | Russia | 118 |
3851 | 3733 | Yankee Doodle Dandy | Curtiz, Michael | 1942 | USA | 126 |
3852 | 3736 | In the Dark | Dvortsevoy, Sergei | 2004 | Finland | 41 |
3853 | 3853 | In Jackson Heights | Wiseman, Frederick | 2015 | USA | 190 |
3854 | 3819 | Catch Me if You Can | Spielberg, Steven | 2002 | USA | 141 |
3855 | 4218 | Runaway Train | Konchalovsky, Andrei | 1985 | USA | 111 |
3856 | 3973 | Iruvar | Ratnam, Mani | 1997 | India | 140 |
3857 | 3738 | Documenteur | Varda, Agnès | 1981 | USA | 65 |
3858 | 3740 | Malcolm | Tass, Nadia | 1986 | Australia | 86 |
3859 | 3743 | Fingered | Kern, Richard | 1988 | USA | 25 |
3860 | 3745 | Sleuth | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1972 | UK | 138 |
3861 | 3871 | One Hundred and One Dalmatians | Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wolfgang Reitherman | 1961 | USA | 79 |
3862 | 3749 | Sobibór, October 14, 1943, 4 p.m. | Lanzmann, Claude | 2001 | France | 95 |
3863 | 3750 | Just Another Girl on the I.R.T. | Harris, Leslie | 1992 | USA | 92 |
3864 | 3874 | Komissar | Askoldov, Aleksandr | 1967 | USSR | 110 |
3865 | 3754 | Mondo Cane | Jacopetti, Gualtiero | 1962 | Italy | 105 |
3866 | 3878 | Bastards | Denis, Claire | 2013 | France | 83 |
3867 | 3755 | Black and Tan | Murphy, Dudley | 1929 | USA | 19 |
3868 | 3758 | Ceux de chez nous | Guitry, Sacha & Frédéric Rossif | 1915/52 | France | 44 |
3869 | 3760 | Barnvagnen | Widerberg, Bo | 1963 | Sweden | 95 |
3870 | 4239 | So This is Paris | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1926 | USA | 67 |
3871 | 3762 | Fatal Glass of Beer, The | Bruckman, Clyde | 1933 | USA | 18 |
3872 | 3763 | Carrie | Wyler, William | 1952 | USA | 118 |
3873 | 3766 | Decameron, The | Pasolini, Pier Paolo | 1971 | France | 111 |
3874 | 3768 | Winstanley | Brownlow, Kevin | 1975 | UK | 95 |
3875 | 3839 | Wonder Woman | Jenkins, Patty | 2017 | USA | 141 |
3876 | 3770 | Woman on the Beach | Hong Sang-soo | 2006 | South Korea | 100 |
3877 | 3995 | Thundercrack! | McDowell, Curt | 1975 | USA | 160 |
3878 | 4157 | It Always Rains on Sunday | Hamer, Robert | 1947 | UK | 92 |
3879 | 3900 | Independencia | Martin, Raya | 2009 | France | 77 |
3880 | 3775 | Jersey Boys | Eastwood, Clint | 2014 | USA | 134 |
3881 | 3777 | Dark Water | Nakata, Hideo | 2002 | Japan | 101 |
3882 | 4095 | Heaven Knows What | Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie | 2014 | USA | 94 |
3883 | 3779 | Construcción, En | Guerín, José Luis | 2001 | Spain | 125 |
3884 | 3780 | Ten Minutes to Live | Micheaux, Oscar | 1932 | USA | 58 |
3885 | 3910 | Bride Wore Black, The | Truffaut, François | 1968 | France | 107 |
3886 | 3784 | That's Entertainment! | Haley Jr, Jack | 1974 | USA | 132 |
3887 | 3787 | Day the Earth Caught Fire, The | Guest, Val | 1961 | UK | 99 |
3888 | 4090 | Given Word, The | Duarte, Anselmo | 1962 | Brazil | 98 |
3889 | 3863 | In the Mouth of Madness | Carpenter, John | 1994 | USA | 95 |
3890 | 3971 | Last House on the Left, The | Craven, Wes | 1972 | USA | 91 |
3891 | 3915 | City of Life and Death | Lu Chuan | 2009 | China | 135 |
3892 | 3789 | Erotikon | Stiller, Mauritz | 1920 | Sweden | 97 |
3893 | 3916 | Mass is Ended, The | Moretti, Nanni | 1985 | Italy | 94 |
3894 | 3790 | Texasville | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1990 | USA | 123 |
3895 | 3877 | Place in the World, A | Aristarain, Adolfo | 1992 | Argentina | 120 |
3896 | 3870 | Pink Panther, The | Edwards, Blake | 1963 | USA | 113 |
3897 | 3868 | Cangaceiro, O | Barreto, Lima | 1953 | Brazil | 105 |
3898 | 3792 | Loneliest Planet, The | Loktev, Julia | 2011 | USA | 113 |
3899 | 3793 | Sid and Nancy | Cox, Alex | 1986 | UK | 110 |
3900 | 3982 | Other Side of Hope, The | Kaurismäki, Aki | 2017 | Finland | 100 |
3901 | 3794 | Stranger's Return, The | Vidor, King | 1933 | USA | 89 |
3902 | 4190 | Four Bags Full | Autant-Lara, Claude | 1956 | France | 84 |
3903 | 3799 | Sword of Doom, The | Okamoto, Kihachi | 1966 | Japan | 119 |
3904 | 3800 | Glory | Zwick, Edward | 1989 | USA | 122 |
3905 | 3801 | Human Remains | Rosenblatt, Jay | 1998 | USA | 30 |
3906 | 3883 | Swingers | Liman, Doug | 1996 | USA | 95 |
3907 | 3806 | Amor | Beavers, Robert | 1980 | USA | 15 |
3908 | 4257 | Autumn Tale, An | Rohmer, Eric | 1998 | France | 110 |
3909 | 3958 | Rio, Zona Norte | Pereira dos Santos, Nelson | 1957 | Brazil | 90 |
3910 | 3807 | Ecstasy | Machatý, Gustav | 1933 | Czechoslovakia | 88 |
3911 | 3808 | Living on the Edge | Grigsby, Michael | 1987 | UK | 70 |
3912 | 3809 | My Hand Outstretched to the Winged Distance and Sightless Measure (18 film cycle) | Beavers, Robert | 1967-2002 | USA | 418 |
3913 | 3897 | Wild, Wild Rose, The | Wang Tian-lin | 1960 | Hong Kong | 128 |
3914 | 4189 | American Tragedy, An | von Sternberg, Josef | 1931 | USA | 96 |
3915 | 3953 | Poil de Carotte | Duvivier, Julien | 1932 | France | 91 |
3916 | 3898 | Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe | Avnet, Jon | 1991 | USA | 130 |
3917 | 3933 | Born Yesterday | Cukor, George | 1950 | USA | 103 |
3918 | 3813 | Signs | Shyamalan, M. Night | 2002 | USA | 106 |
3919 | 3814 | Coraline | Selick, Henry | 2009 | USA | 101 |
3920 | 4152 | Quatermass and the Pit | Baker, Roy Ward | 1967 | UK | 98 |
3921 | 3887 | Fahrenheit 9/11 | Moore, Michael | 2004 | USA | 122 |
3922 | 3939 | Zed & Two Noughts, A | Greenaway, Peter | 1985 | UK | 115 |
3923 | 4734 | Hours and Times, The | Munch, Christopher | 1991 | USA | 60 |
3924 | 4220 | My Brother's Wedding | Burnett, Charles | 1983 | USA | 115 |
3925 | 4370 | Letter Never Sent | Kalatozov, Mikhail | 1960 | USSR | 96 |
3926 | 4132 | Matango | Honda, Ishiro | 1963 | Japan | 89 |
3927 | 3821 | Bad Taste | Jackson, Peter | 1987 | New Zealand | 90 |
3928 | 3974 | Bird | Eastwood, Clint | 1988 | USA | 160 |
3929 | 3822 | Henry Fool | Hartley, Hal | 1997 | USA | 137 |
3930 | 3823 | Naked City, The | Dassin, Jules | 1948 | USA | 96 |
3931 | 4123 | Shaolin Soccer | Chow, Stephen | 2001 | Hong Kong | 113 |
3932 | 3825 | Disorder | Huang Weikai | 2009 | China | 58 |
3933 | 3829 | Rabbit of Seville | Jones, Chuck | 1950 | USA | 7 |
3934 | 3831 | Girl with a Suitcase | Zurlini, Valerio | 1961 | Italy | 96 |
3935 | 3832 | Woman Alone, A [TV] | Holland, Agnieszka | 1981 | Poland | 92 |
3936 | 4337 | Jazz on a Summer's Day | Stern, Bert | 1959 | USA | 85 |
3937 | 4295 | Flight of the Red Balloon | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 2007 | France | 115 |
3938 | 3837 | My Best Fiend | Herzog, Werner | 1999 | Germany | 95 |
3939 | 3836 | Poor Cow | Loach, Ken | 1967 | UK | 104 |
3940 | 3988 | Stranded in Canton | Eggleston, William J. | 2005 | USA | 76 |
3941 | 3843 | Woman of Tokyo | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1933 | Japan | 47 |
3942 | 3928 | Niagara | Hathaway, Henry | 1953 | USA | 89 |
3943 | 3844 | Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The | De Sica, Vittorio | 1970 | Italy | 94 |
3944 | 3845 | Penda's Fen [TV] | Clarke, Alan | 1974 | UK | 90 |
3945 | 3847 | Body Beautiful, The | Onwurah, Ngozi | 1991 | UK | 23 |
3946 | 3848 | Diva | Beineix, Jean-Jacques | 1981 | France | 123 |
3947 | 4210 | Ministry of Fear | Lang, Fritz | 1944 | USA | 85 |
3948 | 3850 | Breakfast on the Grass | Pärn, Priit | 1987 | USSR | 25 |
3949 | 3851 | Coup de torchon | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1981 | France | 128 |
3950 | 3968 | Io Island | Kim Ki-young | 1977 | South Korea | 110 |
3951 | 3855 | Gammelion | Markopoulos, Gregory J. | 1968 | USA | 55 |
3952 | 3935 | Castle of Cagliostro, The | Miyazaki, Hayao | 1979 | Japan | 102 |
3953 | 4366 | Szindbád | Huszárik, Zoltán | 1971 | Hungary | 90 |
3954 | 3858 | They Caught the Ferry | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1948 | Denmark | 11 |
3955 | 3930 | Madame Satã | Aïnouz, Karim | 2002 | Brazil | 105 |
3956 | 4114 | Fatal Attraction | Lyne, Adrian | 1987 | USA | 119 |
3957 | 4362 | American Soldier, The | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1970 | West Germany | 80 |
3958 | 3862 | Devdas | Roy, Bimal | 1955 | India | 159 |
3959 | 3942 | True Lies | Cameron, James | 1994 | USA | 141 |
3960 | 5770 | Saddest Music in the World, The | Maddin, Guy | 2003 | Canada | 100 |
3961 | 3975 | Reason Over Passion | Wieland, Joyce | 1969 | Canada | 80 |
3962 | 3864 | King Solomon's Mines | Bennett, Compton & Andrew Marton | 1950 | USA | 102 |
3963 | 3865 | Amor Natural, O | Honigmann, Heddy | 1996 | Netherlands | 76 |
3964 | 3867 | Flesh | Morrissey, Paul | 1968 | USA | 105 |
3965 | 3947 | Watchmen | Snyder, Zack | 2009 | USA | 162 |
3966 | 3872 | Killing of Sister George, The | Aldrich, Robert | 1968 | USA | 138 |
3967 | 3873 | Beat the Devil | Huston, John | 1953 | UK | 89 |
3968 | 4478 | No, or the Vain Glory of Command | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1990 | Portugal | 110 |
3969 | 3876 | Man Who Lies, The | Robbe-Grillet, Alain | 1968 | France | 95 |
3970 | 3981 | Vicky Cristina Barcelona | Allen, Woody | 2008 | USA | 96 |
3971 | 3954 | Rock, The | Bay, Michael | 1996 | USA | 129 |
3972 | 4195 | Exiled | To, Johnnie | 2006 | Hong Kong | 109 |
3973 | 4341 | Cosmopolis | Cronenberg, David | 2012 | Canada | 109 |
3974 | 3880 | Enamorada | Fernández, Emilio | 1946 | Mexico | 99 |
3975 | 3882 | Three Brothers | Rosi, Francesco | 1981 | Italy | 113 |
3976 | 3884 | Sirius Remembered | Brakhage, Stan | 1959 | USA | 12 |
3977 | 3885 | Bodysong | Pummell, Simon | 2003 | UK | 83 |
3978 | 3886 | Croupier | Hodges, Mike | 1998 | Ireland | 94 |
3979 | 3888 | Film | Schneider, Alan | 1965 | USA | 20 |
3980 | 3889 | Night of the Iguana, The | Huston, John | 1964 | USA | 125 |
3981 | 3891 | Land Beyond the Sunset , The | Shaw, Harold M. | 1912 | USA | 14 |
3982 | 4397 | Darjeeling Limited, The | Anderson, Wes | 2007 | USA | 91 |
3983 | 3893 | Dans la nuit | Vanel, Charles | 1930 | France | 75 |
3984 | 3895 | Dark Crystal, The | Henson, Jim | 1982 | UK | 94 |
3985 | 3896 | Stray Bullet, The | Yu Hyun-mok | 1961 | South Korea | 110 |
3986 | 3959 | Spellbound | Blitz, Jeffrey | 2002 | USA | 96 |
3987 | 4403 | Mutiny on the Bounty | Milestone, Lewis | 1962 | USA | 178 |
3988 | 4308 | Home Alone | Columbus, Chris | 1990 | USA | 102 |
3989 | 3902 | Artemis' Knee | Straub, Jean-Marie | 2008 | Italy | 26 |
3990 | 3903 | Grand jeu, Le | Feyder, Jacques | 1934 | France | 120 |
3991 | 3999 | Who Killed Teddy Bear? | Cates, Joseph | 1965 | USA | 94 |
3992 | 4179 | Return of the Living Dead, The | O'Bannon, Dan | 1985 | USA | 90 |
3993 | 3905 | Age of the Medici, The [TV] | Rossellini, Roberto | 1972 | Italy | 255 |
3994 | 3907 | Salt of the Earth, The | Salgado, Juliano Ribeiro & Wim Wenders | 2014 | France | 110 |
3995 | 3908 | Assassination | Shinoda, Masahiro | 1964 | Japan | 104 |
3996 | 4094 | Brewster McCloud | Altman, Robert | 1970 | USA | 105 |
3997 | 4133 | Man with the Golden Arm, The | Preminger, Otto | 1955 | USA | 119 |
3998 | 4270 | By the Law | Kuleshov, Lev | 1926 | USSR | 80 |
3999 | 3911 | Smooth Talk | Chopra, Joyce | 1985 | USA | 92 |
4000 | 3912 | Dark Eyes | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1987 | Italy | 118 |
4001 | 4001 | Dream Street | Griffith, D.W. | 1921 | USA | 138 |
4002 | 3007 | Andaz | Khan, Mehboob | 1949 | India | 148 |
4003 | 4002 | Rolling Thunder | Flynn, John | 1977 | USA | 99 |
4004 | 3021 | Three Years Without God | O'Hara, Mario | 1976 | Philippines | 110 |
4005 | 3026 | I, the Executioner | Kato, Tai | 1968 | Japan | 90 |
4006 | 4003 | Five Fingers of Death | Jeong Chang-hwa | 1972 | China | 102 |
4007 | 3046 | Before I Forget | Nolot, Jacques | 2007 | France | 108 |
4008 | 4004 | Lettre, La | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1999 | France | 107 |
4009 | 4005 | What Goes Up | Breer, Robert | 2003 | USA | 5 |
4010 | 4006 | Coffy | Hill, Jack | 1973 | USA | 91 |
4011 | 4007 | Decision Before Dawn | Litvak, Anatole | 1951 | USA | 119 |
4012 | 3067 | Stars in Broad Daylight | Mohammed, Ossama | 1988 | Syria | 105 |
4013 | 3069 | Byelorussia Station | Smirnov, Andrey | 1971 | USSR | 101 |
4014 | 3087 | Helpmates | Parrott, James | 1932 | USA | 20 |
4015 | 4008 | Aerial | Tait, Margaret | 1974 | UK | 4 |
4016 | 3107 | Dying Swan, The | Bauer, Yevgeni | 1917 | Russia | 49 |
4017 | 3114 | Country Doctor, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1909 | USA | 14 |
4018 | 5011 | Girl from Chicago, The | Micheaux, Oscar | 1932 | USA | 69 |
4019 | 5006 | Geburt der Nation, Die | Wyborny, Klaus | 1973 | West Germany | 70 |
4020 | 4009 | Protéa | Jasset, Victorin-Hippolyte | 1913 | France | 50 |
4021 | 4010 | Verifica incerta, La | Grifi, Alberto & Gianfranco Baruchello | 1965 | Italy | 35 |
4022 | 4011 | Ashes and Embers | Gerima, Haile | 1982 | USA | 120 |
4023 | 4012 | On Top of the Whale | Ruiz, Raúl | 1982 | Netherlands | 90 |
4024 | 3275 | Shadowlands | Attenborough, Richard | 1993 | UK | 130 |
4025 | 4013 | Mother Dao, the Turtlelike | Monnikendam, Vincent | 1995 | Netherlands | 90 |
4026 | 4014 | Moon and the Sledgehammer, The | Trevelyan, Philip | 1971 | UK | 65 |
4027 | 5019 | Beloved Infidel | King, Henry | 1959 | USA | 123 |
4028 | 4017 | Operai, contadini | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 2001 | France | 123 |
4029 | 4015 | Giants and Toys | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1958 | Japan | 95 |
4030 | 3456 | Homme atlantique, L' | Duras, Marguerite | 1981 | France | 45 |
4031 | 4016 | Innocence Unprotected | Makavejev, Dusan | 1968 | Yugoslavia | 75 |
4032 | 3926 | Bulworth | Beatty, Warren | 1998 | USA | 108 |
4033 | 4021 | Flights in Dreams and in Reality | Balayan, Roman | 1983 | USSR | 92 |
4034 | 4019 | Deadly Circuit | Miller, Claude | 1983 | France | 120 |
4035 | 4045 | Banishment, The | Zvyagintsev, Andrey | 2007 | Russia | 157 |
4036 | 4963 | Evdokia | Damianos, Alexis | 1971 | Greece | 97 |
4037 | 4020 | Becky Sharp | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1935 | USA | 84 |
4038 | 4023 | Portuguese Nun, The | Green, Eugène | 2009 | Portugal | 127 |
4039 | 5034 | Acts of the Apostles [TV] | Rossellini, Roberto | 1969 | Italy | 342 |
4040 | 4024 | '?' Motorist, The | Booth, Walter R. | 1906 | UK | 3 |
4041 | 4025 | Supervixens | Meyer, Russ | 1975 | USA | 99 |
4042 | 4026 | Fatima's Letter | Syed, Aliya | 1991 | UK | 19 |
4043 | 4027 | Secretary | Shainberg, Steven | 2002 | USA | 104 |
4044 | 3774 | Strong Island | Ford, Yance | 2017 | USA | 107 |
4045 | 4040 | Hidden Life, A | Malick, Terrence | 2019 | USA | 174 |
4046 | 4048 | Annihilation | Garland, Alex | 2018 | USA | 115 |
4047 | 4029 | Fire Will Come | Laxe, Oliver | 2019 | Spain | 90 |
4048 | 3810 | Girl at My Door, A | Jung, July | 2014 | South Korea | 119 |
4049 | 3815 | Maps to the Stars | Cronenberg, David | 2014 | Canada | 111 |
4050 | 3818 | I Am Not a Witch | Nyoni, Rungano | 2017 | UK | 93 |
4051 | 3835 | Juice | Dickerson, Ernest R. | 1992 | USA | 92 |
4052 | 4042 | Ten Canoes | De Heer, Rolf | 2006 | Australia | 92 |
4053 | 3846 | So Long, My Son | Wang Xiaoshuai | 2019 | China | 185 |
4054 | 4078 | This Gun for Hire | Tuttle, Frank | 1942 | USA | 80 |
4055 | 4079 | Revolutionary Road | Mendes, Sam | 2008 | USA | 119 |
4056 | 3854 | Sodom | Price, Luther | 1989 | USA | 17 |
4057 | 3857 | Barres | Moullet, Luc | 1984 | France | 14 |
4058 | 3860 | Why is Yellow the Middle of the Rainbow? | Tahimik, Kidlat | 1994 | Philippines | 170 |
4059 | 3859 | Infinity | Khutsiev, Marlen | 1992 | Russia | 206 |
4060 | 4126 | Berberian Sound Studio | Strickland, Peter | 2012 | UK | 92 |
4061 | 3866 | We Have a Pope | Moretti, Nanni | 2011 | Italy | 102 |
4062 | 4028 | Evita | Parker, Alan | 1996 | USA | 135 |
4063 | 4081 | Love, Thy Name Be Sorrow | Uchida, Tomu | 1962 | Japan | 109 |
4064 | 3875 | At Berkeley | Wiseman, Frederick | 2013 | USA | 244 |
4065 | 4056 | All Night Long | Dearden, Basil | 1962 | UK | 91 |
4066 | 4030 | Interview | Sen, Mrinal | 1971 | India | 101 |
4067 | 4031 | Mrs. Fang | Wang Bing | 2017 | China | 86 |
4068 | 4033 | Always for Pleasure | Blank, Les | 1978 | USA | 58 |
4069 | 4034 | Possibly in Michigan | Condit, Cecilia | 1983 | USA | 12 |
4070 | 4035 | Nothing Lasts Forever | Schiller, Tom | 1984 | USA | 82 |
4071 | 4151 | Karate Kid, The | Avildsen, John G. | 1984 | USA | 126 |
4072 | 4036 | Running on Karma | To, Johnnie & Wai Ka-Fai | 2003 | Hong Kong | 93 |
4073 | 4037 | Deadlock | Klick, Roland | 1970 | West Germany | 93 |
4074 | 4080 | Drug War | To, Johnnie | 2012 | China | 107 |
4075 | 4091 | Style Wars | Chalfant, Henry & Tony Silver | 1983 | USA | 69 |
4076 | 4038 | Scent of a Woman | Brest, Martin | 1992 | USA | 137 |
4077 | 4039 | War Is Hell | Machin, Alfred | 1914 | Belgium | 50 |
4078 | 4514 | Too Late Blues | Cassavetes, John | 1961 | USA | 103 |
4079 | 5142 | Secvente | Tatos, Alexandru | 1982 | Romania | 98 |
4080 | 3913 | Creature Comforts | Park, Nick | 1989 | UK | 5 |
4081 | 4041 | Baiju Bawra | Bhatt, Vijay | 1952 | India | 165 |
4082 | 4281 | Hard Eight | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1996 | USA | 101 |
4083 | 4431 | Unstoppable | Scott, Tony | 2010 | USA | 98 |
4084 | 3917 | Cottage on Dartmoor, A | Asquith, Anthony | 1929 | UK | 84 |
4085 | 4140 | Vincere | Bellocchio, Marco | 2009 | Italy | 128 |
4086 | 3978 | Mars Attacks! | Burton, Tim | 1996 | USA | 105 |
4087 | 4488 | Mundo sigue, El | Fernán Gómez, Fernando | 1965 | Spain | 124 |
4088 | 3920 | Maria [TV] | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1989 | USSR | 40 |
4089 | 3921 | Place Without Limits | Ripstein, Arturo | 1978 | Mexico | 110 |
4090 | 4177 | Picture of Dorian Gray, The | Lewin, Albert | 1945 | USA | 110 |
4091 | 4241 | Whisper of the Heart | Kondo, Yoshifumi | 1995 | Japan | 111 |
4092 | 4109 | Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner & Michael Fengler | 1970 | West Germany | 88 |
4093 | 3924 | Travolta et moi [TV] | Mazuy, Patricia | 1994 | France | 52 |
4094 | 3927 | Musicians, The | Karabasz, Kazimierz | 1960 | Poland | 9 |
4095 | 3929 | Ninth Configuration, The | Blatty, William Peter | 1980 | USA | 118 |
4096 | 4112 | Julien Donkey-Boy | Korine, Harmony | 1999 | USA | 99 |
4097 | 4115 | Dossier 51, Le | Deville, Michel | 1978 | France | 108 |
4098 | 4116 | Intruder, The | Corman, Roger | 1962 | USA | 80 |
4099 | 3932 | Sinking of the Lusitania, The | McCay, Winsor | 1918 | USA | 12 |
4100 | 4043 | Mondays in the Sun | de Aranoa, Fernando León | 2002 | Spain | 113 |
4101 | 4087 | Charge of the Light Brigade, The | Curtiz, Michael | 1936 | USA | 116 |
4102 | 3936 | Seven Up! [TV] | Almond, Paul | 1964 | UK | 39 |
4103 | 3937 | Drifters | Grierson, John | 1929 | UK | 49 |
4104 | 3938 | Heart of the World, The | Maddin, Guy | 2000 | Canada | 6 |
4105 | 4128 | Robinson in Space | Keiller, Patrick | 1997 | UK | 78 |
4106 | 3940 | Prairie Home Companion, A | Altman, Robert | 2006 | USA | 106 |
4107 | 4044 | Not One Less | Zhang Yimou | 1998 | China | 106 |
4108 | 4167 | King Lear | Kozintsev, Grigori | 1970 | USSR | 140 |
4109 | 4375 | Macbeth | Polanski, Roman | 1971 | UK | 140 |
4110 | 3943 | Grifters, The | Frears, Stephen | 1990 | USA | 113 |
4111 | 3946 | Steamboat Round the Bend | Ford, John | 1935 | USA | 82 |
4112 | 4277 | Benny's Video | Haneke, Michael | 1992 | Austria | 105 |
4113 | 4175 | Nobody's Fool | Benton, Robert | 1994 | USA | 110 |
4114 | 4176 | Reign of Terror | Mann, Anthony | 1949 | USA | 89 |
4115 | 3948 | Here is Your Life | Troell, Jan | 1966 | Sweden | 169 |
4116 | 3949 | Eroica | Munk, Andrzej | 1958 | Poland | 87 |
4117 | 3950 | Guelwaar | Sembene, Ousmane | 1992 | France | 115 |
4118 | 4185 | Shulie | Subrin, Elisabeth | 1998 | USA | 37 |
4119 | 4164 | Risky Business | Brickman, Paul | 1983 | USA | 96 |
4120 | 5257 | Up in Smoke | Adler, Lou | 1978 | USA | 86 |
4121 | 4046 | Meditation on Violence | Deren, Maya | 1948 | USA | 12 |
4122 | 4100 | Ocean's Eleven | Soderbergh, Steven | 2001 | USA | 116 |
4123 | 4047 | Hell or High Water | Mackenzie, David | 2016 | USA | 102 |
4124 | 5540 | Aspen | Wiseman, Frederick | 1991 | USA | 146 |
4125 | 4233 | Youth | Sorrentino, Paolo | 2015 | Italy | 124 |
4126 | 4142 | Tema | Panfilov, Gleb | 1979 | USSR | 99 |
4127 | 3955 | Park Lanes | Everson, Kevin Jerome | 2015 | USA | 480 |
4128 | 3956 | Bedazzled | Donen, Stanley | 1967 | UK | 107 |
4129 | 3957 | Halfway House, The | Dearden, Basil | 1944 | UK | 95 |
4130 | 4552 | Adversary, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1970 | USA | 110 |
4131 | 4171 | Sanjuro | Kurosawa, Akira | 1962 | Japan | 96 |
4132 | 3960 | Sand Pebbles, The | Wise, Robert | 1966 | USA | 179 |
4133 | 4105 | Zardoz | Boorman, John | 1974 | UK | 105 |
4134 | 5874 | Boyfriends and Girlfriends | Rohmer, Eric | 1987 | France | 103 |
4135 | 4187 | Village of the Damned | Rilla, Wolf | 1960 | UK | 78 |
4136 | 4148 | Suspended Step of the Stork, The | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1991 | Greece | 151 |
4137 | 3961 | Finye | Cissé, Souleymane | 1982 | Mali | 100 |
4138 | 4248 | Pigs and Battleships | Imamura, Shohei | 1961 | Japan | 108 |
4139 | 4111 | Phase IV | Bass, Saul | 1974 | UK | 84 |
4140 | 3962 | Blonds, The | Carri, Albertina | 2003 | Argentina | 89 |
4141 | 3963 | Never Give a Sucker an Even Break | Cline, Eddie | 1941 | USA | 71 |
4142 | 4077 | Beauty No. 2 | Warhol, Andy | 1965 | USA | 66 |
4143 | 3964 | Hester Street | Silver, Joan Micklin | 1975 | USA | 92 |
4144 | 4294 | Fearless Vampire Killers, The | Polanski, Roman | 1967 | UK | 98 |
4145 | 3965 | Breakaway | Conner, Bruce | 1966 | USA | 5 |
4146 | 3966 | Mutter Krausen's Farhrt ins Gluck | Jutzi, Phil | 1929 | Germany | 121 |
4147 | 3967 | Emperor Tomato Ketchup | Terayama, Shuji | 1971 | Japan | 27 |
4148 | 9187 | I Am Love | Guadagnino, Luca | 2009 | Italy | 120 |
4149 | 4122 | Autumn's Tale, An | Cheung, Mabel | 1987 | Hong Kong | 98 |
4150 | 3969 | Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media | Achbar, Mark & Peter Wintonick | 1992 | Canada | 167 |
4151 | 4628 | 10 Things I Hate About You | Junger, Gil | 1999 | USA | 97 |
4152 | 4124 | Illustrious Corpses | Rosi, Francesco | 1976 | Italy | 120 |
4153 | 4353 | Warrendale | King, Allan | 1967 | Canada | 100 |
4154 | 4468 | Wedding in Galilee | Khleifi, Michel | 1987 | Belgium | 100 |
4155 | 3970 | Bleu Shut | Nelson, Robert | 1971 | USA | 33 |
4156 | 3972 | Model Shop | Demy, Jacques | 1969 | USA | 95 |
4157 | 4517 | Edge of Heaven, The | Akin, Fatih | 2007 | Germany | 121 |
4158 | 4462 | Tron | Lisberger, Steven | 1982 | USA | 96 |
4159 | 4172 | Kagero-za | Suzuki, Seijun | 1981 | Japan | 139 |
4160 | 4266 | At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul | Marins, José Mojica | 1964 | Brazil | 84 |
4161 | 4512 | Damned, The | Losey, Joseph | 1962 | UK | 96 |
4162 | 3977 | Kingdom of Naples, The | Schroeter, Werner | 1978 | Italy | 125 |
4163 | 4139 | Teza | Gerima, Haile | 2008 | Ethiopia | 140 |
4164 | 4082 | Forever Amber | Preminger, Otto | 1947 | USA | 140 |
4165 | 4083 | Leto | Serebrennikov, Kirill | 2018 | Russia | 126 |
4166 | 4451 | Take Care of Your Scarf, Tatjana | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1994 | Finland | 65 |
4167 | 3980 | Baby of Macon, The | Greenaway, Peter | 1993 | UK | 122 |
4168 | 4235 | Misérables, Les | Capellani, Albert | 1912 | France | 147 |
4169 | 3984 | Lives of Performers | Rainer, Yvonne | 1972 | USA | 90 |
4170 | 3985 | Cobweb, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1955 | USA | 124 |
4171 | 4198 | Duchess of Langeais, The | Rivette, Jacques | 2007 | France | 137 |
4172 | 3986 | Bright Future | Kurosawa, Kiyoshi | 2002 | Japan | 92 |
4173 | 4146 | China Behind | Tong Shu Shuen | 1974 | Hong Kong | 110 |
4174 | 4213 | Sleepy Hollow | Burton, Tim | 1999 | USA | 102 |
4175 | 4318 | Highlander | Mulcahy, Russell | 1986 | USA | 111 |
4176 | 4244 | World's Greatest Sinner, The | Carey, Timothy | 1962 | USA | 77 |
4177 | 4346 | Himala | Bernal, Ishmael | 1982 | Philippines | 124 |
4178 | 4085 | Toto Who Lived Twice | Ciprì, Daniele & Franco Maresco | 1998 | Italy | 93 |
4179 | 3989 | Revolver | Bergqvist, Stig/Martti Ekstrand/Jonas Odell/Lars Ohlson | 1994 | Sweden | 8 |
4180 | 3987 | Everyday Life in a Syrian Village | Amiralay, Omar | 1976 | Syria | 80 |
4181 | 3990 | Ipcress File, The | Furie, Sidney J. | 1965 | UK | 108 |
4182 | 4349 | Meshi | Naruse, Mikio | 1951 | Japan | 97 |
4183 | 4616 | Greatest Show on Earth, The | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1952 | USA | 153 |
4184 | 3991 | Facing the Judgement of History | Ermler, Fridrikh | 1965 | USSR | 99 |
4185 | 4255 | God's Own Country | Lee, Francis | 2017 | UK | 104 |
4186 | 3992 | Quixote | Baillie, Bruce | 1965 | USA | 45 |
4187 | 4293 | Foreign Land | Salles, Walter & Daniela Thomas | 1995 | Brazil | 100 |
4188 | 3993 | Amore, L' | Rossellini, Roberto | 1948 | Italy | 79 |
4189 | 3996 | Kin-dza-dza! | Daneliya, Georgi | 1986 | USSR | 135 |
4190 | 3997 | Gas Food Lodging | Anders, Allison | 1992 | USA | 101 |
4191 | 4086 | Go Fish | Troche, Rose | 1994 | USA | 87 |
4192 | 4301 | Lethal Weapon | Donner, Richard | 1987 | USA | 109 |
4193 | 3998 | Ukamau | Sanjinés, Jorge | 1966 | Bolivia | 75 |
4194 | 4217 | Bad Luck | Munk, Andrzej | 1960 | Poland | 92 |
4195 | 4000 | Crash | Haggis, Paul | 2004 | USA | 112 |
4196 | 4088 | Messiah, The | Rossellini, Roberto | 1975 | Italy | 140 |
4197 | 4089 | X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes | Corman, Roger | 1963 | USA | 80 |
4198 | 4092 | Naked Spaces: Living is Round | Trinh T. Minh-ha | 1985 | USA | 135 |
4199 | 4093 | Faces of Women | Ecaré, Désiré | 1985 | France | 105 |
4200 | 4526 | Real Young Girl, A | Breillat, Catherine | 1976 | France | 89 |
4201 | 4096 | Sun's Burial, The | Oshima, Nagisa | 1960 | Japan | 87 |
4202 | 4274 | Queen Margot | Chéreau, Patrice | 1994 | France | 143 |
4203 | 4169 | Sanshiro Sugata | Kurosawa, Akira | 1943 | Japan | 79 |
4204 | 4228 | Things to Come | Hansen-Løve, Mia | 2016 | France | 102 |
4205 | 4231 | Chidambaram | Aravindan, Govindan | 1985 | India | 103 |
4206 | 4234 | Deep Blue Sea, The | Davies, Terence | 2011 | UK | 98 |
4207 | 4237 | Captains Courageous | Fleming, Victor | 1937 | USA | 116 |
4208 | 4101 | Used Cars | Zemeckis, Robert | 1980 | USA | 111 |
4209 | 4102 | Stormy Weather | Stone, Andrew L. | 1943 | USA | 77 |
4210 | 4103 | Maelstrom: A Family Chronicle, The | Forgács, Péter | 1997 | Netherlands | 60 |
4211 | 4200 | Animal Kingdom | Michôd, David | 2010 | Australia | 113 |
4212 | 4186 | Anything Can Happen | Lozinski, Marcel | 1995 | Poland | 39 |
4213 | 4104 | Wild Style | Ahearn, Charlie | 1982 | USA | 82 |
4214 | 4106 | Grand Meaulnes, Le | Albicocco, Jean-Gabriel | 1967 | France | 103 |
4215 | 4245 | Boy with Green Hair, The | Losey, Joseph | 1948 | USA | 82 |
4216 | 4330 | Amy | Kapadia, Asif | 2015 | UK | 128 |
4217 | 3342 | I, Daniel Blake | Loach, Ken | 2016 | UK | 100 |
4218 | 4395 | Grosse Freiheit Nr. 7 | Käutner, Helmut | 1944 | Germany | 111 |
4219 | 4107 | Loss of Sexual Innocence, The | Figgis, Mike | 1998 | USA | 105 |
4220 | 4108 | Summer's Tale, A | Rohmer, Eric | 1996 | France | 113 |
4221 | 4110 | 3 Idiots | Hirani, Rajkumar | 2009 | India | 170 |
4222 | 4612 | Senna | Kapadia, Asif | 2010 | UK | 106 |
4223 | 4392 | Independence Day | Emmerich, Roland | 1996 | USA | 145 |
4224 | 4258 | Routine Pleasures | Gorin, Jean-Pierre | 1986 | UK | 81 |
4225 | 4113 | Fan-Fan the Tulip | Christian-Jaque | 1952 | France | 102 |
4226 | 4259 | Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean, The | Huston, John | 1972 | USA | 120 |
4227 | 4117 | Forest of the Hanged | Ciulei, Liviu | 1965 | Romania | 154 |
4228 | 4118 | In the White City | Tanner, Alain | 1983 | Portugal | 108 |
4229 | 4935 | Yellow Sky | Wellman, William | 1948 | USA | 98 |
4230 | 4119 | Barfly | Schroeder, Barbet | 1987 | USA | 97 |
4231 | 4120 | Nikita | Besson, Luc | 1990 | France | 117 |
4232 | 4317 | Avengers: Endgame | Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo | 2019 | USA | 181 |
4233 | 4214 | Thief of Bagdad, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1924 | USA | 155 |
4234 | 4292 | Tall Target, The | Mann, Anthony | 1951 | USA | 78 |
4235 | 4125 | Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge, An | Enrico, Robert | 1961 | France | 28 |
4236 | 4127 | Hitcher, The | Harmon, Robert | 1986 | USA | 97 |
4237 | 4211 | Elite Squad | Padilha, José | 2007 | Brazil | 115 |
4238 | 4129 | Peggy and Fred in Hell: The Prologue | Thornton, Leslie | 1985 | USA | 20 |
4239 | 4357 | Assault on the Paytrain | Farias, Roberto | 1962 | Brazil | 102 |
4240 | 4131 | From Today Until Tomorrow | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1997 | France | 62 |
4241 | 4134 | Lost City of Z, The | Gray, James | 2016 | USA | 141 |
4242 | 4269 | Muddy River | Oguri, Kohei | 1981 | Japan | 105 |
4243 | 7337 | Life Dances On… | Frank, Robert | 1980 | USA | 30 |
4244 | 4225 | Surcos | Conde, Jose Antonio Nieves | 1951 | Spain | 99 |
4245 | 4135 | I Stand Alone | Noé, Gaspar | 1998 | France | 93 |
4246 | 4136 | Very Curious Girl, A | Kaplan, Nelly | 1969 | France | 107 |
4247 | 4371 | Little Mermaid, The | Musker, John/Ron Clements | 1989 | USA | 82 |
4248 | 4418 | In a Glass Cage | Villaronga, Agustí | 1986 | Spain | 100 |
4249 | 4141 | Illusion Travels by Streetcar | Buñuel, Luis | 1953 | Mexico | 90 |
4250 | 4280 | Leave No Trace | Granik, Debra | 2018 | USA | 109 |
4251 | 4143 | Hukkle | Pálfi, György | 2002 | Hungary | 78 |
4252 | 4289 | Staying Vertical | Guiraudie, Alain | 2016 | France | 98 |
4253 | 4288 | For All Mankind | Reinert, Al | 1989 | USA | 90 |
4254 | 4471 | Vera Drake | Leigh, Mike | 2004 | UK | 125 |
4255 | 4144 | Great Waltz, The | Duvivier, Julien | 1938 | USA | 104 |
4256 | 4242 | Hand, The | Trnka, Jirí | 1965 | Czechoslovakia | 18 |
4257 | 4145 | Love Letter | Tanaka, Kinuyo | 1953 | Japan | 98 |
4258 | 4491 | Mad Songs of Fernanda Hussein, The | Gianvito, John | 2001 | USA | 168 |
4259 | 4247 | Saint Maud | Glass, Rose | 2019 | UK | 84 |
4260 | 4149 | Abschied | Siodmak, Robert | 1930 | Germany | 73 |
4261 | 4150 | Evolution | Hadzihalilovic, Lucile | 2015 | France | 81 |
4262 | 4299 | Decline of the American Empire, The | Arcand, Denys | 1986 | Canada | 101 |
4263 | 4251 | National Velvet | Brown, Clarence | 1944 | USA | 125 |
4264 | 4500 | 24 City | Jia Zhangke | 2008 | China | 112 |
4265 | 4153 | Murderers Are Among Us, The | Staudte, Wolfgang | 1946 | Germany | 85 |
4266 | 4455 | Joker | Phillips, Todd | 2019 | USA | 122 |
4267 | 4154 | Moliere | Mnouchkine, Ariane | 1978 | Italy | 260 |
4268 | 4252 | Spider-Man 2 | Raimi, Sam | 2004 | USA | 127 |
4269 | 4339 | That Man from Rio | de Broca, Philippe | 1964 | France | 120 |
4270 | 4155 | Turning Gate | Hong Sang-soo | 2002 | South Korea | 115 |
4271 | 4263 | Tale of Zatoichi, The | Misumi, Kenji | 1962 | Japan | 95 |
4272 | 4314 | We Own the Night | Gray, James | 2007 | USA | 117 |
4273 | 4305 | Take This Waltz | Polley, Sarah | 2011 | Canada | 116 |
4274 | 4158 | Sur | Solanas, Fernando E. | 1988 | Argentina | 127 |
4275 | 4363 | His Days Are Numbered | Petri, Elio | 1962 | Italy | 98 |
4276 | 4761 | Esther Kahn | Desplechin, Arnaud | 2000 | France | 142 |
4277 | 4159 | And God Created Woman | Vadim, Roger | 1956 | France | 92 |
4278 | 4160 | 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea | Fleischer, Richard | 1954 | USA | 127 |
4279 | 4163 | Seine Meets Paris, The | Ivens, Joris | 1957 | France | 30 |
4280 | 5862 | Death Becomes Her | Zemeckis, Robert | 1992 | USA | 104 |
4281 | 4165 | No Man's Land | Tanovic, Danis | 2001 | France | 97 |
4282 | 4264 | Green Room | Saulnier, Jeremy | 2015 | USA | 95 |
4283 | 4166 | Cobra Verde | Herzog, Werner | 1987 | West Germany | 111 |
4284 | 4168 | My Friends | Monicelli, Mario | 1975 | Italy | 140 |
4285 | 4272 | Farewell, The | Wang, Lulu | 2019 | USA | 100 |
4286 | 4423 | Jerk, The | Reiner, Carl | 1979 | USA | 94 |
4287 | 4170 | Green Years, The | Rocha, Paulo | 1963 | Portugal | 91 |
4288 | 4173 | Battle of San Pietro, The | Huston, John | 1945 | USA | 32 |
4289 | 4178 | Madam Satan | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1930 | USA | 115 |
4290 | 4180 | Study of a River | Hutton, Peter B. | 1997 | USA | 16 |
4291 | 4279 | Philadelphia | Demme, Jonathan | 1993 | USA | 119 |
4292 | 4268 | Edifício Master | Coutinho, Eduardo | 2002 | Brazil | 110 |
4293 | 4335 | Monsters | Edwards, Gareth | 2010 | UK | 94 |
4294 | 5051 | Your Name | Shinkai, Makoto | 2016 | Japan | 106 |
4295 | 4191 | Bananas | Allen, Woody | 1971 | USA | 82 |
4296 | 4192 | Abraham Lincoln | Griffith, D.W. | 1930 | USA | 97 |
4297 | 4379 | Wes Craven's New Nightmare | Craven, Wes | 1994 | USA | 112 |
4298 | 4193 | Pilgrim, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1923 | USA | 40 |
4299 | 4196 | Théâtre des matières, Le | Biette, Jean-Claude | 1977 | France | 81 |
4300 | 4199 | 10 Rillington Place | Fleischer, Richard | 1971 | UK | 111 |
4301 | 4343 | High Fidelity | Frears, Stephen | 2000 | USA | 113 |
4302 | 5395 | Self-Made Hero, A | Audiard, Jacques | 1996 | France | 105 |
4303 | 4201 | School Daze | Lee, Spike | 1988 | USA | 114 |
4304 | 4202 | Kung Fu Panda | Stevenson, John & Mark Osborne | 2008 | USA | 92 |
4305 | 4348 | Scopone scientifico, Lo | Comencini, Luigi | 1972 | Italy | 113 |
4306 | 4203 | Ruhr | Benning, James | 2009 | Germany | 121 |
4307 | 4302 | Few Good Men, A | Reiner, Rob | 1992 | USA | 138 |
4308 | 4204 | Fletch | Ritchie, Michael | 1985 | USA | 96 |
4309 | 4206 | Killers, The | Siegel, Don | 1964 | USA | 95 |
4310 | 4207 | Frida | Leduc, Paul | 1983 | Mexico | 108 |
4311 | 4493 | Fantastic Voyage | Fleischer, Richard | 1966 | USA | 100 |
4312 | 4208 | Steak | Dupieux, Quentin | 2007 | France | 82 |
4313 | 4678 | Ariel | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1988 | Finland | 74 |
4314 | 4209 | Big Mouth, The | Lewis, Jerry | 1967 | USA | 107 |
4315 | 5329 | Oslo, August 31st | Trier, Joachim | 2011 | Norway | 95 |
4316 | 4561 | Martha Marcy May Marlene | Durkin, Sean | 2011 | USA | 102 |
4317 | 4212 | Manhatta | Sheeler, Charles & Paul Strand | 1921 | USA | 11 |
4318 | 4565 | Boy Meets Girl | Carax, Leos | 1984 | France | 100 |
4319 | 4667 | (500) Days of Summer | Webb, Marc | 2009 | USA | 95 |
4320 | 4216 | Nathalie Granger | Duras, Marguerite | 1972 | France | 83 |
4321 | 4219 | Stuff, The | Cohen, Larry | 1985 | USA | 93 |
4322 | 4369 | Aviator, The | Scorsese, Martin | 2004 | USA | 170 |
4323 | 4221 | Vallée close, La | Rousseau, Jean-Claude | 1995 | France | 144 |
4324 | 4222 | Walking and Talking | Holofcener, Nicole | 1996 | UK | 90 |
4325 | 4751 | Three Comrades | Borzage, Frank | 1938 | USA | 98 |
4326 | 4223 | Ditch, The | Wang Bing | 2010 | Hong Kong | 112 |
4327 | 4316 | Second Mother, The | Muylaert, Anna | 2015 | Brazil | 112 |
4328 | 4224 | Kirikou and the Sorceress | Ocelot, Michel | 1998 | France | 73 |
4329 | 4226 | Wiz, The | Lumet, Sidney | 1978 | USA | 133 |
4330 | 5707 | Curse of the Cat People, The | Wise, Robert & Gunther von Fritsch | 1944 | USA | 70 |
4331 | 4378 | Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein | Barton, Charles | 1948 | USA | 83 |
4332 | 4229 | Dearest Executioners | Martín Patino, Basilio | 1977 | Spain | 103 |
4333 | 4380 | Great Race, The | Edwards, Blake | 1965 | USA | 150 |
4334 | 4230 | Bread Factory, Part One, A | Wang, Patrick | 2018 | USA | 122 |
4335 | 4333 | Made in Hong Kong | Chan, Fruit | 1997 | Hong Kong | 109 |
4336 | 4232 | League of Their Own, A | Marshall, Penny | 1992 | USA | 128 |
4337 | 4533 | Jauja | Alonso, Lisandro | 2014 | Argentina | 109 |
4338 | 4777 | Strawberry Blonde, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1941 | USA | 97 |
4339 | 4236 | Shadows in Paradise | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1986 | Finland | 76 |
4340 | 4238 | Devil and Daniel Webster, The | Dieterle, William | 1941 | USA | 112 |
4341 | 4240 | Electrocuting an Elephant | Porter, Edwin S. | 1903 | USA | 1 |
4342 | 4606 | Assunta Spina | Bertini, Francesca & Gustavo Serena | 1915 | Italy | 70 |
4343 | 4448 | Kid Stays in the Picture, The | Burstein, Nanette & Brett Morgen | 2002 | USA | 93 |
4344 | 4520 | Marty | Mann, Delbert | 1955 | USA | 91 |
4345 | 4246 | All Around Us | Hashiguchi, Ryosuke | 2008 | Japan | 140 |
4346 | 4249 | New York Portrait: Chapter II | Hutton, Peter B. | 1981 | USA | 16 |
4347 | 4250 | Kiss | Warhol, Andy | 1963 | USA | 55 |
4348 | 4338 | Avengers, The | Whedon, Joss | 2012 | USA | 143 |
4349 | 4253 | Woman's Revenge, A | Azevedo Gomes, Rita | 2012 | Portugal | 100 |
4350 | 4254 | Lady Sings the Blues | Furie, Sidney J. | 1972 | USA | 144 |
4351 | 4256 | Uncertainty Principle, The | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2002 | France | 133 |
4352 | 4496 | Letter, The | Wyler, William | 1940 | USA | 95 |
4353 | 4351 | Secret, The | Hui, Ann | 1979 | Hong Kong | 85 |
4354 | 4260 | Thirteen Assassins, The | Kudo, Eiichi | 1963 | Japan | 125 |
4355 | 4261 | Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Brooks, Richard | 1958 | USA | 108 |
4356 | 4459 | True Grit | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2010 | USA | 110 |
4357 | 4413 | Me, Myself & Irene | Farrelly, Bob & Peter Farrelly | 2000 | USA | 116 |
4358 | 4568 | Brick and Mirror | Golestan, Ebrahim | 1965 | Iran | 131 |
4359 | 4909 | Jacquot de Nantes | Varda, Agnès | 1991 | France | 118 |
4360 | 4629 | Bush Mama | Gerima, Haile | 1979 | USA | 97 |
4361 | 4356 | Hour and Turn of Augusto Matraga, The | Santos, Roberto | 1965 | Brazil | 109 |
4362 | 4419 | Faisons un rêve | Guitry, Sacha | 1937 | France | 86 |
4363 | 4643 | Color of Money, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1986 | USA | 119 |
4364 | 4541 | Cape Fear | Scorsese, Martin | 1991 | USA | 128 |
4365 | 4271 | Like Water for Chocolate | Arau, Alfonso | 1992 | Mexico | 113 |
4366 | 4644 | Wooden Crosses | Bernard, Raymond | 1932 | France | 110 |
4367 | 4472 | Fairytale | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2022 | Russia | 78 |
4368 | 4275 | 2'45" | Raban, William | 1972 | UK | 3 |
4369 | 4276 | Dialogue with a Woman Departed | Hurwitz, Leo | 1981 | USA | 225 |
4370 | 4429 | Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk | Lee, Ang | 2016 | USA | 113 |
4371 | 4578 | Creed | Coogler, Ryan | 2015 | USA | 133 |
4372 | 5317 | Man Hunt | Lang, Fritz | 1941 | USA | 105 |
4373 | 4769 | Choose Me | Rudolph, Alan | 1984 | USA | 106 |
4374 | 4278 | We Are the Lambeth Boys | Reisz, Karel | 1959 | UK | 53 |
4375 | 4436 | Aura, The | Bielinsky, Fabián | 2005 | Argentina | 134 |
4376 | 4475 | Fall of the Romanov Dynasty, The | Shub, Esfir | 1927 | USSR | 90 |
4377 | 4562 | Scanners | Cronenberg, David | 1981 | Canada | 102 |
4378 | 4282 | Society of the Spectacle, The | Debord, Guy | 1973 | France | 88 |
4379 | 4438 | Take Shelter | Nichols, Jeff | 2011 | USA | 120 |
4380 | 4284 | Destiny of a Man, The | Bondarchuk, Sergei | 1959 | USSR | 98 |
4381 | 4384 | Bridge, The | Wicki, Bernhard | 1959 | West Germany | 103 |
4382 | 4285 | Tango | Rybczynski, Zbigniew | 1981 | Poland | 8 |
4383 | 4588 | Nebraska | Payne, Alexander | 2013 | USA | 115 |
4384 | 4286 | Spy Game | Scott, Tony | 2001 | Germany | 126 |
4385 | 4597 | House of the Devil, The | West, Ti | 2009 | USA | 95 |
4386 | 4287 | Ankur | Benegal, Shyam | 1974 | India | 131 |
4387 | 4290 | J'accuse! | Gance, Abel | 1919 | France | 166 |
4388 | 4291 | Robin Hood | Reitherman, Wolfgang | 1973 | USA | 83 |
4389 | 4941 | Living in Oblivion | DiCillo, Tom | 1995 | USA | 91 |
4390 | 4449 | Shall We Dance | Sandrich, Mark | 1937 | USA | 116 |
4391 | 4387 | Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The | Fincher, David | 2008 | USA | 166 |
4392 | 4296 | Fit to Be Untied | Agosti, Silvano/Marco Bellocchio/Sandro Petraglia/Stefano Rulli | 1975 | Italy | 135 |
4393 | 4297 | Electra, My Love | Jancsó, Miklós | 1974 | Hungary | 70 |
4394 | 4298 | Heart of a Dog | Anderson, Laurie | 2015 | USA | 75 |
4395 | 5638 | Olivia | Audry, Jacqueline | 1951 | France | 88 |
4396 | 6244 | Confidentially Yours | Truffaut, François | 1983 | France | 111 |
4397 | 4300 | Lion Hunters, The | Rouch, Jean | 1965 | France | 80 |
4398 | 4303 | Lawn Dogs | Duigan, John | 1997 | UK | 100 |
4399 | 6273 | Lantana | Lawrence, Ray | 2001 | Germany | 121 |
4400 | 4306 | Schpountz, Le | Pagnol, Marcel | 1938 | France | 160 |
4401 | 4307 | Mektoub, My Love: Canto Uno | Kechiche, Abdellatif | 2017 | France | 181 |
4402 | 4309 | Silverlake Life: The View from Here | Friedman, Peter & Tom Joslin | 1993 | USA | 99 |
4403 | 4311 | Sympathy for the Devil | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1968 | UK | 100 |
4404 | 5080 | Control | Corbijn, Anton | 2007 | UK | 122 |
4405 | 4312 | My Little Chickadee | Cline, Eddie | 1940 | USA | 83 |
4406 | 4539 | Brick | Johnson, Rian | 2005 | USA | 110 |
4407 | 4315 | Intervista | Fellini, Federico | 1987 | Italy | 108 |
4408 | 4492 | Forgetting Sarah Marshall | Stoller, Nicholas | 2008 | USA | 111 |
4409 | 4780 | Prince of Darkness | Carpenter, John | 1987 | USA | 102 |
4410 | 4319 | Man with the Rubber Head, The | Méliès, Georges | 1901 | France | 3 |
4411 | 4320 | Last Judgement, The | Frank, Herz | 1987 | USSR | 68 |
4412 | 4414 | Animal Farm | Halas, John & Joy Batchelor | 1954 | UK | 75 |
4413 | 4321 | Smithereens | Seidelman, Susan | 1982 | USA | 90 |
4414 | 4322 | César | Pagnol, Marcel | 1936 | France | 170 |
4415 | 4412 | Shirkers | Tan, Sandi | 2018 | USA | 97 |
4416 | 4634 | Lady Snowblood | Fujita, Toshiya | 1973 | Japan | 97 |
4417 | 4421 | Silver Linings Playbook | Russell, David O. | 2012 | USA | 122 |
4418 | 4323 | Firm, The [TV] | Clarke, Alan | 1988 | UK | 70 |
4419 | 5562 | Daughter of the Nile | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1987 | Taiwan | 91 |
4420 | 4324 | August in the Water | Ishii, Gakuryu | 1995 | Japan | 117 |
4421 | 4410 | Aruanda | Noronha, Linduarte | 1960 | Brazil | 20 |
4422 | 4325 | Full Monty, The | Cattaneo, Peter | 1997 | USA | 91 |
4423 | 4326 | Family Game, The | Morita, Yoshimitsu | 1983 | Japan | 107 |
4424 | 4327 | Lonely Are the Brave | Miller, David | 1962 | USA | 107 |
4425 | 4522 | I Was Nineteen | Wolf, Konrad | 1968 | East Germany | 115 |
4426 | 4328 | Ash is Purest White | Jia Zhangke | 2018 | China | 136 |
4427 | 4329 | Crows and Sparrows | Zheng Junli | 1949 | China | 113 |
4428 | 6999 | Chilly Scenes of Winter | Silver, Joan Micklin | 1979 | USA | 92 |
4429 | 4331 | Night of San Juan, The | Sanjinés, Jorge | 1971 | Bolivia | 90 |
4430 | 4521 | Manhattan Murder Mystery | Allen, Woody | 1993 | USA | 108 |
4431 | 4435 | Sicario | Villeneuve, Denis | 2015 | USA | 121 |
4432 | 4927 | Go Go Tales | Ferrara, Abel | 2007 | USA | 96 |
4433 | 4332 | One Way Passage | Garnett, Tay | 1932 | USA | 69 |
4434 | 4334 | Salt for Svanetia | Kalatozov, Mikhail | 1930 | USSR | 55 |
4435 | 4660 | Boat People | Hui, Ann | 1982 | Hong Kong | 109 |
4436 | 4479 | Maciste in Hell | Brignone, Guido | 1925 | Italy | 95 |
4437 | 4600 | Smiley Face | Araki, Gregg | 2007 | USA | 88 |
4438 | 4486 | Lovers Are Wet | Kumashiro, Tatsumi | 1973 | Japan | 76 |
4439 | 8070 | Fall, The | Singh, Tarsem | 2006 | USA | 117 |
4440 | 4344 | One Way Boogie Woogie | Benning, James | 1977 | USA | 60 |
4441 | 4347 | Funny Games | Haneke, Michael | 2007 | France | 111 |
4442 | 4658 | Milk | Van Sant, Gus | 2008 | USA | 128 |
4443 | 4350 | Our Little Sister | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 2015 | Japan | 128 |
4444 | 4354 | Bread, Love and Dreams | Comencini, Luigi | 1954 | Italy | 90 |
4445 | 4501 | To the Wonder | Malick, Terrence | 2012 | USA | 112 |
4446 | 4355 | Calabuch | García Berlanga, Luis | 1956 | Spain | 93 |
4447 | 4505 | Lady Without Camelias, The | Antonioni, Michelangelo | 1953 | Italy | 105 |
4448 | 6090 | Lucio Flavio, o Passageiro da Agonia | Babenco, Hector | 1977 | Brazil | 118 |
4449 | 4358 | Sergeant York | Hawks, Howard | 1941 | USA | 134 |
4450 | 4463 | Miracle Mile | De Jarnatt, Steve | 1988 | USA | 87 |
4451 | 4359 | Great Adventure, The | Sucksdorff, Arne | 1953 | Sweden | 73 |
4452 | 4361 | Elusive Corporal, The | Renoir, Jean | 1962 | France | 108 |
4453 | 4365 | Tattooed Life | Suzuki, Seijun | 1965 | Japan | 87 |
4454 | 4367 | External World, The | O'Reilly, David | 2010 | Germany | 17 |
4455 | 5500 | Park Row | Fuller, Samuel | 1952 | USA | 83 |
4456 | 4572 | Walk in the Sun, A | Milestone, Lewis | 1945 | USA | 117 |
4457 | 4466 | Vesnoy | Kaufman, Mikhail | 1929 | USSR | 61 |
4458 | 4464 | Dinner Game, The | Veber, Francis | 1998 | France | 79 |
4459 | 4575 | Faces of Children | Feyder, Jacques | 1925 | France | 111 |
4460 | 4515 | Consequences of Love, The | Sorrentino, Paolo | 2004 | Italy | 100 |
4461 | 4372 | Kashima Paradise | Deswarte, Benie Yann Le Masson | 1973 | France | 110 |
4462 | 4373 | Tire au flanc | Renoir, Jean | 1928 | France | 87 |
4463 | 4803 | Diary of a Chambermaid | Buñuel, Luis | 1964 | France | 97 |
4464 | 4693 | Nothing Sacred | Wellman, William | 1937 | USA | 75 |
4465 | 4376 | Field Niggas | Allah, Khalik | 2015 | USA | 60 |
4466 | 4914 | Company of Wolves, The | Jordan, Neil | 1984 | UK | 95 |
4467 | 4583 | Son frère | Chéreau, Patrice | 2003 | France | 92 |
4468 | 4525 | Mirch Masala | Mehta, Ketan | 1987 | UK | 128 |
4469 | 4473 | Wolf Children | Hosoda, Mamoru | 2012 | Japan | 117 |
4470 | 4381 | History of Postwar Japan as Told by a Bar Hostess | Imamura, Shohei | 1970 | Japan | 105 |
4471 | 4382 | Selena | Nava, Gregory | 1997 | USA | 128 |
4472 | 4383 | Urga | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1991 | France | 106 |
4473 | 4813 | Rendez-vous | Téchiné, André | 1985 | France | 82 |
4474 | 4656 | King Kong | Jackson, Peter | 2005 | USA | 187 |
4475 | 4586 | Belladonna of Sadness | Yamamoto, Eiichi | 1973 | Japan | 86 |
4476 | 4385 | In Which We Serve | Coward, Noël & David Lean | 1942 | UK | 115 |
4477 | 4849 | Macario | Gavaldón, Roberto | 1960 | Mexico | 91 |
4478 | 4386 | Castle of Purity, The | Ripstein, Arturo | 1973 | Mexico | 110 |
4479 | 4388 | Dante Quartet, The | Brakhage, Stan | 1987 | USA | 6 |
4480 | 4519 | Session 9 | Anderson, Brad | 2001 | USA | 97 |
4481 | 4639 | Stepfather, The | Ruben, Joseph | 1987 | USA | 98 |
4482 | 4389 | Ardh Satya | Nihalani, Govind | 1983 | India | 130 |
4483 | 4390 | Selfish Giant, The | Barnard, Clio | 2013 | UK | 91 |
4484 | 5553 | Haut bas fragile | Rivette, Jacques | 1995 | France | 169 |
4485 | 4393 | Secret Formula, The | Gámez, Rubén | 1965 | Mexico | 42 |
4486 | 4394 | Dragnet Girl | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1933 | Japan | 100 |
4487 | 5135 | Vie d'un honnête homme, La | Guitry, Sacha | 1953 | France | 85 |
4488 | 4550 | Man Who Sleeps, The | Queysanne, Bernard | 1974 | France | 77 |
4489 | 4396 | Empty Quarter | Depardon, Raymond | 1985 | France | 85 |
4490 | 4866 | Cemetery Man | Soavi, Michele | 1994 | Italy | 105 |
4491 | 4724 | Death of a Cyclist | Bardem, Juan Antonio | 1955 | Spain | 86 |
4492 | 4398 | Sentinelle, La | Desplechin, Arnaud | 1992 | France | 139 |
4493 | 4499 | Jumanji | Johnston, Joe | 1995 | USA | 104 |
4494 | 4554 | Two Faces of Dr. Jekyll, The | Fisher, Terence | 1960 | UK | 88 |
4495 | 4399 | Coherence | Byrkit, James Ward | 2013 | USA | 89 |
4496 | 4400 | Loving Couples | Zetterling, Mai | 1964 | Sweden | 118 |
4497 | 4401 | Last Run, The | Fleischer, Richard | 1971 | USA | 95 |
4498 | 4558 | Sebastiane | Jarman, Derek & Paul Humfress | 1976 | UK | 86 |
4499 | 4402 | Mahler | Russell, Ken | 1974 | UK | 115 |
4500 | 4404 | Spontaneous Combustion | Hooper, Tobe | 1990 | USA | 97 |
4501 | 4405 | River's Edge, The | Dwan, Allan | 1957 | USA | 87 |
4502 | 4406 | Monos | Landes, Alejandro | 2019 | Colombia | 102 |
4503 | 4407 | High Heels | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1991 | Spain | 115 |
4504 | 4408 | Perfect Sense | Mackenzie, David | 2011 | UK | 92 |
4505 | 4409 | Journey to the Center of the Earth | Levin, Henry | 1959 | USA | 132 |
4506 | 4411 | Surname Viet Given Name Nam | Trinh T. Minh-ha | 1989 | USA | 108 |
4507 | 4631 | Hairdresser's Husband, The | Leconte, Patrice | 1990 | France | 82 |
4508 | 4796 | Farewell, Home Sweet Home | Iosseliani, Otar | 1999 | France | 118 |
4509 | 5170 | Zu: Warriors from the Magic Mountain | Tsui Hark | 1983 | Hong Kong | 95 |
4510 | 4415 | What Now? Remind Me | Pinto, Joaquim | 2013 | Portugal | 164 |
4511 | 4416 | Hyuil | Lee Man-hee | 1968 | South Korea | 73 |
4512 | 4623 | Dredd | Travis, Pete | 2012 | UK | 95 |
4513 | 5583 | Sightseers | Wheatley, Ben | 2012 | UK | 88 |
4514 | 4417 | Band's Visit, The | Kolirin, Eran | 2007 | Israel | 87 |
4515 | 4912 | Once Upon a Time in China II | Tsui Hark | 1992 | Hong Kong | 113 |
4516 | 4576 | Bowery, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1933 | USA | 92 |
4517 | 4420 | Once More | Vecchiali, Paul | 1988 | France | 82 |
4518 | 4577 | Hold Back the Dawn | Leisen, Mitchell | 1941 | USA | 115 |
4519 | 4425 | Offence, The | Lumet, Sidney | 1972 | UK | 112 |
4520 | 4753 | Mountains May Depart | Jia Zhangke | 2015 | China | 131 |
4521 | 4581 | Hum Aapke Hain Koun...! | Barjatya, Sooraj R. | 1994 | India | 206 |
4522 | 4428 | Sinister | Derrickson, Scott | 2012 | USA | 110 |
4523 | 4427 | Ex Libris: The New York Public Library | Wiseman, Frederick | 2017 | USA | 197 |
4524 | 7342 | All the King's Men | Rossen, Robert | 1949 | USA | 110 |
4525 | 4432 | Satan's Brew | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1976 | West Germany | 112 |
4526 | 4433 | Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story | Winterbottom, Michael | 2005 | UK | 94 |
4527 | 4434 | Dead or Alive 2 | Miike, Takashi | 2000 | Japan | 97 |
4528 | 4653 | Big Short, The | McKay, Adam | 2015 | USA | 130 |
4529 | 4437 | Chinese Roulette | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1976 | West Germany | 96 |
4530 | 4591 | Nun's Story, The | Zinnemann, Fred | 1959 | USA | 149 |
4531 | 4535 | Mission: Impossible | De Palma, Brian | 1996 | USA | 105 |
4532 | 4439 | Mighty Spirit, The | Coutinho, Eduardo | 1999 | Brazil | 80 |
4533 | 4661 | Thieves Like Us | Altman, Robert | 1974 | USA | 123 |
4534 | 4440 | Magic | Attenborough, Richard | 1978 | USA | 106 |
4535 | 4860 | Priest and the Girl, The | de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro | 1966 | Brazil | 90 |
4536 | 4441 | My Sweet Little Village | Menzel, Jirí | 1985 | Czechoslovakia | 98 |
4537 | 4538 | Pieces | Piquer Simón, Juan | 1982 | Spain | 85 |
4538 | 4529 | Living Dead at Manchester Morgue, The | Grau, Jorge | 1974 | Spain | 95 |
4539 | 12654 | Take My Eyes | Bollaín, Icíar | 2003 | Spain | 106 |
4540 | 4662 | Judge Priest | Ford, John | 1934 | USA | 80 |
4541 | 4442 | Member of the Wedding, The | Zinnemann, Fred | 1952 | USA | 93 |
4542 | 4443 | Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy | Moffatt, Tracey | 1989 | Australia | 19 |
4543 | 4444 | Rudy | Anspaugh, David | 1993 | USA | 112 |
4544 | 4445 | Johnny Suede | DiCillo, Tom | 1991 | USA | 95 |
4545 | 4446 | À tout prendre | Jutra, Claude | 1963 | Canada | 99 |
4546 | 4447 | Room | Abrahamson, Lenny | 2015 | Ireland | 118 |
4547 | 4450 | Screen Tests | Warhol, Andy | 1964-66 | USA | 174 |
4548 | 4452 | Secret of NIMH, The | Bluth, Don | 1982 | USA | 82 |
4549 | 4779 | Wailing, The | Na Hong-jin | 2016 | South Korea | 156 |
4550 | 4453 | Girls, Les | Cukor, George | 1957 | USA | 114 |
4551 | 4781 | Citizen Ruth | Payne, Alexander | 1996 | USA | 106 |
4552 | 4674 | Sister Act | Ardolino, Emile | 1992 | USA | 100 |
4553 | 4665 | Brother from Another Planet, The | Sayles, John | 1984 | USA | 104 |
4554 | 4454 | If I Want to Whistle, I Whistle | Serban, Florin | 2010 | Romania | 94 |
4555 | 4456 | Small World of Sammy Lee, The | Hughes, Ken | 1963 | UK | 107 |
4556 | 4619 | Robin Hood | Dwan, Allan | 1922 | USA | 143 |
4557 | 4457 | High Anxiety | Brooks, Mel | 1977 | USA | 94 |
4558 | 4458 | Flight of the Phoenix | Aldrich, Robert | 1966 | USA | 147 |
4559 | 4460 | Ulysse | Varda, Agnès | 1982 | France | 22 |
4560 | 4686 | Of Freaks and Men | Balabanov, Aleksei | 1998 | Russia | 93 |
4561 | 4465 | Journey to the West | Tsai Ming-liang | 2014 | France | 56 |
4562 | 4795 | Allegro non troppo | Bozzetto, Bruno | 1976 | Italy | 75 |
4563 | 4467 | Entertainer, The | Richardson, Tony | 1960 | UK | 96 |
4564 | 4635 | Frontier of the Dawn | Garrel, Philippe | 2008 | France | 106 |
4565 | 4567 | Aniki-Bóbó | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1942 | Portugal | 71 |
4566 | 5000 | Caesar Must Die | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 2012 | Italy | 76 |
4567 | 4469 | Requiem for a Heavyweight | Nelson, Ralph | 1962 | USA | 100 |
4568 | 4470 | Sleep Furiously | Koppel, Gideon | 2008 | UK | 94 |
4569 | 4867 | Violent Summer | Zurlini, Valerio | 1959 | Italy | 98 |
4570 | 7022 | Men in War | Mann, Anthony | 1957 | USA | 104 |
4571 | 4811 | My Cousin Vinny | Lynn, Jonathan | 1992 | USA | 119 |
4572 | 6388 | Suzaku | Kawase, Naomi | 1997 | Japan | 95 |
4573 | 4474 | Foxcatcher | Miller, Bennett | 2014 | USA | 134 |
4574 | 4476 | Wonderful Country, The | Parrish, Robert | 1959 | USA | 96 |
4575 | 4477 | Horse Soldiers, The | Ford, John | 1959 | USA | 119 |
4576 | 4481 | Water and Power | O'Neill, Pat | 1989 | USA | 57 |
4577 | 4482 | Dom | Borowczyk, Walerian & Jan Lenica | 1958 | Poland | 12 |
4578 | 4483 | Lord of the Flies | Brook, Peter | 1963 | UK | 90 |
4579 | 4484 | Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears, The | Cattet, Hélène & Bruno Forzani | 2013 | Belgium | 102 |
4580 | 4485 | Fast Five | Lin, Justin | 2011 | USA | 130 |
4581 | 4487 | Encounters at the End of the World | Herzog, Werner | 2007 | USA | 99 |
4582 | 4816 | Belle Epoque | Trueba, Fernando | 1992 | Spain | 108 |
4583 | 4489 | Little Odessa | Gray, James | 1994 | USA | 98 |
4584 | 4664 | Insignificance | Roeg, Nicolas | 1985 | UK | 110 |
4585 | 4490 | Searching for Sugar Man | Bendjelloul, Malik | 2012 | Sweden | 86 |
4586 | 4494 | Poor Little Rich Girl | Warhol, Andy | 1965 | USA | 66 |
4587 | 4893 | Made in U.S.A. | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1966 | France | 90 |
4588 | 6046 | Inn in Tokyo, An | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1935 | Japan | 80 |
4589 | 4495 | Father | de Orbe, José Maria | 2010 | Spain | 85 |
4590 | 4497 | Rocky III | Stallone, Sylvester | 1982 | USA | 99 |
4591 | 4498 | Lumumba: La mort du prophète | Peck, Raoul | 1991 | France | 69 |
4592 | 5150 | Little Lise | Grémillon, Jean | 1930 | France | 84 |
4593 | 6383 | Cochecito, El | Ferreri, Marco | 1960 | Spain | 85 |
4594 | 4949 | Workingman's Death | Glawogger, Michael | 2005 | Austria | 122 |
4595 | 4601 | Slap Shot | Hill, George Roy | 1977 | USA | 123 |
4596 | 4939 | Sunshine | Boyle, Danny | 2007 | USA | 107 |
4597 | 4503 | Witches, The | Roeg, Nicolas | 1990 | USA | 91 |
4598 | 4504 | Lucifer Rising | Anger, Kenneth | 1972 | USA | 29 |
4599 | 4679 | Dark Days | Singer, Marc | 2000 | USA | 94 |
4600 | 4506 | Love Unto Waste | Kwan, Stanley | 1986 | Hong Kong | 96 |
4601 | 6337 | Waterer Watered, The | Lumière, Louis | 1895 | France | 1 |
4602 | 5914 | Rupture, La | Chabrol, Claude | 1970 | France | 124 |
4603 | 4703 | High Tension | Aja, Alexandre | 2003 | France | 90 |
4604 | 4507 | Road [TV] | Clarke, Alan | 1987 | UK | 67 |
4605 | 5109 | Hereafter | Eastwood, Clint | 2010 | USA | 129 |
4606 | 4510 | Change of Life | Rocha, Paulo | 1966 | Portugal | 94 |
4607 | 4907 | Crime Wave | de Toth, André | 1954 | USA | 74 |
4608 | 4511 | Conductor, The | Wajda, Andrzej | 1980 | Poland | 101 |
4609 | 4513 | Proba de microfon | Daneliuc, Mircea | 1980 | Romania | 106 |
4610 | 4951 | Baile Perfumado | Caldas, Paulo & Lírio Ferreira | 1996 | Brazil | 93 |
4611 | 4632 | 20th Century Women | Mills, Mike | 2016 | USA | 119 |
4612 | 4746 | Flanders | Dumont, Bruno | 2006 | France | 91 |
4613 | 4846 | Love Exposure | Sono, Sion | 2008 | Japan | 237 |
4614 | 4747 | House by the River | Lang, Fritz | 1950 | USA | 88 |
4615 | 4516 | Four Lions | Morris, Chris | 2010 | UK | 101 |
4616 | 4802 | Hanging Tree, The | Daves, Delmer | 1959 | USA | 106 |
4617 | 5341 | Inside | Bustillo, Alexandre & Julien Maury | 2007 | France | 83 |
4618 | 4518 | Maya Bazaar | Reddy, Kadri Venkata | 1957 | India | 192 |
4619 | 4970 | Petit Soldat, Le | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1960 | France | 88 |
4620 | 4856 | Tartuffe | Murnau, F.W. | 1925 | Germany | 74 |
4621 | 5057 | Conjuring, The | Wan, James | 2013 | USA | 112 |
4622 | 4694 | Gigi | Minnelli, Vincente | 1958 | USA | 116 |
4623 | 4523 | River Runs Through It, A | Redford, Robert | 1992 | USA | 123 |
4624 | 4524 | Pueblerina | Fernández, Emilio | 1949 | Mexico | 111 |
4625 | 4687 | Wall Street | Stone, Oliver | 1987 | USA | 124 |
4626 | 4842 | M/Other | Suwa, Nobuhiro | 1999 | Japan | 147 |
4627 | 5180 | Red Angel | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1966 | Japan | 95 |
4628 | 4530 | Down There | Akerman, Chantal | 2006 | Belgium | 78 |
4629 | 4531 | Cameraman's Revenge, The | Starewicz, Ladislaw | 1912 | Russia | 12 |
4630 | 4532 | Life Doesn't Scare Me | Lvovsky, Noémie | 1999 | France | 111 |
4631 | 4534 | River's Edge | Hunter, Tim | 1986 | USA | 99 |
4632 | 5440 | Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? | Tashlin, Frank | 1957 | USA | 94 |
4633 | 4537 | Clash of the Titans | Davis, Desmond | 1981 | UK | 118 |
4634 | 4928 | Long Day's Journey Into Night | Lumet, Sidney | 1962 | USA | 136 |
4635 | 4540 | Man of Straw | Staudte, Wolfgang | 1951 | East Germany | 97 |
4636 | 5040 | Asako I & II | Hamaguchi, Ryusuke | 2018 | Japan | 119 |
4637 | 4542 | I Want the Floor | Panfilov, Gleb | 1976 | USSR | 145 |
4638 | 6165 | Katatsumori | Kawase, Naomi | 1995 | Japan | 40 |
4639 | 4544 | At Close Range | Foley, James | 1986 | USA | 115 |
4640 | 4889 | Shall We Dance? | Suo, Masayuki | 1996 | Japan | 136 |
4641 | 4545 | Weather Diary 1 | Kuchar, George | 1986 | USA | 81 |
4642 | 5363 | Illusionist, The | Chomet, Sylvain | 2010 | UK | 80 |
4643 | 4546 | Contagion | Soderbergh, Steven | 2011 | USA | 106 |
4644 | 4720 | Regain | Pagnol, Marcel | 1937 | France | 105 |
4645 | 4551 | Avalon | Oshii, Mamoru | 2001 | Japan | 106 |
4646 | 4663 | Buccaneer Soul | Reichenbach, Carlos | 1994 | Brazil | 112 |
4647 | 4784 | Grown-Ups [TV] | Leigh, Mike | 1980 | UK | 95 |
4648 | 4775 | Night Watch | Bekmambetov, Timur | 2004 | Russia | 114 |
4649 | 4553 | Panic in Needle Park, The | Schatzberg, Jerry | 1971 | USA | 110 |
4650 | 4555 | Toxic Avenger, The | Herz, Michael & Lloyd Kaufman | 1985 | USA | 100 |
4651 | 4730 | Tangos: The Exile of Gardel | Solanas, Fernando E. | 1985 | Argentina | 119 |
4652 | 4556 | Don't Torture a Duckling | Fulci, Lucio | 1972 | Italy | 105 |
4653 | 4788 | Traviata '53 | Cottafavi, Vittorio | 1953 | Italy | 95 |
4654 | 4557 | Lego Movie, The | Lord, Phil & Christopher Miller | 2014 | USA | 100 |
4655 | 5108 | Time of the Wolf | Haneke, Michael | 2003 | France | 113 |
4656 | 4731 | Average Little Man, An | Monicelli, Mario | 1977 | Italy | 122 |
4657 | 4903 | Breaker Morant | Beresford, Bruce | 1979 | Australia | 107 |
4658 | 4559 | Anna and the Wolves | Saura, Carlos | 1973 | Spain | 100 |
4659 | 4560 | Nekromantik | Buttgereit, Jörg | 1987 | West Germany | 75 |
4660 | 4824 | Woman of Everyone, The | Sganzerla, Rogério | 1969 | Brazil | 93 |
4661 | 4956 | Of Time and the City | Davies, Terence | 2008 | UK | 72 |
4662 | 4822 | Last House on Dead End Street, The | Watkins, Roger Michael | 1973 | USA | 78 |
4663 | 4563 | Only Yesterday | Stahl, John M. | 1933 | USA | 105 |
4664 | 4564 | Bridegroom, the Comedienne and the Pimp, The | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1968 | West Germany | 23 |
4665 | 4739 | Police | Pialat, Maurice | 1985 | France | 113 |
4666 | 4566 | Manon | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1949 | France | 100 |
4667 | 4570 | Beehive | Gole, Fereydun | 1975 | Iran | 103 |
4668 | 4745 | Lover Divine | Forst, Willi | 1933 | Austria | 85 |
4669 | 4571 | Student of Prague, The | Galeen, Henrik | 1926 | Germany | 91 |
4670 | 4573 | No | Larraín, Pablo | 2012 | Chile | 118 |
4671 | 4574 | Arabic Series | Brakhage, Stan | 1980-82 | USA | 204 |
4672 | 5598 | Legend of the Mountain | Hu, King | 1979 | Taiwan | 192 |
4673 | 4692 | Drôle de drame | Carné, Marcel | 1937 | France | 94 |
4674 | 4579 | One Day in September | Macdonald, Kevin | 1999 | UK | 94 |
4675 | 4580 | Atomic Blonde | Leitch, David | 2017 | USA | 115 |
4676 | 4582 | Buddies | Bressan Jr., Arthur J. | 1985 | USA | 81 |
4677 | 4918 | From the Branches Drops the Withered Blossom | Meyer, Paul | 1960 | Belgium | 85 |
4678 | 4584 | Razor's Edge, The | Goulding, Edmund | 1946 | USA | 146 |
4679 | 4765 | Spiral Staircase, The | Siodmak, Robert | 1945 | USA | 83 |
4680 | 4585 | Mickey One | Penn, Arthur | 1965 | USA | 93 |
4681 | 4926 | Blue Gardenia, The | Lang, Fritz | 1953 | USA | 90 |
4682 | 4587 | Training Day | Fuqua, Antoine | 2001 | USA | 120 |
4683 | 5435 | Master of the House | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1925 | Denmark | 92 |
4684 | 4766 | Hit the Road | Panahi, Panah | 2021 | Iran | 93 |
4685 | 4706 | This Island Earth | Newman, Joseph M. | 1955 | USA | 87 |
4686 | 4589 | Norma Rae | Ritt, Martin | 1979 | USA | 110 |
4687 | 4590 | Marseille | Schanelec, Angela | 2004 | Germany | 95 |
4688 | 4697 | King's Speech, The | Hooper, Tom | 2010 | UK | 118 |
4689 | 5334 | Wolf Creek | McLean, Greg | 2005 | Australia | 99 |
4690 | 4636 | Back to the Future Part II | Zemeckis, Robert | 1989 | USA | 107 |
4691 | 4999 | Serial Mom | Waters, John | 1994 | USA | 93 |
4692 | 4593 | Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! | McCarey, Leo | 1958 | USA | 106 |
4693 | 14451 | Night Function | Molina, Josefina | 1981 | Spain | 90 |
4694 | 4968 | Traveller, The | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1974 | Iran | 83 |
4695 | 4595 | House on Fire | Fukasaku, Kinji | 1986 | Japan | 133 |
4696 | 4596 | Caça, A | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1964 | Portugal | 21 |
4697 | 4598 | Lin Family Shop, The | Khoua Choui | 1959 | China | 85 |
4698 | 5261 | Confession, The | Costa-Gavras, Constantin | 1970 | USA | 138 |
4699 | 4599 | Inhumaine, L' | L'Herbier, Marcel | 1924 | France | 135 |
4700 | 4602 | Honeyland | Stefanov, Ljubomir & Tamara Kotevska | 2019 | North Macedonia | 89 |
4701 | 4603 | Rabbit's Moon | Anger, Kenneth | 1950 | USA | 7 |
4702 | 4604 | Holy Smoke | Campion, Jane | 1999 | USA | 115 |
4703 | 4605 | Normal Love | Smith, Jack | 1963 | USA | 105 |
4704 | 4607 | Friendship's Death | Wollen, Peter | 1987 | UK | 78 |
4705 | 4820 | Single Man, A | Ford, Tom | 2009 | USA | 101 |
4706 | 4713 | Samsara | Fricke, Ron | 2011 | USA | 102 |
4707 | 5445 | Nanami: The Inferno of First Love | Hani, Susumu | 1968 | Japan | 108 |
4708 | 4715 | Wend Kuuni | Kaboré, Gaston | 1982 | Burkina Faso | 75 |
4709 | 4609 | Manakamana | Spray, Stephanie & Pacho Velez | 2013 | Nepal | 118 |
4710 | 4613 | Ten Commandments, The | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1923 | USA | 136 |
4711 | 4614 | Som da terra a Tremer, O | Azevedo Gomes, Rita | 1990 | Portugal | 90 |
4712 | 4828 | Diary for My Children | Mészáros, Márta | 1984 | Hungary | 106 |
4713 | 4615 | Raw Deal | Mann, Anthony | 1948 | USA | 79 |
4714 | 4783 | Filth and the Fury, The | Temple, Julien | 2000 | UK | 108 |
4715 | 4723 | Tesis | Amenábar, Alejandro | 1996 | Spain | 125 |
4716 | 4621 | Baby Face | Green, Alfred E. | 1933 | USA | 70 |
4717 | 6381 | Face of Another, The | Teshigahara, Hiroshi | 1966 | Japan | 124 |
4718 | 4622 | Hustle & Flow | Brewer, Craig | 2005 | USA | 116 |
4719 | 4624 | Freak Orlando | Ottinger, Ulrike | 1981 | West Germany | 126 |
4720 | 5262 | Keane | Kerrigan, Lodge | 2004 | USA | 100 |
4721 | 4955 | Suzhou River | Lou Ye | 2000 | China | 83 |
4722 | 4625 | Iso no Genta: Dakine no nagawakizashi | Yamanaka, Sadao | 1932 | Japan | 88 |
4723 | 4627 | Young Soul Rebels | Julien, Isaac | 1991 | UK | 103 |
4724 | 3833 | Silkwood | Nichols, Mike | 1983 | USA | 128 |
4725 | 4838 | College | Keaton, Buster & James W. Horne | 1927 | USA | 66 |
4726 | 4840 | Story of Dr. Wassell, The | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1944 | USA | 140 |
4727 | 4630 | It Should Happen to You | Cukor, George | 1954 | USA | 87 |
4728 | 5845 | Starman | Carpenter, John | 1984 | USA | 115 |
4729 | 4742 | Omega Man, The | Sagal, Boris | 1971 | USA | 98 |
4730 | 4797 | Get Out Your Handkerchiefs | Blier, Bertrand | 1978 | Belgium | 109 |
4731 | 4633 | Blind Child | van der Keuken, Johan | 1964 | Netherlands | 25 |
4732 | 5175 | Man Who Wasn't There, The | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2001 | USA | 116 |
4733 | 4744 | 3 Godfathers | Ford, John | 1948 | USA | 105 |
4734 | 4736 | 11 x 14 | Benning, James | 1977 | USA | 81 |
4735 | 4637 | Ossos | Costa, Pedro | 1997 | Portugal | 94 |
4736 | 4638 | Pastorali | Iosseliani, Otar | 1975 | Georgia | 95 |
4737 | 4749 | Chicken Run | Lord, Peter & Nick Park | 2000 | UK | 84 |
4738 | 4642 | Funny Bones | Chelsom, Peter | 1994 | USA | 126 |
4739 | 4857 | Katzelmacher | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1969 | West Germany | 88 |
4740 | 4645 | Gaslight | Dickinson, Thorold | 1940 | UK | 84 |
4741 | 4646 | Man with Mirror | Sherwin, Guy | 1976/2009 | UK | 10 |
4742 | 4762 | Vengeance! | Chang Cheh | 1970 | Hong Kong | 121 |
4743 | 4647 | Poeta do Castelo, O | de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro | 1959 | Brazil | 9 |
4744 | 4764 | Divo, Il | Sorrentino, Paolo | 2008 | Italy | 110 |
4745 | 4869 | Furies, The | Mann, Anthony | 1950 | USA | 109 |
4746 | 4648 | Back of Beyond, The | Heyer, John | 1954 | Australia | 65 |
4747 | 4649 | Moving | Somai, Shinji | 1993 | Japan | 124 |
4748 | 4651 | Bombay | Ratnam, Mani | 1995 | India | 141 |
4749 | 4652 | Coal Miner's Daughter | Apted, Michael | 1980 | USA | 125 |
4750 | 4654 | Battling Butler | Keaton, Buster | 1926 | USA | 77 |
4751 | 4655 | In the Face of Demolition | Li Tie | 1953 | Hong Kong | 130 |
4752 | 4657 | Major Dundee | Peckinpah, Sam | 1965 | USA | 124 |
4753 | 4659 | Passionate Friends, The | Lean, David | 1949 | UK | 95 |
4754 | 5536 | Christmas in July | Sturges, Preston | 1940 | USA | 67 |
4755 | 4776 | Idiot, The | Kurosawa, Akira | 1951 | Japan | 166 |
4756 | 7651 | Happy Gilmore | Dugan, Dennis | 1996 | USA | 92 |
4757 | 5069 | Devil Wears Prada, The | Frankel, David | 2006 | USA | 109 |
4758 | 4990 | Trans-Europ-Express | Robbe-Grillet, Alain | 1966 | France | 105 |
4759 | 4668 | Eternal Homecoming | Muratova, Kira | 2012 | Ukraine | 114 |
4760 | 4669 | Blockade | Loznitsa, Sergei | 2006 | Russia | 52 |
4761 | 4670 | Five Evenings | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1979 | USSR | 103 |
4762 | 4852 | X2 | Singer, Bryan | 2003 | USA | 133 |
4763 | 5076 | You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet | Resnais, Alain | 2012 | France | 115 |
4764 | 4671 | Barbarian Invasions, The | Arcand, Denys | 2003 | Canada | 99 |
4765 | 4672 | Hanoi, Tuesday 13th | Álvarez, Santiago | 1967 | Cuba | 38 |
4766 | 4673 | Anne of the Indies | Tourneur, Jacques | 1951 | USA | 81 |
4767 | 5274 | Pennies from Heaven | Ross, Herbert | 1981 | USA | 107 |
4768 | 4675 | Rohfilm | Hein, Birgit & Wilhelm Hein | 1968 | West Germany | 20 |
4769 | 5285 | Story of G.I. Joe, The | Wellman, William | 1945 | USA | 109 |
4770 | 4676 | Vérité, La | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1960 | France | 130 |
4771 | 4831 | Nine Days of One Year | Romm, Mikhail | 1962 | USSR | 111 |
4772 | 5160 | Flirting with Disaster | Russell, David O. | 1996 | USA | 92 |
4773 | 4787 | Hunger, The | Scott, Tony | 1983 | USA | 97 |
4774 | 5048 | Blade Runner 2049 | Villeneuve, Denis | 2017 | USA | 164 |
4775 | 8060 | Lake Mungo | Anderson, Joel | 2008 | Australia | 87 |
4776 | 4677 | Eaux d'artifice | Anger, Kenneth | 1953 | USA | 12 |
4777 | 4833 | Ride in the Whirlwind | Hellman, Monte | 1966 | USA | 82 |
4778 | 4680 | Dreamlife of Angels, The | Zonca, Erick | 1998 | France | 113 |
4779 | 4681 | Futuro, El | López Carrasco, Luis | 2013 | Spain | 67 |
4780 | 4682 | Indian Runner, The | Penn, Sean | 1991 | USA | 125 |
4781 | 4683 | Elizabeth | Kapur, Shekhar | 1998 | UK | 121 |
4782 | 4782 | They Don't Wear Black Tie | Hirszman, Leon | 1981 | Brazil | 120 |
4783 | 4684 | Song of the Sea | Moore, Tomm | 2014 | Ireland | 93 |
4784 | 4685 | For Whom the Bell Tolls | Wood, Sam | 1943 | USA | 130 |
4785 | 5303 | Family Life | Loach, Ken | 1971 | UK | 108 |
4786 | 7683 | Gone in 60 Seconds | Halicki, H.B. | 1974 | USA | 103 |
4787 | 4910 | White Zombie | Halperin, Victor | 1932 | USA | 73 |
4788 | 5173 | Wag the Dog | Levinson, Barry | 1997 | USA | 105 |
4789 | 7702 | J.S.A.: Joint Security Area | Park Chan-wook | 2000 | South Korea | 110 |
4790 | 7916 | World in His Arms, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1952 | USA | 104 |
4791 | 4741 | Election | To, Johnnie | 2005 | Hong Kong | 100 |
4792 | 4688 | Name of the Rose, The | Annaud, Jean-Jacques | 1986 | France | 130 |
4793 | 4689 | Lion Has Seven Heads, The | Rocha, Glauber | 1970 | Brazil | 103 |
4794 | 4847 | Needle, The | Nugmanov, Rashid | 1988 | USSR | 81 |
4795 | 4690 | Under the Skin of the City | Bani-Etemad, Rakhshan | 2001 | Iran | 92 |
4796 | 4691 | Murder of Fred Hampton, The | Alk, Howard | 1971 | USA | 88 |
4797 | 4851 | Magic Flute, The [TV] | Bergman, Ingmar | 1975 | Sweden | 135 |
4798 | 4855 | From Morning to Midnight | Martin, Karl Heinz | 1920 | Germany | 65 |
4799 | 4695 | Planet of the Vampires | Bava, Mario | 1965 | Spain | 86 |
4800 | 4696 | Lifeforce | Hooper, Tobe | 1985 | UK | 101 |
4801 | 4698 | Goodbye First Love | Hansen-Løve, Mia | 2011 | France | 110 |
4802 | 4699 | Day After Trinity, The | Else, Jon | 1980 | USA | 88 |
4803 | 4865 | Yards, The | Gray, James | 2000 | USA | 115 |
4804 | 4700 | Dallas Buyers Club | Vallée, Jean-Marc | 2013 | USA | 117 |
4805 | 4701 | High Society | Walters, Charles | 1956 | USA | 111 |
4806 | 4702 | Spoor | Holland, Agnieszka | 2017 | Poland | 128 |
4807 | 5043 | Unchanging Sea, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1910 | USA | 14 |
4808 | 4961 | Legend of Hell House, The | Hough, John | 1973 | UK | 95 |
4809 | 4812 | Logan's Run | Anderson, Michael | 1976 | USA | 120 |
4810 | 4874 | Elvira Madigan | Widerberg, Bo | 1967 | Sweden | 90 |
4811 | 5067 | Counselor, The | Scott, Ridley | 2013 | USA | 117 |
4812 | 4815 | Harvey | Koster, Henry | 1950 | USA | 104 |
4813 | 5052 | Eega | Rajamouli, S.S. | 2012 | India | 145 |
4814 | 4880 | Great Madcap, The | Buñuel, Luis | 1949 | Mexico | 92 |
4815 | 4707 | Wanderers, The | Ichikawa, Kon | 1973 | Japan | 100 |
4816 | 4708 | Red Peony Gambler 3: The Flower Cards Game | Kato, Tai | 1969 | Japan | 98 |
4817 | 4883 | Lebanon | Maoz, Samuel | 2009 | Israel | 93 |
4818 | 4709 | Bitterness of Youth | Kumashiro, Tatsumi | 1974 | Japan | 85 |
4819 | 4710 | Histoire de Marie et Julien | Rivette, Jacques | 2003 | France | 151 |
4820 | 4711 | Ray & Liz | Billingham, Richard | 2018 | UK | 108 |
4821 | 4712 | Monster's Ball | Forster, Marc | 2001 | USA | 111 |
4822 | 5795 | Billy the Kid | Venditti, Jennifer | 2007 | USA | 84 |
4823 | 5073 | Play | Östlund, Ruben | 2011 | Sweden | |
4824 | 4714 | Story of Kindness or How to Behave, The | Tran Van Thuy | 1987 | Vietnam | 43 |
4825 | 4716 | Julia | Zinnemann, Fred | 1977 | USA | 118 |
4826 | 4717 | NeverEnding Story, The | Petersen, Wolfgang | 1984 | UK | 92 |
4827 | 4718 | Pete's Dragon | Chaffey, Don | 1977 | USA | 134 |
4828 | 4719 | Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family, The | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1941 | Japan | 105 |
4829 | 4352 | Gilsoddeum | Im Kwon-taek | 1986 | South Korea | 100 |
4830 | 4721 | Heron and the Crane, The | Norshteyn, Yuriy | 1974 | USSR | 10 |
4831 | 4722 | Namesake, The | Nair, Mira | 2006 | USA | 122 |
4832 | 4725 | Blinkity Blank | McLaren, Norman | 1955 | Canada | 5 |
4833 | 4829 | Lost Honour of Katharina Blum, The | Schlöndorff, Volker & Margarethe von Trotta | 1975 | Germany | 106 |
4834 | 4899 | Gate of Flesh | Suzuki, Seijun | 1964 | Japan | 90 |
4835 | 4726 | Dead Souls | Wang Bing | 2018 | Switzerland | 495 |
4836 | 4900 | House of Bamboo | Fuller, Samuel | 1955 | USA | 102 |
4837 | 4728 | Vampire, Le | Painlevé, Jean | 1945 | France | 9 |
4838 | 4729 | In the Presence of a Clown [TV] | Bergman, Ingmar | 1997 | Sweden | 119 |
4839 | 4732 | Ruby in Paradise | Nunez, Victor | 1993 | USA | 114 |
4840 | 4733 | Bandit Queen | Kapur, Shekhar | 1994 | India | 119 |
4841 | 8506 | Unmarried Woman, An | Mazursky, Paul | 1978 | USA | 124 |
4842 | 4835 | In the Loop | Iannucci, Armando | 2009 | UK | 106 |
4843 | 4735 | Hidden Agenda | Loach, Ken | 1990 | UK | 108 |
4844 | 4904 | Tilaï | Ouedraogo, Idrissa | 1990 | Burkina Faso | 81 |
4845 | 4737 | Private Fears in Public Places | Resnais, Alain | 2006 | France | 120 |
4846 | 4738 | Mr. India | Kapur, Shekhar | 1987 | India | 179 |
4847 | 4740 | Chushingura | Inagaki, Hiroshi | 1962 | Japan | 207 |
4848 | 5082 | Model | Wiseman, Frederick | 1980 | USA | 129 |
4849 | 5300 | Scent of Green Papaya, The | Tran Anh Hung | 1993 | France | 104 |
4850 | 4743 | Club, The | Larraín, Pablo | 2015 | Chile | 98 |
4851 | 5141 | Palindromes | Solondz, Todd | 2004 | USA | 99 |
4852 | 4748 | Policeman | Uchida, Tomu | 1933 | Japan | 121 |
4853 | 4964 | Deconstructing Harry | Allen, Woody | 1997 | USA | 94 |
4854 | 4750 | Two Years at Sea | Rivers, Ben | 2011 | UK | 88 |
4855 | 4752 | Avenge But One of my Two Eyes | Mograbi, Avi | 2005 | France | 100 |
4856 | 4754 | Lightship, The | Skolimowski, Jerzy | 1985 | USA | 89 |
4857 | 4859 | Covered Wagon, The | Cruze, James | 1923 | USA | 98 |
4858 | 4920 | Tender's Heat: Wild Wild Beach | Barandzhiyeva, Susanna/Vitaliy Manskiy/Aleksandr Rastorguev | 2006 | Russia | 125 |
4859 | 4979 | Deep Crimson | Ripstein, Arturo | 1996 | Mexico | 114 |
4860 | 4755 | Left-Handed Gun, The | Penn, Arthur | 1958 | USA | 102 |
4861 | 4756 | Iron Mask, The | Dwan, Allan | 1929 | USA | 95 |
4862 | 4757 | Seven Days… Seven Nights | Brook, Peter | 1960 | Italy | 91 |
4863 | 4758 | Ek Din Pratidin | Sen, Mrinal | 1979 | India | 95 |
4864 | 4759 | Gebo and the Shadow | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2012 | Portugal | 95 |
4865 | 4760 | Possessed | Bernhardt, Curtis | 1947 | USA | 108 |
4866 | 4763 | Panda and the Magic Serpent | Yabushita, Taiji | 1958 | Japan | 76 |
4867 | 5618 | Forest for the Trees, The | Ade, Maren | 2003 | Germany | 81 |
4868 | 5062 | Paperhouse | Rose, Bernard | 1988 | UK | 94 |
4869 | 5114 | Simple Life, A | Hui, Ann | 2011 | Hong Kong | 118 |
4870 | 4768 | Eden and After | Robbe-Grillet, Alain | 1970 | France | 93 |
4871 | 5047 | 1917 | Mendes, Sam | 2019 | UK | 119 |
4872 | 4770 | Nacion clandestina, La | Sanjinés, Jorge | 1990 | Bolivia | 128 |
4873 | 4771 | Carry on Up the Khyber | Thomas, Gerald | 1968 | UK | 88 |
4874 | 4772 | Prospero's Books | Greenaway, Peter | 1991 | UK | 124 |
4875 | 4986 | Max and the Junkmen | Sautet, Claude | 1971 | France | 112 |
4876 | 4930 | Road to Life | Ekk, Nikolai | 1931 | USSR | 101 |
4877 | 4773 | Still the Water | Kawase, Naomi | 2014 | France | 121 |
4878 | 4876 | Sex and Lucia | Medem, Julio | 2001 | Spain | 127 |
4879 | 4774 | Sekigun-P.F.L.P: Sekai sensô sengen | Adachi, Masao & Koji Wakamatsu | 1971 | Japan | 69 |
4880 | 4778 | I'm Going Home | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2001 | France | 90 |
4881 | 5318 | Mummy, The | Freund, Karl | 1932 | USA | 72 |
4882 | 4998 | Big Clock, The | Farrow, John | 1948 | USA | 95 |
4883 | 5779 | Hangover, The | Phillips, Todd | 2009 | Germany | 100 |
4884 | 5682 | Sarraounia | Hondo, Med | 1986 | Burkina Faso | 120 |
4885 | 5143 | Shape of the Moon | Helmrich, Leonard Retel | 2004 | Netherlands | 92 |
4886 | 4827 | Story of My Death | Serra, Albert | 2013 | Spain | 148 |
4887 | 4785 | Dolemite | Martin, D'Urville | 1975 | USA | 88 |
4888 | 4786 | Jungle Fever | Lee, Spike | 1991 | USA | 132 |
4889 | 5287 | Dead Man's Shoes | Meadows, Shane | 2004 | UK | 90 |
4890 | 4789 | Anand | Mukherjee, Hrishikesh | 1971 | India | 122 |
4891 | 5483 | Destry Rides Again | Marshall, George | 1939 | USA | 94 |
4892 | 4790 | Borderline | MacPherson, Kenneth | 1930 | UK | 71 |
4893 | 4791 | Trip, The | Winterbottom, Michael | 2010 | UK | 112 |
4894 | 5272 | Bird with the Crystal Plumage, The | Argento, Dario | 1970 | Italy | 98 |
4895 | 4792 | Romancing in Thin Air | To, Johnnie | 2012 | China | 111 |
4896 | 4958 | Echoes of Silence | Goldman, Peter Emmanuel | 1965 | USA | 76 |
4897 | 5582 | Fugitive Kind, The | Lumet, Sidney | 1960 | USA | 119 |
4898 | 4793 | Cat Ballou | Silverstein, Elliot | 1965 | USA | 96 |
4899 | 5149 | THX 1138 | Lucas, George | 1971 | USA | 88 |
4900 | 5079 | Lemonade [TV] | Beyoncé/Kahlil Joseph/Melina Matsoukas/Dikayl Rimmasch/Mark Romanek/Todd Tourso/Jonas Åkerlund | 2016 | USA | 65 |
4901 | 4794 | Ordres, Les | Brault, Michel | 1974 | Canada | 109 |
4902 | 4890 | Afterschool | Campos, Antonio | 2008 | USA | 120 |
4903 | 8283 | Summer of Giacomo | Comodin, Alessandro | 2011 | Italy | 78 |
4904 | 5356 | Spotlight | McCarthy, Tom | 2015 | USA | 128 |
4905 | 5585 | Newsfront | Noyce, Phillip | 1978 | Australia | 110 |
4906 | 4798 | Bhumika | Benegal, Shyam | 1977 | India | 142 |
4907 | 4799 | Nordkalotte, Die [TV] | Nestler, Peter | 1991 | Germany | 90 |
4908 | 4962 | Jubilee | Jarman, Derek | 1978 | UK | 106 |
4909 | 4800 | Zora Neale Hurston Fieldwork Footage | Hurston, Zora Neale | 1928 | USA | 4 |
4910 | 5181 | Père Noël est une ordure, Le | Poiré, Jean-Marie | 1982 | France | 88 |
4911 | 5899 | Maine Ocean | Rozier, Jacques | 1986 | France | 130 |
4912 | 5506 | Bat Whispers, The | West, Roland | 1930 | USA | 83 |
4913 | 5392 | Greenberg | Baumbach, Noah | 2010 | USA | 107 |
4914 | 4969 | You and Me | Lang, Fritz | 1938 | USA | 90 |
4915 | 7549 | That Day, on the Beach | Yang, Edward | 1983 | Taiwan | 166 |
4916 | 5516 | Last Train Home | Lixin Fan | 2009 | Canada | 85 |
4917 | 5050 | Thief and the Cobbler, The | Williams, Richard | 1993 | UK | 99 |
4918 | 4805 | D.O.A. | Maté, Rudolph | 1950 | USA | 83 |
4919 | 4806 | Gold Diggers of 1935 | Berkeley, Busby | 1935 | USA | 95 |
4920 | 4807 | Ponette | Doillon, Jacques | 1996 | France | 92 |
4921 | 4808 | Cane Toads: An Unnatural History | Lewis, Mark | 1988 | Australia | 47 |
4922 | 4809 | Pearl Button, The | Guzmán, Patricio | 2015 | France | 82 |
4923 | 4810 | Looking for Mr. Goodbar | Brooks, Richard | 1977 | USA | 135 |
4924 | 5121 | Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol | Bird, Brad | 2011 | USA | 132 |
4925 | 5122 | Heartstone | Guðmundsson, Guðmundur Arnar | 2016 | Iceland | 129 |
4926 | 5089 | Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Johnson, Rian | 2017 | USA | 152 |
4927 | 4925 | Miracle on 34th Street | Seaton, George | 1947 | USA | 96 |
4928 | 5775 | Deathdream | Clark, Bob | 1974 | Canada | 88 |
4929 | 4814 | Element of Crime, The | von Trier, Lars | 1984 | Denmark | 104 |
4930 | 4916 | Quatermass Xperiment, The | Guest, Val | 1955 | UK | 78 |
4931 | 4817 | Jesse James | King, Henry | 1939 | USA | 105 |
4932 | 7752 | Workers for the Good Lord | Brisseau, Jean-Claude | 2000 | France | 107 |
4933 | 4818 | Measures of Distance | Hatoum, Mona | 1988 | UK | 15 |
4934 | 5456 | Land, The | Chahine, Youssef | 1969 | Egypt | 130 |
4935 | 4821 | Hamlet | Branagh, Kenneth | 1996 | USA | 238 |
4936 | 5134 | Florida Project, The | Baker, Sean | 2017 | USA | 111 |
4937 | 5118 | Black Dynamite | Sanders, Scott | 2009 | USA | 84 |
4938 | 5137 | Shiranui Sea, The | Tsuchimoto, Noriaki | 1975 | Japan | |
4939 | 5276 | Rodrigo D: No Future | Gaviria, Víctor | 1990 | Colombia | 93 |
4940 | 5055 | Time and Tide | Tsui Hark | 2000 | Hong Kong | 113 |
4941 | 4825 | More the Merrier, The | Stevens, George | 1943 | USA | 104 |
4942 | 4826 | Rang De Basanti | Mehra, Rakeysh Omprakash | 2006 | India | 157 |
4943 | 5091 | Tender Age | Solovev, Sergey | 2000 | Russia | 130 |
4944 | 5281 | Terror's Advocate | Schroeder, Barbet | 2007 | France | 137 |
4945 | 5282 | Five Fingers | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1952 | USA | 108 |
4946 | 5381 | Longest Day, The | Annakin, Ken/Andrew Marton/Bernhard Wicki | 1962 | USA | 180 |
4947 | 4830 | Get Shorty | Sonnenfeld, Barry | 1995 | USA | 105 |
4948 | 5289 | Buffet Froid | Blier, Bertrand | 1979 | France | 95 |
4949 | 4832 | Lower Depths, The | Kurosawa, Akira | 1957 | Japan | 125 |
4950 | 4948 | Ong-Bak | Pinkaew, Prachya | 2003 | Thailand | 105 |
4951 | 5157 | Last Day of Summer, The | Konwicki, Tadeusz | 1958 | Poland | 66 |
4952 | 4947 | Black Sabbath | Bava, Mario | 1963 | Italy | 92 |
4953 | 5293 | Everybody Go Home! | Comencini, Luigi | 1960 | Italy | 120 |
4954 | 4834 | Square, The | Noujaim, Jehane | 2013 | UK | 95 |
4955 | 4836 | Prague: The Restless Heart of Europe | Chytilová, Věra | 1984 | Italy | 59 |
4956 | 4837 | Past and Present | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1972 | Portugal | 115 |
4957 | 5428 | Ravenous | Bird, Antonia | 1999 | USA | 100 |
4958 | 4960 | 9½ Weeks | Lyne, Adrian | 1986 | USA | 113 |
4959 | 4839 | Hen in the Wind, A | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1948 | Japan | 84 |
4960 | 5597 | Scene at the Sea, A | Kitano, Takeshi | 1991 | Japan | 102 |
4961 | 4841 | Pleasantville | Ross, Gary | 1998 | USA | 124 |
4962 | 5382 | New York Stories | Scorsese, Martin/Francis Ford Coppola/Woody Allen | 1989 | USA | 123 |
4963 | 4843 | How to Train Your Dragon | DeBlois, Dean & Chris Sanders | 2010 | USA | 98 |
4964 | 5297 | Cruel Intentions | Kumble, Roger | 1999 | USA | 97 |
4965 | 5084 | Exhibition | Hogg, Joanna | 2013 | UK | 104 |
4966 | 4844 | Frank | Abrahamson, Lenny | 2014 | UK | 95 |
4967 | 4845 | Mixed Blood | Morrissey, Paul | 1984 | France | 97 |
4968 | 4966 | Proof | Moorhouse, Jocelyn | 1991 | Australia | 91 |
4969 | 4848 | Madadayo | Kurosawa, Akira | 1993 | Japan | 134 |
4970 | 4850 | Salomé | Bene, Carmelo | 1972 | Italy | 80 |
4971 | 4853 | And Now My Love | Lelouch, Claude | 1974 | France | 121 |
4972 | 6320 | Bianca | Moretti, Nanni | 1984 | Italy | 96 |
4973 | 5166 | Kamen | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1992 | Russia | 83 |
4974 | 4858 | Wheat Harvest | Xu Tong | 2008 | China | 98 |
4975 | 4861 | Eight Hours Don't Make a Day [TV] | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1972-73 | West Germany | 478 |
4976 | 4862 | Innocence | Demirkubuz, Zeki | 1997 | Turkey | 110 |
4977 | 4863 | Opus I | Ruttmann, Walter | 1921 | Germany | 13 |
4978 | 4980 | Robinson Crusoe | Buñuel, Luis | 1952 | Mexico | 89 |
4979 | 4864 | Giacomo Casanova: Childhood and Adolescence | Comencini, Luigi | 1969 | Italy | 123 |
4980 | 5900 | Annunciation of Marie, The | Cuny, Alain | 1991 | France | 91 |
4981 | 5250 | Suture | McGehee, Scott & David Siegel | 1993 | USA | 93 |
4982 | 4868 | Ace Ventura, Pet Detective | Shadyac, Tom | 1993 | USA | 86 |
4983 | 4870 | Easy Street | Chaplin, Charles | 1917 | USA | 27 |
4984 | 4872 | Into Eternity | Madsen, Michael | 2010 | Denmark | 75 |
4985 | 4985 | Romance | Breillat, Catherine | 1999 | France | 84 |
4986 | 4873 | Lady in the Water | Shyamalan, M. Night | 2006 | USA | 110 |
4987 | 4875 | Jofroi | Pagnol, Marcel | 1933 | France | 52 |
4988 | 5774 | Scanner Darkly, A | Linklater, Richard | 2006 | USA | 100 |
4989 | 4877 | Rabbia, La | Pasolini, Pier Paolo & Giovanni Guareschi | 1963 | Italy | 104 |
4990 | 4878 | Other Side of the Underneath, The | Arden, Jane | 1972 | UK | 111 |
4991 | 5414 | Phenomena | Argento, Dario | 1985 | Italy | 110 |
4992 | 4879 | Human Capital | Virzì, Paolo | 2013 | Italy | 111 |
4993 | 4881 | Alice's Restaurant | Penn, Arthur | 1969 | USA | 111 |
4994 | 4882 | Forbidden Zone | Elfman, Richard | 1980 | USA | 76 |
4995 | 5345 | War of the Roses, The | DeVito, Danny | 1989 | USA | 116 |
4996 | 4884 | Silence in Dreamland | Molina, Tito | 2013 | Ecuador | 94 |
4997 | 5128 | Swiss Family Robinson | Annakin, Ken | 1960 | USA | 128 |
4998 | 4885 | Under the Flag of the Rising Sun | Fukasaku, Kinji | 1972 | Japan | 96 |
4999 | 4886 | Silk Stockings | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1957 | USA | 117 |
5000 | 5546 | After the Wedding | Bier, Susanne | 2006 | Denmark | 120 |
5001 | 5001 | Ten Days Wonder | Chabrol, Claude | 1971 | France | 101 |
5002 | 5002 | Dushi fengguang | Yuan Muzhi | 1935 | China | 93 |
5003 | 5003 | Young at Heart | Douglas, Gordon | 1954 | USA | 117 |
5004 | 5004 | How a Mosquito Operates | McCay, Winsor | 1912 | USA | 6 |
5005 | 5005 | Banana Paradise | Wang Tung | 1989 | Taiwan | 116 |
5006 | 5007 | Daddy Nostalgia | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1990 | France | 105 |
5007 | 5008 | Balle traversant une bulle de savon | Bull, Lucien | 1904 | France | 1 |
5008 | 5009 | On the Tiger's Back | Comencini, Luigi | 1961 | Italy | 120 |
5009 | 5010 | Ostia | Citti, Sergio | 1970 | Italy | 103 |
5010 | 5012 | Samba Traoré | Ouedraogo, Idrissa | 1992 | Burkina Faso | 85 |
5011 | 5013 | Segno di Venere, Il | Risi, Dino | 1955 | Italy | 101 |
5012 | 3452 | Passing the Meridian | Arzuaga, José María | 1967 | Colombia | 100 |
5013 | 5014 | Renaissance | Borowczyk, Walerian | 1963 | France | 10 |
5014 | 5015 | Demon, The | Nomura, Yoshitaro | 1978 | Japan | 110 |
5015 | 5016 | Stealing Home | Kampmann, Steven | 1988 | USA | 98 |
5016 | 3581 | Moon Has Risen, The | Tanaka, Kinuyo | 1955 | Japan | 102 |
5017 | 3579 | Great Freedom | Meise, Sebastian | 2021 | Austria | 116 |
5018 | 3578 | 3 Faces | Panahi, Jafar | 2018 | Iran | 100 |
5019 | 3580 | Faya Dayi | Beshir, Jessica | 2021 | Ethiopia | 120 |
5020 | 5017 | Maciste all'inferno | Freda, Riccardo | 1962 | Italy | 79 |
5021 | 5018 | Pass The Gravy | Guiol, Fred | 1928 | USA | 23 |
5022 | 3634 | Au secours! | Gance, Abel | 1924 | France | 18 |
5023 | 5020 | Dentist, The | Pearce, Leslie | 1932 | USA | 21 |
5024 | 5021 | Macaroni | Scola, Ettore | 1985 | Italy | 104 |
5025 | 5022 | And Still I Believe… | Romm, Mikhail | 1974 | USSR | 120 |
5026 | 3746 | How Czar Peter the Great Married Off His Moor | Mitta, Aleksandr | 1976 | USSR | 100 |
5027 | 3769 | Chikemuri Takadanobaba | Inagaki, Hiroshi & Masahiro Makino | 1937 | Japan | 57 |
5028 | 5023 | Exodus | McQueen, Steve | 1997 | UK | 1 |
5029 | 5024 | Mothering Heart, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1913 | USA | 23 |
5030 | 5025 | Ferocious Saint Lord of the Gobi | Nyamgavaa, I. | 1998 | China | 106 |
5031 | 3786 | Lemon | Frampton, Hollis | 1969 | USA | 5 |
5032 | 5026 | David Golder | Duvivier, Julien | 1931 | France | 86 |
5033 | 5027 | Tunneling the Channel | Méliès, Georges | 1907 | France | 14 |
5034 | 5028 | Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Land of the Bolsheviks, The | Kuleshov, Lev | 1924 | USSR | 94 |
5035 | 3923 | White Mane | Lamorisse, Albert | 1953 | France | 40 |
5036 | 5029 | Pitcher of Colored Light | Beavers, Robert | 2007 | USA | 24 |
5037 | 3945 | Spend it All | Blank, Les | 1972 | USA | 42 |
5038 | 3944 | Passage Through: A Ritual | Brakhage, Stan | 1990 | USA | 50 |
5039 | 5030 | Lady of the Dugout, The | Van Dyke, W.S. | 1918 | USA | 60 |
5040 | 4055 | Girl, The | Mészáros, Márta | 1968 | Hungary | 90 |
5041 | 4054 | Youth Without Youth | Coppola, Francis Ford | 2007 | USA | 124 |
5042 | 4069 | Johnny Flash | Nekes, Werner | 1986 | West Germany | 77 |
5043 | 4058 | Makwayela | d'Arthuys, Jacques & Jean Rouch | 1977 | Canada | 20 |
5044 | 4072 | Chekist, The | Rogozhkin, Aleksandr | 1992 | Russia | 93 |
5045 | 4049 | Cow | Arnold, Andrea | 2021 | UK | 94 |
5046 | 4062 | Letter of Introduction | Stahl, John M. | 1938 | USA | 104 |
5047 | 4074 | Léon G. Damas | Maldoror, Sarah | 1995 | France | 24 |
5048 | 4073 | Light Music | Rhodes, Lis | 1975 | UK | 31 |
5049 | 4064 | Poem of Hayachine Valley, The | Haneda, Sumiko | 1982 | Japan | 186 |
5050 | 4053 | Local Legends | Farley, Matt | 2013 | USA | 74 |
5051 | 4051 | Still/Here | Harris, Christopher | 2001 | USA | 60 |
5052 | 4052 | Oh Willy… | De Swaef, Emma & Marc James Roels | 2012 | Belgium | 17 |
5053 | 4063 | Revolver | Sollima, Sergio | 1973 | Italy | 111 |
5054 | 4071 | Razor Blades | Sharits, Paul | 1968 | USA | 25 |
5055 | 4076 | Howlings in Favour of De Sade | Debord, Guy | 1952 | France | 64 |
5056 | 4070 | Just Don't Fuck | Roussopoulos, Carole | 1971 | France | 17 |
5057 | 4061 | Falling Lessons | Halpern, Amy C. | 1993 | USA | 64 |
5058 | 4067 | Spacy | Ito, Takashi | 1981 | Japan | 10 |
5059 | 4068 | Ballad of Sexual Dependency, The | Goldin, Nan | 1986 | USA | 43 |
5060 | 4050 | Inheritance, The | Asili, Ephraim | 2020 | USA | 100 |
5061 | 4059 | Manuela | García Pelayo, Gonzalo | 1976 | Spain | 105 |
5062 | 5031 | T.G.: Psychic Rally in Heaven | Jarman, Derek | 1981 | UK | 8 |
5063 | 5037 | From the Other Side | Akerman, Chantal | 2002 | France | 99 |
5064 | 4121 | First Case, Second Case | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1979 | Iran | 53 |
5065 | 4138 | Blue Black Permanent | Tait, Margaret | 1992 | UK | 86 |
5066 | 4137 | Tonsler Park | Everson, Kevin Jerome | 2017 | USA | 80 |
5067 | 4162 | Barravento | Rocha, Glauber | 1962 | Brazil | 78 |
5068 | 4181 | Iguana | Hellman, Monte | 1988 | Italy | 88 |
5069 | 4184 | Reel Time | Nicolson, Annabel | 1973 | UK | 8 |
5070 | 4182 | Light Reading | Rhodes, Lis | 1978 | UK | 20 |
5071 | 4183 | Long Film for Ambient Light [INSTALLATION] | McCall, Anthony | 1975 | USA | 1440 |
5072 | 4243 | Passione d'Amore | Scola, Ettore | 1981 | France | 118 |
5073 | 5032 | Caged Heat | Demme, Jonathan | 1974 | USA | 80 |
5074 | 5033 | Opção, A | Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro | 1981 | Brazil | 87 |
5075 | 4313 | 31/75: Asylum | Kren, Kurt | 1975 | Austria | 8 |
5076 | 4336 | Chronicles of a Lying Spirit (by Kelly Gabron) | Smith, Cauleen | 1992 | USA | 6 |
5077 | 5035 | Madamigella di Maupin | Bolognini, Mauro | 1966 | Italy | 95 |
5078 | 4340 | Fortune, The | Nichols, Mike | 1974 | USA | 88 |
5079 | 5036 | Perfect Day | Parrott, James | 1929 | USA | 25 |
5080 | 4364 | Love-Mad Tutoress, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1926 | Japan | 53 |
5081 | 4426 | Esther | Gitai, Amos | 1986 | Israel | 93 |
5082 | 4480 | Amy! | Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen | 1979 | UK | 34 |
5083 | 4502 | Family Nest | Tarr, Béla | 1977 | Hungary | 108 |
5084 | 4508 | Passeio com Johnny Guitar | Monteiro, João César | 1996 | Portugal | 3 |
5085 | 5038 | Famiglia Passaguai, La | Fabrizi, Aldo | 1951 | Italy | 75 |
5086 | 4536 | Game of Thrones [TV] | Various Directors | 2011-19 | USA | 4189 |
5087 | 4547 | Beyond the Forest | Vidor, King | 1949 | USA | 96 |
5088 | 4549 | Voci nel tempo | Piavoli, Franco | 1996 | Italy | 86 |
5089 | 4548 | Elysium | Blomkamp, Neill | 2013 | USA | 109 |
5090 | 4569 | Negative Hands, The | Duras, Marguerite | 1978 | France | 14 |
5091 | 5039 | El Paso | Foster, Lewis R. | 1949 | USA | 103 |
5092 | 4594 | Branca de Neve | Monteiro, João César | 2000 | Portugal | 75 |
5093 | 4610 | Uncle Yanco | Varda, Agnès | 1967 | USA | 22 |
5094 | 4611 | Count, The | von Bagh, Peter | 1971 | Finland | 92 |
5095 | 8113 | Désiré | Guitry, Sacha | 1937 | France | 92 |
5096 | 4617 | 322 | Hanák, Dusan | 1969 | Czechoslovakia | 95 |
5097 | 4620 | Absences répétées | Gilles, Guy | 1972 | France | 78 |
5098 | 4626 | Muppet Treasure Island | Henson, Brian | 1996 | USA | 99 |
5099 | 4641 | Manhã Cinzenta | São Paulo, Olney | 1969 | Brazil | 40 |
5100 | 4640 | Evening Rain | Wu Yigong | 1980 | China | 86 |
5101 | 4650 | It's All True | Wilson, Richard/Myron Meisel/Bill Krohn | 1993 | USA | 87 |
5102 | 5049 | Adventures in Babysitting | Columbus, Chris | 1987 | USA | 99 |
5103 | 5041 | Tell Me Lies | Brook, Peter | 1968 | UK | 118 |
5104 | 5042 | Grass Labyrinth | Terayama, Shuji | 1979 | Japan | 50 |
5105 | 7354 | 48 | de Sousa Dias, Susana | 2009 | Portugal | |
5106 | 5044 | Baahubali: The Beginning | Rajamouli, S.S. | 2015 | India | 159 |
5107 | 5045 | Hitch-Hike | Campanile, Pasquale Festa | 1977 | Italy | 104 |
5108 | 5046 | Legend of Purple Hairpin, The | Li Tie | 1959 | Hong Kong | 135 |
5109 | 4727 | Hotel eléctrico, El | de Chomón, Segundo | 1908 | Spain | 8 |
5110 | 4767 | Bloody Beans | Mari, Narimane | 2013 | Algeria | 80 |
5111 | 4801 | Behold a Pale Horse | Zinnemann, Fred | 1964 | USA | 118 |
5112 | 4804 | Black Film | Zilnik, Zelimir | 1971 | Yugoslavia | 17 |
5113 | 5187 | Crazy Rich Asians | Chu, Jon M. | 2018 | USA | 120 |
5114 | 5119 | Souvenir: Part II, The | Hogg, Joanna | 2021 | UK | 107 |
5115 | Chimera, La | Rohrwacher, Alice | 2023 | Italy | 130 | |
5116 | 5256 | Red Turtle, The | Dudok de Wit, Michaël | 2016 | France | 80 |
5117 | 5068 | Classical Period | Fendt, Ted | 2018 | USA | 62 |
5118 | 5100 | Love | Noé, Gaspar | 2015 | France | 135 |
5119 | 5053 | Dumplings | Chan, Fruit | 2004 | Hong Kong | 91 |
5120 | 4819 | Without You I'm Nothing | Boskovich, John | 1990 | USA | 94 |
5121 | 5054 | Bacurau | Dornelles, Juliano & Kleber Mendonça Filho | 2019 | Brazil | 131 |
5122 | 5560 | Domestic Violence | Wiseman, Frederick | 2001 | USA | 196 |
5123 | 5253 | Sybil [TV] | Petrie, Daniel | 1976 | USA | 198 |
5124 | 4823 | Think of Me First as a Person | Ingmire, George | 1960-75 | USA | 11 |
5125 | 5056 | Narmada: A Valley Rises | Kazimi, Ali | 1994 | Canada | |
5126 | 5144 | Old Oak, The | Loach, Ken | 2023 | UK | 113 |
5127 | 5364 | Boy and the World | Abreu, Alê | 2013 | Brazil | 80 |
5128 | 5058 | Terror Nullius | Soda Jerk | 2018 | Australia | 54 |
5129 | 5059 | Almayer's Folly | Akerman, Chantal | 2011 | Belgium | 127 |
5130 | 5060 | Iacob | Daneliuc, Mircea | 1988 | Romania | 117 |
5131 | 5061 | Czech Dream | Klusák, Vít & Filip Remunda | 2004 | Czech Republic | 90 |
5132 | 6967 | Quiet Passion, A | Davies, Terence | 2016 | UK | 125 |
5133 | 5063 | Nose, The | Alexeieff, Alexandre & Claire Parker | 1963 | France | 11 |
5134 | 5064 | Farewell | Klimov, Elem | 1983 | USSR | 121 |
5135 | 5065 | Hero, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1966 | India | 120 |
5136 | 4854 | Shogun's Samurai, The | Fukasaku, Kinji | 1978 | Japan | 130 |
5137 | 5603 | Salón México | Fernández, Emilio | 1949 | Mexico | 95 |
5138 | 5190 | Showing Up | Reichardt, Kelly | 2022 | USA | 107 |
5139 | 5415 | Martin Eden | Marcello, Pietro | 2019 | Italy | 129 |
5140 | 5113 | Logan | Mangold, James | 2017 | USA | 137 |
5141 | 5404 | I Was a Male War Bride | Hawks, Howard | 1949 | USA | 105 |
5142 | 5418 | Redline | Koike, Takeshi | 2009 | Japan | 102 |
5143 | 4871 | Buud Yam | Kaboré, Gaston | 1997 | Burkina Faso | 97 |
5144 | 5066 | As Bodas de Deus | Monteiro, João César | 1999 | France | 150 |
5145 | 5333 | Holiday, The | Meyers, Nancy | 2006 | USA | 135 |
5146 | 20057 | Miami Connection | Park Woo-sang | 1987 | USA | 83 |
5147 | 5123 | Imposter, The | Layton, Bart | 2012 | UK | 99 |
5148 | 5071 | Chekhov's Motifs | Muratova, Kira | 2002 | Ukraine | 120 |
5149 | 5070 | News from Ideological Antiquity - Marx/Eisenstein/The Capital | Kluge, Alexander | 2008 | Germany | 570 |
5150 | 7373 | PTU | To, Johnnie | 2003 | Hong Kong | 87 |
5151 | 5072 | Araya | Benacerraf, Margot | 1959 | Venezuela | 90 |
5152 | 5550 | One-Armed Swordsman | Chang Cheh | 1967 | Hong Kong | 115 |
5153 | 4887 | House I Live In, The | Jarecki, Eugene | 2012 | Netherlands | 108 |
5154 | 4888 | Irma la Douce | Wilder, Billy | 1963 | USA | 142 |
5155 | 5268 | Singing Lovebirds | Makino, Masahiro | 1939 | Japan | 69 |
5156 | 5074 | Et la lumière fut | Iosseliani, Otar | 1989 | France | 105 |
5157 | 5132 | Mambo Girl | Yi Wen | 1957 | Hong Kong | 91 |
5158 | 5075 | Man Who Stole The Sun, The | Hasegawa, Kazuhiko | 1979 | Japan | 147 |
5159 | 5819 | Losses to Be Expected | Seidl, Ulrich | 1992 | Austria | 118 |
5160 | 4891 | Threshold of Spring | Xie Tieli | 1963 | China | 109 |
5161 | 4892 | Marius | Korda, Alexander | 1931 | France | 125 |
5162 | 5549 | Bridget Jones's Diary | Maguire, Sharon | 2001 | USA | 97 |
5163 | 5958 | Mr. and Mrs. Iyer | Sen, Aparna | 2002 | India | 120 |
5164 | 4894 | Loveless, The | Bigelow, Kathryn & Monty Montgomery | 1981 | USA | 82 |
5165 | 4895 | Dinner at Eight | Cukor, George | 1933 | USA | 113 |
5166 | 5077 | Reap the Wild Wind | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1942 | USA | 123 |
5167 | 7497 | Orochi | Futagawa, Buntaro | 1925 | Japan | 74 |
5168 | 4896 | Introduction to Arnold Schoenberg's Accompaniment to a Cinematic Scene | Straub, Jean-Marie | 1973 | West Germany | 17 |
5169 | 8116 | Moonage Daydream | Morgen, Brett | 2022 | USA | 135 |
5170 | 5078 | Alyonka | Barnet, Boris | 1962 | USSR | 86 |
5171 | 4897 | O Bobo | Morais, Jose Alvaro | 1987 | Portugal | 120 |
5172 | 4898 | Last Exit to Brooklyn | Edel, Uli | 1989 | West Germany | 102 |
5173 | 5290 | Anatomy of a Relationship | Moullet, Luc | 1976 | France | 82 |
5174 | 5344 | Exorcist III, The | Blatty, William Peter | 1990 | USA | 110 |
5175 | 4901 | Thoroughly Modern Millie | Hill, George Roy | 1967 | USA | 138 |
5176 | 4902 | Black Snow | Xie Fei | 1990 | China | 107 |
5177 | 5529 | Iron Man | Favreau, Jon | 2008 | USA | 126 |
5178 | 5295 | Black Book | Verhoeven, Paul | 2006 | Netherlands | 145 |
5179 | 5081 | Sunday in August | Emmer, Luciano | 1950 | Italy | 88 |
5180 | 5391 | Home and the World, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1984 | India | 130 |
5181 | 5545 | Underworld, U.S.A. | Fuller, Samuel | 1961 | USA | 99 |
5182 | 5083 | Party Girl | von Scherler Mayer, Daisy | 1995 | USA | 98 |
5183 | 4905 | Viver a Vida | Amaral, Tata | 1991 | Brazil | 10 |
5184 | 4906 | Drôlesse, La | Doillon, Jacques | 1979 | France | 90 |
5185 | 5302 | I'm No Angel | Ruggles, Wesley | 1933 | USA | 87 |
5186 | 4952 | Dirty Pretty Things | Frears, Stephen | 2002 | UK | 97 |
5187 | 5495 | Professionals, The | Brooks, Richard | 1966 | USA | 117 |
5188 | 4908 | Los | Benning, James | 2001 | USA | 90 |
5189 | 5416 | Nenette et Boni | Denis, Claire | 1996 | France | 103 |
5190 | 5085 | Patsy, The | Vidor, King | 1928 | USA | 78 |
5191 | 5167 | Fail-Safe | Lumet, Sidney | 1964 | USA | 112 |
5192 | 4911 | Gai Savoir, Le | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1969 | France | 95 |
5193 | 4913 | Iron Crown, The | Blasetti, Alessandro | 1941 | Italy | 97 |
5194 | 5308 | Round Midnight | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1986 | France | 133 |
5195 | 5504 | Snowtown | Kurzel, Justin | 2011 | Australia | 119 |
5196 | 6141 | Quiet Girl, The | Bairéad, Colm | 2022 | Ireland | 94 |
5197 | 4915 | Jo | Girault, Jean | 1971 | France | 85 |
5198 | 5311 | Japanese Village, A | Ogawa, Shinsuke | 1984 | Japan | 210 |
5199 | 4917 | They Shall Not Grow Old | Jackson, Peter | 2018 | UK | 99 |
5200 | 4919 | Rocky IV | Stallone, Sylvester | 1985 | USA | 91 |
5201 | 5319 | 36 fillette | Breillat, Catherine | 1988 | France | 88 |
5202 | 4921 | Phenix City Story, The | Karlson, Phil | 1955 | USA | 100 |
5203 | 5086 | Underground | Asquith, Anthony | 1928 | UK | 84 |
5204 | 4922 | Koumiko Mystery, The | Marker, Chris | 1965 | France | 54 |
5205 | 4923 | Textism | Hirabayashi, Isamu | 2003 | Japan | 11 |
5206 | 5612 | Jackass: The Movie | Tremaine, Jeff | 2002 | USA | 87 |
5207 | 5783 | Locke | Knight, Steven | 2013 | UK | 85 |
5208 | 5087 | Great Buddha +, The | Huang Hsin-yao | 2017 | Taiwan | 102 |
5209 | 5426 | Coco | Unkrich, Lee | 2017 | USA | 105 |
5210 | 5088 | Summer Holiday | Yates, Peter | 1963 | UK | 107 |
5211 | 5429 | Aquarius | Filho, Kleber Mendonça | 2016 | Brazil | 146 |
5212 | 4924 | Cruel Story of Youth | Oshima, Nagisa | 1960 | Japan | 96 |
5213 | 5526 | Lifeboat | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1944 | USA | 96 |
5214 | 8145 | If You Meet Sartana, Pray for Your Death | Parolini, Gianfranco | 1968 | Italy | 95 |
5215 | 4984 | Chinese Odyssey: Part Two - Cinderella, A | Lau, Jeffrey | 1995 | Hong Kong | 95 |
5216 | 5090 | Chromaticite I | Kirchhofer, Patrice | 1977 | France | 11 |
5217 | 7341 | New Centurions, The | Fleischer, Richard | 1972 | USA | 103 |
5218 | 4929 | United States of America, The | Benning, James & Bette Gordon | 1975 | USA | 27 |
5219 | 4931 | Kuca na pijesku | Martinac, Ivan | 1985 | Yugoslavia | 85 |
5220 | 5092 | Queen of Diamonds | Menkes, Nina | 1991 | USA | 77 |
5221 | 5093 | Mr. & Mrs. '55 | Dutt, Guru | 1955 | India | 157 |
5222 | 5534 | Flags of Our Fathers | Eastwood, Clint | 2006 | USA | 132 |
5223 | 4932 | Prick Up Your Ears | Frears, Stephen | 1987 | UK | 108 |
5224 | 4933 | Assommoir, L' | Capellani, Albert | 1908 | France | 36 |
5225 | 5094 | Four Corners | Benning, James | 1998 | USA | 80 |
5226 | 5095 | Final Solution | Sharma, Rakesh | 2004 | India | 218 |
5227 | 4934 | Song at Midnight | Ma-Xu Weibang | 1937 | China | 113 |
5228 | 4936 | A.K.A. Serial Killer | Adachi, Masao | 1975 | Japan | 86 |
5229 | 5096 | Dope | Famuyiwa, Rick | 2015 | USA | 103 |
5230 | Zone of Interest, The | Glazer, Jonathan | 2023 | USA | 105 | |
5231 | 4937 | Revenge of the Dead/Night of the Ghouls | Wood Jr., Edward D. | 1960 | USA | 69 |
5232 | 5097 | Help Gone Mad | Khlebnikov, Boris | 2009 | Russia | 119 |
5233 | 5098 | Attica | Firestone, Cinda | 1974 | USA | 80 |
5234 | 5099 | Hands Across the Table | Leisen, Mitchell | 1935 | USA | 80 |
5235 | 5101 | Didi mtsvane veli | Kokochashvili, Merab | 1967 | USSR | 85 |
5236 | 5347 | Adventuress, The | Gout, Alberto | 1950 | Mexico | 101 |
5237 | 5102 | Bronco Bullfrog | Platts-Mills, Barney | 1970 | UK | 86 |
5238 | 5644 | All is Forgiven | Hansen-Løve, Mia | 2007 | France | 105 |
5239 | 4938 | Eva | Losey, Joseph | 1962 | France | 107 |
5240 | 7298 | Remember My Name | Rudolph, Alan | 1978 | USA | 96 |
5241 | 4940 | Destiny | Demirkubuz, Zeki | 2006 | Turkey | 103 |
5242 | 5271 | Never Let Me Go | Romanek, Mark | 2010 | USA | 104 |
5243 | 4942 | Danton | Wajda, Andrzej | 1983 | France | 136 |
5244 | 5945 | Elmer Gantry | Brooks, Richard | 1960 | USA | 146 |
5245 | 5103 | Korczak | Wajda, Andrzej | 1990 | Poland | 115 |
5246 | 5104 | Like Grains of Sand | Hashiguchi, Ryosuke | 1995 | Japan | 129 |
5247 | 5822 | Slightly Scarlet | Dwan, Allan | 1956 | USA | 99 |
5248 | 4943 | Boxing Gym | Wiseman, Frederick | 2010 | USA | 91 |
5249 | 5105 | Capernaum | Labaki, Nadine | 2018 | Lebanon | 121 |
5250 | 5275 | Wedding Banquet, The | Lee, Ang | 1993 | Taiwan | 111 |
5251 | 5106 | Seven Psychopaths | McDonagh, Martin | 2012 | UK | 110 |
5252 | 5288 | Wife, The | Noonan, Tom | 1995 | USA | 101 |
5253 | 5380 | Salomé | Bryant, Charles | 1922 | USA | 72 |
5254 | 4944 | I Heard it Through the Grapevine | Fontaine, Dick & Pat Hartley | 1982 | USA | 95 |
5255 | 5821 | Girl Who Leapt Through Time, The | Hosoda, Mamoru | 2006 | Japan | 98 |
5256 | 6110 | Full Contact | Lam, Ringo | 1992 | Hong Kong | 96 |
5257 | 4945 | Nana | Renoir, Jean | 1926 | France | 150 |
5258 | 5833 | *Corpus Callosum | Snow, Michael | 2002 | Canada | 92 |
5259 | 4946 | Joseph Kilian | Jurácek, Pavel & Jan Schmidt | 1963 | Czechoslovakia | 38 |
5260 | 5477 | Susana | Buñuel, Luis | 1951 | Mexico | 82 |
5261 | 6122 | Tennessee's Partner | Dwan, Allan | 1955 | USA | 87 |
5262 | 4950 | Mary | Ferrara, Abel | 2005 | Italy | 83 |
5263 | 5107 | Something Like It | Morita, Yoshimitsu | 1981 | Japan | 103 |
5264 | 7933 | Aferim! | Jude, Radu | 2015 | Romania | 108 |
5265 | 4953 | Chandralekha | Vasan, S.S. | 1948 | India | 193 |
5266 | 5110 | Ziegfeld Follies | Minnelli, Vincente | 1945 | USA | 110 |
5267 | 4954 | Last of Sheila, The | Ross, Herbert | 1973 | USA | 120 |
5268 | 5489 | Lady & the Duke, The | Rohmer, Eric | 2001 | France | 128 |
5269 | 4957 | Cartesius [TV] | Rossellini, Roberto | 1974 | Italy | 152 |
5270 | 5111 | Wellness | Mahaffy, Jake | 2008 | USA | 90 |
5271 | 4959 | Mangrove | McQueen, Steve | 2020 | UK | 124 |
5272 | 5299 | Brooklyn | Crowley, John | 2015 | Ireland | 111 |
5273 | 5488 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Verbinski, Gore | 2003 | USA | 143 |
5274 | 5394 | High Hopes | Leigh, Mike | 1988 | UK | 112 |
5275 | 8081 | Two Comrades Were Serving | Karelov, Yevgeni | 1968 | USSR | 99 |
5276 | 5112 | Young Adult | Reitman, Jason | 2011 | USA | 94 |
5277 | 8701 | Apologies | Robertson, Anne Charlotte | 1986/1990 | 17 | |
5278 | 5398 | Combat d'amour en songe | Ruiz, Raúl | 2000 | France | 123 |
5279 | 5379 | UHF | Levey, Jay | 1989 | USA | 97 |
5280 | 4965 | Panique | Duvivier, Julien | 1946 | France | 99 |
5281 | 5503 | In the Bedroom | Field, Todd | 2001 | USA | 130 |
5282 | 4967 | Wind and the Lion, The | Milius, John | 1975 | USA | 119 |
5283 | 5596 | Wolfwalkers | Moore, Tomm & Ross Stewart | 2020 | Ireland | 103 |
5284 | 5507 | Notebook, The | Cassavetes, Nick | 2004 | USA | 123 |
5285 | 5508 | Mother, The | Cattin, Antoine & Pavel Kostomarov | 2007 | Switzerland | 80 |
5286 | 5115 | Gods Must Be Crazy, The | Uys, Jamie | 1980 | Botswana | 108 |
5287 | 4971 | Taxi Tehran | Panahi, Jafar | 2015 | Iran | 82 |
5288 | 5116 | Prefab People, The | Tarr, Béla | 1982 | Hungary | 102 |
5289 | 5772 | Hovering Over the Water | Monteiro, João César | 1986 | Portugal | 143 |
5290 | 4972 | Bobby | Kapoor, Raj | 1974 | India | 168 |
5291 | 4973 | Last American Virgin, The | Davidson, Boaz | 1982 | USA | 90 |
5292 | 5117 | Friendly Persuasion | Wyler, William | 1956 | USA | 140 |
5293 | 4974 | Inherit the Wind | Kramer, Stanley | 1960 | USA | 127 |
5294 | 4975 | Legend of the Holy Drinker, The | Olmi, Ermanno | 1988 | Italy | 128 |
5295 | 4976 | Wie baue ich einen Molotow-Cocktail? | Meins, Holger | 1968 | West Germany | 3 |
5296 | 4977 | Ghosts Before Breakfast | Richter, Hans | 1928 | Germany | 9 |
5297 | 4978 | Barking Dogs Never Bite | Bong Joon-ho | 2000 | South Korea | 110 |
5298 | 5120 | Aelita | Protazanov, Yakov | 1924 | USSR | 67 |
5299 | 7050 | Invitation, The | Kusama, Karyn | 2015 | USA | 100 |
5300 | 4981 | Kill, Baby... Kill! | Bava, Mario | 1966 | Italy | 83 |
5301 | 4982 | Crime, La | Labro, Philippe | 1983 | France | 103 |
5302 | 7652 | High Wind in Jamaica, A | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1965 | UK | 104 |
5303 | 6103 | Raphael, or the Debauched One | Deville, Michel | 1971 | France | 100 |
5304 | 5432 | Interrupters, The | James, Steve | 2011 | USA | 125 |
5305 | 5312 | Filme Demencia | Reichenbach, Carlos | 1986 | Brazil | 92 |
5306 | 5124 | Three Windows and a Hanging | Qosja, Isa | 2014 | Kosovo | 94 |
5307 | 5125 | Pacific Rim | del Toro, Guillermo | 2013 | USA | 132 |
5308 | 4987 | Love Parade, The | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1929 | USA | 110 |
5309 | 5437 | Hollywood or Bust | Tashlin, Frank | 1956 | USA | 95 |
5310 | 5911 | Queen Christina | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1933 | USA | 97 |
5311 | 5532 | Beyond Oblivion | del Carril, Hugo | 1956 | Argentina | 93 |
5312 | 4988 | Human Factor, The | Preminger, Otto | 1979 | USA | 115 |
5313 | 5439 | Zulu | Endfield, Cy | 1964 | UK | 138 |
5314 | 4989 | Police Story III: Supercop | Tong, Stanley | 1992 | Hong Kong | 96 |
5315 | 5126 | Chuchelo | Bykov, Rolan | 1984 | USSR | 127 |
5316 | 5127 | Sound of Insects: Record of a Mummy, The | Liechti, Peter | 2009 | Switzerland | 87 |
5317 | 4991 | Fall, The | Whitehead, Peter | 1969 | UK | 116 |
5318 | 4992 | Man by the Shore/L'Homme sur les quais | Peck, Raoul | 1993 | France | 106 |
5319 | 5542 | Adventures of Goopy and Bagha, The | Ray, Satyajit | 1969 | India | 132 |
5320 | 5446 | Butterfly and Flowers | Mukdasanit, Euthana | 1986 | Thailand | 120 |
5321 | 5450 | Browning Version, The | Asquith, Anthony | 1951 | UK | 90 |
5322 | 5129 | First Love [TV] | Kieslowski, Krzysztof | 1974 | Poland | 52 |
5323 | 5787 | Guardians of the Galaxy | Gunn, James | 2014 | USA | 121 |
5324 | 6247 | Green Snake | Tsui Hark | 1993 | Hong Kong | 99 |
5325 | 5980 | Strangers, The | Bertino, Bryan | 2008 | USA | 86 |
5326 | 5130 | Blood of My Blood | Bellocchio, Marco | 2015 | Italy | 106 |
5327 | 4993 | Unholy Three, The | Browning, Tod | 1925 | USA | 86 |
5328 | 5940 | It Happened in Broad Daylight | Vajda, Ladislao | 1958 | Switzerland | 97 |
5329 | 4994 | Time to Leave | Ozon, François | 2005 | France | 81 |
5330 | 7030 | Gang of Four, The | Rivette, Jacques | 1989 | France | 160 |
5331 | 4995 | Trikal (Past, Present, Future) | Benegal, Shyam | 1985 | India | 137 |
5332 | 4996 | Golem, The | Boese, Carl & Paul Wegener | 1920 | Germany | 85 |
5333 | 5814 | Mangue Bangue | de Almeida, Neville | 1971 | Brazil | 80 |
5334 | 4997 | Schmeerguntz | Nelson, Gunvor | 1965 | USA | 15 |
5335 | 5131 | Valley Girl | Coolidge, Martha | 1983 | USA | 99 |
5336 | 5459 | Eel, The | Imamura, Shohei | 1997 | Japan | 117 |
5337 | 5133 | Histoires d'Amérique: Food, Family and Philosophy | Akerman, Chantal | 1989 | Belgium | 92 |
5338 | 5336 | SuperOutro | Navarro, Edgard | 1989 | Brazil | 46 |
5339 | 5136 | Babes in Toyland | Meins, Gus & Charley Rogers | 1934 | USA | 77 |
5340 | 5138 | Pumping Iron | Butler, George & Fiore, Robert | 1977 | USA | 85 |
5341 | 5139 | Day of the Locust, The | Schlesinger, John | 1975 | USA | 144 |
5342 | 5465 | Human | Arthus-Bertrand, Yann | 2015 | France | 190 |
5343 | 5140 | Diary of a Pregnant Woman | Varda, Agnès | 1958 | France | 16 |
5344 | 5563 | WarGames | Badham, John | 1983 | USA | 110 |
5345 | 5147 | Mary Shelley's Frankenstein | Branagh, Kenneth | 1994 | USA | 128 |
5346 | 5148 | Second Game, The | Porumboiu, Corneliu | 2014 | Romania | 97 |
5347 | 5151 | Rich and Famous | Cukor, George | 1981 | USA | 117 |
5348 | 5152 | Stuart Hall Project, The | Akomfrah, John | 2013 | UK | 103 |
5349 | 5153 | Last Flight, The | Dieterle, William | 1931 | USA | 76 |
5350 | 5154 | Gloria | Lelio, Sebastián | 2013 | Chile | 110 |
5351 | 5155 | Cochon, Le | Eustache, Jean & Jean-Michel Barjol | 1970 | France | 50 |
5352 | 5156 | Simple Plan, A | Raimi, Sam | 1998 | USA | 121 |
5353 | 5482 | Hale County This Morning, This Evening | Ross, RaMell | 2018 | USA | 76 |
5354 | 5158 | Blithe Spirit | Lean, David | 1945 | UK | 96 |
5355 | 5159 | Peppermint Frappé | Saura, Carlos | 1967 | Spain | 94 |
5356 | 5683 | High Plains Drifter | Eastwood, Clint | 1973 | USA | 105 |
5357 | 5161 | Elegant Life of Mr. Everyman, The | Okamoto, Kihachi | 1963 | Japan | 103 |
5358 | 5162 | Quest for Fire | Annaud, Jean-Jacques | 1981 | Canada | 97 |
5359 | 6287 | All the Vermeers in New York | Jost, Jon | 1990 | USA | 87 |
5360 | 6128 | Iraq in Fragments | Longley, James | 2006 | USA | 94 |
5361 | 6282 | Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The | Fincher, David | 2011 | USA | 158 |
5362 | 5163 | Hands of Orlac, The | Wiene, Robert | 1924 | Austria | 92 |
5363 | 5164 | Last Mistress, The | Breillat, Catherine | 2007 | France | 115 |
5364 | 5704 | Hautes solitudes, Les | Garrel, Philippe | 1974 | France | 80 |
5365 | 5492 | Daughter-in-Law | Narliyev, Khodzha Kuli | 1972 | USSR | 81 |
5366 | 5854 | Pit and the Pendulum, The | Corman, Roger | 1961 | USA | 80 |
5367 | 5165 | Jazz Dance | Tilton, Roger | 1954 | USA | 22 |
5368 | 5578 | Westworld | Crichton, Michael | 1973 | USA | 88 |
5369 | 5168 | Britannia Hospital | Anderson, Lindsay | 1982 | UK | 111 |
5370 | 5169 | American Astronaut, The | McAbee, Cory | 2001 | USA | 91 |
5371 | 6029 | Demons | Bava, Lamberto | 1985 | Italy | 89 |
5372 | 5171 | Odds Against Tomorrow | Wise, Robert | 1959 | USA | 95 |
5373 | 5172 | Big Trouble in Little China | Carpenter, John | 1986 | USA | 99 |
5374 | 5497 | Divorce Iranian Style | Longinotto, Kim & Ziba Mir-Hosseini | 1998 | Iran | 76 |
5375 | 5174 | Sugar Curtain, The | Guzmán Urzúa, Camila | 2005 | France | 82 |
5376 | 5176 | Confucian Confusion, A | Yang, Edward | 1994 | Taiwan | 125 |
5377 | 5177 | Before Night Falls | Schnabel, Julian | 2000 | USA | 133 |
5378 | 5178 | Condition of Illusion | Gidal, Peter | 1975 | 30 | |
5379 | 5871 | Brighton Rock | Boulting, John | 1947 | UK | 86 |
5380 | 5179 | Western Approaches | Jackson, Pat | 1944 | Netherlands | 83 |
5381 | 6430 | Ali Zaoua, Prince of the Streets | Ayouch, Nabil | 2000 | Morocco | 90 |
5382 | 5589 | RRR | Rajamouli, S.S. | 2022 | India | 187 |
5383 | 5182 | Ball at the Anjo House, The | Yoshimura, Kozaburo | 1947 | Japan | 89 |
5384 | 5183 | Eccentricities of a Blonde-haired Girl | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2009 | Portugal | 64 |
5385 | 5512 | Sting of Death, The | Oguri, Kohei | 1990 | Japan | 115 |
5386 | 5513 | Inside Man | Lee, Spike | 2006 | USA | 129 |
5387 | 5882 | Uptight | Dassin, Jules | 1968 | USA | 104 |
5388 | 5184 | Kadosh | Gitai, Amos | 1999 | Israel | 116 |
5389 | 6988 | Poison, La | Guitry, Sacha | 1951 | France | 85 |
5390 | 5185 | Bergman Island | Hansen-Løve, Mia | 2021 | France | 112 |
5391 | 5186 | Purab Aur Pacchim | Kumar, Manoj | 1970 | India | 175 |
5392 | 5188 | Divines | Benyamina, Houda | 2016 | France | 105 |
5393 | 5243 | Blind Owl, The | Ruiz, Raúl | 1987 | Switzerland | 97 |
5394 | 5244 | Little Otik | Švankmajer, Jan | 2000 | Czech Republic | 132 |
5395 | 5245 | Louis Lumière [TV] | Rohmer, Eric | 1968 | France | 66 |
5396 | 5246 | Casa del ángel, La | Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo | 1957 | Argentina | 76 |
5397 | 5247 | Driller Killer, The | Ferrara, Abel | 1979 | USA | 94 |
5398 | 5248 | Brother | Kitano, Takeshi | 2000 | Japan | 113 |
5399 | 7212 | Come Drink with Me | Hu, King | 1966 | Hong Kong | 95 |
5400 | 7360 | Lady for a Day | Capra, Frank | 1933 | USA | 96 |
5401 | 5523 | Man with Three Coffins, The | Lee Jang-ho | 1987 | South Korea | 117 |
5402 | 5249 | Maria Candelaria | Fernández, Emilio | 1944 | Mexico | 76 |
5403 | 5686 | Darkman | Raimi, Sam | 1990 | USA | 95 |
5404 | 5423 | Meet Joe Black | Brest, Martin | 1998 | USA | 180 |
5405 | 5251 | Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts | Surya, Mouly | 2017 | Indonesia | 93 |
5406 | 5252 | Glace à trois faces, La | Epstein, Jean | 1927 | France | 45 |
5407 | 5525 | Besieged | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1998 | Italy | 93 |
5408 | 5628 | Farewell to Arms, A | Borzage, Frank | 1932 | USA | 78 |
5409 | 5254 | 66 Seasons | Kerekes, Péter | 2003 | Slovakia | 86 |
5410 | 5255 | Fire | Mehta, Deepa | 1996 | Canada | 107 |
5411 | 5530 | Casting a Glance | Benning, James | 2007 | USA | 80 |
5412 | 5611 | Tigers Are Not Afraid | López, Issa | 2017 | Mexico | |
5413 | 5258 | Rafiki | Kahiu, Wanuri | 2018 | South Africa | 82 |
5414 | 5259 | Savage Eye, The | Maddow, Ben/Sidney Meyers/Joseph Strick | 1960 | USA | 68 |
5415 | 5260 | Cyclist, The | Makhmalbaf, Mohsen | 1987 | Iran | 82 |
5416 | 5263 | Ten Skies | Benning, James | 2004 | USA | 101 |
5417 | 5453 | Skyfall | Mendes, Sam | 2012 | UK | 143 |
5418 | 5264 | That Hamilton Woman | Korda, Alexander | 1941 | UK | 128 |
5419 | 8493 | Crack, El | Garci, José Luis | 1981 | Spain | 131 |
5420 | 5265 | Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! | Questi, Giulio | 1967 | Italy | 100 |
5421 | 5266 | Good News | Walters, Charles | 1947 | USA | 95 |
5422 | 5267 | Sword in the Stone, The | Reitherman, Wolfgang | 1963 | USA | 75 |
5423 | 5269 | Z Channel: A Magnificent Obsession | Cassavetes, Xan | 2004 | USA | 120 |
5424 | 5270 | Thanos and Despina | Papatakis, Nikos | 1967 | Greece | 96 |
5425 | 5661 | Burning Snow | Tam, Patrick | 1988 | Hong Kong | 84 |
5426 | 5273 | Last Woman, The | Ferreri, Marco | 1976 | France | 112 |
5427 | 5631 | Prisonnière, La | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1968 | France | 106 |
5428 | Poor Things | Lanthimos, Yorgos | 2023 | Ireland | 141 | |
5429 | 5951 | Hill of Freedom | Hong Sang-soo | 2014 | South Korea | 66 |
5430 | 8513 | Butterfly | Cuerda, José Luis | 1999 | Spain | 96 |
5431 | 5277 | Geethanjali | Ratnam, Mani | 1989 | India | 150 |
5432 | 5278 | Ghost That Never Returns, The | Room, Abram | 1929 | USSR | 67 |
5433 | 5279 | Boomerang | Hudlin, Reginald | 1992 | USA | 118 |
5434 | 5681 | Blood Feast | Lewis, Herschell Gordon | 1963 | USA | 67 |
5435 | 5473 | Dark Passage | Daves, Delmer | 1947 | USA | 106 |
5436 | 5283 | Contactos | Viota, Paulino | 1970 | Spain | 70 |
5437 | 6112 | Henry V | Branagh, Kenneth | 1989 | UK | 137 |
5438 | 7150 | Bread and Chocolate | Brusati, Franco | 1974 | Italy | 100 |
5439 | 5687 | About Endlessness | Andersson, Roy | 2019 | Sweden | 78 |
5440 | 5475 | Shootist, The | Siegel, Don | 1976 | USA | 99 |
5441 | 5284 | Remains to Be Seen | Solomon, Philip S. | 1989 | USA | 17 |
5442 | 5571 | Young Werther | Doillon, Jacques | 1993 | France | 94 |
5443 | 7598 | Blackhat | Mann, Michael | 2015 | USA | 133 |
5444 | 5286 | Old Jockey, The | Barnet, Boris | 1941 | USSR | 96 |
5445 | 5291 | Quiet One, The | Meyers, Sidney | 1948 | USA | 65 |
5446 | 5292 | Winter Wind | Jancsó, Miklós | 1969 | Hungary | 80 |
5447 | 5794 | Serenity | Whedon, Joss | 2005 | USA | 119 |
5448 | 8182 | Fantasmas | Novais Oliveira, André | 2010 | Brazil | 11 |
5449 | 5694 | Broken Flowers | Jarmusch, Jim | 2005 | USA | 106 |
5450 | 5294 | Volcano | Rúnarsson, Rúnar | 2011 | Iceland | 99 |
5451 | 5470 | Islands of Fire | De Seta, Vittorio | 1955 | Italy | 9 |
5452 | 5469 | Parabola d'oro | De Seta, Vittorio | 1955 | Italy | 9 |
5453 | 5485 | Space is the Place | Coney, John | 1974 | USA | 85 |
5454 | 5296 | March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step | Jacquet, Luc | 2017 | France | 85 |
5455 | 5298 | Love and Death on Long Island | Kwietniowski, Richard | 1996 | UK | 93 |
5456 | 6872 | Ofrenda | Caldini, Claudio | 1978 | Argentina | 4 |
5457 | 6927 | Miss Universo en el Perú | Grupo Chaski | 1982 | Peru | 45 |
5458 | 5301 | Hermanos Del Hierro, Los | Rodríguez, Ismael | 1961 | Mexico | 95 |
5459 | 6127 | Scrooge | Hurst, Brian Desmond | 1951 | UK | 86 |
5460 | 7043 | Gambler, The | Reisz, Karel | 1974 | USA | 111 |
5461 | 5962 | Uninvited, The | Allen, Lewis | 1944 | USA | 98 |
5462 | 6304 | Nomad | Tam, Patrick | 1982 | Hong Kong | 96 |
5463 | 5715 | Jesus' Son | Maclean, Alison | 1999 | USA | 107 |
5464 | 5791 | Devil's Rejects, The | Zombie, Rob | 2005 | USA | 107 |
5465 | 5304 | I Walk the Line | Frankenheimer, John | 1970 | USA | 97 |
5466 | 10573 | Gavaznha | Kimiai, Masud | 1974 | Iran | 120 |
5467 | 5752 | Rake's Progress, The | Gilliat, Sidney | 1945 | UK | 123 |
5468 | 5305 | Healthy People for Fun | Acimovic-Godina, Karpo | 1971 | Yugoslavia | 10 |
5469 | 5306 | Antonia's Line | Gorris, Marleen | 1995 | Netherlands | 105 |
5470 | 5592 | Blind | Wiseman, Frederick | 1987 | USA | 132 |
5471 | 5307 | Erotikon | Machatý, Gustav | 1929 | Czechoslovakia | 85 |
5472 | 5309 | Wanderers, The | Kaufman, Philip | 1979 | USA | 113 |
5473 | 5310 | Bronco Billy | Eastwood, Clint | 1980 | USA | 119 |
5474 | 5313 | Umbracle | Portabella, Pere | 1972 | Spain | 85 |
5475 | 5997 | Danse: The Paris Opera Ballet, La | Wiseman, Frederick | 2009 | France | 159 |
5476 | 5604 | Daybreak | Sun Yu | 1933 | China | 116 |
5477 | 5320 | Midori | Harada, Hiroshi | 1992 | Japan | 56 |
5478 | 6052 | Entire Days Among the Trees | Duras, Marguerite | 1976 | France | 95 |
5479 | 5321 | Jimmy Hollywood | Levinson, Barry | 1994 | USA | 109 |
5480 | 5322 | Deep Cover | Duke, Bill | 1992 | USA | 112 |
5481 | 5323 | Marital Relations | Toyoda, Shiro | 1955 | Japan | 121 |
5482 | 5324 | Three on a Match | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1932 | USA | 64 |
5483 | 5325 | White Sun of the Desert, The | Motyl, Vladimir | 1970 | USSR | 85 |
5484 | 5326 | Wild One, The | Benedek, Laszlo | 1953 | USA | 79 |
5485 | 5327 | Unforgiven | Lee Sang-il | 2013 | Japan | 135 |
5486 | 8257 | Project Nim | Marsh, James | 2011 | UK | 99 |
5487 | 5785 | Ava and Gabriel, A Love Story | de Rooy, Felix | 1990 | Netherlands | 100 |
5488 | 8185 | Zombie and the Ghost Train | Kaurismäki, Mika | 1991 | Finland | 88 |
5489 | 5328 | See Here My Love | Santiago, Hugo | 1978 | France | 124 |
5490 | 5330 | Naked Prey, The | Wilde, Cornel | 1966 | USA | 94 |
5491 | 5331 | Wildwood, NJ | Leitman, Ruth & Carol Weaks Cassidy | 1994 | USA | 60 |
5492 | 5332 | Víctimas del pecado | Fernández, Emilio | 1951 | Mexico | 90 |
5493 | 7528 | Devil-Doll, The | Browning, Tod | 1936 | USA | 79 |
5494 | 5335 | Ghosts... of the Civil Dead | Hillcoat, John | 1988 | Australia | 93 |
5495 | 7853 | Real Life | Brooks, Albert | 1979 | USA | 99 |
5496 | 5337 | Crimson Kimono, The | Fuller, Samuel | 1959 | USA | 82 |
5497 | 5799 | Malina | Schroeter, Werner | 1991 | Germany | 125 |
5498 | 5339 | Frente a frente com os Xavantes | Vasconcelos, Genil | 1948 | Brazil | 33 |
5499 | 5338 | Yellow Caesar | Cavalcanti, Alberto | 1941 | UK | 24 |
5500 | 7106 | Rendez-vous à Bray | Delvaux, André | 1971 | France | 90 |
5501 | 5340 | Nana | Massadian, Valérie | 2011 | France | 68 |
5502 | 5342 | Qiu Haitang | Ma-Xu Weibang | 1943 | China | 202 |
5503 | 5343 | Mysterians, The | Honda, Ishiro | 1957 | Japan | 85 |
5504 | 5538 | Goon | Dowse, Michael | 2011 | Canada | 92 |
5505 | 5801 | Love of Jeanne Ney, The | Pabst, G.W. | 1927 | Germany | 100 |
5506 | 5346 | Liberty | McCarey, Leo | 1929 | USA | 20 |
5507 | 7559 | Cabin in the Sky | Minnelli, Vincente | 1943 | USA | 100 |
5508 | 5348 | Another State of Mind | Small, Adam & Peter Stuart | 1984 | USA | 78 |
5509 | 8038 | Beanpole | Balagov, Kantemir | 2019 | Russia | 130 |
5510 | 5803 | They Made Me a Fugitive | Cavalcanti, Alberto | 1947 | UK | 103 |
5511 | 5643 | Laughing Man, The | Heynowski, Walter & Gerhard Scheumann | 1966 | East Germany | 66 |
5512 | 5349 | Blind Shaft | Li Yang | 2003 | China | 92 |
5513 | 5350 | Photos d'Alix, Les | Eustache, Jean | 1980 | France | 15 |
5514 | 5812 | Sangue mineiro | Mauro, Humberto | 1929 | Brazil | 82 |
5515 | 5351 | Testament | Littman, Lynne | 1983 | USA | 89 |
5516 | 5352 | Éruption volcanique à la Martinique | Méliès, Georges | 1902 | France | 1 |
5517 | 5353 | This Our Still Life | Kötting, Andrew | 2011 | UK | 58 |
5518 | 5354 | ¡Vámonos con Pancho Villa! | de Fuentes, Fernando | 1936 | Mexico | 92 |
5519 | 5355 | Let Your Light Shine | Mack, Jodie | 2013 | UK | 3 |
5520 | 5943 | Ad Astra | Gray, James | 2019 | USA | 123 |
5521 | 5357 | Confucius | Fei Mu | 1940 | China | 96 |
5522 | 5358 | Voleurs, Les | Téchiné, André | 1996 | France | 117 |
5523 | 5359 | Super Cops, The | Parks, Gordon | 1974 | USA | 94 |
5524 | 5360 | Goupi mains rouges | Becker, Jacques | 1943 | France | 96 |
5525 | 5361 | Into the Wild | Penn, Sean | 2007 | USA | 148 |
5526 | 5667 | Faust | Švankmajer, Jan | 1994 | Czech Republic | 97 |
5527 | 5362 | Lolita | Lyne, Adrian | 1997 | France | 137 |
5528 | 5365 | Last Hunt, The | Brooks, Richard | 1956 | USA | 108 |
5529 | 5378 | Chasing Butterflies | Iosseliani, Otar | 1992 | France | 115 |
5530 | 6260 | 1984 | Radford, Michael | 1984 | UK | 115 |
5531 | 8727 | Vacas | Medem, Julio | 1992 | Spain | 96 |
5532 | 5539 | Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands | Barreto, Bruno | 1976 | Brazil | 106 |
5533 | 6111 | Monkey King, The | Laiming Wan & Tang Cheng | 1961 | China | 114 |
5534 | 5685 | Hunchback of Notre Dame, The | Dieterle, William | 1939 | USA | 115 |
5535 | 5383 | Royal Road, The | Olson, Jenni | 2015 | USA | 65 |
5536 | 5384 | Mechanic, The | Winner, Michael | 1972 | USA | 100 |
5537 | 5385 | One Way Boogie Woogie/27 Years Later | Benning, James | 2005 | USA | 121 |
5538 | 6120 | Che | Soderbergh, Steven | 2008 | France | 257 |
5539 | 6778 | Fandry | Manjule, Nagraj | 2013 | India | 101 |
5540 | 5386 | Elvis | Luhrmann, Baz | 2022 | USA | 159 |
5541 | 5387 | Woman in the Moon | Lang, Fritz | 1929 | Germany | 156 |
5542 | 5388 | Margot at the Wedding | Baumbach, Noah | 2007 | USA | 92 |
5543 | 6123 | Messiah of Evil | Huyck, Willard | 1974 | USA | 90 |
5544 | 5696 | Episode 3: 'Enjoy Poverty' | Martens, Renzo | 2009 | Netherlands | 90 |
5545 | 5389 | Let's Get Lost | Weber, Bruce | 1988 | USA | 119 |
5546 | 5390 | Unseen, The | Janek, Miroslav | 1996 | Czech Republic | 53 |
5547 | 5393 | Back and Forth | Snow, Michael | 1969 | Canada | 52 |
5548 | 6413 | Worst Person in the World, The | Trier, Joachim | 2021 | Norway | 127 |
5549 | 5396 | Holubice | Vlácil, Frantisek | 1960 | Czechoslovakia | 76 |
5550 | 5883 | I Killed My Mother | Dolan, Xavier | 2009 | Canada | 96 |
5551 | 5709 | El Valley Centro | Benning, James | 2000 | USA | 90 |
5552 | 5397 | Amore [TV] | Lemke, Klaus | 1978 | West Germany | 73 |
5553 | 5864 | 100 Horsemen | Cottafavi, Vittorio | 1965 | Italy | 115 |
5554 | 5399 | Moment of Romance, A | Chan, Benny | 1990 | Hong Kong | 87 |
5555 | 5400 | Suzanne, Suzanne | Billops, Camille & James Hatch | 1982 | USA | 30 |
5556 | 5721 | Bride of Glomdal, The | Dreyer, Carl Theodor | 1926 | Norway | 115 |
5557 | 5401 | Woman of the Port, The | Boytler, Arcady & Raphael J. Sevilla | 1934 | Mexico | 76 |
5558 | 5402 | Local Color | Rappaport, Mark | 1977 | USA | 116 |
5559 | 5403 | Nobody's Business | Berliner, Alan | 1996 | USA | 60 |
5560 | 6444 | Sometimes a Great Notion | Newman, Paul | 1971 | USA | 114 |
5561 | 5405 | Ballet | Wiseman, Frederick | 1995 | USA | 170 |
5562 | 5406 | Block-Heads | Blystone, John G. | 1938 | USA | 55 |
5563 | 5407 | Plague of the Zombies, The | Gilling, John | 1966 | UK | 91 |
5564 | 6316 | Dying at Grace | King, Allan | 2003 | Canada | 148 |
5565 | 5408 | Widower, The | Risi, Dino | 1959 | Italy | 87 |
5566 | 5409 | Hunters, The | Gardner, Robert & John Marshall | 1957 | USA | 72 |
5567 | 5413 | Ear for Eye | Green, Debbie Tucker | 2021 | UK | 88 |
5568 | 5691 | Troll 2 | Fragasso, Claudio | 1990 | Italy | 95 |
5569 | 5614 | Summer of Sam | Lee, Spike | 1999 | USA | 141 |
5570 | 5417 | Norte, El | Nava, Gregory | 1983 | USA | 139 |
5571 | Anatomy of a Fall | Triet, Justine | 2023 | France | 151 | |
5572 | 5419 | My Country, My Country | Poitras, Laura | 2006 | USA | 90 |
5573 | 6206 | Peter Pan | Brenon, Herbert | 1924 | USA | 105 |
5574 | 5420 | Julius Caesar | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1953 | USA | 120 |
5575 | 5422 | Perfect Film | Jacobs, Ken | 1986 | USA | 22 |
5576 | 5421 | County Hospital | Parrott, James | 1932 | USA | 19 |
5577 | 5424 | Sadie McKee | Brown, Clarence | 1934 | USA | 92 |
5578 | 5425 | Oss Oss Wee Oss | Lomax, Alan | 1953 | UK | 12 |
5579 | 5778 | Quiz Show | Redford, Robert | 1994 | USA | 103 |
5580 | 5427 | I Love You to Death | Kasdan, Lawrence | 1990 | USA | 96 |
5581 | 5430 | Line of Destiny, The | Peries, Lester James | 1956 | Sri Lanka | 89 |
5582 | 5431 | Coupable, Le | Antoine, André | 1917 | France | 81 |
5583 | 5433 | Antigone | Straub, Jean-Marie & Danièle Huillet | 1992 | Germany | 100 |
5584 | 5434 | Viva Riva! | Munga, Djo Tunda Wa | 2010 | France | 98 |
5585 | 6148 | Corporation, The | Abbott, Jennifer & Mark Achbar | 2003 | Canada | 145 |
5586 | 6072 | Private Eyes, The | Hui, Michael | 1976 | Hong Kong | 94 |
5587 | 5793 | How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman | Pereira dos Santos, Nelson | 1971 | Brazil | 84 |
5588 | 5436 | Frantz | Ozon, François | 2016 | France | 113 |
5589 | 5438 | Time for Revenge | Aristarain, Adolfo | 1981 | Argentina | 112 |
5590 | 6339 | Exile, The | Ophüls, Max | 1947 | USA | 95 |
5591 | 5441 | How Yukong Moved the Mountains | Ivens, Joris & Marceline Loridan Ivens | 1976 | France | 763 |
5592 | 5442 | Practical Magic | Dunne, Griffin | 1998 | USA | 104 |
5593 | 5443 | 20 Feet from Stardom | Neville, Morgan | 2013 | USA | 91 |
5594 | 5444 | Let Me Die a Woman | Wishman, Doris | 1977 | USA | 79 |
5595 | 5447 | Sweet Country | Thornton, Warwick | 2017 | Australia | 110 |
5596 | 5448 | Whistle and I'll Come to You [TV] | Miller, Jonathan | 1968 | UK | 42 |
5597 | 5449 | One A.M. | Chaplin, Charles | 1916 | USA | 26 |
5598 | 5641 | Mahal | Amrohi, Kamal | 1949 | India | 165 |
5599 | 6251 | A Short Film About the Indio Nacional | Martin, Raya | 2005 | Philippines | 96 |
5600 | 5451 | Filibusterismo, El | de Leon, Gerardo | 1962 | Philippines | |
5601 | 5452 | Life/Expectancy | Fleming, Shellie | 1999 | ||
5602 | 5454 | Small Time Crooks | Allen, Woody | 2000 | USA | 94 |
5603 | 5455 | Quadrille | Guitry, Sacha | 1938 | France | 109 |
5604 | 5816 | Faubourg St. Martin | Guiguet, Jean-Claude | 1986 | France | 90 |
5605 | 5651 | Domino | Scott, Tony | 2005 | USA | 127 |
5606 | 5457 | Bliss | Lawrence, Ray | 1985 | Australia | 111 |
5607 | 5458 | Red Shift | Nelson, Gunvor | 1984 | ||
5608 | 5922 | Lincoln | Spielberg, Steven | 2012 | USA | 150 |
5609 | 5930 | Nighthawks | Peck, Ron | 1978 | UK | 113 |
5610 | 5460 | Stud Farm, The | Kovacs, Andras | 1978 | Hungary | 102 |
5611 | 5461 | Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy | Hamaguchi, Ryusuke | 2021 | Japan | 121 |
5612 | 5468 | Devil Never Sleeps, The | Portillo, Lourdes | 1994 | Mexico | 87 |
5613 | 5471 | Big Time Gambling Boss | Yamashita, Kosaku | 1968 | Japan | 95 |
5614 | 5670 | Lunchbox, The | Batra, Ritesh | 2013 | India | 105 |
5615 | 8942 | Road Home, The | Zhang Yimou | 1999 | China | 89 |
5616 | 5472 | Dracula A.D. 1972 | Gibson, Alan | 1972 | UK | 96 |
5617 | 5679 | Cell, The | Singh, Tarsem | 2000 | USA | 109 |
5618 | 5680 | Ship of Theseus | Gandhi, Anand | 2012 | India | 140 |
5619 | 5829 | Celia | Turner, Ann | 1989 | Australia | 103 |
5620 | 5474 | Enfants, Les | Duras, Marguerite | 1985 | France | 84 |
5621 | 5476 | Bread and Alley, The | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1970 | Iran | 10 |
5622 | 5834 | Amateur | Hartley, Hal | 1994 | France | 105 |
5623 | 5942 | Queen, The | Frears, Stephen | 2006 | UK | 103 |
5624 | 5478 | Jezebel | Wyler, William | 1938 | USA | 103 |
5625 | 5479 | Mr. Nobody | Van Dormael, Jaco | 2009 | Canada | 141 |
5626 | 8404 | Noi Albinoi | Kári, Dagur | 2002 | Iceland | 92 |
5627 | 5480 | Estrategia del caracol, La | Cabrera, Sergio | 1993 | Italy | 116 |
5628 | 5481 | Solo | Mocky, Jean-Pierre | 1970 | France | 83 |
5629 | 5484 | Bible, The | Huston, John | 1966 | Italy | 174 |
5630 | 5486 | Girl's Own Story, A | Campion, Jane | 1983 | Australia | 27 |
5631 | 5698 | Kingdom and the Beauty, The | Li Han Hsiang | 1959 | Hong Kong | 100 |
5632 | 5487 | Outlaw, The | Hughes, Howard | 1943 | USA | 115 |
5633 | 6249 | Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles | Jordan, Neil | 1994 | USA | 122 |
5634 | 5849 | Alice in Wonderland | Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson | 1951 | USA | 75 |
5635 | 5490 | Cruise, The | Miller, Bennett | 1998 | USA | 76 |
5636 | 5491 | Every Which Way But Loose | Fargo, James | 1978 | USA | 114 |
5637 | 5493 | Bel Âge, Le | Kast, Pierre | 1959 | France | 90 |
5638 | 5494 | Hotel America | Téchiné, André | 1981 | France | 95 |
5639 | 7708 | Déjà Vu | Scott, Tony | 2006 | USA | 126 |
5640 | 6964 | Head Against the Wall | Franju, Georges | 1959 | France | 95 |
5641 | 5952 | 300 | Snyder, Zack | 2006 | USA | 117 |
5642 | 5496 | Tragedy of a Ridiculous Man | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1981 | Italy | 116 |
5643 | 5860 | To New Shores | Sirk, Douglas | 1937 | Germany | 106 |
5644 | 5712 | Ballad of Little Jo, The | Greenwald, Maggie | 1993 | USA | 120 |
5645 | 5863 | Underworld | von Sternberg, Josef | 1927 | USA | 80 |
5646 | 5498 | Avec le sourire | Tourneur, Maurice | 1936 | France | 98 |
5647 | 6272 | Cloverfield | Reeves, Matt | 2008 | USA | 85 |
5648 | 5825 | I Heart Huckabees | Russell, David O. | 2004 | Germany | 106 |
5649 | 5499 | Can't Stop the Music | Walker, Nancy | 1980 | USA | 118 |
5650 | 6274 | Dark City | Proyas, Alex | 1998 | USA | 100 |
5651 | 5501 | Dead Man Walking | Robbins, Tim | 1995 | USA | 122 |
5652 | 5502 | Lingua Franca | Sandoval, Isabel | 2019 | USA | 89 |
5653 | 5876 | Wild Tales | Szifrón, Damián | 2014 | Argentina | 122 |
5654 | 5505 | Goin' Down the Road | Shebib, Donald | 1970 | Canada | 90 |
5655 | 7072 | Nixon | Stone, Oliver | 1995 | USA | 190 |
5656 | 5514 | Popeye | Altman, Robert | 1980 | USA | 114 |
5657 | 5515 | American Dream | Kopple, Barbara | 1990 | USA | 100 |
5658 | 5517 | Bolero | Lelouch, Claude | 1981 | France | 173 |
5659 | 5518 | Montenegro | Makavejev, Dusan | 1981 | Sweden | 98 |
5660 | 5519 | Symphonie diagonale | Eggeling, Viking | 1924 | Germany | 5 |
5661 | 6091 | Army of Darkness | Raimi, Sam | 1992 | USA | 80 |
5662 | 5520 | Champ, The | Vidor, King | 1931 | USA | 87 |
5663 | 5521 | Kathapurushan | Gopalakrishnan, Adoor | 1996 | India | 107 |
5664 | 5522 | Mr. Muhsin | Turgul, Yavuz | 1987 | Turkey | 119 |
5665 | 5892 | Goodbye Girl, The | Ross, Herbert | 1977 | USA | 110 |
5666 | 5524 | Breezy | Eastwood, Clint | 1973 | USA | 108 |
5667 | 5706 | Raid, The | Fregonese, Hugo | 1954 | USA | 83 |
5668 | 5789 | Court | Tamhane, Chaitanya | 2014 | India | 116 |
5669 | 5782 | Beautiful Girls | Demme, Ted | 1996 | USA | 107 |
5670 | 5527 | Shooting Stars | Asquith, Anthony & A.V. Bramble | 1928 | UK | 100 |
5671 | 5908 | Vida por delante, La | Fernán Gómez, Fernando | 1958 | Spain | 90 |
5672 | 5528 | American Madness | Capra, Frank | 1932 | USA | 81 |
5673 | 5792 | White of the Eye | Cammell, Donald | 1987 | UK | 110 |
5674 | 5531 | Tune, The | Plympton, Bill | 1992 | USA | 72 |
5675 | 5533 | Tricheurs, Les | Carné, Marcel | 1958 | France | 120 |
5676 | 5535 | Untitled | Glawogger, Michael & Monika Willi | 2017 | Austria | 105 |
5677 | 7365 | Crossroads | Kinugasa, Teinosuke | 1928 | Japan | 74 |
5678 | 5719 | Goodbye Solo | Bahrani, Ramin | 2008 | USA | 91 |
5679 | 5537 | Constant Gardener, The | Meirelles, Fernando | 2005 | USA | 129 |
5680 | 6000 | Sounder | Ritt, Martin | 1972 | USA | 105 |
5681 | 5541 | Tiniest Place, The | Huezo, Tatiana | 2011 | Mexico | 100 |
5682 | 7133 | Run of the Arrow | Fuller, Samuel | 1957 | USA | 86 |
5683 | 6095 | If I Should Die Before I Wake | Christensen, Carlos Hugo | 1952 | Argentina | 66 |
5684 | 5543 | Night on Bald Mountain | Alexeieff, Alexandre & Claire Parker | 1933 | France | 8 |
5685 | 6241 | Report, The | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1977 | Iran | 112 |
5686 | 5544 | Madame Freedom | Han Hyeong-mo | 1956 | South Korea | 125 |
5687 | 7135 | Narrow Margin, The | Fleischer, Richard | 1952 | USA | 70 |
5688 | 5547 | Chasing Amy | Smith, Kevin | 1996 | USA | 105 |
5689 | 5937 | Tregua, La | Renan, Sergio | 1974 | Argentina | 108 |
5690 | 5548 | Chile, the Obstinate Memory | Guzmán, Patricio | 1997 | Canada | 59 |
5691 | 5939 | Cathy Come Home [TV] | Loach, Ken | 1966 | UK | 75 |
5692 | 5551 | Dick Tracy | Beatty, Warren | 1990 | USA | 104 |
5693 | 5552 | Nidhanaya | Peries, Lester James | 1972 | Sri Lanka | 110 |
5694 | 7870 | Night and Day | Hong Sang-soo | 2008 | South Korea | 145 |
5695 | 5818 | Mask, The | Russell, Chuck | 1994 | USA | 101 |
5696 | 5559 | Loin du Vietnam | Ivens, Joris/William Klein/Claude Lelouch/Agnès Varda/Jean-Luc Godard/Chris Marker/Alain Resnais | 1967 | France | 115 |
5697 | 5561 | Lore | Shortland, Cate | 2012 | Germany | 109 |
5698 | 5947 | Son of the Northeast | Kounavudhi, Vichit | 1983 | Thailand | 120 |
5699 | 5820 | In a Better World | Bier, Susanne | 2010 | Denmark | 119 |
5700 | 5564 | Ice | Kramer, Robert | 1970 | USA | 132 |
5701 | 5828 | Black Wind | Gonzalez, Servando | 1965 | Mexico | 127 |
5702 | 5565 | River, The | Lorentz, Pare | 1938 | USA | 31 |
5703 | 5566 | Water | Mehta, Deepa | 2005 | Canada | 117 |
5704 | 5567 | Hajji Washington | Hatami, Ali | 1982 | Iran | 100 |
5705 | 5568 | American Gangster | Scott, Ridley | 2007 | USA | 157 |
5706 | 5569 | Lethal Weapon 2 | Donner, Richard | 1989 | USA | 114 |
5707 | 5570 | Unconcealed Poetry | Nugroho, Garin | 2000 | Indonesia | 90 |
5708 | 5957 | Nights and Weekends | Gerwig, Greta & Joe Swanberg | 2008 | USA | 80 |
5709 | 6292 | Friday the 13th | Cunningham, Sean S. | 1980 | USA | 95 |
5710 | 5575 | Nikt nie wola | Kutz, Kazimierz | 1960 | Poland | 86 |
5711 | 7001 | Transit | Petzold, Christian | 2018 | Germany | 101 |
5712 | 5576 | Spy Who Loved Me, The | Gilbert, Lewis | 1977 | UK | 125 |
5713 | 5577 | Dogs in Space | Lowenstein, Richard | 1986 | Australia | 105 |
5714 | 6124 | Camouflage | Zanussi, Krzysztof | 1977 | Poland | 106 |
5715 | 6033 | Revanche | Spielmann, Götz | 2008 | Austria | 121 |
5716 | 5579 | Stranger on Horseback | Tourneur, Jacques | 1955 | USA | 66 |
5717 | 5580 | Bad Girls Go to Hell | Wishman, Doris | 1965 | USA | 71 |
5718 | 6097 | Pleasure Party | Chabrol, Claude | 1975 | France | 96 |
5719 | 9208 | Cage aux Folles, La | Molinaro, Édouard | 1978 | France | 91 |
5720 | 5976 | Heart is a Lonely Hunter, The | Miller, Robert Ellis | 1968 | USA | 125 |
5721 | 5581 | Bartered Bride, The | Ophüls, Max | 1932 | Germany | 77 |
5722 | 10103 | Deseret | Benning, James | 1995 | USA | 82 |
5723 | 5982 | Megacities | Glawogger, Michael | 1998 | Austria | 90 |
5724 | 5584 | Jazz Singer, The | Crosland, Alan | 1927 | USA | 89 |
5725 | 6149 | Madame Bovary | Renoir, Jean | 1934 | France | 102 |
5726 | 5586 | Vinyl | Warhol, Andy | 1965 | USA | 67 |
5727 | 7087 | Suspicion | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1941 | USA | 99 |
5728 | 5587 | Leningrad Cowboys Go America | Kaurismäki, Aki | 1989 | Finland | 80 |
5729 | 5588 | On Belfast Beach | Imbert, Henri-François | 2000 | France | 39 |
5730 | 6175 | Fanny | Allégret, Marc | 1932 | France | 120 |
5731 | 5590 | She Returned at Dawn | Decoin, Henri | 1938 | France | 94 |
5732 | 5591 | Tower of Nesle | Gance, Abel | 1955 | France | 120 |
5733 | 5593 | Quo Vadis? | Guazzoni, Enrico | 1913 | Italy | 120 |
5734 | 5594 | Nyamanton | Sissoko, Cheick Oumar | 1986 | Mali | 90 |
5735 | 5991 | Birds, Orphans and Fools | Jakubisko, Juraj | 1969 | Czechoslovakia | 78 |
5736 | 5595 | Love is a Many-Splendored Thing | King, Henry | 1955 | USA | 102 |
5737 | 8033 | Man I Love, The | Walsh, Raoul | 1946 | USA | 96 |
5738 | 6037 | Golden Era, The | Hui, Ann | 2014 | China | 177 |
5739 | 5599 | Forgotten Silver [TV] | Jackson, Peter & Costa Botes | 1995 | New Zealand | 53 |
5740 | 5600 | For Luck | Bauer, Yevgeni | 1917 | Russia | 40 |
5741 | 6178 | Spring Night, Summer Night | Anderson, Joseph L. | 1967 | USA | 82 |
5742 | 5601 | New York Portrait: Chapter I | Hutton, Peter B. | 1979 | USA | 16 |
5743 | 5602 | Painted Lady, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1912 | USA | 12 |
5744 | 5890 | Mid-August Lunch | Di Gregorio, Gianni | 2008 | Italy | 75 |
5745 | 6048 | Animal Crackers | Heerman, Victor | 1930 | USA | 98 |
5746 | 5855 | Basket Case | Henenlotter, Frank | 1982 | USA | 91 |
5747 | 7114 | Piccadilly | Dupont, E.A. | 1929 | UK | 110 |
5748 | 5605 | Chapman Report, The | Cukor, George | 1962 | USA | 125 |
5749 | 5606 | First Man | Chazelle, Damien | 2018 | USA | 141 |
5750 | 5608 | Aniara | Kagerman, Pella & Hugo Lilja | 2018 | Sweden | 106 |
5751 | 5607 | Cordillera of Dreams, The | Guzmán, Patricio | 2019 | France | 84 |
5752 | 5609 | Face of Fu Manchu, The | Sharp, Don | 1965 | UK | 96 |
5753 | 5610 | Juexiang | Zhang Zeming | 1986 | China | 103 |
5754 | 5897 | Unconquered | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1947 | USA | 146 |
5755 | 6995 | Open Range | Costner, Kevin | 2003 | USA | 138 |
5756 | 5880 | Chambermaid, The | Avilés, Lila | 2018 | Mexico | 102 |
5757 | 6286 | Pootie Tang | C.K., Louis | 2001 | USA | 70 |
5758 | 5616 | Balikbayan #1 Memories of Overdevelopment Redux III | Tahimik, Kidlat | 2015 | Philippines | 140 |
5759 | 5615 | In the Last Days of the City | El Said, Tamer | 2016 | Egypt | 118 |
5760 | 5617 | Swimming to Cambodia | Demme, Jonathan | 1987 | USA | 85 |
5761 | 5619 | Hound of the Baskervilles, The | Lanfield, Sidney | 1939 | USA | 80 |
5762 | 5620 | Life for a Life , A | Bauer, Yevgeni | 1916 | Russia | 66 |
5763 | 7000 | Story of the Fox, The | Starewicz, Ladislaw & Irene Starewicz | 1937 | France | 63 |
5764 | 5623 | Mother of George | Dosunmu, Andrew | 2013 | USA | 107 |
5765 | 5621 | Mercuriales | Vernier, Virgil | 2014 | France | 108 |
5766 | 5622 | Aaaaaaaah! | Oram, Steve | 2015 | UK | 79 |
5767 | 10742 | From What is Before | Diaz, Lav | 2014 | Philippines | 338 |
5768 | 5624 | Lage Raho Munna Bhai | Hirani, Rajkumar | 2006 | India | 144 |
5769 | 6070 | Separation | Bond, Jack | 1968 | UK | 93 |
5770 | 6227 | Wake of the Red Witch | Ludwig, Edward | 1948 | USA | 106 |
5771 | 5625 | Pension Mimosas | Feyder, Jacques | 1935 | France | 109 |
5772 | 5626 | Black Coal, Thin Ice | Diao Yi'nan | 2014 | China | 110 |
5773 | 5627 | Tempestad | Huezo, Tatiana | 2016 | Mexico | 105 |
5774 | 5907 | Desperate Remedies | Main, Stewart & Peter Wells | 1993 | New Zealand | 93 |
5775 | 5629 | Whales of August, The | Anderson, Lindsay | 1987 | USA | 90 |
5776 | 5630 | Jackass 3D | Tremaine, Jeff | 2010 | USA | 94 |
5777 | 6075 | Live Flesh | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1997 | Spain | 100 |
5778 | 5632 | Marge, La | Borowczyk, Walerian | 1976 | France | 88 |
5779 | 5633 | Hungerjahre - in einem reichen Land | Brückner, Jutta | 1980 | West Germany | 113 |
5780 | 6335 | Yentl | Streisand, Barbra | 1983 | USA | 134 |
5781 | 5634 | Acidente | Guimarães, Cao & Pablo Lobato | 2007 | Brazil | 72 |
5782 | 5635 | Blind Fly, The | Scavolini, Romano | 1966 | Italy | 66 |
5783 | 5636 | One False Move | Franklin, Carl | 1992 | USA | 105 |
5784 | 5637 | Blackout, The | Ferrara, Abel | 1997 | USA | 98 |
5785 | 7333 | Beau mariage, Le | Rohmer, Eric | 1982 | France | 97 |
5786 | 5639 | She Was Like a Wild Chrysanthemum | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1955 | Japan | 100 |
5787 | 5640 | Kenny | Jacobson, Clayton | 2006 | Australia | 104 |
5788 | 5642 | Lorna's Silence | Dardenne, Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne | 2008 | Belgium | 105 |
5789 | 5645 | I Married a Witch | Clair, René | 1942 | USA | 76 |
5790 | 5646 | Bride of Chucky | Yu, Ronny | 1998 | USA | 88 |
5791 | 5898 | Breakin' | Silberg, Joel | 1984 | USA | 90 |
5792 | 6333 | Another Earth | Cahill, Mike | 2011 | USA | 92 |
5793 | 5647 | State of Siege | Costa-Gavras, Constantin | 1972 | France | 120 |
5794 | 5649 | She Had Her Gun All Ready | Dick, Vivienne | 1978 | USA | 27 |
5795 | 5650 | Fascination | Rollin, Jean | 1979 | France | 80 |
5796 | 5910 | Dark Knight Rises, The | Nolan, Christopher | 2012 | USA | 165 |
5797 | 7140 | Emperor's New Groove, The | Dindal, Mark | 2000 | USA | 78 |
5798 | 5652 | Great Citizen | Ermler, Fridrikh | 1938 | USSR | 252 |
5799 | 5653 | Darkness/Light/Darkness | Švankmajer, Jan | 1989 | Czechoslovakia | 8 |
5800 | 5664 | Rango | Verbinski, Gore | 2011 | USA | 107 |
5801 | 5665 | I Shot Jesse James | Fuller, Samuel | 1949 | USA | 81 |
5802 | 6104 | Three, Two, One | Brocka, Lino | 1974 | Philippines | |
5803 | 5666 | Ties That Bind, The | Friedrich, Su | 1985 | USA | 55 |
5804 | 5668 | Pink Panther Strikes Again, The | Edwards, Blake | 1976 | UK | 103 |
5805 | 5669 | Karakter | van Diem, Mike | 1997 | Netherlands | 120 |
5806 | 5671 | Out of Phoenix Bridge | Li Hong | 1997 | China | 110 |
5807 | 5672 | Beg | Alov, Aleksandr & Vladimir Naumov | 1971 | USSR | 196 |
5808 | 5673 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty [VIDEO GAME] | Kojima, Hideo | 2001 | Japan | |
5809 | 5674 | Cisco Pike | Norton, Bill L. | 1972 | USA | 94 |
5810 | 5675 | Herr Zwilling und Frau Zuckermann | Koepp, Volker | 1999 | Germany | 126 |
5811 | 5677 | Train, Le | Granier-Deferre, Pierre | 1973 | France | 95 |
5812 | 5676 | Unfinished Diary | Mallet, Marilu | 1983 | Canada | 55 |
5813 | 5678 | Virgin of Pessac, The [TV] | Eustache, Jean | 1968 | France | 55 |
5814 | 5684 | Pocketful of Miracles | Capra, Frank | 1961 | USA | 136 |
5815 | 5688 | Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment | Drew, Robert | 1963 | USA | 52 |
5816 | 5689 | Doors, The | Stone, Oliver | 1991 | USA | 135 |
5817 | 5690 | Arme Leute | Kristi, Vlado | 1963 | West Germany | 12 |
5818 | 6115 | Frantic | Polanski, Roman | 1988 | USA | 120 |
5819 | 5692 | Wife, Be Like a Rose | Naruse, Mikio | 1935 | Japan | 74 |
5820 | 5693 | Smallest Show on Earth, The | Dearden, Basil | 1957 | UK | 80 |
5821 | 6119 | Death of Stalin, The | Iannucci, Armando | 2017 | UK | 107 |
5822 | 7283 | Help! | Lester, Richard | 1965 | UK | 92 |
5823 | 5695 | Melody | Hussein, Waris | 1971 | UK | 103 |
5824 | 7802 | Central Park | Wiseman, Frederick | 1990 | USA | 176 |
5825 | 6278 | Gatica, el mono | Favio, Leonardo | 1993 | Argentina | 136 |
5826 | 6125 | Fine Day, A | Arslan, Thomas | 2001 | Germany | 74 |
5827 | 5697 | Confessions of a Police Captain | Damiani, Damiano | 1971 | Italy | 102 |
5828 | 5699 | Far Shore, The | Wieland, Joyce | 1976 | Canada | 105 |
5829 | 5700 | Last Days of Chez Nous, The | Armstrong, Gillian | 1990 | Australia | 96 |
5830 | 8205 | Mafioso | Lattuada, Alberto | 1962 | Italy | 105 |
5831 | 5701 | Trees Lounge | Buscemi, Steve | 1996 | USA | 96 |
5832 | 5702 | Room Film 1973 | Gidal, Peter | 1973 | UK | 55 |
5833 | 5703 | Girl in Every Port, A | Hawks, Howard | 1928 | USA | 62 |
5834 | 6135 | Marriage Story | Baumbach, Noah | 2019 | USA | 136 |
5835 | 5705 | Belly Up | Brant, Beto | 1997 | Brazil | 90 |
5836 | 6137 | Diary of a Shinjuku Thief | Oshima, Nagisa | 1969 | Japan | 96 |
5837 | 5708 | Fortune Cookie, The | Wilder, Billy | 1966 | USA | 125 |
5838 | 5710 | Confidential: Secret Market | Tanaka, Noboru | 1974 | Japan | 83 |
5839 | 5711 | Woman of Mystery, The | Guy-Blaché, Alice | 1914 | USA | |
5840 | 5713 | I Are You, You Am Me | Obayashi, Nobuhiko | 1982 | Japan | 113 |
5841 | 5714 | Parasakthi | Panju, S. & R. Krishnan | 1952 | India | 188 |
5842 | 6267 | Cube | Natali, Vincenzo | 1997 | Canada | 90 |
5843 | 7092 | Oh... Rosalinda!! | Powell, Michael & Emeric Pressburger | 1955 | UK | 101 |
5844 | 5716 | Vie en rose, La | Dahan, Olivier | 2007 | France | 140 |
5845 | 5972 | Meu Nome é Tonho | Candeias, Ozualdo Ribeiro | 1969 | 95 | |
5846 | 5717 | Shree 420 | Kapoor, Raj | 1955 | India | 168 |
5847 | 6294 | Men in Black | Sonnenfeld, Barry | 1997 | USA | 98 |
5848 | 6310 | Archangel | Maddin, Guy | 1990 | Canada | 90 |
5849 | 5762 | Spider Forest | Song Il-gon | 2004 | South Korea | 112 |
5850 | 6177 | Prison | Bergman, Ingmar | 1949 | Sweden | 79 |
5851 | 5763 | Sir Henry at Rawlinson End | Roberts, Steve | 1980 | UK | 72 |
5852 | 5764 | Stravinsky Portrait, A | Leacock, Richard & Rolf Liebermann | 1966 | USA | 55 |
5853 | 5765 | Clay Bird, The | Masud, Tareque | 2002 | France | 98 |
5854 | 6035 | Custody | Legrand, Xavier | 2017 | France | 93 |
5855 | 5766 | 2 Days in Paris | Delpy, Julie | 2007 | France | 96 |
5856 | 5767 | S.V.D. - Soyuz velikogo dela | Kozintsev, Grigori & Leonid Trauberg | 1927 | USSR | |
5857 | 5975 | Entity, The | Furie, Sidney J. | 1982 | USA | 125 |
5858 | 5768 | Earthlings | Monson, Shaun | 2005 | USA | 95 |
5859 | 5769 | Two Cents Worth of Hope | Castellani, Renato | 1952 | Italy | 98 |
5860 | 5771 | Carriage Trade | Sonbert, Warren | 1971 | USA | 61 |
5861 | 6121 | Manos: The Hands of Fate | Warren, Harold P. | 1966 | USA | 74 |
5862 | 5931 | Bourne Identity, The | Liman, Doug | 2002 | USA | 118 |
5863 | 6201 | Chess Player, The | Bernard, Raymond | 1927 | France | 135 |
5864 | 6203 | First Teacher, The | Konchalovsky, Andrei | 1965 | USSR | 102 |
5865 | 5994 | 24 Hour Psycho | Gordon, Douglas | 1993 | UK | 1440 |
5866 | 5773 | Our Time | Reygadas, Carlos | 2018 | Mexico | 177 |
5867 | 5776 | Happy End | Haneke, Michael | 2017 | France | 107 |
5868 | 5780 | Lac, Un | Grandrieux, Philippe | 2008 | France | 90 |
5869 | 5777 | Love is a Dog from Hell/Crazy Love | Deruddere, Dominique | 1987 | Belgium | 90 |
5870 | 5781 | Man with Two Brains, The | Reiner, Carl | 1983 | USA | 93 |
5871 | 8409 | Lovers of the Arctic Circle, The | Medem, Julio | 1998 | Spain | 108 |
5872 | 6213 | Hana and Alice | Iwai, Shunji | 2004 | Japan | 135 |
5873 | 5786 | Langsamer Sommer | Pilz, Michael | 1976 | Austria | 84 |
5874 | 5784 | Fengming: A Chinese Memoir | Wang Bing | 2007 | Hong Kong | 186 |
5875 | 5788 | Esthappan | Aravindan, Govindan | 1980 | India | 94 |
5876 | 6228 | Cape Fear | Thompson, J. Lee | 1962 | USA | 105 |
5877 | 6076 | Read My Lips | Audiard, Jacques | 2001 | France | 118 |
5878 | 5790 | Psycho | Van Sant, Gus | 1998 | USA | 103 |
5879 | 6063 | Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade | Okiura, Hiroyuki | 1999 | Japan | 102 |
5880 | 5796 | Rich and Strange | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1931 | UK | 92 |
5881 | 5797 | Be with Me | Khoo, Eric | 2005 | Singapore | 93 |
5882 | 5798 | Criminal, The | Losey, Joseph | 1960 | UK | 86 |
5883 | 7666 | Opening of Misty Beethoven, The | Metzger, Radley | 1976 | USA | 86 |
5884 | 5800 | Princess Raccoon | Suzuki, Seijun | 2005 | Japan | 111 |
5885 | 5802 | Detention | Kahn, Joseph | 2011 | USA | 93 |
5886 | 6356 | Guns of Navarone, The | Thompson, J. Lee | 1961 | UK | 158 |
5887 | 6099 | Captain Blood | Curtiz, Michael | 1935 | USA | 119 |
5888 | 5807 | Sentimental Bloke, The | Longford, Raymond | 1919 | Australia | |
5889 | 5808 | Beekeeper, The | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1986 | France | 122 |
5890 | 6362 | David Copperfield | Cukor, George | 1935 | USA | 130 |
5891 | 5817 | Privarzaniyat balon | Zhelyazkova, Binka | 1967 | Bulgaria | 98 |
5892 | 7141 | Lourdes | Hausner, Jessica | 2009 | Austria | 99 |
5893 | 6176 | Liverpool | Alonso, Lisandro | 2008 | Argentina | 84 |
5894 | 5823 | Soñar, soñar | Favio, Leonardo | 1976 | Argentina | 85 |
5895 | 5824 | Merci pour le chocolat | Chabrol, Claude | 2000 | France | 100 |
5896 | 6366 | Birdcage, The | Nichols, Mike | 1996 | USA | 119 |
5897 | 5826 | Away from Her | Polley, Sarah | 2006 | Canada | 109 |
5898 | 5827 | All Over Me | Sichel, Alex | 1997 | USA | 86 |
5899 | 6374 | Boomerang! | Kazan, Elia | 1947 | USA | 88 |
5900 | 8071 | Event Horizon | Anderson, Paul W.S. | 1997 | USA | 95 |
5901 | 5831 | Bang! | Breer, Robert | 1986 | USA | 8 |
5902 | 5832 | Frank Film | Mouris, Frank & Caroline Mouris | 1973 | USA | 9 |
5903 | 5830 | Diabel | Zulawski, Andrzej | 1972 | Poland | 119 |
5904 | 6268 | What Happened Was... | Noonan, Tom | 1994 | USA | 91 |
5905 | 6269 | Fall, The | Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo | 1959 | Argentina | 84 |
5906 | 5835 | Safe in Hell | Wellman, William | 1931 | USA | 73 |
5907 | 5836 | Bachelor Mother | Kanin, Garson | 1939 | USA | 81 |
5908 | 5837 | Three Musketeers, The | Lester, Richard | 1973 | USA | 106 |
5909 | 5838 | T,O,U,C,H,I,N,G | Sharits, Paul | 1969 | USA | 12 |
5910 | 6116 | Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping | Schaffer, Akiva & Jorma Taccone | 2016 | USA | 87 |
5911 | 5839 | Turning Point, The | Ross, Herbert | 1977 | USA | 119 |
5912 | 5840 | Six Degrees of Separation | Schepisi, Fred | 1994 | USA | 111 |
5913 | 5841 | Pretty Village, Pretty Flame | Dragojevic, Srdjan | 1996 | Serbia | 128 |
5914 | 5842 | Cofralandes, Chilean Rhapsody | Ruiz, Raúl | 2002 | Chile | 311 |
5915 | 5843 | Mosquito Coast, The | Weir, Peter | 1986 | USA | 117 |
5916 | 5844 | Prison sans barreaux | Moguy, Léonide | 1938 | France | 98 |
5917 | 6279 | Toto a colori | Steno | 1952 | Italy | 104 |
5918 | 5846 | Zanjeer | Mehra, Prakash | 1973 | India | 145 |
5919 | 5847 | Larks on a String | Menzel, Jirí | 1969 | Czechoslovakia | 90 |
5920 | 5848 | Inside Job | Ferguson, Charles | 2010 | USA | 109 |
5921 | 6394 | Child's Garden and the Serious Sea, A | Brakhage, Stan | 1991 | USA | 80 |
5922 | 5850 | Kabhi Kabhie | Chopra, Yash | 1976 | India | 177 |
5923 | 5851 | Green Mile, The | Darabont, Frank | 1999 | USA | 188 |
5924 | 6288 | Big Boss, The | Lo Wei | 1971 | Hong Kong | 99 |
5925 | 6246 | American History X | Kaye, Tony | 1998 | USA | 117 |
5926 | 5852 | Labyrint | Lenica, Jan | 1963 | Poland | 15 |
5927 | 7254 | Creepshow | Romero, George A. | 1982 | USA | 120 |
5928 | 5853 | Adventures of Mark Twain, The | Vinton, Will | 1985 | USA | 90 |
5929 | 6420 | Triangle of Sadness | Östlund, Ruben | 2022 | UK | 147 |
5930 | 6418 | Vortex | Noé, Gaspar | 2021 | France | 142 |
5931 | 5856 | Racetrack | Wiseman, Frederick | 1985 | USA | 114 |
5932 | 6960 | Hard, Fast and Beautiful | Lupino, Ida | 1951 | USA | 79 |
5933 | 6140 | After Yang | Kogonada | 2021 | USA | 96 |
5934 | 5857 | Summer of 85 | Ozon, François | 2020 | France | 101 |
5935 | 5858 | Like You Know it All | Hong Sang-soo | 2009 | South Korea | 126 |
5936 | 6814 | About Some Meaningless Events | Derkaoui, Mostafa | 1974 | Morocco | 76 |
5937 | 5859 | Talking About Trees | Gasmelbari, Suhaib | 2019 | France | 93 |
5938 | 6565 | Blind Spot | von Alemann, Claudia | 1981 | West Germany | 112 |
5939 | 8252 | Tree of Knowledge | Malmros, Nils | 1981 | Denmark | 110 |
5940 | 6126 | Batman Begins | Nolan, Christopher | 2005 | UK | 141 |
5941 | 9327 | Nun, The | Rivette, Jacques | 1966 | France | 140 |
5942 | 6157 | Fright Night | Holland, Tom | 1985 | USA | 105 |
5943 | 5861 | Minari | Chung, Lee Isaac | 2020 | USA | 115 |
5944 | 7319 | Songs for After a War | Martín Patino, Basilio | 1976 | Spain | 115 |
5945 | 6386 | Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A | Russell, Chuck | 1987 | USA | 96 |
5946 | 5865 | Some Kind of Wonderful | Deutch, Howard | 1987 | USA | 93 |
5947 | 5866 | Golden Voyage of Sinbad, The | Hessler, Gordon | 1974 | UK | 104 |
5948 | 5872 | When Tomorrow Comes | Stahl, John M. | 1939 | USA | 92 |
5949 | 5873 | Soldier's Story, A | Jewison, Norman | 1984 | USA | 101 |
5950 | 5875 | Anne Devlin | Murphy, Pat | 1984 | Ireland | 121 |
5951 | 7563 | In Which Annie Gives it Those Ones [TV] | Krishen, Pradip | 1989 | India | 112 |
5952 | 5877 | Woman Who Ran, The | Hong Sang-soo | 2020 | South Korea | 76 |
5953 | 6315 | Tri | Petrovic, Aleksandar | 1965 | Yugoslavia | 80 |
5954 | 6184 | Most Dangerous Game, The | Schoedsack, Ernest B. & Irving Pichel | 1932 | USA | 63 |
5955 | 5878 | Frozen II | Buck, Chris & Jennifer Lee | 2019 | USA | 103 |
5956 | 5879 | Impressions | Perconte, Jacques | 2012 | France | 48 |
5957 | 5881 | Merry-Go-Round | Fábri, Zoltán | 1956 | Hungary | 90 |
5958 | 5884 | Hound of the Baskervilles, The | Fisher, Terence | 1959 | UK | 84 |
5959 | 5885 | People Will Talk | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1951 | USA | 110 |
5960 | 7112 | Dawn Patrol, The | Hawks, Howard | 1930 | USA | 82 |
5961 | 5886 | Malombra | Soldati, Mario | 1942 | Italy | 135 |
5962 | 6197 | Patu! | Mita, Merata | 1983 | New Zealand | 112 |
5963 | 5888 | Prison in Twelve Landscapes, The | Story, Brett | 2016 | Canada | 90 |
5964 | 5887 | Shoah: Four Sisters [TV] | Lanzmann, Claude | 2018 | France | 273 |
5965 | 5889 | Tiovivo c. 1950 | Garci, José Luis | 2004 | Spain | 150 |
5966 | 5891 | Kiru | Misumi, Kenji | 1962 | Japan | 71 |
5967 | 6986 | Kingdom of Heaven | Scott, Ridley | 2005 | USA | 144 |
5968 | 5893 | 17th Parallel: Vietnam in War | Ivens, Joris | 1968 | France | 113 |
5969 | 5894 | Good News: Newspaper Salesmen, Dead Dogs and Other People from Vienna | Seidl, Ulrich | 1990 | Austria | 130 |
5970 | 5895 | Year of the Horse | Jarmusch, Jim | 1997 | USA | 106 |
5971 | 5896 | Marley | Macdonald, Kevin | 2012 | USA | 145 |
5972 | 5903 | Sherpa | Peedom, Jennifer | 2015 | Australia | 96 |
5973 | 5902 | Rambo | Stallone, Sylvester | 2008 | USA | 92 |
5974 | 5901 | Original Kings of Comedy, The | Lee, Spike | 2000 | USA | 115 |
5975 | 5904 | Knight of Cups | Malick, Terrence | 2015 | USA | 118 |
5976 | 7178 | Vampire's Kiss | Bierman, Robert | 1988 | USA | 96 |
5977 | 6223 | Serbian Film, A | Spasojevic, Srdan | 2010 | Serbia | 99 |
5978 | 5905 | Totally F***ed Up | Araki, Gregg | 1993 | USA | 85 |
5979 | 5906 | Silence Has No Wings | Kuroki, Kazuo | 1966 | Japan | 100 |
5980 | 7010 | Level Five | Marker, Chris | 1997 | France | 106 |
5981 | 7013 | Secret Ceremony | Losey, Joseph | 1968 | UK | 109 |
5982 | 6334 | My Love | Matarazzo, Raffaello | 1964 | Italy | |
5983 | 6211 | Midnight in Paris | Allen, Woody | 2011 | Spain | 94 |
5984 | 7328 | Invention for Destruction | Zeman, Karel | 1958 | Czechoslovakia | 83 |
5985 | 7016 | Porto of My Childhood | Oliveira, Manoel de | 2001 | Portugal | 61 |
5986 | 5909 | Coach Carter | Carter, Thomas | 2004 | Germany | 136 |
5987 | 6336 | Redacted | De Palma, Brian | 2007 | USA | 91 |
5988 | 5912 | Grosse Pointe Blank | Armitage, George | 1997 | USA | 107 |
5989 | 6188 | Experiment, Das | Hirschbiegel, Oliver | 2000 | Germany | 118 |
5990 | 5913 | Porky in Wackyland | Clampett, Robert | 1938 | USA | 7 |
5991 | 5915 | Father and Son | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2003 | Russia | 97 |
5992 | 6340 | Fate | Kelemen, Fred | 1994 | Germany | 79 |
5993 | 5916 | Fake Fruit Factory | Strand, Chick | 1986 | USA | 22 |
5994 | 5919 | Water, Wind, Dust | Naderi, Amir | 1989 | Iran | 75 |
5995 | 5918 | For Memory | Karlin, Marc | 1986 | UK | |
5996 | 5917 | Sanctus | Hammer, Barbara | 1990 | USA | 20 |
5997 | 5920 | Magic Myxies | Smith, F. Percy & Mary Field | 1931 | UK | |
5998 | 5921 | Viva Zapata! | Kazan, Elia | 1952 | USA | 113 |
5999 | 5923 | Wechma | Benani, Hamid | 1971 | Morocco | 87 |
6000 | 6238 | Nightcrawler | Gilroy, Dan | 2014 | USA | 117 |
6001 | 3906 | Cry When it Happens | Lertxundi, Laida | 2010 | USA | 14 |
6002 | 6001 | Flying Ghost Ship, The | Ikeda, Hiroshi | 1969 | Japan | 60 |
6003 | 6002 | Land of the Fathers | Ajmanov, Shaken | 1966 | USSR | 91 |
6004 | 6003 | Little Richard Story, The | Klein, William | 1980 | West Germany | 90 |
6005 | 6004 | Ask a Policeman | Varnel, Marcel | 1938 | UK | 83 |
6006 | 6005 | Death in the Land of Encantos | Diaz, Lav | 2007 | Philippines | 540 |
6007 | 6016 | Violanta | Schmid, Daniel | 1978 | Switzerland | 95 |
6008 | 6006 | Shine, Shine, My Star | Mitta, Aleksandr | 1970 | USSR | 94 |
6009 | 6007 | Anthem, The | Weerasethakul, Apichatpong | 2006 | Thailand | 5 |
6010 | 6010 | Shetland Experience, The | Williams, Derek | 1977 | UK | |
6011 | 6015 | Bintang Kejora | Umam, Chaerul | 1986 | Indonesia | 88 |
6012 | 6009 | Faszinierendes Puppenhaus | Versum, Uli | 1987 | West Germany | 9 |
6013 | 6012 | Mapantsula | Schmitz, Oliver | 1988 | South Africa | 104 |
6014 | 6014 | Great Day | Comfort, Lance | 1945 | UK | 94 |
6015 | 6008 | Mademoiselle Chambon | Brizé, Stéphane | 2009 | France | 101 |
6016 | 6011 | Golfball - Ode to IBM | Mattuschka, Mara | 1985 | Austria | 6 |
6017 | 6013 | Mining Review 36th Year No. 5 | Uncredited Director | 1983 | ||
6018 | 6017 | Bitter Coffee | Karya, Teguh | 1985 | Indonesia | 100 |
6019 | 6018 | Camelot | Logan, Joshua | 1967 | USA | 178 |
6020 | 6019 | Matter of Time, A | Minnelli, Vincente | 1976 | Italy | 97 |
6021 | 8001 | Godzilla vs. Hedorah | Banno, Yoshimitsu | 1971 | Japan | 85 |
6022 | 6020 | In the Stone House | Hiler, Jerome | 2012 | USA | 35 |
6023 | 6021 | Killing of America, The | Renan, Sheldon | 1982 | USA | 90 |
6024 | 6022 | Riese, Der | Klier, Michael | 1983 | West Germany | 82 |
6025 | 8002 | Be Kind Rewind | Gondry, Michel | 2008 | UK | 102 |
6026 | 6023 | Passacaglia y Fuga | Honik, Jorge | 1975 | Argentina | 18 |
6027 | 8004 | Gods of the Plague | Fassbinder, Rainer Werner | 1969 | West Germany | 91 |
6028 | 8003 | Family Relations | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1982 | USSR | 98 |
6029 | 6024 | Prince and the Showgirl, The | Olivier, Laurence | 1957 | UK | 115 |
6030 | 6025 | Eau de la Seine, L' | Hernandez, Téo | 1983 | France | 11 |
6031 | 9714 | Karkalou | Tornes, Stavros | 1984 | Greece | 85 |
6032 | 6026 | Centuries of June | Brakhage, Stan & Joseph Cornell | 1955 | USA | 11 |
6033 | 6027 | Wait | Gehr, Ernie | 1968 | USA | 7 |
6034 | 8010 | Takaya pozdnyaya, takaya tyoplaya osen | Mikolaychuk, Ivan | 1981 | USSR | 88 |
6035 | 8005 | Insignificant Details of a Random Episode | Mestetskiy, Mikhail | 2011 | Russia | 29 |
6036 | 8006 | Torero | Velo, Carlos | 1956 | Mexico | 75 |
6037 | 8007 | Stolen Death | Tapiovaara, Nyrki | 1938 | Finland | 101 |
6038 | 6028 | Visions in Meditation #1 | Brakhage, Stan | 1989 | USA | 20 |
6039 | 8008 | Heat and Sunlight | Nilsson, Rob | 1988 | USA | 98 |
6040 | 8009 | Cat That Hated People, The | Avery, Tex | 1948 | USA | 7 |
6041 | 8013 | Anjos do Arrabalde | Reichenbach, Carlos | 1987 | Brazil | 90 |
6042 | 8011 | Lilies | Greyson, John | 1996 | Canada | 92 |
6043 | 6030 | Veuves de 15 ans, Les | Rouch, Jean | 1965 | France | 25 |
6044 | 9003 | Little Women | Gerwig, Greta | 2019 | USA | 135 |
6045 | 8012 | Africa's Light | Kumashiro, Tatsumi | 1975 | Japan | 95 |
6046 | 8025 | City on Fire | Lam, Ringo | 1987 | Hong Kong | 101 |
6047 | 6031 | History of the Seattle Mariners, The [TV] | Bois, Jon | 2020 | USA | 220 |
6048 | 6032 | Pray the Devil Back to Hell | Reticker, Gini | 2008 | USA | 72 |
6049 | 8026 | Melvin and Howard | Demme, Jonathan | 1980 | USA | 95 |
6050 | 8034 | Too Many Ways to Be No. 1 | Wai Ka-Fai | 1997 | Hong Kong | 90 |
6051 | 5924 | Garage | Abrahamson, Lenny | 2007 | Ireland | 85 |
6052 | 5925 | Love Movie, A | Bressane, Júlio | 2003 | Brazil | 116 |
6053 | 5926 | Tales of Ordinary Madness | Ferreri, Marco | 1981 | Italy | 101 |
6054 | 5927 | Cruel Romance, A | Ryazanov, Eldar | 1984 | USSR | 142 |
6055 | 5928 | Shower | Zhang Yang | 1999 | China | 94 |
6056 | 5929 | Too Beautiful for You/Trop belle pour toi! | Blier, Bertrand | 1989 | France | 91 |
6057 | 6236 | Bait | Jenkin, Mark | 2019 | UK | 89 |
6058 | 7246 | Blind Husbands | von Stroheim, Erich | 1919 | USA | 98 |
6059 | 6360 | Blue Light, The | Riefenstahl, Leni | 1932 | Germany | 77 |
6060 | 7678 | Wheels on Meals | Sammo Hung Kam-Bo | 1984 | Hong Kong | 108 |
6061 | 5932 | I for India | Suri, Sandhya | 2005 | Italy | |
6062 | 5933 | Prends la route | Boyer, Jean | 1936 | France | 87 |
6063 | 5934 | For My Crushed Right Eye | Matsumoto, Toshio | 1968 | Japan | 13 |
6064 | 5935 | Ecstasy of the Angels | Wakamatsu, Koji | 1972 | Japan | 89 |
6065 | 5936 | Goddess, The | Cromwell, John | 1958 | USA | 104 |
6066 | 9709 | Sneakers | Robinson, Phil Alden | 1992 | USA | 126 |
6067 | 5941 | Fandango | Reynolds, Kevin | 1985 | USA | 91 |
6068 | 5944 | Germinal | Capellani, Albert | 1913 | France | 150 |
6069 | 5946 | Aaltra | Delépine, Benoît & Gustave Kervern | 2004 | Belgium | 92 |
6070 | 7032 | Muppet Christmas Carol, The | Henson, Brian | 1992 | USA | 85 |
6071 | 5948 | Unknown Soldier's Patent Leather Shoes, The | Vulchanov, Rangel | 1979 | Bulgaria | 85 |
6072 | 5949 | American Me | Olmos, Edward James | 1992 | USA | 126 |
6073 | 5950 | Libera me | Cavalier, Alain | 1993 | France | 75 |
6074 | 7775 | Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan/Ai nu | Chor Yuen | 1972 | Hong Kong | 90 |
6075 | 8014 | Gymkata | Clouse, Robert | 1985 | USA | 90 |
6076 | 6231 | Grudge, The | Shimizu, Takashi | 2002 | Japan | 91 |
6077 | 5953 | Mala Noche | Van Sant, Gus | 1986 | USA | 78 |
6078 | 5956 | Thampu | Aravindan, Govindan | 1978 | India | 129 |
6079 | 5954 | Liberté, la nuit | Garrel, Philippe | 1984 | France | 82 |
6080 | 5955 | Wind is Driving Him Toward the Open Sea, The | Brooks, David | 1968 | USA | 52 |
6081 | 5959 | Romancing the Stone | Zemeckis, Robert | 1984 | USA | 105 |
6082 | 5960 | Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural/Lady Dracula | Blackburn, Richard | 1973 | USA | 80 |
6083 | 6378 | Little Toys | Sun Yu | 1933 | China | 114 |
6084 | 5961 | Claudine | Berry, John | 1974 | USA | 92 |
6085 | 5963 | In the Soup | Rockwell, Alexandre | 1992 | USA | 90 |
6086 | 7499 | None Shall Escape | de Toth, André | 1944 | USA | 85 |
6087 | 8015 | Yes Man | Reed, Peyton | 2008 | USA | 104 |
6088 | 6382 | Benilde or the Virgin Mother | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1975 | Portugal | 112 |
6089 | 6965 | Reflecting Skin, The | Ridley, Philip | 1990 | UK | 106 |
6090 | 5964 | Mississippi Masala | Nair, Mira | 1991 | USA | 118 |
6091 | 6385 | Rock 'n' Roll High School | Arkush, Allan | 1979 | USA | 93 |
6092 | 5965 | Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart at the River Styx | Misumi, Kenji | 1972 | Japan | 95 |
6093 | 5966 | Pride and Prejudice | Leonard, Robert Z. | 1940 | USA | 118 |
6094 | 5967 | Property is No Longer a Theft | Petri, Elio | 1973 | Italy | 125 |
6095 | 5968 | Capitalism: Slavery | Jacobs, Ken | 2007 | USA | 3 |
6096 | 5969 | Eye Above the Well, The | van der Keuken, Johan | 1988 | Netherlands | 94 |
6097 | 7293 | Kairat | Omirbayev, Darezhan | 1992 | Kazakhstan | 72 |
6098 | 5970 | March of the Penguins | Jacquet, Luc | 2005 | France | 80 |
6099 | 7131 | Ballast | Hammer, Lance | 2008 | USA | 96 |
6100 | 5971 | East of Paradise | Kowalski, Lech | 2005 | USA | |
6101 | 6281 | Mission: Impossible - Fallout | McQuarrie, Christopher | 2018 | USA | 147 |
6102 | 7297 | Year of the Dragon | Cimino, Michael | 1985 | USA | 136 |
6103 | 5973 | Disorderly Orderly, The | Tashlin, Frank | 1964 | USA | 90 |
6104 | 7156 | Last Circus, The | de la Iglesia, Álex | 2010 | Spain | 107 |
6105 | 5974 | Critique of Separation | Debord, Guy | 1961 | France | 20 |
6106 | 5977 | Street, The | Leaf, Caroline | 1976 | Canada | 10 |
6107 | 6265 | Killed the Family and Went to the Movies | Bressane, Júlio | 1969 | Brazil | 78 |
6108 | 5978 | Latino Bar | Leduc, Paul | 1991 | Spain | 84 |
6109 | 5979 | Vie commence demain, La | Védrès, Nicole | 1949 | France | 86 |
6110 | 6521 | Trial of the Chicago 7, The | Sorkin, Aaron | 2020 | USA | 129 |
6111 | 6882 | Final Flesh | Sanders, Ike | 2009 | USA | 71 |
6112 | 6959 | Hunters, The | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1977 | Greece | 168 |
6113 | 5981 | Pochta | Tsekhanovskiy, Mikhail | 1929 | USSR | |
6114 | 8031 | Bully | Clark, Larry | 2001 | France | 112 |
6115 | 7086 | Jeannette: The Childhood of Joan of Arc | Dumont, Bruno | 2017 | France | 105 |
6116 | 6795 | Mumblecore | Boyle, Megan & Tao Lin | 2011 | USA | 85 |
6117 | 6296 | Long Kiss Goodnight, The | Harlin, Renny | 1996 | USA | 120 |
6118 | 7317 | Bad Guy | Kim Ki-duk | 2001 | South Korea | 100 |
6119 | 5983 | Sparrow, The | Chahine, Youssef | 1972 | Egypt | 105 |
6120 | 5987 | Utu | Murphy, Geoff | 1983 | New Zealand | 104 |
6121 | 6034 | Bo Burnham: Inside [TV] | Burnham, Bo | 2021 | USA | 87 |
6122 | 6971 | Struggle, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1931 | USA | 87 |
6123 | 5988 | Testament | Akomfrah, John | 1988 | Ghana | 88 |
6124 | 6308 | Into Great Silence | Gröning, Philip | 2005 | Germany | 164 |
6125 | 5989 | Last of the Unjust, The | Lanzmann, Claude | 2013 | France | 220 |
6126 | 5990 | K. | Parker, Jayne | 1989 | UK | 13 |
6127 | 7327 | Birdsong | Serra, Albert | 2008 | Spain | 98 |
6128 | 7199 | Walking the Streets of Moscow | Daneliya, Georgi | 1964 | USSR | 78 |
6129 | 7162 | Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, The | Hooper, Tobe | 1986 | USA | 101 |
6130 | 8216 | Hunt for Red October, The | McTiernan, John | 1990 | USA | 135 |
6131 | 6275 | Star Trek | Abrams, J.J. | 2009 | USA | 127 |
6132 | 5992 | When I Am Dead and Gone | Pavlovic, Zivojin | 1967 | Yugoslavia | 79 |
6133 | 6036 | Woman with Flowers | Strand, Chick | 1995/2011 | 16 | |
6134 | 5993 | Darkness in Tallinn | Jarvi-Laturi, Ilkka | 1993 | Finland | 99 |
6135 | 6038 | Rosa Luxemburg | von Trotta, Margarethe | 1986 | Germany | 122 |
6136 | 6039 | Portuguese Woman, The | Azevedo Gomes, Rita | 2018 | Portugal | 136 |
6137 | 6041 | Watching the Detectives | Kennedy, Chris | 2017 | Canada | 36 |
6138 | 6044 | Socialism | von Bagh, Peter | 2014 | Finland | 86 |
6139 | 6045 | Letter from Beirut, A | Saab, Jocelyne | 1978 | France | 50 |
6140 | 6042 | Vida perra de Juanita Narboni, La | Benlyazid, Farida | 2005 | Morocco | 10 |
6141 | 6040 | Dreams of the Centenarians, The | Verba, Robertas | 1969 | Lithuania | 17 |
6142 | 6043 | Dreamed Ones, The | Beckermann, Ruth | 2016 | Austria | |
6143 | 6982 | Grand Maneuver, The | Clair, René | 1955 | France | 104 |
6144 | 5995 | Adjuster, The | Egoyan, Atom | 1991 | Canada | 102 |
6145 | 5996 | New York Ripper, The | Fulci, Lucio | 1982 | Italy | 91 |
6146 | 7210 | Song of Bernadette, The | King, Henry | 1943 | USA | 156 |
6147 | 5998 | Double Suicide of Sonezaki | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1978 | Japan | 112 |
6148 | 6047 | Jovana Lukina | Nikolic, Zivko | 1979 | Yugoslavia | 99 |
6149 | 8310 | Who'll Stop the Rain? | Reisz, Karel | 1978 | USA | 126 |
6150 | 5999 | Nadja | Almereyda, Michael | 1995 | USA | 92 |
6151 | 6309 | Grand Bizarre, The | Mack, Jodie | 2018 | USA | 60 |
6152 | 6321 | Eternal Love, The | Zhu Shilin | 1960 | ||
6153 | 6049 | Brother 2 | Balabanov, Aleksei | 2000 | Russia | 122 |
6154 | 6050 | Va savoir | Rivette, Jacques | 2001 | France | 154 |
6155 | 6051 | Red Persimmon | Wang Tung | 1996 | Taiwan | 168 |
6156 | Earth Mama | Leaf, Savanah | 2023 | UK | 101 | |
6157 | 6053 | Cardinal, The | Preminger, Otto | 1963 | USA | 175 |
6158 | 7343 | Carmen Comes Home | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1951 | Japan | 86 |
6159 | 6056 | Place in the World, A | Aristakisian, Artour | 2001 | Russia | 126 |
6160 | 6057 | Bent Time | Hammer, Barbara | 1983 | USA | 22 |
6161 | 6054 | Miss Muerte | Franco, Jesús | 1966 | France | 86 |
6162 | 6055 | Tey | Gomis, Alain | 2012 | France | 86 |
6163 | 6058 | Battement de coeur | Decoin, Henri | 1940 | France | 97 |
6164 | 7118 | He Ran All the Way | Berry, John | 1951 | USA | 77 |
6165 | 6060 | She, a Chinese | Guo Xiaolu | 2009 | UK | |
6166 | 6061 | Solidarity | Wieland, Joyce | 1973 | Canada | 11 |
6167 | 6059 | Skies of Our Childhood, The | Okeev, Tolomush | 1966 | USSR | 78 |
6168 | 6062 | Spy Who Came in from the Cold, The | Ritt, Martin | 1965 | UK | 112 |
6169 | 6329 | Prisoners | Villeneuve, Denis | 2013 | USA | 153 |
6170 | 6064 | Lapis | Whitney, James | 1966 | USA | 10 |
6171 | 7122 | Marat/Sade | Brook, Peter | 1966 | UK | 115 |
6172 | 6067 | Lost Book Found | Cohen, Jem | 1996 | USA | 35 |
6173 | 6065 | World Not Ours, A | Fleifel, Mahdi | 2012 | UK | 93 |
6174 | 6066 | Hurt [MUSIC VIDEO] | Romanek, Mark | 2003 | USA | 4 |
6175 | 6069 | Africa Addio | Jacopetti, Gualtiero | 1966 | Italy | 122 |
6176 | 6068 | Harmony Lessons | Baigazin, Eric | 2013 | Kazakhstan | 120 |
6177 | 7108 | Escape from L.A. | Carpenter, John | 1996 | USA | 101 |
6178 | 6071 | People of No Importance | Verneuil, Henri | 1956 | France | 101 |
6179 | 7014 | Khang lang phap | Songsri, Cherd | 2001 | Thailand | 110 |
6180 | 6073 | Crossroads | Shen Xiling | 1937 | China | 110 |
6181 | 6074 | One Day a Man Bought a House | Sapegin, Pjotr | 1998 | Norway | 7 |
6182 | 6077 | Daïnah la métisse | Grémillon, Jean | 1932 | France | 51 |
6183 | 6078 | Diary of a Mad Housewife | Perry, Frank | 1970 | USA | 103 |
6184 | 6080 | Night Games | Zetterling, Mai | 1966 | Sweden | 90 |
6185 | 6079 | Alaya | Dorsky, Nathaniel | 1987 | USA | 28 |
6186 | 6081 | Woman of the Year | Stevens, George | 1942 | USA | 112 |
6187 | 6082 | Brothers Karamazov, The | Brooks, Richard | 1958 | USA | 145 |
6188 | 6083 | Bleu | Hurtado, Marc & Éric Hurtado | 1994 | France | 34 |
6189 | 6084 | Swing Shift | Demme, Jonathan | 1984 | USA | 100 |
6190 | 6087 | Trobriand Cricket | Kildea, Gary & Jerry Leach | 1975 | UK | 53 |
6191 | 6085 | Smog | Rossi, Franco | 1962 | Italy | 104 |
6192 | 6086 | Windy Day | Hubley, Faith & John Hubley | 1968 | USA | 8 |
6193 | 6088 | Black Tower, The | Smith, John | 1987 | UK | 23 |
6194 | 7021 | Farewell to Dream | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1956 | Japan | 78 |
6195 | 6089 | Calamity Jane | Butler, David | 1953 | USA | 101 |
6196 | 7109 | Body Snatcher, The | Wise, Robert | 1945 | USA | 77 |
6197 | 6092 | Downtown 81 | Bertoglio, Edo | 2000 | USA | 73 |
6198 | 6093 | Trouble in Mind | Rudolph, Alan | 1985 | USA | 111 |
6199 | 6094 | Turumba | Tahimik, Kidlat | 1981 | Philippines | 95 |
6200 | 6096 | Magdalene Sisters, The | Mullan, Peter | 2002 | UK | 119 |
6201 | 6098 | Citizen Dog | Sasanatieng, Wisit | 2004 | Thailand | 100 |
6202 | 6240 | Cremaster 1 | Barney, Matthew | 1995 | USA | 40 |
6203 | 6100 | Man of Iron | Wajda, Andrzej | 1981 | Poland | 140 |
6204 | 6101 | Murders in the Zoo | Sutherland, A. Edward | 1933 | USA | 62 |
6205 | 6102 | Teesri Kasam | Bhattacharya, Basu | 1967 | India | 159 |
6206 | 6105 | 42 Up [TV] | Apted, Michael | 1998 | UK | 139 |
6207 | 7776 | Sparrow | To, Johnnie | 2008 | Hong Kong | 87 |
6208 | 6106 | Bhavni Bhavai | Mehta, Ketan | 1980 | India | 135 |
6209 | 7142 | Bernie | Linklater, Richard | 2011 | USA | 104 |
6210 | 7555 | Bad Santa | Zwigoff, Terry | 2003 | USA | 91 |
6211 | 6369 | Blood for Dracula | Morrissey, Paul | 1974 | Italy | 106 |
6212 | 6107 | Oculus | Flanagan, Mike | 2013 | USA | 104 |
6213 | 5648 | Until the End of the World | Wenders, Wim | 1991 | Germany | 158 |
6214 | 6368 | Donnie Brasco | Newell, Mike | 1997 | USA | 121 |
6215 | 6371 | Time After Time | Meyer, Nicholas | 1979 | USA | 112 |
6216 | 6108 | Big Snit, The | Condie, Richard | 1985 | Canada | 10 |
6217 | 6109 | Lisa and the Devil | Bava, Mario | 1972 | Italy | 92 |
6218 | 7038 | Nargess | Bani-Etemad, Rakhshan | 1992 | Iran | 100 |
6219 | 7359 | Paranormal Activity | Peli, Oren | 2007 | USA | 86 |
6220 | 6355 | Memories of Prison | Pereira dos Santos, Nelson | 1984 | Brazil | 185 |
6221 | 7149 | Pitfall | Teshigahara, Hiroshi | 1962 | Japan | 97 |
6222 | 6359 | Pais de Sao Sarue, O | Carvalho, Vladimir | 1971 | Brazil | 80 |
6223 | 8331 | Asya's Happiness | Konchalovsky, Andrei | 1966 | USSR | 99 |
6224 | 6113 | Tarang | Shahani, Kumar | 1984 | India | 171 |
6225 | 7045 | You Have Been Weighed and Found Wanting | Brocka, Lino | 1974 | Philippines | 126 |
6226 | 6117 | It | Muschietti, Andy | 2017 | USA | 135 |
6227 | 6118 | Lost World, The | Hoyt, Harry O. | 1925 | USA | 65 |
6228 | 7052 | Allonsanfan | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 1973 | Italy | 115 |
6229 | 7056 | Ombra, L' | Bianchi, Giorgio | 1954 | France | 96 |
6230 | 10004 | Cabina, La [TV] | Mercero, Antonio | 1972 | Spain | 35 |
6231 | 7060 | Big Knife, The | Aldrich, Robert | 1955 | USA | 111 |
6232 | 7172 | Sky Turns, The | Álvarez, Mercedes | 2004 | Spain | 115 |
6233 | 7255 | Bucket of Blood, A | Corman, Roger | 1959 | USA | 66 |
6234 | 7065 | Applause | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1929 | USA | 80 |
6235 | 6395 | 48 Hrs. | Hill, Walter | 1982 | USA | 97 |
6236 | 6129 | Cinderella | Reiniger, Lotte | 1922 | Germany | 13 |
6237 | 6130 | Marginal Ones, The | Sen, Mrinal | 1977 | India | 116 |
6238 | 7716 | Correspondencia Jonas Mekas - J.L. Guerin | Mekas, Jonas & José Luis Guerín | 2011 | Spain | 90 |
6239 | 6131 | Money Money Money | Lelouch, Claude | 1972 | France | 113 |
6240 | 6133 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Barron, Steve | 1990 | USA | 93 |
6241 | 6134 | Last Dragon, The | Schultz, Michael | 1985 | USA | 109 |
6242 | 6136 | Monkey in Winter, A | Verneuil, Henri | 1962 | France | 104 |
6243 | 8790 | Thirst | Park Chan-wook | 2009 | South Korea | 133 |
6244 | 6439 | Living Daylights, The | Glen, John | 1987 | UK | 130 |
6245 | 6453 | Tempest, The | Jarman, Derek | 1979 | UK | 95 |
6246 | 6910 | Tumbbad | Barve, Rahi Anil | 2018 | India | 104 |
6247 | 6908 | There is No Evil | Rasoulof, Mohammad | 2020 | Germany | 151 |
6248 | 6749 | Open All Night | Pearson, George | 1934 | UK | 62 |
6249 | 7071 | Show Boat | Whale, James | 1936 | USA | 113 |
6250 | 7707 | Journey to the Beginning of the World | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1997 | Portugal | 91 |
6251 | 6138 | In Front of Your Face | Hong Sang-soo | 2021 | South Korea | 85 |
6252 | 6139 | Pig | Sarnoski, Michael | 2021 | USA | 92 |
6253 | 6631 | Beginning | Kulumbegashvili, Dea | 2020 | Georgia | 130 |
6254 | 6146 | Equalizer, The | Fuqua, Antoine | 2014 | USA | 132 |
6255 | 6144 | Girls of the Night | Tanaka, Kinuyo | 1961 | Japan | 93 |
6256 | 6421 | Corsage | Kreutzer, Marie | 2022 | Austria | 113 |
6257 | 6143 | Tlamess | Slim, Alaeddine | 2019 | Tunisia | 120 |
6258 | 6145 | Demons | Matsumoto, Toshio | 1971 | Japan | 134 |
6259 | 6142 | I'm Your Man | Schrader, Maria | 2021 | Germany | 108 |
6260 | 6147 | Asylum [TV] | Petit, Christopher & Iain Sinclair | 2000 | UK | 56 |
6261 | 6150 | Cassandra Crossing, The | Cosmatos, George P. | 1977 | UK | 127 |
6262 | 6151 | Mysterious Mr. Moto | Foster, Norman | 1938 | USA | 62 |
6263 | 6152 | Parallel Street, The | Khittl, Ferdinand | 1962 | West Germany | 86 |
6264 | 6155 | Notes on Blindness | Middleton, Peter & James Spinney | 2016 | UK | 90 |
6265 | 6154 | Crush and Blush | Lee Kyoung-mi | 2008 | South Korea | 101 |
6266 | 6153 | Double Messieurs | Stévenin, Jean-François | 1986 | France | 90 |
6267 | 6156 | Petal, A | Jang Sun-Woo | 1996 | South Korea | 89 |
6268 | 7536 | Involuntary | Östlund, Ruben | 2008 | Sweden | 102 |
6269 | 6427 | Asylum | Baker, Roy Ward | 1972 | UK | 92 |
6270 | 6159 | Passing | Hall, Rebecca | 2021 | USA | 99 |
6271 | 6163 | Dead Pigs | Yan, Cathy | 2018 | China | |
6272 | 6162 | Utøya: July 22 | Poppe, Erik | 2018 | Norway | 93 |
6273 | 6161 | Hottest August, The | Story, Brett | 2019 | Canada | 94 |
6274 | 6158 | Collective | Nanau, Alexander | 2019 | Romania | 109 |
6275 | 6160 | Walking from Munich to Berlin | Fischinger, Oskar | 1927 | Germany | 3 |
6276 | 7539 | Komal Gandhar | Ghatak, Ritwik | 1961 | India | 134 |
6277 | 8032 | Maidan | Loznitsa, Sergei | 2014 | Ukraine | 130 |
6278 | 6166 | Bangkok Nites | Tomita, Katsuya | 2016 | Thailand | 183 |
6279 | 6164 | Wallay | Goldblat, Berni | 2017 | France | 84 |
6280 | 6167 | Beast, The/The Beast of War | Reynolds, Kevin | 1988 | USA | 109 |
6281 | 7102 | Presents | Snow, Michael | 1981 | Canada | 99 |
6282 | 6974 | Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The | Jennings, Garth | 2005 | USA | 110 |
6283 | 6168 | Afterimage | Wajda, Andrzej | 2016 | Poland | 98 |
6284 | 6169 | Place Beyond the Pines, The | Cianfrance, Derek | 2012 | USA | 140 |
6285 | 6170 | 24 Frames | Kiarostami, Abbas | 2017 | Iran | 114 |
6286 | 6173 | Ixcanul | Bustamante, Jayro | 2015 | Guatemala | 93 |
6287 | 6174 | Angels Wear White | Qu, Vivian | 2017 | China | 107 |
6288 | 6171 | Private Life of a Cat, The | Hammid, Alexander | 1944 | USA | 22 |
6289 | 6172 | Gonin | Ishii, Takashi | 1995 | Japan | 109 |
6290 | 7204 | Injury to One, An | Wilkerson, Travis | 2002 | USA | 53 |
6291 | 6179 | Stud Life | Campbell X | 2012 | UK | 91 |
6292 | 6183 | Launch | Martin, Murray & Peter Roberts | 1974 | UK | |
6293 | 6181 | Babymother | Henriques, Julian | 1998 | UK | 82 |
6294 | 6180 | Men of Consett | Stobart, Thomas | 1959 | UK | 28 |
6295 | 6182 | Building of the New Tyne Bridge, The | Dorman, Long & Co | 1928 | UK | 47 |
6296 | 10222 | Mask of Dimitrios, The | Negulesco, Jean | 1944 | USA | 95 |
6297 | 6185 | Passing Through | Clark, Larry (A) | 1977 | USA | 105 |
6298 | 6186 | Father's Garden: The Love of My Parents | Liechti, Peter | 2013 | Switzerland | 93 |
6299 | 7107 | Portrait of Madame Yuki | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1950 | Japan | 88 |
6300 | 6187 | Death of a President | Kawalerowicz, Jerzy | 1978 | Poland | 144 |
6301 | 6412 | Marcides | Nasrallah, Yousry | 1993 | Egypt | 108 |
6302 | 6189 | Visage | Tsai Ming-liang | 2009 | France | 138 |
6303 | 6190 | Gunfight at the O.K. Corral | Sturges, John | 1957 | USA | 122 |
6304 | 6987 | Mona Lisa | Jordan, Neil | 1986 | UK | 104 |
6305 | 6193 | Outrageous! | Benner, Richard | 1977 | Canada | 100 |
6306 | 6199 | Ngati | Barclay, Barry | 1987 | New Zealand | 92 |
6307 | 6195 | Ebola Syndrome | Yau, Herman | 1996 | Hong Kong | 98 |
6308 | 6194 | Taxidermia | Pálfi, György | 2006 | Hungary | |
6309 | 6196 | Two Cars, One Night | Waititi, Taika | 2003 | New Zealand | 12 |
6310 | 6198 | Crazy | Honigmann, Heddy | 1999 | Netherlands | 97 |
6311 | 6200 | Something Like a War | Dhanraj, Deepa | 1991 | India | 63 |
6312 | 6202 | Sweet Dreams | Moretti, Nanni | 1981 | Italy | 105 |
6313 | 6204 | Age of Possibilities, The | Ferran, Pascale | 1995 | France | 102 |
6314 | 6205 | Uthiri Pookkal | Mahendran, J. | 1979 | India | 143 |
6315 | 8442 | Ride the Pink Horse | Montgomery, Robert | 1947 | USA | 101 |
6316 | 6991 | White Christmas | Curtiz, Michael | 1954 | USA | 120 |
6317 | 6990 | Pearl, The | Fernández, Emilio | 1948 | Mexico | 77 |
6318 | 6207 | Working Girls | Arzner, Dorothy | 1931 | USA | 77 |
6319 | 6208 | West of Zanzibar | Browning, Tod | 1928 | USA | 65 |
6320 | 6209 | Finally Got the News… | Bird, Stewart/Peter Gessner/René Lichtman/John Louis Jr. | 1970 | USA | 56 |
6321 | 6210 | Red Hollywood | Andersen, Thom & Noël Burch | 1996 | USA | 118 |
6322 | 6212 | Company of Strangers, The | Scott, Cynthia | 1990 | Canada | 100 |
6323 | 6215 | Contact High | Glawogger, Michael | 2009 | Austria | 98 |
6324 | 6214 | One Deadly Summer | Becker, Jean | 1983 | France | 133 |
6325 | 7119 | Power of Kangwon Province, The | Hong Sang-soo | 1998 | South Korea | 110 |
6326 | 8105 | Chan is Missing | Wang, Wayne | 1982 | USA | 80 |
6327 | 6216 | L-Shaped Room, The | Forbes, Bryan | 1963 | UK | 125 |
6328 | 6217 | Reci, reci, reci... | Pavlátová, Michaela | 1991 | Czechoslovakia | 10 |
6329 | 6220 | She Puppet | Ahwesh, Peggy | 2001 | USA | |
6330 | 6219 | Two Sisters | Leaf, Caroline | 1991 | Canada | 10 |
6331 | 6218 | Great Art of Knowing, The | Gatten, David | 2004 | USA | 37 |
6332 | 6221 | Witches of Eastwick, The | Miller, George | 1987 | USA | 118 |
6333 | 6222 | Sukiyaki Western Django | Miike, Takashi | 2007 | Japan | 121 |
6334 | 6226 | Love Hotel | Somai, Shinji | 1985 | Japan | 88 |
6335 | 6225 | Sawwaq el-Utubis | El-Tayeb, Atef | 1982 | Egypt | 107 |
6336 | 6224 | Times and Winds | Erdem, Reha | 2006 | Turkey | 111 |
6337 | 7003 | Amityville Horror, The | Rosenberg, Stuart | 1979 | USA | 117 |
6338 | 6229 | Sanggyedong Olympic | Kim Dong-won | 1988 | South Korea | 27 |
6339 | 6230 | Private Life of Henry VIII, The | Korda, Alexander | 1933 | UK | 97 |
6340 | 6232 | Things Behind the Sun | Anders, Allison | 2001 | USA | 120 |
6341 | 6233 | Tin Cup | Shelton, Ron | 1996 | USA | 130 |
6342 | 6234 | Friday Night Lights | Berg, Peter | 2004 | USA | 118 |
6343 | 6235 | Hoffa | DeVito, Danny | 1992 | USA | 140 |
6344 | 7200 | Grande Vadrouille, La | Oury, Gérard | 1966 | France | 132 |
6345 | 7128 | Birth of the Seanema | Ariyavicha, Sasithorn | 2004 | Thailand | |
6346 | 7017 | Sea Hawk, The | Curtiz, Michael | 1940 | USA | 127 |
6347 | 6237 | Gabbla | Teguia, Tariq | 2008 | Algeria | 140 |
6348 | 7171 | Saw | Wan, James | 2004 | USA | 102 |
6349 | 7192 | Beast of the City, The | Brabin, Charles | 1932 | USA | 87 |
6350 | 7023 | House of 72 Tenants, The | Chor Yuen | 1973 | Hong Kong | 98 |
6351 | 6239 | Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon, The | Serikawa, Yugo | 1963 | Japan | 86 |
6352 | 6242 | Girlfight | Kusama, Karyn | 2000 | USA | 110 |
6353 | 6243 | I Spit on Your Grave | Zarchi, Meir | 1978 | USA | 100 |
6354 | 7245 | Enchanted | Lima, Kevin | 2007 | USA | 107 |
6355 | 6245 | Opposite of Sex, The | Roos, Don | 1998 | USA | 105 |
6356 | 6248 | Weekend at Bernie's | Kotcheff, Ted | 1989 | USA | 97 |
6357 | 6250 | Leopard Man, The | Tourneur, Jacques | 1943 | USA | 66 |
6358 | 6252 | Ritam zlocina | Tadic, Zoran | 1981 | Yugoslavia | 89 |
6359 | 9548 | Portrait of a Young Girl at the End of the 1960s in Brussels [TV] | Akerman, Chantal | 1994 | France | 59 |
6360 | 6253 | Girl and Her Trust, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1912 | USA | 15 |
6361 | 6254 | Nueve cartas a Berta | Martín Patino, Basilio | 1966 | Spain | 90 |
6362 | 6255 | Patrick | Franklin, Richard | 1978 | Australia | 96 |
6363 | 7257 | Sophie's Place | Jordan, Larry | 1986 | 90 | |
6364 | 6256 | Wetherby | Hare, David | 1985 | UK | 97 |
6365 | 7031 | Stone Cross, The | Osyka, Leonid | 1968 | USSR | 76 |
6366 | 7281 | Proposition, The | Hillcoat, John | 2005 | UK | 104 |
6367 | 6257 | As Good as it Gets | Brooks, James L. | 1997 | USA | 138 |
6368 | 7686 | Hell in the Pacific | Boorman, John | 1968 | USA | 103 |
6369 | 7144 | Milagro de P. Tinto, El | Fesser, Javier | 1998 | Spain | 106 |
6370 | 7145 | Hard to Handle | LeRoy, Mervyn | 1933 | USA | 78 |
6371 | 6259 | In der Fremde | Wildenhahn, Klaus | 1968 | West Germany | 77 |
6372 | 6258 | Gedächtnis: Ein Film für Curt Bois und Bernhard Minetti | Ganz, Bruno & Otto Sander | 1982 | West Germany | 90 |
6373 | 7146 | Brig, The | Mekas, Jonas | 1964 | USA | 68 |
6374 | 6261 | Bread and Tulips | Soldini, Silvio | 2000 | Italy | 116 |
6375 | 6262 | Ground, The | Beavers, Robert | 2001 | USA | 20 |
6376 | 6263 | Egyptian, The | Curtiz, Michael | 1954 | USA | 139 |
6377 | 6264 | Matinee | Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto | 1977 | Mexico | 96 |
6378 | 6266 | Container | Moodysson, Lukas | 2006 | Sweden | |
6379 | 6984 | Gods and Monsters | Condon, Bill | 1998 | USA | 105 |
6380 | 7287 | Good-Bad Man, The | Dwan, Allan | 1916 | USA | 50 |
6381 | 6270 | One Wonderful Sunday | Kurosawa, Akira | 1947 | Japan | 108 |
6382 | 6271 | Dil To Pagal Hai | Chopra, Yash | 1997 | India | 179 |
6383 | 7990 | Double Suicide | Shinoda, Masahiro | 1969 | Japan | 142 |
6384 | 7159 | Lunacy | Švankmajer, Jan | 2005 | Czech Republic | 118 |
6385 | 6276 | Party Girl | Amachoukeli-Barsacq, Marie/Claire Burger/Samuel Theis | 2014 | France | 96 |
6386 | 6277 | Japanese Girls at the Harbor | Shimizu, Hiroshi | 1933 | Japan | 72 |
6387 | 7160 | Time Stood Still | Olmi, Ermanno | 1959 | Italy | 83 |
6388 | 7163 | Colour of Paradise, The | Majidi, Majid | 1999 | Iran | 90 |
6389 | 6280 | That Thing You Do! | Hanks, Tom | 1996 | USA | 110 |
6390 | 6283 | Tokyo Chorus | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1931 | Japan | 90 |
6391 | 6284 | Look Back in Anger | Richardson, Tony | 1959 | UK | 98 |
6392 | 7165 | Black Moon | Malle, Louis | 1975 | France | 100 |
6393 | 6285 | Shinjuku Boys | Longinotto, Kim & Jano Williams | 1995 | UK | 53 |
6394 | 7046 | Thor: Ragnarok | Waititi, Taika | 2017 | USA | 130 |
6395 | 6289 | Last Stage, The | Jakubowska, Wanda | 1948 | Poland | 81 |
6396 | 6290 | Goodbye Charlie | Minnelli, Vincente | 1964 | USA | 116 |
6397 | 6291 | Tales of Manhattan | Duvivier, Julien | 1942 | USA | 118 |
6398 | 7066 | American Tail, An | Bluth, Don | 1986 | USA | 80 |
6399 | 7527 | Kaala Patthar | Chopra, Yash | 1979 | India | 176 |
6400 | 6293 | Bread and Roses | Loach, Ken | 2000 | UK | 110 |
6401 | 6295 | Jeremy | Barron, Arthur | 1973 | USA | 90 |
6402 | 7085 | Sing Street | Carney, John | 2016 | Ireland | 106 |
6403 | 6299 | Song of Summer [TV] | Russell, Ken | 1968 | UK | 73 |
6404 | 6300 | Cavalcade | Lloyd, Frank | 1933 | USA | 110 |
6405 | 6301 | Not on the Lips | Resnais, Alain | 2003 | France | 116 |
6406 | 6302 | Razor's Edge, The | Byrum, John | 1984 | USA | 128 |
6407 | 6303 | Tokyo Godfathers | Kon, Satoshi | 2003 | Japan | 92 |
6408 | 11162 | Mrs. Doubtfire | Columbus, Chris | 1993 | USA | 125 |
6409 | 12351 | Dark of the Sun | Cardiff, Jack | 1968 | UK | 101 |
6410 | 6305 | Pretty Maids All in a Row | Vadim, Roger | 1971 | USA | 91 |
6411 | 6306 | Nun's Night, The | Kachyna, Karel | 1967 | Czechoslovakia | 90 |
6412 | 6307 | Lamentations a Monument for the Dead World | Elder, R. Bruce | 1985 | Canada | 437 |
6413 | 7636 | Night Nurse | Wellman, William | 1931 | USA | 72 |
6414 | 6311 | Puffy Chair, The | Duplass, Jay | 2005 | USA | 85 |
6415 | 6312 | Casualties of War | De Palma, Brian | 1989 | USA | 113 |
6416 | 6313 | Fertile Memory | Khleifi, Michel | 1980 | West Germany | 99 |
6417 | 6314 | Alien³ | Fincher, David | 1992 | USA | 115 |
6418 | 7104 | Room for Romeo Brass, A | Meadows, Shane | 1999 | UK | 90 |
6419 | 7208 | Well-Digger's Daughter, The | Pagnol, Marcel | 1940 | France | 142 |
6420 | 7209 | Crossing Delancey | Silver, Joan Micklin | 1988 | USA | 97 |
6421 | 10441 | Dark Habits | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1983 | Spain | 114 |
6422 | 7207 | Barrier | Skolimowski, Jerzy | 1966 | Poland | 77 |
6423 | 6317 | Sapphires, The | Blair, Wayne | 2012 | Australia | 103 |
6424 | 6318 | Great Expectations | Cuarón, Alfonso | 1997 | USA | 111 |
6425 | 7733 | Humoresque | Negulesco, Jean | 1946 | USA | 125 |
6426 | 6319 | Cuba: An African Odyssey [TV] | El-Tahri, Jihan | 2007 | France | 118 |
6427 | 7848 | Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | Columbus, Chris | 2001 | USA | 152 |
6428 | 6322 | Maggie, The | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1954 | UK | 93 |
6429 | 6323 | Everything for Sale | Wajda, Andrzej | 1969 | Poland | 105 |
6430 | 7728 | It is Not the Homosexual Who is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives | von Praunheim, Rosa | 1971 | West Germany | 67 |
6431 | 8232 | In Fabric | Strickland, Peter | 2018 | UK | 118 |
6432 | 7742 | Monday Morning | Iosseliani, Otar | 2002 | France | 127 |
6433 | 6324 | Kean | Volkoff, Alexandre | 1924 | France | 136 |
6434 | 6325 | Song and Solitude | Dorsky, Nathaniel | 2006 | USA | 21 |
6435 | 6326 | American Romance, An | Vidor, King | 1944 | USA | 122 |
6436 | 6327 | Cabeza de Vaca | Echevarria, Nicolas | 1991 | Mexico | 112 |
6437 | 6328 | Rendez-vous du diable, Les | Tazieff, Haroun | 1959 | France | 80 |
6438 | 7089 | Church, The | Soavi, Michele | 1989 | Italy | 102 |
6439 | 7349 | Key Largo | Huston, John | 1948 | USA | 101 |
6440 | 6330 | Bad Boys | Hani, Susumu | 1961 | Japan | 89 |
6441 | 6331 | Cloak and Dagger | Lang, Fritz | 1946 | USA | 106 |
6442 | 6332 | Kenji Mizoguchi: The Life of a Film Director | Shindo, Kaneto | 1975 | Japan | 150 |
6443 | 6338 | Sex is Comedy | Breillat, Catherine | 2002 | France | 92 |
6444 | 6341 | Pete Kelly's Blues | Webb, Jack | 1955 | USA | 95 |
6445 | 6342 | Death of a Nation: The Timor Conspiracy | Munro, David | 1994 | UK | 60 |
6446 | 6343 | Chupke Chupke | Mukherjee, Hrishikesh | 1975 | India | 127 |
6447 | 8016 | Public Eye, The | Reed, Carol | 1972 | UK | 95 |
6448 | 8018 | Muthu | Ravikumar, K.S. | 1995 | India | 132 |
6449 | 8017 | Rum Runners | Enrico, Robert | 1971 | France | 135 |
6450 | 7367 | Blot, The | Weber, Lois | 1921 | USA | 90 |
6451 | 6357 | Girl on the Bridge, The | Leconte, Patrice | 1998 | France | 92 |
6452 | 6358 | Penthesilea: Queen of the Amazons | Mulvey, Laura & Peter Wollen | 1974 | UK | 99 |
6453 | 8618 | Serpent and the Rainbow, The | Craven, Wes | 1988 | USA | 98 |
6454 | 7300 | Raising Victor Vargas | Sollett, Peter | 2002 | France | 88 |
6455 | 7136 | My Name is Nobody | Valerii, Tonino | 1973 | France | 115 |
6456 | 7249 | Silvia Prieto | Rejtman, Martín | 1999 | Argentina | 92 |
6457 | 6361 | Mountains of the Moon | Rafelson, Bob | 1990 | USA | 136 |
6458 | 6363 | Ecce bombo | Moretti, Nanni | 1978 | Italy | 103 |
6459 | 6364 | Very Same Munchhausen, The [TV] | Zakharov, Mark | 1979 | USSR | 142 |
6460 | 7253 | Ruling Class, The | Medak, Peter | 1972 | UK | 154 |
6461 | 6365 | Sunderin, Die | Forst, Willi | 1951 | West Germany | 100 |
6462 | 6367 | Hercules and the Captive Women | Cottafavi, Vittorio | 1961 | Italy | 87 |
6463 | 7379 | Long Pants | Capra, Frank | 1927 | USA | 60 |
6464 | 7397 | Wedding Suit, A | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1976 | Iran | 54 |
6465 | 7278 | Maids of Wilko, The | Wajda, Andrzej | 1979 | Poland | 118 |
6466 | 7279 | Desert of the Tartars, The | Zurlini, Valerio | 1976 | Italy | 140 |
6467 | 6370 | Hamsun | Troell, Jan | 1996 | Germany | 157 |
6468 | 6372 | Weather Diary 5 | Kuchar, George | 1989 | ||
6469 | 6373 | Festival Moon | Zhu Shilin | 1953 | Hong Kong | |
6470 | 8020 | Uncut Gems | Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie | 2019 | USA | 135 |
6471 | 6376 | Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse, The | Noren, Andrew | 1968 | 349 | |
6472 | 6375 | Book of All the Dead | Elder, R. Bruce | 1974 | 2400 | |
6473 | 6377 | Deuses E Os Mortos, Os | Guerra, Ruy | 1970 | Brazil | 97 |
6474 | 7984 | Bringing Out the Dead | Scorsese, Martin | 1999 | USA | 120 |
6475 | 6379 | Underground Orchestra, The | Honigmann, Heddy | 1998 | Netherlands | 108 |
6476 | 6380 | Heroes for Sale | Wellman, William | 1933 | USA | 76 |
6477 | 6384 | Devil's Brother, The | Roach, Hal & Charley Rogers | 1933 | USA | 90 |
6478 | 6387 | Ref, The/Hostile Hostages | Demme, Ted | 1994 | USA | 93 |
6479 | 7148 | Frankenstein Unbound | Corman, Roger | 1990 | USA | 85 |
6480 | 6389 | Sky Socialist, The | Jacobs, Ken | 1968 | USA | 96 |
6481 | 8131 | Spring on Zarechnaya Street | Khutsiev, Marlen & Feliks Mironer | 1956 | USSR | 96 |
6482 | 6390 | Mrs. Miniver | Wyler, William | 1942 | USA | 134 |
6483 | 6391 | Merlusse | Pagnol, Marcel | 1935 | France | 72 |
6484 | 6392 | Private Affairs of Bel Ami, The | Lewin, Albert | 1947 | USA | 112 |
6485 | 7624 | Cruel Sea | Al Siddiq, Khalid | 1971 | Kuwait | 106 |
6486 | 6393 | Minding the Gap | Bing Liu | 2018 | USA | 93 |
6487 | 7301 | Blue Express, The | Trauberg, Ilya | 1929 | USSR | 62 |
6488 | 6396 | Toutes les nuits | Green, Eugène | 2001 | France | 112 |
6489 | 6397 | Twilight of a Woman's Soul | Bauer, Yevgeni | 1913 | Russia | 48 |
6490 | 6404 | Dead, The | Brakhage, Stan | 1960 | France | 11 |
6491 | 6414 | Good Sam | McCarey, Leo | 1948 | USA | 114 |
6492 | 6415 | Beneath the Valley of the Ultravixens | Meyer, Russ | 1979 | USA | 93 |
6493 | 6467 | Eleventh Year, The | Vertov, Dziga | 1928 | USSR | 52 |
6494 | 6428 | Topaz | Tatsuno, Dave | 1945 | USA | 48 |
6495 | 6431 | Multiple Sidosis | Laverents, Sid | 1970 | USA | 10 |
6496 | 6424 | Lady of the Night | Bell, Monta | 1925 | USA | 61 |
6497 | 6534 | What's Wrong with this Picture? | Land, Owen | 1971 | USA | 12 |
6498 | 6426 | Republic Steel Strike Riot Newsreel Footage | Lippert, Orlando | 1937 | USA | 20 |
6499 | 6870 | The Games of Countess Dolingen | Binet, Catherine | 1981 | France | 114 |
6500 | 6425 | That'll Be the Day | Whatham, Claude | 1974 | UK | 90 |
6501 | 6429 | Psychomania | Sharp, Don | 1973 | UK | 95 |
6502 | 6483 | Fan, The | Schmidt, Eckhart | 1982 | West Germany | 92 |
6503 | 6423 | Laughing Woman, The | Schivazappa, Piero | 1969 | Italy | 108 |
6504 | 7187 | Brute Force | Dassin, Jules | 1947 | USA | 98 |
6505 | 6958 | Sabrina | Wilder, Billy | 1954 | USA | 113 |
6506 | 8214 | Casa de Lava | Costa, Pedro | 1994 | Portugal | 110 |
6507 | 6961 | Rite, The [TV] | Bergman, Ingmar | 1969 | Sweden | 76 |
6508 | 6962 | Roundhay Garden Scene | Le Prince, Louis Aime Augustin | 1888 | UK | |
6509 | 6963 | Interior New York Subway 14th Street to 42nd Street | Bitzer, G.W. | 1905 | USA | 6 |
6510 | 7173 | Mandy | Cosmatos, Panos | 2018 | USA | 121 |
6511 | 6966 | Change Nothing | Costa, Pedro | 2009 | Portugal | 100 |
6512 | 7534 | Jivaro | Ludwig, Edward | 1954 | USA | 91 |
6513 | 6968 | Amours de la pieuvre, Les | Hamon, Geneviève & Jean Painlevé | 1967 | France | 13 |
6514 | 6969 | Pope of Greenwich Village, The | Rosenberg, Stuart | 1984 | USA | 120 |
6515 | 6970 | Chic Point | Waked, Sharif | 2003 | Palestine | 7 |
6516 | 6972 | Conspirators of Pleasure | Švankmajer, Jan | 1996 | Czech Republic | 85 |
6517 | 6973 | Trinity Is Still My Name! | Barboni, Enzo | 1972 | Italy | 117 |
6518 | 9001 | In This Life's Body | Cantrill, Corinne & Arthur Cantrill | 1984 | Australia | 147 |
6519 | 6975 | California Dreamin' (Endless) | Nemescu, Cristian | 2007 | Romania | |
6520 | 6976 | That is the Dawn | Buñuel, Luis | 1956 | France | 102 |
6521 | 6977 | Appunti su un fatto di cronaca | Visconti, Luchino | 1951 | Italy | 5 |
6522 | 6979 | Color of Love, The | Ahwesh, Peggy | 1994 | USA | 10 |
6523 | 6978 | Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The | Ito, Sueo | 1946 | Japan | 160 |
6524 | 7842 | Cousin Angelica | Saura, Carlos | 1974 | Spain | 107 |
6525 | 6980 | Mais im Bundeshuus: le génie helvétique | Bron, Jean-Stéphane | 2003 | Switzerland | 90 |
6526 | 6981 | My Golden Days | Desplechin, Arnaud | 2015 | France | 123 |
6527 | 6983 | Themes and Variations | Dulac, Germaine | 1928 | France | 10 |
6528 | 7917 | Angel's Egg | Oshii, Mamoru | 1985 | Japan | 71 |
6529 | 6985 | Little Buddha | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1993 | France | 123 |
6530 | 6989 | Man with No Name | Wang Bing | 2010 | China | 92 |
6531 | 6992 | Parents terribles, Les | Cocteau, Jean | 1948 | France | 98 |
6532 | 17881 | Barbie | Gerwig, Greta | 2023 | USA | 114 |
6533 | 6993 | Wild Rovers | Edwards, Blake | 1971 | USA | 109 |
6534 | 6994 | Zathura: A Space Adventure | Favreau, Jon | 2005 | USA | 101 |
6535 | 6996 | Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart to Hades | Misumi, Kenji | 1972 | Japan | 83 |
6536 | 14117 | Benediction | Davies, Terence | 2021 | UK | 137 |
6537 | 6997 | Quiet Place, A | Krasinski, John | 2018 | USA | 90 |
6538 | 6998 | Saaransh | Bhatt, Mahesh | 1984 | India | 137 |
6539 | 7002 | Adventures of Milo and Otis, The | Hata, Masanori | 1986 | Japan | 76 |
6540 | 7351 | Serpent's Egg, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1977 | West Germany | 120 |
6541 | 7570 | Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills | Berlinger, Joe | 1996 | USA | 150 |
6542 | 8077 | My Joy | Loznitsa, Sergei | 2010 | Germany | 127 |
6543 | 7007 | Hoosiers | Anspaugh, David | 1986 | USA | 114 |
6544 | 7008 | Taste of Tea, The | Ishii, Katsuhito | 2004 | Japan | 143 |
6545 | 7009 | Play Misty for Me | Eastwood, Clint | 1971 | USA | 102 |
6546 | 7012 | Me at the Zoo | Lapitsky, Yakov | 2005 | USA | 1 |
6547 | 7011 | Sakura No Daimon | Misumi, Kenji | 1973 | Japan | |
6548 | 7357 | Autobiography of a Princess | Ivory, James | 1975 | UK | 58 |
6549 | 7314 | Quick Change | Franklin, Howard & Bill Murray | 1990 | USA | 88 |
6550 | 7015 | Out-Takes from the Life of a Happy Man | Mekas, Jonas | 2012 | USA | 68 |
6551 | 7018 | Boys in the Band, The | Friedkin, William | 1970 | USA | 119 |
6552 | 7240 | Shallow Grave | Boyle, Danny | 1994 | UK | 94 |
6553 | 7241 | Judgment at Nuremberg | Kramer, Stanley | 1961 | USA | 178 |
6554 | 7024 | World's End, The | Wright, Edgar | 2013 | UK | 109 |
6555 | 7025 | Long Live the Mistress | Sang Hu | 1947 | China | 90 |
6556 | 7026 | Bounty, The | Donaldson, Roger | 1984 | USA | 130 |
6557 | 7027 | Au clair de la lune | Forcier, André | 1983 | Canada | 92 |
6558 | 7028 | Bad Boys | Bay, Michael | 1995 | USA | 126 |
6559 | 8673 | Blancanieves | Berger, Pablo | 2011 | Spain | 104 |
6560 | 7029 | Ghost of Yotsuya, The | Nakagawa, Nobuo | 1959 | Japan | 76 |
6561 | 7888 | C.R.A.Z.Y. | Vallée, Jean-Marc | 2005 | Canada | 127 |
6562 | 7364 | Education, An | Scherfig, Lone | 2008 | UK | 100 |
6563 | 7974 | Maniac | Lustig, William | 1980 | USA | 87 |
6564 | 7033 | Man Who Had His Hair Cut Short, The | Delvaux, André | 1966 | Belgium | 94 |
6565 | 7256 | Funny People | Apatow, Judd | 2009 | USA | 146 |
6566 | 7382 | Time for Dying, A | Boetticher, Budd | 1969 | USA | 87 |
6567 | 7386 | David and Lisa | Perry, Frank | 1962 | USA | 95 |
6568 | 7388 | Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison | Huston, John | 1957 | USA | 107 |
6569 | 7404 | Trishna | Winterbottom, Michael | 2011 | UK | 117 |
6570 | 7444 | We the Living | Alessandrini, Goffredo | 1942 | Italy | 174 |
6571 | 7455 | Louisa | Vaala, Valentin | 1946 | Finland | 85 |
6572 | 7465 | Kalpana | Shankar, Uday | 1948 | India | 160 |
6573 | 7475 | Father of a Soldier | Chkheidze, Rezo | 1964 | USSR | 83 |
6574 | 7420 | Niki and Flo | Pintilie, Lucian | 2003 | France | 99 |
6575 | 7427 | Cycling Chronicles: Landscapes the Boy Saw | Wakamatsu, Koji | 2004 | Japan | 89 |
6576 | 7431 | Rabochiy posyolok | Vengerov, Vladimir | 1966 | USSR | 138 |
6577 | 7415 | Torre Bela | Harlan, Thomas | 1975 | France | 105 |
6578 | 7433 | Fiamma che non si spegne | Cottafavi, Vittorio | 1949 | Italy | 95 |
6579 | 7438 | Sentinel Under the Neon Lights | Wang Ping | 1964 | China | 115 |
6580 | 7488 | Dreams of Hind and Camilia | Khan, Mohamed | 1988 | Egypt | 109 |
6581 | 7034 | Ils étaient neuf célibataires | Guitry, Sacha | 1939 | France | 85 |
6582 | 7035 | Goodbye, Mr. Chips | Wood, Sam | 1939 | UK | 114 |
6583 | 7036 | Gaebyeok | Im Kwon-taek | 1991 | South Korea | 146 |
6584 | 8028 | Proxima | Winocour, Alice | 2019 | France | 107 |
6585 | 7037 | Vesna | Aleksandrov, Grigori | 1947 | USSR | 104 |
6586 | 8030 | Stealing Beauty | Bertolucci, Bernardo | 1996 | Italy | 119 |
6587 | 7044 | Hunchback of Notre Dame, The | Worsley, Wallace | 1923 | USA | 93 |
6588 | 7502 | Best Intentions, The | August, Bille | 1992 | Sweden | 182 |
6589 | 7048 | Fritz the Cat | Bakshi, Ralph | 1972 | USA | 78 |
6590 | 7049 | Bound for Glory | Ashby, Hal | 1976 | USA | 147 |
6591 | 8133 | Cane River | Jenkins, Horace | 1982 | USA | 104 |
6592 | 7051 | Vengeance | To, Johnnie | 2009 | Hong Kong | 108 |
6593 | 7053 | Shchors | Dovzhenko, Alexander | 1939 | USSR | 92 |
6594 | 7897 | Dog Days | Seidl, Ulrich | 2001 | Austria | 121 |
6595 | 7280 | Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo | 2014 | USA | 136 |
6596 | 7054 | Dernier Combat, Le | Besson, Luc | 1983 | France | 90 |
6597 | 7055 | Freshman, The | Newmeyer, Fred C. & Sam Taylor | 1925 | USA | 70 |
6598 | 7057 | Kelly's Heroes | Hutton, Brian G. | 1970 | USA | 145 |
6599 | 7058 | Living on Velvet | Borzage, Frank | 1935 | USA | 80 |
6600 | 7059 | Revenge of Frankenstein | Fisher, Terence | 1958 | UK | 91 |
6601 | 11107 | Stripes | Reitman, Ivan | 1981 | USA | 105 |
6602 | 7061 | Town Called Panic, A | Aubier, Stephane & Vincent Patar | 2009 | Belgium | 77 |
6603 | 7520 | My Summer of Love | Pawlikowski, Pawel | 2004 | UK | 86 |
6604 | 7062 | One Day Pina Asked... [TV] | Akerman, Chantal | 1983 | France | 57 |
6605 | 7063 | Beginners | Mills, Mike | 2011 | USA | 104 |
6606 | 7064 | Town is Quiet, The | Guédiguian, Robert | 2000 | France | 132 |
6607 | 7791 | Secret Honor | Altman, Robert | 1984 | USA | 90 |
6608 | 7069 | Imitation of Christ | Warhol, Andy | 1967 | USA | 105 |
6609 | 7070 | Last Samurai, The | Zwick, Edward | 2003 | USA | 154 |
6610 | 8019 | Two Drifters/Odete | Rodrigues, João Pedro | 2005 | Portugal | 98 |
6611 | 7073 | Kino-pravda 1-23 | Vertov, Dziga | 1922-25 | USSR | 315 |
6612 | 7084 | Muhammad Ali, the Greatest | Klein, William | 1974 | France | |
6613 | 7083 | Edge of Dreaming, The | Hardie, Amy | 2009 | UK | 73 |
6614 | 7079 | Gates, The | Ferrera, Antonio & Albert Maysles | 2005 | USA | |
6615 | 7074 | Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress | Dai Sijie | 2002 | France | 110 |
6616 | 7076 | Argentinian Lesson, The | Staron, Wojciech | 2011 | Poland | 56 |
6617 | 7078 | Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child | Davis, Tamra | 2010 | USA | 88 |
6618 | 7082 | Memory of the Camps [TV] | Bernstein, Sidney | 1984 | UK | 56 |
6619 | 7081 | Fela Kuti: Music Is the Weapon | Flori, Jean-Jacques & Stéphane Tchalgadjieff | 1982 | France | 54 |
6620 | 7077 | I Think They Call Him John | Krish, John | 1964 | UK | 28 |
6621 | 7075 | Bahia of All the Saints [TV] | Bokova, Jana | 1994 | UK | 107 |
6622 | 7080 | Bovines | Gras, Emmanuel | 2011 | France | 62 |
6623 | 7634 | Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery | Roach, Jay | 1997 | USA | 88 |
6624 | 7088 | Sound Barrier, The | Lean, David | 1952 | UK | 118 |
6625 | 7535 | Point of Order | de Antonio, Emile | 1964 | USA | 93 |
6626 | 7090 | Kids Return | Kitano, Takeshi | 1996 | Japan | 107 |
6627 | 7091 | Ornithologist, The | Rodrigues, João Pedro | 2016 | Portugal | 117 |
6628 | 7100 | Eva Wants to Sleep | Chmielewski, Tadeusz | 1958 | Poland | 95 |
6629 | 7541 | Bittersweet Life, A | Kim Jee-woon | 2005 | South Korea | 119 |
6630 | 7542 | Topaz | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1969 | USA | 127 |
6631 | 7101 | Torneranno i prati | Olmi, Ermanno | 2014 | Italy | 80 |
6632 | 7103 | Made in Germany and USA | Thome, Rudolf | 1974 | West Germany | 141 |
6633 | 7838 | Prince of the City | Lumet, Sidney | 1981 | USA | 167 |
6634 | 7105 | Summer Stock | Walters, Charles | 1950 | USA | 108 |
6635 | 7546 | Christmas in August | Hur Jin-ho | 1998 | South Korea | 97 |
6636 | 7296 | Wedding Crashers | Dobkin, David | 2005 | USA | 119 |
6637 | 7110 | Dots | McLaren, Norman | 1940 | Canada | 3 |
6638 | 7111 | Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame | Makhmalbaf, Hana | 2007 | Iran | 81 |
6639 | 7557 | Pisito, El | Ferreri, Marco | 1958 | Spain | 87 |
6640 | 7113 | King Creole | Curtiz, Michael | 1958 | USA | 116 |
6641 | 7560 | Honor de cavalleria | Serra, Albert | 2006 | Spain | 95 |
6642 | 7931 | Charles, Dead or Alive | Tanner, Alain | 1969 | Switzerland | 93 |
6643 | 7115 | Brand New Testament, The | Van Dormael, Jaco | 2015 | Belgium | 115 |
6644 | 8103 | One Cut of the Dead | Ueda, Shin'ichiro | 2017 | Japan | 96 |
6645 | 7565 | Fantastic Woman, A | Lelio, Sebastián | 2017 | Chile | 100 |
6646 | 7116 | Freud | Huston, John | 1962 | USA | 120 |
6647 | 7117 | Transfer of Modulation | Bargellini, Piero | 1969 | Italy | 8 |
6648 | 7935 | Secret Beyond the Door… | Lang, Fritz | 1948 | USA | 98 |
6649 | 7833 | What Lies Beneath | Zemeckis, Robert | 2000 | USA | 129 |
6650 | 7120 | Novgorodtsy | Barnet, Boris | 1943 | USSR | 67 |
6651 | 7121 | 33 | Goifman, Kiko | 2002 | Brazil | 75 |
6652 | 7350 | Kid Auto Races at Venice | Lehrman, Henry | 1914 | USA | 11 |
6653 | 7124 | Brother | Ichikawa, Kon | 1960 | Japan | 98 |
6654 | 7672 | Distant Drums | Walsh, Raoul | 1951 | USA | 101 |
6655 | 11251 | Austin Powers in Goldmember | Roach, Jay | 2002 | USA | 94 |
6656 | 7125 | Snow Queen, The | Atamanov, Lev | 1957 | USSR | 74 |
6657 | 7126 | Sweet Charity | Fosse, Bob | 1969 | USA | 149 |
6658 | 7127 | Tandem | Leconte, Patrice | 1987 | France | 86 |
6659 | 7130 | Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of Jasmine | Farmanara, Bahman | 2000 | Iran | 93 |
6660 | 7576 | Beau Serge, Le | Chabrol, Claude | 1958 | France | 97 |
6661 | 7845 | Iris and the Lieutenant | Sjöberg, Alf | 1946 | Sweden | 86 |
6662 | 8267 | Wild 90 | Mailer, Norman | 1968 | USA | 90 |
6663 | 8266 | Beyond the Law | Mailer, Norman | 1968 | USA | 110 |
6664 | 7132 | Merrill's Marauders | Fuller, Samuel | 1962 | USA | 98 |
6665 | 7746 | Sea of Roses | Carolina, Ana | 1978 | Brazil | 99 |
6666 | 7579 | Yakuza, The | Pollack, Sydney | 1974 | USA | 112 |
6667 | 7134 | Travels with My Aunt | Cukor, George | 1972 | USA | 109 |
6668 | 8289 | Ride with the Devil | Lee, Ang | 1999 | USA | 138 |
6669 | 7697 | May | McKee, Lucky | 2002 | USA | 93 |
6670 | 7585 | Golden Swallow | Chang Cheh | 1968 | Hong Kong | 109 |
6671 | 7137 | Andarilho/Drifter | Guimarães, Cao | 2007 | 80 | |
6672 | 7138 | Kissed | Stopkewich, Lynne | 1996 | Canada | 78 |
6673 | 8041 | 13 Assassins | Miike, Takashi | 2010 | Japan | 141 |
6674 | 7588 | Don Giovanni | Losey, Joseph | 1979 | France | 179 |
6675 | 7394 | Rainmaker, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1997 | Germany | 135 |
6676 | 7143 | Foxes | Lyne, Adrian | 1980 | USA | 106 |
6677 | 12822 | Lilies of the Field | Nelson, Ralph | 1963 | USA | 93 |
6678 | 9143 | Gold, Silver, Death | Gallaga, Peque | 1982 | Philippines | 194 |
6679 | 7760 | Cat People | Schrader, Paul | 1982 | USA | 118 |
6680 | 7147 | Woman of Rumour, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1954 | Japan | 83 |
6681 | 8189 | Dave Chappelle's Block Party | Gondry, Michel | 2005 | USA | 103 |
6682 | 7151 | When the Cat's Away | Klapisch, Cédric | 1996 | France | 95 |
6683 | 13766 | Plague Dogs, The | Rosen, Martin | 1982 | USA | 86 |
6684 | 7599 | Bête, La | Borowczyk, Walerian | 1975 | France | 93 |
6685 | 7153 | Mariachi, El | Rodriguez, Robert | 1992 | USA | 81 |
6686 | 7154 | London to Brighton | Williams, Paul Andrew | 2006 | UK | |
6687 | 8048 | Enchanting Shadow, The | Li Han Hsiang | 1960 | Hong Kong | 83 |
6688 | 7506 | Salem's Lot [TV] | Hooper, Tobe | 1979 | USA | 200 |
6689 | 7375 | Hannah Arendt | von Trotta, Margarethe | 2012 | Germany | 113 |
6690 | 7514 | Summer Snow | Hui, Ann | 1995 | Hong Kong | 101 |
6691 | 7161 | China Syndrome, The | Bridges, James | 1979 | USA | 123 |
6692 | 7602 | Rhapsody in August | Kurosawa, Akira | 1991 | Japan | 98 |
6693 | 7603 | Charmed Particles | Noren, Andrew | 1978 | USA | 78 |
6694 | 7164 | Love on the Run | Truffaut, François | 1978 | France | 90 |
6695 | 7623 | Umrao Jaan | Ali, Muzaffar | 1981 | India | 145 |
6696 | 7169 | Snow | Jones, Geoffrey | 1963 | UK | 9 |
6697 | 7166 | Tse | Rosen, Roee | 2010 | Israel | 35 |
6698 | 7168 | Kotch | Lemmon, Jack | 1971 | USA | 113 |
6699 | 7167 | Shunters | Böttcher, Jürgen | 1984 | East Germany | 21 |
6700 | 7170 | I've Heard the Mermaids Singing | Rozema, Patricia | 1987 | Canada | 81 |
6701 | 7174 | Carlota Joaquina - Princesa do Brazil | Camurati, Carla | 1995 | Brazil | 100 |
6702 | 7175 | Single Girl, A | Jacquot, Benoît | 1995 | France | 90 |
6703 | 7522 | 92 Legendary La Rose Noire | Lau, Jeffrey | 1992 | Hong Kong | 100 |
6704 | 7179 | Guest from the Future [TV] | Arsyonov, Pavel & Olga Gusakova | 1984 | USSR | |
6705 | 7180 | Northwest Passage (Book I-Rogers' Rangers) | Vidor, King | 1940 | USA | 125 |
6706 | 8654 | Funny Ha Ha | Bujalski, Andrew | 2002 | USA | 90 |
6707 | 7181 | Three Musketeers, The | Sidney, George | 1948 | USA | 125 |
6708 | 7183 | Errand Boy, The | Lewis, Jerry | 1961 | USA | 92 |
6709 | 7182 | Tiger Bay | Thompson, J. Lee | 1959 | UK | 105 |
6710 | 7185 | Tuning the Instruments | Kucia, Jerzy | 2000 | Poland | 15 |
6711 | 7184 | His Wife is a Hen | Kovalyov, Igor | 1990 | USSR | |
6712 | 7186 | Puce Moment | Anger, Kenneth | 1949 | USA | 6 |
6713 | 7507 | Driving Miss Daisy | Beresford, Bruce | 1989 | USA | 99 |
6714 | 7496 | Prisoner of the Mountains | Bodrov, Sergei | 1996 | Russia | 98 |
6715 | 7188 | Mad Monkey, The | Trueba, Fernando | 1989 | Spain | 103 |
6716 | 7189 | Bride with White Hair, The | Yu, Ronny | 1993 | Hong Kong | 89 |
6717 | 7823 | Liz and the Blue Bird | Yamada, Naoko | 2018 | Japan | 90 |
6718 | 7547 | Go | Liman, Doug | 1999 | USA | 103 |
6719 | 7190 | Thomas Crown Affair, The | Jewison, Norman | 1968 | USA | 102 |
6720 | 7191 | Life Classes | MacGillivray, William D. | 1987 | Canada | 117 |
6721 | 7193 | Postman/Youchai | Jianjun He | 1995 | China | 102 |
6722 | 7194 | 37/78: Tree Again | Kren, Kurt | 1978 | Austria | 3 |
6723 | 7195 | Succubus | Franco, Jesús | 1968 | West Germany | 95 |
6724 | 7196 | Münchhausen | von Báky, Josef | 1943 | Germany | 110 |
6725 | 7538 | David and Bathsheba | King, Henry | 1951 | USA | 116 |
6726 | 7197 | Lonedale Operator, The | Griffith, D.W. | 1911 | USA | 17 |
6727 | 7198 | Walter Defends Sarajevo | Krvavac, Hajrudin | 1972 | Yugoslavia | 133 |
6728 | 7635 | Following | Nolan, Christopher | 1998 | UK | 69 |
6729 | 7201 | Hush! | Kossakovsky, Victor | 2003 | Russia | 82 |
6730 | 8052 | Girl from Nowhere, The | Brisseau, Jean-Claude | 2012 | France | 91 |
6731 | 7202 | Lady and the Tramp | Geronimi, Clyde/Hamilton Luske/Wilfred Jackson | 1955 | USA | 75 |
6732 | 8069 | Knives Out | Johnson, Rian | 2019 | USA | 130 |
6733 | 7637 | We Are the Best! | Moodysson, Lukas | 2013 | Sweden | 102 |
6734 | 7203 | Ley de Herodes, La | Estrada, Luis | 1999 | Mexico | 120 |
6735 | 7505 | Hills Have Eyes, The | Craven, Wes | 1977 | USA | 89 |
6736 | 7639 | Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond, The | Boetticher, Budd | 1960 | USA | 101 |
6737 | 8120 | Drag Me to Hell | Raimi, Sam | 2009 | USA | 99 |
6738 | 7205 | Antoine et Colette | Truffaut, François | 1962 | France | 32 |
6739 | 7206 | Sreda | Kossakovsky, Victor | 1997 | Germany | 93 |
6740 | 8293 | Miami Blues | Armitage, George | 1990 | USA | 97 |
6741 | 7645 | Try and Get Me! | Endfield, Cy | 1950 | USA | 91 |
6742 | 7922 | At Long Last Love | Bogdanovich, Peter | 1975 | USA | 118 |
6743 | 7647 | Tora! Tora! Tora! | Fleischer, Richard | 1970 | Japan | 143 |
6744 | 8413 | I've Always Loved You | Borzage, Frank | 1946 | USA | 117 |
6745 | 7211 | Fool There Was, A | Powell, Frank | 1915 | USA | 67 |
6746 | 8611 | Intouchables, The | Nakache, Olivier & Éric Toledano | 2011 | France | 112 |
6747 | 7730 | How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying | Swift, David | 1967 | USA | 121 |
6748 | 7213 | At Dawn It's Quiet Here | Rostotskiy, Stanislav | 1972 | USSR | 188 |
6749 | 7214 | Jolly Fellows | Aleksandrov, Grigori | 1934 | USSR | 96 |
6750 | 7215 | Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear, The [TV] | Curtis, Adam | 2004 | UK | 180 |
6751 | 7216 | Jagte Raho | Mitra, Amit & Sombhu Mitra | 1956 | India | 153 |
6752 | 7537 | Boy and His Dog, A | Jones, L.Q. | 1975 | USA | 87 |
6753 | 7700 | Dawn of the Dead | Snyder, Zack | 2004 | USA | 99 |
6754 | 7218 | I Live in Fear | Kurosawa, Akira | 1955 | Japan | 113 |
6755 | 7219 | World of Tomorrow | Hertzfeldt, Don | 2015 | USA | 17 |
6756 | 7220 | Stranger on the Third Floor, The | Ingster, Boris | 1940 | USA | 64 |
6757 | 7221 | Genevieve | Cornelius, Henry | 1953 | UK | 86 |
6758 | 7562 | House of Wax | de Toth, André | 1953 | USA | 88 |
6759 | 7222 | Devil in a Blue Dress | Franklin, Carl | 1995 | USA | 102 |
6760 | 7223 | How I Won the War | Lester, Richard | 1967 | UK | 109 |
6761 | 7224 | My Favorite Year | Benjamin, Richard | 1982 | USA | 92 |
6762 | 7225 | Go! Go! Go! | Menken, Marie | 1964 | USA | 11 |
6763 | 7226 | Assault of the Present on the Rest of Time, The | Kluge, Alexander | 1985 | Germany | 113 |
6764 | 7227 | Poet's Veil, The | Herwitz, Peter | 1988 | USA | 15 |
6765 | 7568 | Hairspray | Shankman, Adam | 2007 | USA | 116 |
6766 | 7943 | Strange Victory | Hurwitz, Leo | 1948 | USA | 64 |
6767 | 7228 | Now You Tell One | Bowers, Charles R. & Harold L. Muller | 1926 | USA | 20 |
6768 | 7230 | To Parsifal | Baillie, Bruce | 1963 | USA | 16 |
6769 | 7229 | Song Lantern, The | Naruse, Mikio | 1943 | Japan | 93 |
6770 | 7231 | Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte | Aldrich, Robert | 1965 | USA | 133 |
6771 | 7232 | Capitalism: Child Labor | Jacobs, Ken | 2006 | USA | 14 |
6772 | 7233 | Rink, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1916 | USA | 30 |
6773 | 7669 | Duo Sang | Wu Nien-Jen | 1994 | Taiwan | 167 |
6774 | 7574 | Chronicle of the Years of Fire | Lakhdar-Hamina, Mohammed | 1975 | Algeria | 177 |
6775 | 7234 | Nachrede auf Klara Heydebreck [TV] | Fechner, Eberhard | 1969 | West Germany | 60 |
6776 | 7673 | Thriller: A Cruel Picture | Vibenius, Bo Arne | 1974 | Sweden | 104 |
6777 | 7235 | Sweet Hunters | Guerra, Ruy | 1973 | France | 115 |
6778 | 7675 | Chaudhvin Ka Chand | Sadiq, M. | 1961 | India | 169 |
6779 | 7242 | Pet Sematary | Lambert, Mary | 1989 | USA | 102 |
6780 | 7243 | Fighting Soldiers | Kamei, Fumio | 1939 | Japan | 65 |
6781 | 7756 | Bride Wore Red, The | Arzner, Dorothy | 1937 | USA | 103 |
6782 | 8168 | Nocturama | Bonello, Bertrand | 2016 | France | 130 |
6783 | 8083 | Jennifer's Body | Kusama, Karyn | 2009 | USA | 102 |
6784 | 7244 | Okja | Bong Joon-ho | 2017 | South Korea | 120 |
6785 | 7247 | Around the World in 80 Days | Anderson, Michael | 1956 | USA | 167 |
6786 | 7250 | Roma ore 11 | De Santis, Giuseppe | 1952 | France | 107 |
6787 | 8773 | Boxer's Omen, The | Kuei Chih-Hung | 1983 | Hong Kong | 99 |
6788 | 7251 | San Michele aveva un gallo | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 1972 | Italy | 90 |
6789 | 7252 | City of Women | Fellini, Federico | 1980 | Italy | 139 |
6790 | 7682 | Store, The | Wiseman, Frederick | 1983 | USA | 118 |
6791 | 7582 | Apartment Zero | Donovan, Martin | 1988 | UK | 124 |
6792 | 7277 | Old Place, The | Godard, Jean-Luc & Anne-Marie Miéville | 2000 | France | 49 |
6793 | 7282 | Kingdom II, The [TV] | von Trier, Lars & Morten Arnfred | 1997 | Denmark | 286 |
6794 | 7968 | Tremors | Underwood, Ron | 1989 | USA | 96 |
6795 | 7780 | Gumshoe | Frears, Stephen | 1972 | UK | 88 |
6796 | 7284 | Mein Leben Teil 2 [TV] | Levi, Angelika | 2003 | Germany | |
6797 | 8044 | On Golden Pond | Rydell, Mark | 1981 | USA | 109 |
6798 | 7285 | Unknown Chaplin [TV] | Brownlow, Kevin & David Gill | 1983 | UK | 156 |
6799 | 8021 | Scream 3 | Craven, Wes | 2000 | USA | 116 |
6800 | 8023 | Nem Tudo é Verdade | Sganzerla, Rogério | 1986 | Brazil | 95 |
6801 | 8024 | Eros, O Deus do Amor | Khouri, Walter Hugo | 1981 | Brazil | 107 |
6802 | 8022 | Paucity of Flying Dreams | Sugawa, Eizo | 1990 | Japan | 90 |
6803 | 7290 | Garden of Allah, The | Boleslawski, Richard | 1936 | USA | 80 |
6804 | 7291 | Assa | Solovev, Sergey | 1987 | USSR | 153 |
6805 | 7292 | Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi | Mishra, Sudhir | 2003 | India | 120 |
6806 | 7294 | Travellers | Beizai, Bahram | 1992 | Iran | 90 |
6807 | 8043 | Rubber | Dupieux, Quentin | 2010 | France | 82 |
6808 | 7801 | Misérables, Les | Bernard, Raymond | 1934 | France | 281 |
6809 | 7295 | Copie conforme | Dréville, Jean | 1947 | France | 105 |
6810 | 7299 | Kippur | Gitai, Amos | 2000 | France | 123 |
6811 | 12277 | Café de Flore | Vallée, Jean-Marc | 2011 | Canada | 120 |
6812 | 7302 | Drakos, O | Koundouros, Nikos | 1956 | Greece | 85 |
6813 | 8753 | Blood, The | Costa, Pedro | 1989 | Portugal | 95 |
6814 | 7308 | Tom at the Farm | Dolan, Xavier | 2013 | France | |
6815 | 8067 | Sister | Meier, Ursula | 2012 | France | |
6816 | 7309 | Facts of Murder, The | Germi, Pietro | 1959 | Italy | 115 |
6817 | 7310 | Last Hurrah, The | Ford, John | 1958 | USA | 121 |
6818 | 7311 | Career Girls | Leigh, Mike | 1997 | UK | 87 |
6819 | 7312 | Five Broken Cameras | Burnat, Emad & Guy Davidi | 2011 | Palestine | 94 |
6820 | 8065 | Good Time | Safdie, Benny & Josh Safdie | 2017 | USA | 101 |
6821 | 7313 | Taiga | Ottinger, Ulrike | 1992 | Germany | 501 |
6822 | 8789 | Company, The | Altman, Robert | 2003 | Germany | 112 |
6823 | 7315 | Which Way to the Front? | Lewis, Jerry | 1970 | USA | 96 |
6824 | 7316 | Differently, Molussia | Rey, Nicolas | 2012 | France | 81 |
6825 | 7318 | Hellbound: Hellraiser II | Randel, Tony | 1988 | UK | 97 |
6826 | 7320 | Equipage, L' | Litvak, Anatole | 1935 | France | 111 |
6827 | 7321 | So That You Can Live | Cinema Action | 1982 | UK | 83 |
6828 | 7322 | Inquietude | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1998 | Portugal | 110 |
6829 | 7323 | Wedding, A | Altman, Robert | 1978 | USA | 125 |
6830 | 7324 | Italianamerican | Scorsese, Martin | 1974 | USA | 49 |
6831 | 7325 | Persuasion | Michell, Roger | 1995 | France | 102 |
6832 | 7326 | Piravi | Karun, Shaji N. | 1988 | India | 110 |
6833 | 7719 | Black Friday | Kashyap, Anurag | 2004 | India | 143 |
6834 | 7329 | Sicilian Clan, The | Verneuil, Henri | 1969 | France | 122 |
6835 | 7644 | Thunderball | Young, Terence | 1965 | UK | 129 |
6836 | 7330 | Man About Town | Clair, René | 1947 | France | 89 |
6837 | 7331 | Lie chang zha sha | Tian Zhuangzhuang | 1984 | China | |
6838 | 7332 | Singapore Sling | Nikolaidis, Nikos | 1990 | Greece | 115 |
6839 | 7334 | Voyages | Finkiel, Emmanuel | 1999 | Poland | 111 |
6840 | 7725 | Adam's Apples | Jensen, Anders Thomas | 2005 | Denmark | 94 |
6841 | 7217 | I Wish | Koreeda, Hirokazu | 2011 | Japan | 128 |
6842 | 7335 | Guerre des boutons, La | Robert, Yves | 1962 | France | 90 |
6843 | 7336 | Dottie Gets Spanked | Haynes, Todd | 1993 | USA | 30 |
6844 | 7726 | Killer's Kiss | Kubrick, Stanley | 1955 | USA | 67 |
6845 | 9042 | Legends of the Fall | Zwick, Edward | 1994 | USA | 134 |
6846 | 7338 | Suzaki Paradise: Red Light District | Kawashima, Yuzo | 1956 | Japan | 81 |
6847 | 7339 | Elisa, My Life | Saura, Carlos | 1977 | Spain | 125 |
6848 | 9030 | 8 Mile | Hanson, Curtis | 2002 | USA | 110 |
6849 | 7340 | Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | Verbinski, Gore | 2007 | USA | 168 |
6850 | 9431 | Great McGinty, The | Sturges, Preston | 1940 | USA | 81 |
6851 | 9097 | Legend of the Suram Fortress, The | Parajanov, Sergei | 1985 | USSR | 88 |
6852 | 7737 | Why Don't You Play in Hell? | Sono, Sion | 2013 | Japan | 129 |
6853 | 7852 | Westerner, The | Wyler, William | 1940 | USA | 100 |
6854 | 7346 | Quintet | Altman, Robert | 1979 | USA | 118 |
6855 | 7739 | Blind Detective | To, Johnnie | 2013 | Hong Kong | 130 |
6856 | 8639 | L for Leisure | Kalman, Lev & Whitney Horn | 2014 | USA | 74 |
6857 | 8839 | Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer | Andersen, Thom | 1975 | USA | 59 |
6858 | 7347 | Star Wars: The Force Awakens | Abrams, J.J. | 2015 | USA | 135 |
6859 | 7348 | Crac! | Back, Frédéric | 1980 | Canada | 15 |
6860 | 8157 | Hit, The | Frears, Stephen | 1984 | UK | 98 |
6861 | 7352 | Diamantino | Abrantes, Gabriel & Daniel Schmidt | 2018 | Portugal | 92 |
6862 | 7353 | Boy Friend, The | Russell, Ken | 1971 | UK | 135 |
6863 | 7355 | Bullfighter and the Lady | Boetticher, Budd | 1951 | USA | 87 |
6864 | 8027 | Red-Headed Woman | Conway, Jack | 1932 | USA | 79 |
6865 | 7871 | Harry, He's Here to Help | Moll, Dominik | 2000 | France | 116 |
6866 | 7361 | Love at Twenty | Ishihara, Shintaro/Marcel Ophüls/Renzo Rossellini/François Truffaut/Andrzej Wajda | 1962 | France | 113 |
6867 | 7362 | Manji | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1964 | Japan | 91 |
6868 | 7363 | Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, The | Wenders, Wim | 1971 | West Germany | 101 |
6869 | 7366 | Bear, The | Annaud, Jean-Jacques | 1989 | France | 93 |
6870 | 7368 | On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed? | Land, Owen | 1977 | USA | 18 |
6871 | 7369 | Freedom | Bartas, Sharunas | 2000 | France | 96 |
6872 | 7370 | Wild Innocence | Garrel, Philippe | 2001 | France | 123 |
6873 | 8118 | My Girl | Zieff, Howard | 1991 | USA | 102 |
6874 | 7371 | Designing Woman | Minnelli, Vincente | 1957 | USA | 118 |
6875 | 7372 | Just Like Weather | Fong, Allen | 1986 | Hong Kong | 93 |
6876 | 7374 | Robot Monster | Tucker, Phil | 1953 | USA | 63 |
6877 | 7970 | Good Night, and Good Luck | Clooney, George | 2005 | USA | 93 |
6878 | 7376 | Southerner, The | Renoir, Jean | 1945 | USA | 91 |
6879 | 8058 | Under the Shadow | Anvari, Babak | 2016 | Iran | 84 |
6880 | 7377 | Alone: Life Wastes Andy Hardy | Arnold, Martin | 1998 | Austria | 15 |
6881 | 7772 | Family Plot | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1976 | USA | 120 |
6882 | 8057 | Dawn of the Planet of the Apes | Reeves, Matt | 2014 | USA | 130 |
6883 | 7378 | Murderer Dimitri Karamazov, The | Otsep, Fyodor | 1931 | Germany | 93 |
6884 | 7381 | Horse Boy, The | Scott, Michael Orion | 2009 | USA | 93 |
6885 | 7383 | Sandow | Dickson, W.K.L. | 1896 | USA | 1 |
6886 | 7385 | Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle, The | Temple, Julien | 1980 | UK | 103 |
6887 | 7469 | Number 11: Mirror Animations | Smith, Harry | 1956 | USA | |
6888 | 7384 | Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc, The/Jeanne d'Arc | Besson, Luc | 1999 | France | 160 |
6889 | 12146 | Nakhoda Khorshid | Taghvai, Nasser | 1987 | Iran | 118 |
6890 | 7494 | Warm Water Under a Red Bridge | Imamura, Shohei | 2001 | Japan | 119 |
6891 | 10071 | Angels in America [TV] | Nichols, Mike | 2003 | USA | 352 |
6892 | 9009 | Clue | Lynn, Jonathan | 1985 | USA | 87 |
6893 | 7866 | Petits arrangements avec les morts | Ferran, Pascale | 1994 | France | 104 |
6894 | 8029 | Italian Job, The | Collinson, Peter | 1969 | UK | 101 |
6895 | 7495 | Home | Meier, Ursula | 2008 | Switzerland | 95 |
6896 | 8129 | Silent Movie | Brooks, Mel | 1976 | USA | 87 |
6897 | 8188 | Matinee | Dante, Joe | 1993 | USA | 98 |
6898 | 9154 | Pasolini | Ferrara, Abel | 2014 | France | 84 |
6899 | 7498 | Silver Wind | Krska, Václav | 1954 | Czechoslovakia | 98 |
6900 | 7500 | Daughter Rite | Citron, Michelle | 1978 | USA | 53 |
6901 | 7789 | Marjoe | Smith, Howard & Sarah Kernochan | 1972 | USA | 88 |
6902 | 7501 | Rabid | Cronenberg, David | 1977 | Canada | 90 |
6903 | 8741 | Durian Durian | Chan, Fruit | 2000 | Hong Kong | 116 |
6904 | 7792 | Timecode | Figgis, Mike | 2000 | USA | 97 |
6905 | 7503 | Slam | Levin, Marc | 1998 | USA | 103 |
6906 | 7504 | Muqaddar Ka Sikandar | Mehra, Prakash | 1978 | India | 189 |
6907 | 8304 | Shapito-shou: Lyubov I Druzhba | Loban, Sergey | 2011 | Russia | 107 |
6908 | 7508 | Cotillion | Cornell, Joseph | 1938 | USA | 8 |
6909 | 7509 | Midnight Party | Cornell, Joseph | 1938 | USA | 4 |
6910 | 7510 | Children's Party, The | Cornell, Joseph | 1938 | USA | 8 |
6911 | 7511 | Petit lieutenant, Le | Beauvois, Xavier | 2005 | France | 110 |
6912 | 7512 | Thérèse Raquin | Carné, Marcel | 1953 | France | 102 |
6913 | 7513 | Carry on Camping | Thomas, Gerald | 1969 | UK | 88 |
6914 | 8346 | God of Killers | Hui, Ann | 1981 | Hong Kong | 90 |
6915 | 7515 | Rose, The | Rydell, Mark | 1979 | USA | 125 |
6916 | 9201 | Puppe, Die | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1919 | Germany | 66 |
6917 | 8349 | State and Main | Mamet, David | 2000 | France | 105 |
6918 | 7898 | Yes | Potter, Sally | 2004 | USA | 100 |
6919 | 7516 | Photograph, The | Papatakis, Nikos | 1986 | France | 102 |
6920 | 7517 | Sahara | Korda, Zoltan | 1943 | USA | 97 |
6921 | 7901 | Before the Devil Knows You're Dead | Lumet, Sidney | 2007 | USA | 117 |
6922 | 7804 | Authentique proces de Carl-Emmanuel Jung, L' | Hanoun, Marcel | 1966 | France | 62 |
6923 | 7806 | Last Life in the Universe | Ratanaruang, Pen-Ek | 2003 | Thailand | 112 |
6924 | 9004 | In the Family | Wang, Patrick | 2011 | USA | 169 |
6925 | 7521 | Alexander the Great | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1980 | Greece | 235 |
6926 | 7809 | Crazed Fruit | Nakahira, Ko | 1956 | Japan | 86 |
6927 | 7523 | Janela da Alma | Jardim, João & Walter Carvalho | 2001 | Brazil | 73 |
6928 | 8132 | Blade II | del Toro, Guillermo | 2002 | USA | 116 |
6929 | 7524 | Pride | Warchus, Matthew | 2014 | UK | 120 |
6930 | 9626 | American Playhouse: The Killing Floor [TV] | Duke, Bill | 1984 | USA | 118 |
6931 | 7525 | Yes, Madam | Poggioli, Ferdinando Maria | 1942 | Italy | 94 |
6932 | 7703 | Cool Runnings | Turteltaub, Jon | 1993 | USA | 97 |
6933 | 7526 | Big Easy, The | McBride, Jim | 1986 | USA | 108 |
6934 | 8295 | King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, The | Gordon, Seth | 2007 | USA | 78 |
6935 | 7529 | Empire of Desire, The | Reichenbach, Carlos | 1981 | Brazil | 110 |
6936 | 8382 | Town Bloody Hall | Hegedus, Chris & D.A. Pennebaker | 1979 | USA | 88 |
6937 | 7530 | Crank | Neveldine, Mark & Brian Taylor | 2006 | USA | 88 |
6938 | 9002 | Swimming Pool, The | Deray, Jacques | 1969 | Italy | 120 |
6939 | 7706 | Blob, The | Yeaworth Jr., Irvin S. | 1958 | USA | 86 |
6940 | 7701 | House Party | Hudlin, Reginald | 1990 | USA | 100 |
6941 | 8517 | Neon Bible, The | Davies, Terence | 1995 | UK | 91 |
6942 | 7533 | High Art | Cholodenko, Lisa | 1998 | USA | 101 |
6943 | 8062 | Dog Soldiers | Marshall, Neil | 2002 | UK | 104 |
6944 | 7826 | Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story, The | Lee, Danny & Herman Yau | 1993 | Hong Kong | 96 |
6945 | 17595 | Will Your Heart Beat Faster? | De Leon, Mike | 1980 | Philippines | 104 |
6946 | 8844 | Passion of Berenice, The | Hermosillo, Jaime Humberto | 1976 | Mexico | 107 |
6947 | 7540 | Reprise | Trier, Joachim | 2006 | Norway | 107 |
6948 | 8068 | Shutter Island | Scorsese, Martin | 2010 | USA | 138 |
6949 | 7543 | Uncle Vanya | Konchalovsky, Andrei | 1970 | USSR | 104 |
6950 | 7544 | Singles | Crowe, Cameron | 1992 | USA | 99 |
6951 | 7545 | Lord of the Rings, The | Bakshi, Ralph | 1978 | USA | 133 |
6952 | 7717 | Flesh and the Fiends, The | Gilling, John | 1960 | UK | 94 |
6953 | 7548 | XXY | Puenzo, Lucía | 2007 | Argentina | 91 |
6954 | 8202 | Curse of Frankenstein, The | Fisher, Terence | 1957 | UK | 83 |
6955 | 7550 | Without Witnesses | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1983 | USSR | 95 |
6956 | 8035 | Breathe | Laurent, Mélanie | 2014 | France | 91 |
6957 | 7551 | Khal Nayak | Ghai, Subhash | 1993 | India | 190 |
6958 | 8412 | Graceful Brute, The | Kawashima, Yuzo | 1962 | Japan | 96 |
6959 | 9773 | Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 | Ito, Shun'ya | 1972 | Japan | 90 |
6960 | 7552 | Rush | Howard, Ron | 2013 | UK | 123 |
6961 | 7553 | Janie's Janie | Ashur, Geri/Peter Barton/Marilyn Mulford/Stephanie Palewski | 1971 | USA | 25 |
6962 | 7554 | Wet Sand in August | Fujita, Toshiya | 1971 | Japan | |
6963 | 7556 | Husband Witnessed, The | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1964 | Japan | 92 |
6964 | 7849 | Affliction | Schrader, Paul | 1997 | USA | 114 |
6965 | 7558 | Arraial do Cabo | Carneiro, Mário & Paulo César Saraceni | 1960 | Brazil | 17 |
6966 | 8139 | Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle | Leiner, Danny | 2004 | USA | 87 |
6967 | 8151 | Eighth Grade | Burnham, Bo | 2018 | USA | 93 |
6968 | 7927 | Ashik Kerib | Parajanov, Sergei | 1988 | USSR | 73 |
6969 | 8036 | Dry White Season, A | Palcy, Euzhan | 1989 | USA | 107 |
6970 | 7561 | Singing Detective, The [TV] | Amiel, Jon | 1986 | UK | 415 |
6971 | 7564 | Hum Dono | Amarjeet | 1962 | India | 164 |
6972 | 8641 | Spanglish | Brooks, James L. | 2004 | USA | 130 |
6973 | 7859 | Everything Goes Wrong | Suzuki, Seijun | 1960 | Japan | 71 |
6974 | 7566 | Mystical Rose, The | Lee, Michael | 1976 | Australia | 65 |
6975 | 7567 | Kids Are Alright, The | Stein, Jeff | 1979 | USA | 108 |
6976 | 8037 | Tiny Furniture | Dunham, Lena | 2010 | USA | 98 |
6977 | 7569 | He Walked by Night | Werker, Alfred L. | 1948 | USA | 79 |
6978 | 8106 | Crane World | Trapero, Pablo | 1999 | Argentina | 90 |
6979 | 7865 | Our Mother's House | Clayton, Jack | 1967 | UK | 105 |
6980 | 8158 | Angi Vera | Gábor, Pál | 1979 | Hungary | 96 |
6981 | 7718 | Viajante, O | Saraceni, Paulo César | 1999 | Brazil | 100 |
6982 | 7571 | Circostanza, La [TV] | Olmi, Ermanno | 1973 | Italy | 90 |
6983 | 8075 | Captain America: Civil War | Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo | 2016 | USA | 147 |
6984 | 8460 | I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians | Jude, Radu | 2018 | Romania | 140 |
6985 | 16399 | Ready Player One | Spielberg, Steven | 2018 | USA | 140 |
6986 | 7575 | Circus of Horrors | Hayers, Sidney | 1960 | UK | 92 |
6987 | 8110 | Julieta | Almodóvar, Pedro | 2016 | Spain | 99 |
6988 | 8111 | One Man Up | Sorrentino, Paolo | 2001 | Italy | 100 |
6989 | 7953 | Thieves' Highway | Dassin, Jules | 1949 | USA | 94 |
6990 | 7836 | Babe: Pig in the City | Miller, George | 1998 | Australia | 97 |
6991 | 9916 | Malena | Tornatore, Giuseppe | 2000 | Italy | 108 |
6992 | 7758 | Hell's Angels | Hughes, Howard | 1930 | USA | 127 |
6993 | 7741 | Case of the Naves Brothers | Person, Luis Sergio | 1967 | Brazil | 92 |
6994 | 7577 | Food, Inc. | Kenner, Robert | 2008 | USA | 84 |
6995 | 7578 | Good Morning, Babylon | Taviani, Paolo & Vittorio Taviani | 1987 | France | 117 |
6996 | 13615 | Abuse of Weakness | Breillat, Catherine | 2013 | France | 105 |
6997 | 7580 | Blank Generation | Kral, Ivan & Amos Poe | 1976 | USA | 55 |
6998 | 7581 | Long Weekend | Eggleston, Colin | 1978 | Australia | 92 |
6999 | 7583 | Hard Times | Hill, Walter | 1975 | USA | 97 |
7000 | 7584 | Ocean's Eleven | Milestone, Lewis | 1960 | USA | 127 |
7001 | 8039 | People in White, The | Bae Yong-Kyun | 1996 | South Korea | |
7002 | 8040 | Truffle Hunters, The | Dweck, Michael & Gregory Kershaw | 2020 | Italy | 84 |
7003 | 7586 | All or Nothing | Leigh, Mike | 2002 | UK | 128 |
7004 | 8178 | Last Conversations | Coutinho, Eduardo | 2015 | Brazil | 87 |
7005 | 8169 | Single White Female | Schroeder, Barbet | 1992 | USA | 107 |
7006 | 7886 | Mommie Dearest | Perry, Frank | 1981 | USA | 129 |
7007 | 7924 | Grand Hotel | Goulding, Edmund | 1932 | USA | 113 |
7008 | 7587 | Girl with the Red Scarf, The | Yilmaz, Atif | 1978 | Turkey | 90 |
7009 | 7589 | Confidence | Szabó, István | 1980 | Hungary | 117 |
7010 | 7590 | Final Accord | Sirk, Douglas | 1936 | Germany | 100 |
7011 | 8085 | Hellboy II: The Golden Army | del Toro, Guillermo | 2008 | USA | 120 |
7012 | 7591 | Chicago | Marshall, Rob | 2002 | USA | 113 |
7013 | 7592 | Rebel, The | Day, Robert | 1960 | UK | 105 |
7014 | 7891 | State Fair | King, Henry | 1933 | USA | 99 |
7015 | 7593 | World's Fastest Indian, The | Donaldson, Roger | 2005 | New Zealand | 127 |
7016 | 8042 | Lover for a Day | Garrel, Philippe | 2017 | France | 76 |
7017 | 8311 | Our Sister Hedy | Doe Ching | 1957 | Hong Kong | 113 |
7018 | 7594 | Little Colonel, The | Butler, David | 1935 | USA | 80 |
7019 | 8086 | Neon Demon, The | Refn, Nicolas Winding | 2016 | Denmark | 118 |
7020 | 7597 | Pull My Daisy | Frank, Robert & Alfred Leslie | 1959 | USA | 30 |
7021 | 8045 | Furious 7 | Wan, James | 2015 | USA | 137 |
7022 | 7600 | Big Business | Horne, James W. & Leo McCarey | 1929 | USA | 19 |
7023 | 8740 | Warsaw Bridge | Portabella, Pere | 1990 | Spain | 85 |
7024 | 8046 | Depeche Mode: 101 | Dawkins, David/Chris Hegedus/D.A. Pennebaker | 1989 | UK | 117 |
7025 | 7601 | Cover Girl | Vidor, Charles | 1944 | USA | 107 |
7026 | 8047 | Time Masters | Laloux, René | 1982 | France | 78 |
7027 | 7896 | Beer Chase | Achternbusch, Herbert | 1977 | West Germany | 85 |
7028 | 7604 | Cyrano de Bergerac | Gordon, Michael | 1950 | USA | 112 |
7029 | 7613 | Re-Entry | Belson, Jordan | 1964 | USA | 7 |
7030 | 7611 | Kodak Ghost Poems (Part 1: The Adventures of the Exquisite Corpse) | Noren, Andrew | 1968 | 50 | |
7031 | 7605 | Traffic in Souls | Tucker, George Loane | 1913 | 74 | |
7032 | 7621 | Angry Harvest | Holland, Agnieszka | 1985 | West Germany | 102 |
7033 | 8515 | You're Next | Wingard, Adam | 2011 | USA | 95 |
7034 | 8297 | Moloch | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 1999 | Russia | 108 |
7035 | 7625 | Begotten | Merhige, E. Elias | 1990 | USA | 78 |
7036 | 7626 | Star Trek: The Motion Picture | Wise, Robert | 1979 | USA | 132 |
7037 | 8049 | Bamba, La | Valdez, Luis | 1987 | USA | 108 |
7038 | 7627 | Silly Symphony [Cartoon Series] | Various Directors | 1929-39 | USA | |
7039 | 7628 | Young Cassidy | Cardiff, Jack | 1965 | UK | 110 |
7040 | 8050 | Rocky Balboa | Stallone, Sylvester | 2006 | USA | 102 |
7041 | 8092 | My Best Friend's Wedding | Hogan, P.J. | 1997 | USA | 105 |
7042 | 7629 | New York Portrait: Chapter III | Hutton, Peter B. | 1990 | USA | 15 |
7043 | 8786 | Man Who Knew Too Much, The | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1934 | UK | 75 |
7044 | 8557 | Prisoner of Shark Island, The | Ford, John | 1936 | USA | 95 |
7045 | 7630 | Buried | Wang Libo | 2009 | China | |
7046 | 7631 | Zatoichi | Kitano, Takeshi | 2003 | Japan | 115 |
7047 | 8140 | Sapienza, La | Green, Eugène | 2014 | France | 101 |
7048 | 7632 | What Time is It? | Scola, Ettore | 1989 | Italy | 97 |
7049 | 7633 | He Who Must Die | Dassin, Jules | 1957 | Italy | 122 |
7050 | 8160 | Murderball | Shapiro, Dana Adam/Jeffrey Mandel/Henry Alex Rubin | 2005 | USA | 88 |
7051 | 7827 | City Slickers | Underwood, Ron | 1991 | USA | 112 |
7052 | 8051 | Steel Magnolias | Ross, Herbert | 1989 | USA | 118 |
7053 | 13947 | It Wasn't Love | Benning, Sadie | 1992 | USA | 20 |
7054 | 7915 | Ermo | Zhou Xiaowen | 1994 | China | 98 |
7055 | 7640 | Caged | Cromwell, John | 1950 | USA | 96 |
7056 | 7641 | Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer | Oshii, Mamoru | 1984 | Japan | 98 |
7057 | 7642 | To Begin Again | Garci, José Luis | 1982 | Spain | 93 |
7058 | 7643 | Story of the Kelly Gang, The | Tait, Charles | 1906 | Australia | 70 |
7059 | 8229 | Maldone | Grémillon, Jean | 1928 | France | 102 |
7060 | 7808 | A Marvada Carne | Klotzel, Andre | 1985 | Brazil | 77 |
7061 | 8053 | Berlin Horse | le Grice, Malcolm | 1970 | UK | 7 |
7062 | 13988 | Kolya | Sverák, Jan | 1996 | Czech Republic | 110 |
7063 | 9057 | Soldier Blue | Nelson, Ralph | 1970 | USA | 112 |
7064 | 7646 | My First Film [INSTALLATION] | Anger, Zia | 2019 | USA | 75 |
7065 | 8231 | Nice Guys, The | Black, Shane | 2016 | USA | 116 |
7066 | 7648 | Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years, The | Spheeris, Penelope | 1988 | USA | 90 |
7067 | 7649 | Isadora | Reisz, Karel | 1968 | UK | 131 |
7068 | 9264 | Passe ton bac d'abord… | Pialat, Maurice | 1978 | France | 86 |
7069 | 7650 | Champ, The | Zeffirelli, Franco | 1979 | USA | 121 |
7070 | 9056 | Metropolis | Rintaro | 2001 | Japan | 107 |
7071 | 8764 | Happy End | Lipský, Oldrich | 1967 | Czechoslovakia | 71 |
7072 | 8054 | Boys on the Side | Ross, Herbert | 1995 | USA | 117 |
7073 | 9103 | Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob, The | Oury, Gérard | 1973 | France | 95 |
7074 | 7720 | Human Resources | Cantet, Laurent | 1999 | France | 100 |
7075 | 7653 | Wounded Man, The | Chéreau, Patrice | 1983 | France | 109 |
7076 | 8055 | Richard III | Loncraine, Richard | 1995 | UK | 104 |
7077 | 8056 | Heartworn Highways | Szalapski, James | 1976 | USA | 92 |
7078 | 7654 | Waking Ned | Jones, Kirk | 1998 | UK | 91 |
7079 | 8647 | Leap Into the Void | Bellocchio, Marco | 1980 | Italy | 120 |
7080 | 7655 | Cadena perpetua | Ripstein, Arturo | 1979 | Mexico | 95 |
7081 | 7662 | Jane Eyre | Stevenson, Robert | 1944 | USA | 96 |
7082 | 7663 | American Job | Smith, Chris | 1995 | USA | 90 |
7083 | 8452 | Bullet for the General, A | Damiani, Damiano | 1967 | Italy | 115 |
7084 | 7664 | At Dawn | Li Han Hsiang & Sung Tsun-Shou | 1968 | Taiwan | 106 |
7085 | 7665 | Breaking Bad [TV] | Various Directors | 2008-13 | USA | |
7086 | 7667 | Doom Generation, The | Araki, Gregg | 1995 | USA | 85 |
7087 | 7668 | Ich bei Tag und du bei Nacht | Berger, Ludwig | 1932 | Germany | 98 |
7088 | 9167 | Perfect Love | Breillat, Catherine | 1996 | France | 110 |
7089 | 7670 | Days of Thunder | Scott, Tony | 1990 | USA | 107 |
7090 | 7671 | Vieux pays ou Rimbaud est mort, Le | Lefebvre, Jean Pierre | 1977 | France | 113 |
7091 | 7674 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer [TV] | Various Directors | 1997-2003 | USA | |
7092 | 8161 | Man Facing Southeast | Subiela, Eliseo | 1986 | Argentina | 108 |
7093 | 8162 | Little Princess, A | Cuarón, Alfonso | 1995 | USA | 97 |
7094 | 8114 | Romance of Astrea and Celadon, The | Rohmer, Eric | 2007 | France | 109 |
7095 | 7960 | 48 Hours | de Leon, Gerardo | 1950 | Philippines | |
7096 | 8115 | Laurence Anyways | Dolan, Xavier | 2012 | Canada | 168 |
7097 | 7966 | Melody for a Street Organ | Muratova, Kira | 2009 | Ukraine | 153 |
7098 | 7880 | Thalapathi | Ratnam, Mani | 1991 | India | 157 |
7099 | 7677 | LBJ | Álvarez, Santiago | 1968 | Cuba | 18 |
7100 | 7679 | Private Function, A | Mowbray, Malcolm | 1985 | UK | 93 |
7101 | 7681 | Road to Morocco | Butler, David | 1942 | USA | 83 |
7102 | 8059 | Flee | Rasmussen, Jonas Poher | 2021 | Denmark | 90 |
7103 | 7767 | Nymphomaniac: Vol. I | von Trier, Lars | 2013 | Denmark | 117 |
7104 | 7768 | Nymphomaniac: Vol. II | von Trier, Lars | 2013 | Denmark | 123 |
7105 | 8694 | Crimson Pirate, The | Siodmak, Robert | 1952 | USA | 104 |
7106 | 8107 | On the Bowery | Rogosin, Lionel | 1956 | USA | 65 |
7107 | 14265 | Land Imagined, A | Yeo Siew Hua | 2018 | Singapore | 95 |
7108 | 7684 | Life of an American Fireman | Porter, Edwin S. & George S. Fleming | 1903 | USA | 6 |
7109 | 7685 | Black Ermine | Christensen, Carlos Hugo | 1953 | Argentina | 104 |
7110 | 7977 | Courtship of Eddie's Father, The | Minnelli, Vincente | 1963 | USA | 118 |
7111 | 8892 | 4th Man, The | Verhoeven, Paul | 1983 | Netherlands | 104 |
7112 | 8940 | Okhota na lis | Abdrashitov, Vadim | 1980 | USSR | 97 |
7113 | 7982 | Ruthless | Ulmer, Edgar G. | 1948 | USA | 104 |
7114 | 7687 | Floating Life | Law, Clara | 1996 | Australia | 95 |
7115 | 9176 | Hell Drivers | Endfield, Cy | 1957 | UK | 91 |
7116 | 8700 | Goodnight Mommy | Fiala, Severin & Veronika Franz | 2014 | Austria | 99 |
7117 | 7688 | Four Musketeers, The | Lester, Richard | 1974 | Spain | 108 |
7118 | 7689 | Lady in the Dark | Leisen, Mitchell | 1944 | USA | 100 |
7119 | 8179 | Pusher | Refn, Nicolas Winding | 1996 | Denmark | 109 |
7120 | 7690 | Vertical Ray of the Sun, The | Tran Anh Hung | 2000 | France | 112 |
7121 | 15261 | Runaways, The | Sigismondi, Floria | 2010 | USA | 106 |
7122 | 8063 | Whores' Glory | Glawogger, Michael | 2011 | Germany | 110 |
7123 | 8064 | Other Side of Everything, The | Turajlic, Mila | 2017 | Serbia | |
7124 | 7691 | Voyage Surprise | Prévert, Pierre | 1946 | France | 108 |
7125 | 9308 | Yoyo | Étaix, Pierre | 1965 | France | 92 |
7126 | 8305 | Shapito-shou: Uvazhenie i sotrudnichestvo | Loban, Sergey | 2011 | Russia | 111 |
7127 | 8119 | Okraina | Lutsik, Pyotr | 1998 | Russia | 95 |
7128 | 7692 | Talking to Strangers | Tregenza, Rob | 1988 | USA | 90 |
7129 | 7696 | Grand Day Out, A | Park, Nick | 1989 | UK | 23 |
7130 | 7899 | Reyes, Los | Osnovikoff, Iván & Bettina Perut | 2018 | Chile | 78 |
7131 | 8201 | Gambling, Gods and LSD | Mettler, Peter | 2002 | Canada | 180 |
7132 | 7900 | Quiet Earth, The | Murphy, Geoff | 1985 | New Zealand | 100 |
7133 | 7698 | Wait 'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie | King, Henry | 1952 | USA | 108 |
7134 | 9207 | Avalon | Levinson, Barry | 1990 | USA | 126 |
7135 | 8066 | Tangled | Greno, Nathan & Byron Howard | 2010 | USA | |
7136 | 8959 | Reflections in a Golden Eye | Huston, John | 1967 | USA | 108 |
7137 | 8136 | Torso | Martino, Sergio | 1973 | Italy | 92 |
7138 | 8203 | Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors | Hong Sang-soo | 2000 | South Korea | 126 |
7139 | 7699 | Savages, The | Jenkins, Tamara | 2007 | USA | 114 |
7140 | 7907 | Sergeant Rutledge | Ford, John | 1960 | USA | 111 |
7141 | 7704 | Taste the Blood of Dracula | Sasdy, Peter | 1970 | UK | 91 |
7142 | 7705 | Herman Slobbe | van der Keuken, Johan | 1966 | Netherlands | |
7143 | 8211 | Marriage Italian Style | De Sica, Vittorio | 1964 | Italy | 102 |
7144 | 9199 | Stepford Wives, The | Forbes, Bryan | 1975 | USA | 115 |
7145 | 7709 | East is Red, The | Wang Ping | 1965 | China | 117 |
7146 | 7710 | Girl from Rio, The | Franco, Jesús | 1969 | West Germany | 94 |
7147 | 8494 | Rules of Attraction, The | Avary, Roger | 2002 | USA | 110 |
7148 | 8610 | Queen of Spades, The | Dickinson, Thorold | 1949 | UK | 95 |
7149 | 7711 | Fifth Seal, The | Fábri, Zoltán | 1976 | Hungary | 116 |
7150 | 7712 | Jigoku | Nakagawa, Nobuo | 1960 | Japan | 98 |
7151 | 7713 | Madame DuBarry | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1919 | Germany | 114 |
7152 | 7714 | Vampire Lovers, The | Baker, Roy Ward | 1970 | UK | 88 |
7153 | 8365 | Rollerball | Jewison, Norman | 1975 | USA | 125 |
7154 | 8221 | Meshok bez dna | Khamdamov, Rustam | 2017 | Russia | 104 |
7155 | 7715 | Nine Lives | Garcia, Rodrigo | 2005 | USA | 115 |
7156 | 7918 | Dil Chahta Hai | Akhtar, Farhan | 2001 | India | 183 |
7157 | 8072 | Oath, The | Poitras, Laura | 2010 | USA | 90 |
7158 | 8386 | Let Me In | Reeves, Matt | 2010 | USA | 116 |
7159 | 7721 | Lords of Flatbush, The | Verona, Stephen F./Martin Davidson | 1974 | USA | 88 |
7160 | 8450 | Récréations | Simon, Claire | 1998 | France | 54 |
7161 | 8235 | Future, The | July, Miranda | 2011 | Germany | 91 |
7162 | 8073 | Face to Face | Bergman, Ingmar | 1976 | Sweden | 114 |
7163 | 8541 | Ichi the Killer | Miike, Takashi | 2001 | Japan | 129 |
7164 | 7910 | V for Vendetta | McTeigue, James | 2005 | USA | 132 |
7165 | 7727 | Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey, The | Ward, Vincent | 1988 | New Zealand | 92 |
7166 | 7729 | Metaphor, The | Vidor, King | 1980 | USA | 36 |
7167 | 7732 | American Torso | Bódy, Gábor | 1975 | Hungary | 91 |
7168 | 7734 | Thoughts That Once We Had, The | Andersen, Thom | 2015 | 108 | |
7169 | 8074 | Satiemania | Gasparovic, Zdenko | 1978 | Yugoslavia | 14 |
7170 | 7905 | Tropic Thunder | Stiller, Ben | 2008 | Germany | 107 |
7171 | 7735 | Canto da Saudade | Mauro, Humberto | 1952 | Brazil | 100 |
7172 | 8076 | You've Got Mail | Ephron, Nora | 1998 | USA | 119 |
7173 | 7736 | Bons Debarras, Les | Mankiewicz, Francis | 1980 | Canada | 120 |
7174 | 8246 | Wall, The | Güney, Yilmaz | 1983 | Turkey | 117 |
7175 | 8832 | Prisoner of Zenda, The | Cromwell, John | 1937 | USA | 101 |
7176 | 9098 | Forbidden Room, The | Maddin, Guy | 2015 | Canada | 130 |
7177 | 8078 | Perfume: The Story of a Murderer | Tykwer, Tom | 2006 | Germany | 147 |
7178 | 8637 | Safety Not Guaranteed | Trevorrow, Colin | 2012 | USA | 86 |
7179 | 8079 | Big Sick, The | Showalter, Michael | 2017 | USA | 120 |
7180 | 8751 | Kiss of Death | Hathaway, Henry | 1947 | USA | 98 |
7181 | 8449 | Dark Victory | Goulding, Edmund | 1939 | USA | 106 |
7182 | 7743 | Viva Italia! | Monicelli, Mario/Dino Risi/Ettore Scola | 1977 | Italy | 115 |
7183 | 7744 | Guy Named Joe, A | Fleming, Victor | 1943 | USA | 120 |
7184 | 8080 | Great Muppet Caper, The | Henson, Jim | 1981 | UK | 95 |
7185 | 7747 | Sorry, Wrong Number | Litvak, Anatole | 1948 | USA | 89 |
7186 | 9293 | Resident Evil: Retribution | Anderson, Paul W.S. | 2012 | Canada | 95 |
7187 | 8251 | Traitor, The | Bellocchio, Marco | 2019 | Italy | 153 |
7188 | 7748 | Agony and the Ecstasy of Phil Spector, The | Jayanti, Vikram | 2009 | USA | 102 |
7189 | 8396 | Mandingo | Fleischer, Richard | 1975 | USA | 127 |
7190 | 9263 | Passionless Moments | Campion, Jane | 1983 | Australia | 13 |
7191 | 7749 | She Must Be Seeing Things | McLaughlin, Sheila | 1987 | USA | 95 |
7192 | 7750 | Carry on Cleo | Thomas, Gerald | 1965 | UK | 92 |
7193 | 16392 | 20,000 Days on Earth | Forsyth, Iain & Jane Pollard | 2014 | UK | 97 |
7194 | 8643 | Who's Minding the Store? | Tashlin, Frank | 1963 | USA | 90 |
7195 | 7751 | Girl with a Pearl Earring | Webber, Peter | 2003 | UK | 95 |
7196 | 8082 | Miserables, Les | Hooper, Tom | 2012 | UK | 157 |
7197 | 8153 | Spider-Man | Raimi, Sam | 2002 | USA | 131 |
7198 | 7753 | Wrong Again | McCarey, Leo | 1929 | USA | 20 |
7199 | 8623 | Abominable Dr. Phibes, The | Fuest, Robert | 1971 | UK | 94 |
7200 | 8163 | I Know What You Did Last Summer | Gillespie, Jim | 1997 | USA | 101 |
7201 | 8893 | Never Fear | Lupino, Ida | 1950 | USA | 82 |
7202 | 7754 | Chaplin | Attenborough, Richard | 1992 | UK | 144 |
7203 | 7755 | Open Hearts | Bier, Susanne | 2002 | Denmark | 113 |
7204 | 8147 | Homem do Sputnik, O | Manga, Carlos | 1959 | Brazil | 98 |
7205 | 8084 | Lonely Boy | Koenig, Wolf & Roman Kroitor | 1962 | Canada | 27 |
7206 | 9421 | Wild Things | McNaughton, John | 1998 | USA | 107 |
7207 | 8265 | Her Man | Garnett, Tay | 1930 | USA | 85 |
7208 | 7757 | Tour, La | Clair, René | 1928 | France | 14 |
7209 | 7844 | Back to the Future Part III | Zemeckis, Robert | 1990 | USA | 118 |
7210 | 7759 | In Public | Jia Zhangke | 2001 | China | 30 |
7211 | 8171 | Blade | Norrington, Stephen | 1998 | USA | 120 |
7212 | 8455 | Timecrimes | Vigalondo, Nacho | 2007 | Spain | 92 |
7213 | 7761 | Tracker, The | De Heer, Rolf | 2002 | Australia | 90 |
7214 | 7762 | Secret Garden, The | Holland, Agnieszka | 1993 | USA | 101 |
7215 | 7763 | Apollo 13 | Howard, Ron | 1995 | USA | 135 |
7216 | 7764 | Birdman of Alcatraz | Frankenheimer, John | 1962 | USA | 143 |
7217 | 7967 | Seven Days in May | Frankenheimer, John | 1964 | USA | 118 |
7218 | 9141 | Comanche Station | Boetticher, Budd | 1960 | USA | 74 |
7219 | 8490 | Sun of the Sleepless, The | Babluani, Temur | 1992 | Georgia | 123 |
7220 | 8491 | Heart of a Dog [TV] | Bortko, Vladimir | 1988 | USSR | 136 |
7221 | 7765 | Stone Wedding | Pita, Dan & Mircea Veroiu | 1973 | Romania | 90 |
7222 | 8495 | Nowhere to Hide | Lee Myung-se | 1999 | South Korea | 100 |
7223 | 8486 | Trick 'r Treat | Dougherty, Michael | 2007 | USA | 82 |
7224 | 8294 | Norwegian Wood | Tran Anh Hung | 2010 | Japan | 134 |
7225 | 7769 | Story of One Crime | Khitruk, Fyodor | 1962 | USSR | 20 |
7226 | 7770 | Rencontre, La | Cavalier, Alain | 1996 | France | 75 |
7227 | 7771 | After Death | Bauer, Yevgeni | 1915 | Russia | 46 |
7228 | 17038 | Haunted House, The | Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline | 1921 | USA | 21 |
7229 | 8505 | Something's Gotta Give | Meyers, Nancy | 2003 | USA | 128 |
7230 | 8087 | Oh, Mr. Porter | Varnel, Marcel | 1937 | UK | 85 |
7231 | 8451 | Child's Play | Holland, Tom | 1988 | USA | 87 |
7232 | 8088 | Rock Hudson's Home Movies | Rappaport, Mark | 1992 | USA | 63 |
7233 | 8307 | Secret of Kells, The | Moore, Tomm | 2009 | France | 75 |
7234 | 7777 | Passage à l'acte | Arnold, Martin | 1993 | Austria | 12 |
7235 | 7778 | Sunflower | De Sica, Vittorio | 1970 | Italy | 107 |
7236 | 8187 | Ordinary Heroes | Hui, Ann | 1999 | Hong Kong | 128 |
7237 | 8172 | Hellboy | del Toro, Guillermo | 2004 | USA | 122 |
7238 | 8943 | Hanagatami | Obayashi, Nobuhiko | 2017 | Japan | 169 |
7239 | 7779 | Shot in the Dark, A | Edwards, Blake | 1964 | UK | 102 |
7240 | 8089 | Tony Takitani | Ichikawa, Jun | 2004 | Japan | 75 |
7241 | 7983 | Bring it On | Reed, Peyton | 2000 | USA | 98 |
7242 | 8090 | In the Shadow of Women | Garrel, Philippe | 2015 | France | 73 |
7243 | 8330 | 1941 | Spielberg, Steven | 1979 | USA | 118 |
7244 | 8190 | Emberek a havason | Szöts, István | 1942 | Hungary | 88 |
7245 | 8539 | Power of Emotion, The | Kluge, Alexander | 1983 | Germany | 115 |
7246 | 8091 | Last Dive, The | Monteiro, João César | 1992 | Portugal | 88 |
7247 | 7790 | Go, Go Second Time Virgin | Wakamatsu, Koji | 1969 | Japan | 65 |
7248 | 8093 | Deathtrap | Lumet, Sidney | 1982 | USA | 116 |
7249 | 7793 | Love Finds Andy Hardy | Seitz, George B. | 1938 | USA | 90 |
7250 | 7800 | Primera carga al machete, La | Gomez, Manuel Octavio | 1969 | Cuba | 84 |
7251 | 8343 | Barkleys of Broadway, The | Walters, Charles | 1949 | USA | 109 |
7252 | 8547 | Story of Women | Chabrol, Claude | 1988 | France | 108 |
7253 | 10034 | Wild Pear Tree, The | Ceylan, Nuri Bilge | 2018 | Turkey | 188 |
7254 | 8348 | Big Dig, The | Kishon, Ephraim | 1969 | Israel | 95 |
7255 | 8194 | Nostalgia for Countryland | Minh Dang Nhat | 1995 | Vietnam | 116 |
7256 | 8351 | Garibaldi | Rossellini, Roberto | 1961 | Italy | 129 |
7257 | 7803 | Assassinat du duc de Guise, L' | Calmettes, Andres & Charles Le Bargy | 1908 | France | 15 |
7258 | 7805 | Film ou Visa de censure numero X | Clémenti, Pierre | 1967 | France | 55 |
7259 | 7807 | Fimpen | Widerberg, Bo | 1974 | Sweden | 89 |
7260 | 8094 | Way We Are, The | Hui, Ann | 2008 | Hong Kong | 90 |
7261 | 7810 | Enchanted Cottage, The | Cromwell, John | 1945 | USA | 92 |
7262 | 7811 | Almanac of Fall | Tarr, Béla | 1984 | Hungary | 119 |
7263 | 7812 | Thing with Two Heads, The | Frost, Lee | 1972 | USA | 93 |
7264 | 7822 | Soapdish | Hoffman, Michael | 1991 | USA | 95 |
7265 | 8095 | Welcome to New York | Ferrara, Abel | 2014 | USA | 125 |
7266 | 8096 | Dangerous Method, A | Cronenberg, David | 2011 | UK | 99 |
7267 | 7824 | Tribulation 99: Alien Anomalies Under America | Baldwin, Craig | 1991 | USA | 48 |
7268 | 12614 | Gespenster | Petzold, Christian | 2005 | Germany | 85 |
7269 | 8193 | Batman | Martinson, Leslie H. | 1966 | USA | 105 |
7270 | 7825 | Monsieur Hire | Leconte, Patrice | 1989 | France | 88 |
7271 | 8200 | Lion | Davis, Garth | 2016 | Australia | 118 |
7272 | 7828 | Alice Adams | Stevens, George | 1935 | USA | 99 |
7273 | 8097 | House by the Cemetery, The | Fulci, Lucio | 1981 | Italy | 86 |
7274 | 7829 | Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey | Martin, Steven M. | 1993 | USA | 104 |
7275 | 8098 | Coma | Fattahi, Sara | 2015 | Syria | 97 |
7276 | 7830 | Cyrano et d'Artagnan | Gance, Abel | 1964 | France | 145 |
7277 | 7831 | Viramundo | Sarno, Geraldo | 1965 | Brazil | 37 |
7278 | 7832 | Longtime Companion | Rene, Norman | 1990 | USA | 96 |
7279 | 8217 | Retour à la raison, Le | Ray, Man | 1923 | France | 2 |
7280 | 7834 | Mark of Zorro, The | Niblo, Fred | 1920 | USA | 90 |
7281 | 7835 | Pitch Black | Twohy, David | 2000 | USA | 110 |
7282 | 8608 | Parent Trap, The | Swift, David | 1961 | USA | 124 |
7283 | 7837 | Another Way | Makk, Károly | 1982 | Hungary | 102 |
7284 | 8395 | Embalmer, The | Garrone, Matteo | 2002 | Italy | 101 |
7285 | 9013 | Shin Godzilla | Anno, Hideaki | 2016 | Japan | 120 |
7286 | 8099 | Oversimplication of Her Beauty, An | Nance, Terence | 2012 | USA | 84 |
7287 | 8401 | Exorcist II: The Heretic | Boorman, John | 1977 | USA | 117 |
7288 | 7839 | Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl | Hughes, Terry & Ian MacNaughton | 1982 | UK | 77 |
7289 | 8807 | Blind Venus | Gance, Abel | 1941 | France | 140 |
7290 | 7840 | Hired Hand, The | Fonda, Peter | 1971 | USA | 90 |
7291 | 8100 | Garden, The | Sulik, Martin | 1995 | Slovakia | 100 |
7292 | 7841 | Bel Ami | Forst, Willi | 1939 | Germany | 102 |
7293 | 7843 | Lord Love a Duck | Axelrod, George | 1966 | USA | 104 |
7294 | 8233 | Tanner '88 [TV] | Altman, Robert | 1988 | USA | 353 |
7295 | 8101 | July Rhapsody | Hui, Ann | 2002 | Hong Kong | 103 |
7296 | 8102 | Mood Indigo | Gondry, Michel | 2013 | France | 94 |
7297 | 8410 | Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie, The | Jones, Chuck & Phil Monroe | 1979 | USA | 98 |
7298 | 8813 | Legend of Tianyun Mountain | Xie Jin | 1980 | China | |
7299 | 7847 | Malandro | Guerra, Ruy | 1985 | Brazil | 105 |
7300 | 7846 | Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning | Hyams, John | 2012 | USA | 114 |
7301 | 8416 | Spanish Apartment, The | Klapisch, Cédric | 2002 | France | 121 |
7302 | 9090 | Great White Silence, The | Ponting, Herbert G. | 1922 | UK | 80 |
7303 | 8429 | Movimento das Coisas, O | Serra, Manuela | 1985 | Portugal | 85 |
7304 | 9028 | People Under the Stairs, The | Craven, Wes | 1991 | USA | 102 |
7305 | 8826 | Victoria | Schipper, Sebastian | 2015 | Germany | 138 |
7306 | 9271 | Drums Along the Mohawk | Ford, John | 1939 | USA | 103 |
7307 | 7850 | Hero | Frears, Stephen | 1992 | USA | 112 |
7308 | 8104 | Nest of Tens | July, Miranda | 2000 | USA | 27 |
7309 | 7851 | Five Days One Summer | Zinnemann, Fred | 1982 | USA | 108 |
7310 | 17866 | TÁR | Field, Todd | 2022 | USA | 158 |
7311 | 18089 | Lucky Star | Franco, Ricardo | 1997 | Spain | 110 |
7312 | Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland | Hata, Masanori/Masami Hata/William T. Hurtz | 1989 | Japan | 85 | |
7313 | 8446 | Long Holiday, The | van der Keuken, Johan | 2000 | France | 145 |
7314 | 7854 | Dead End | Wyler, William | 1937 | USA | 93 |
7315 | 7857 | Front, The | Ritt, Martin | 1976 | USA | 94 |
7316 | 8223 | Year My Parents Went on Vacation, The | Hamburger, Cao | 2006 | Brazil | 110 |
7317 | 18381 | Speak No Evil | Tafdrup, Christian | 2022 | Denmark | 97 |
7318 | 8239 | Superman II | Lester, Richard | 1980 | USA | 127 |
7319 | 8226 | First on the Moon | Fedorchenko, Aleksey | 2005 | Russia | 75 |
7320 | 8227 | Gorko! | Kryzhovnikov, Zhora | 2013 | Russia | 100 |
7321 | 8247 | Calvary | McDonagh, John Michael | 2014 | Ireland | 102 |
7322 | 8662 | Jackie | Larraín, Pablo | 2016 | Chile | 100 |
7323 | 8108 | Friday the 13th, Part 3 | Miner, Steve | 1982 | USA | 96 |
7324 | 7867 | Across the Wide Missouri | Wellman, William | 1951 | USA | 78 |
7325 | 7868 | Word is Out | Adair, Nancy/Andrew Brown/Rob Epstein | 1977 | USA | 124 |
7326 | 7869 | Bug's Life, A | Lasseter, John | 1998 | USA | 96 |
7327 | 8109 | Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex (But Were Afraid to Ask) | Allen, Woody | 1972 | USA | 87 |
7328 | 9649 | Family Life | Doillon, Jacques | 1985 | France | 95 |
7329 | 8672 | Capote | Miller, Bennett | 2005 | USA | 98 |
7330 | 7872 | Talk Radio | Stone, Oliver | 1988 | USA | 110 |
7331 | 7873 | Bowfinger | Oz, Frank | 1999 | USA | 97 |
7332 | 9020 | Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story | Kasdan, Jake | 2007 | USA | 96 |
7333 | 8112 | Station Six Sahara | Holt, Seth | 1963 | UK | 99 |
7334 | 8465 | Fire at Sea | Rosi, Gianfranco | 2016 | Italy | 114 |
7335 | 9813 | In Harm's Way | Preminger, Otto | 1965 | USA | 165 |
7336 | 8683 | Auberge rouge, L' | Epstein, Jean | 1923 | France | 80 |
7337 | 7874 | Pygmalion | Asquith, Anthony & Leslie Howard | 1938 | UK | 95 |
7338 | 7875 | Last Holiday | Cass, Henry | 1950 | UK | 89 |
7339 | 12541 | Moral | Diaz-Abaya, Marilou | 1982 | Philippines | 140 |
7340 | 10125 | Sign o' the Times | Prince | 1987 | USA | 85 |
7341 | 9138 | Little Man, What Now? | Borzage, Frank | 1934 | USA | 98 |
7342 | 7876 | Noroît | Rivette, Jacques | 1976 | France | 145 |
7343 | 7877 | Shaolin Temple | Chang Hsin-Yen | 1982 | Hong Kong | 95 |
7344 | 7878 | Jouet, Le | Veber, Francis | 1976 | France | 92 |
7345 | 7879 | My Mother's Castle | Robert, Yves | 1990 | France | 98 |
7346 | 8117 | Looking for Eric | Loach, Ken | 2009 | France | 116 |
7347 | 8489 | Monsieur Lazhar | Falardeau, Philippe | 2011 | Canada | |
7348 | 7881 | By Hook or By Crook | Dodge, Harry & Silas Howard | 2001 | USA | 98 |
7349 | 7882 | Colonel Redl | Szabó, István | 1985 | Austria | 149 |
7350 | 7883 | Bread Factory, Part Two, A | Wang, Patrick | 2018 | USA | 120 |
7351 | 7884 | Broken Arrow | Daves, Delmer | 1950 | USA | 93 |
7352 | 9528 | Panic in the Streets | Kazan, Elia | 1950 | USA | 93 |
7353 | 8121 | Attack! | Aldrich, Robert | 1956 | USA | 107 |
7354 | 7885 | Tontons flingueurs, Les | Lautner, Georges | 1963 | France | 105 |
7355 | 8122 | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Robertson, John S. | 1920 | USA | 96 |
7356 | 8500 | Mr. Turner | Leigh, Mike | 2014 | UK | 150 |
7357 | 8123 | Burglar, The | Wendkos, Paul | 1957 | USA | 90 |
7358 | 8502 | Pride and Prejudice [TV] | Langton, Simon | 1995 | UK | 300 |
7359 | 8124 | All the Cities of the North | Komljen, Dane | 2016 | Serbia | 97 |
7360 | 8125 | Heartburn | Nichols, Mike | 1986 | USA | 108 |
7361 | 21240 | Encino Man | Mayfield, Les | 1992 | USA | 89 |
7362 | 7887 | Fim e o Princípio, O | Coutinho, Eduardo | 2006 | Brazil | 110 |
7363 | 8126 | Last Resort | Pawlikowski, Pawel | 2000 | UK | 73 |
7364 | 21332 | Bell' Antonio | Bolognini, Mauro | 1960 | France | 101 |
7365 | 8869 | Tempting Heart | Chang, Sylvia | 1999 | Hong Kong | 115 |
7366 | 7889 | Woman Always Pays, The | Gad, Urban | 1910 | Denmark | 38 |
7367 | 7890 | Rescued by Rover | Fitzhamon, Lewin & Cecil Hepworth | 1905 | UK | 7 |
7368 | 8512 | Microcosmos | Nuridsany, Claude | 1996 | France | 75 |
7369 | 8260 | Taken | Morel, Pierre | 2008 | France | 94 |
7370 | 8127 | Road Movie, The | Kalashnikov, Dmitrii | 2016 | Belarus | 67 |
7371 | 8128 | Watcher in the Woods, The | Hough, John | 1980 | USA | 84 |
7372 | 7892 | Red Detachment of Women, The | Xie Jin | 1961 | China | 105 |
7373 | 7893 | Tasio | Armendáriz, Montxo | 1984 | Spain | 95 |
7374 | 8520 | Mexican Bus Ride | Buñuel, Luis | 1952 | Mexico | 74 |
7375 | 8522 | Small Town Ecstasy [TV] | Blumenfield, Jay | 2002 | USA | 85 |
7376 | 8130 | Summer School | Reiner, Carl | 1987 | USA | 98 |
7377 | 7894 | Milagro Beanfield War, The | Redford, Robert | 1988 | USA | 117 |
7378 | 8945 | Rachel Getting Married | Demme, Jonathan | 2008 | USA | 113 |
7379 | 8730 | Down with Love | Reed, Peyton | 2003 | USA | 101 |
7380 | 8737 | Immortelle, L' | Robbe-Grillet, Alain | 1963 | Turkey | 101 |
7381 | 9182 | To All the Boys I've Loved Before | Johnson, Susan | 2018 | USA | 99 |
7382 | 8134 | Horse, The | Burnett, Charles | 1973 | USA | 14 |
7383 | 8296 | Big Hero 6 | Hall, Don & Chris Williams | 2014 | USA | 102 |
7384 | 9189 | Song to Song | Malick, Terrence | 2017 | USA | 129 |
7385 | 8744 | T-Men | Mann, Anthony | 1947 | USA | 92 |
7386 | 7895 | Boat, The | Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline | 1921 | USA | 26 |
7387 | 9191 | Flame and the Arrow, The | Tourneur, Jacques | 1950 | USA | 88 |
7388 | 8135 | Seeta Aur Geeta | Sippy, Ramesh | 1972 | India | 162 |
7389 | 12733 | Tucker: The Man and His Dream | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1988 | USA | 111 |
7390 | 8551 | Execution in Autumn | Lee Hsing | 1972 | Taiwan | 99 |
7391 | 8702 | Arrangement, The | Kazan, Elia | 1969 | USA | 125 |
7392 | 9029 | Sleepaway Camp | Hiltzik, Robert | 1983 | USA | 88 |
7393 | 7902 | Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby | McKay, Adam | 2006 | USA | 108 |
7394 | 7903 | Homecoming | Yim Ho | 1984 | Hong Kong | 96 |
7395 | 8803 | Birth/Mother | Kawase, Naomi | 2006 | France | 32 |
7396 | 7904 | Desafio, O | Saraceni, Paulo César | 1965 | Brazil | 81 |
7397 | 8756 | Whatever Works | Allen, Woody | 2009 | USA | 92 |
7398 | 8137 | Manpower | Walsh, Raoul | 1941 | USA | 105 |
7399 | 9618 | Sign of the Cross, The | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1932 | USA | 108 |
7400 | 8138 | Rambo: First Blood Part II | Cosmatos, George P. | 1985 | USA | 95 |
7401 | 7906 | Wesele | Wajda, Andrzej | 1972 | Poland | 102 |
7402 | 8559 | Mr. & Mrs. Bridge | Ivory, James | 1990 | USA | 126 |
7403 | 8374 | 9 Songs | Winterbottom, Michael | 2004 | UK | 71 |
7404 | 8141 | Spring Gathering, The | Avdeliodis, Dimos | 1999 | Greece | 178 |
7405 | 8313 | 28 Weeks Later | Fresnadillo, Juan Carlos | 2007 | UK | |
7406 | 7908 | Living | Zwartjes, Frans | 1971 | Netherlands | 15 |
7407 | 7909 | Flesh and the Devil | Brown, Clarence | 1926 | USA | 112 |
7408 | 8387 | Love, Simon | Berlanti, Greg | 2018 | USA | 110 |
7409 | 7911 | Big Night, The | Losey, Joseph | 1951 | USA | 75 |
7410 | 7912 | Big Hit, The | Wong, Kirk | 1998 | USA | 91 |
7411 | 7913 | Black Panthers | Varda, Agnès | 1968 | France | 31 |
7412 | 8389 | Hunger Games, The | Ross, Gary | 2012 | USA | 142 |
7413 | 8339 | Cuckoo, The | Rogozhkin, Aleksandr | 2002 | Russia | 99 |
7414 | 9273 | Wedding Singer, The | Coraci, Frank | 1998 | USA | 95 |
7415 | 7914 | Sudden Wealth of the Poor People of Kombach, The [TV] | Schlöndorff, Volker | 1971 | West Germany | 94 |
7416 | 8142 | Remember | Egoyan, Atom | 2015 | Canada | 94 |
7417 | 8143 | Belluscone. Una storia siciliana | Maresco, Franco | 2014 | Italy | 95 |
7418 | 8621 | Woman Demon Human | Huang Shuqin | 1987 | China | 108 |
7419 | 8144 | Touch Me Not | Pintilie, Adina | 2018 | Romania | |
7420 | 7919 | Stendhal Syndrome, The | Argento, Dario | 1996 | Italy | 120 |
7421 | 8622 | Tokyo Sonata | Kurosawa, Kiyoshi | 2008 | Japan | 120 |
7422 | 9014 | 13 Going on 30 | Winick, Gary | 2004 | USA | 97 |
7423 | 7920 | Pawnshop, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1916 | USA | 25 |
7424 | 7921 | Star is Born, A | Cooper, Bradley | 2018 | USA | 136 |
7425 | 8625 | Some Call it Loving | Harris, James B. | 1973 | USA | 103 |
7426 | 8626 | Dolls | Kitano, Takeshi | 2002 | Japan | 114 |
7427 | 7923 | Specialist, The | Sivan, Eyal | 1999 | Austria | 128 |
7428 | 9250 | Murder on the Orient Express | Lumet, Sidney | 1974 | UK | 127 |
7429 | 8146 | It Was in May [TV] | Khutsiev, Marlen | 1970 | USSR | 115 |
7430 | 9007 | Save the Green Planet! | Jang Joon-Hwan | 2003 | South Korea | 116 |
7431 | 7925 | All the Real Girls | Green, David Gordon | 2002 | USA | 107 |
7432 | 9094 | God of Gamblers | Wong Jing | 1989 | Hong Kong | 126 |
7433 | 7926 | Yaadon Ki Baaraat | Hussain, Nasir | 1973 | India | 164 |
7434 | 8827 | Swallow and the Titmouse, The | Antoine, André | 1924 | France | 80 |
7435 | 8148 | Sorrowful Lute, The | Tso Kea | 1957 | Hong Kong | |
7436 | 8149 | I Travel Because I Have To, I Come Back Because I Love You | Aïnouz, Karim & Marcelo Gomes | 2009 | Brazil | 75 |
7437 | 8150 | Francofonia | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2015 | France | 88 |
7438 | 8152 | Four Shades of Brown | Alfredson, Tomas | 2004 | Sweden | 192 |
7439 | 9275 | Illumination, The | Zanussi, Krzysztof | 1973 | Poland | 91 |
7440 | 7928 | Anna Karenina | Brown, Clarence | 1935 | USA | 95 |
7441 | 7929 | Funeral Rites | Sirový, Zdenek | 1969 | Czechoslovakia | 70 |
7442 | 7930 | Dracula: Prince of Darkness | Fisher, Terence | 1966 | UK | 90 |
7443 | 8390 | Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures | Gomes, Marcelo | 2005 | Brazil | 99 |
7444 | 8154 | On Board | Akar, Serdar | 1998 | Turkey | 102 |
7445 | 7932 | Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii | Maben, Adrian | 1972 | Belgium | 92 |
7446 | 8830 | In My Skin | de Van, Marina | 2002 | France | 93 |
7447 | 8838 | Cat in the Bag, The | Groulx, Gilles | 1964 | Canada | 74 |
7448 | 8420 | Prayer for Hetman Mazepa, A | Ilyenko, Yuri | 2002 | Ukraine | 152 |
7449 | 8155 | Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow | Lung Kong | 1970 | Hong Kong | |
7450 | 8156 | Good Morning, Vietnam | Levinson, Barry | 1987 | USA | 120 |
7451 | 7934 | Three Amigos! | Landis, John | 1986 | USA | 105 |
7452 | 7944 | Craft, The | Fleming, Andrew | 1996 | USA | 100 |
7453 | 8159 | Tango Lesson, The | Potter, Sally | 1997 | UK | 101 |
7454 | 8419 | Guest, The | Wingard, Adam | 2014 | USA | 100 |
7455 | 8392 | Fly, The | Neumann, Kurt | 1958 | USA | 94 |
7456 | 7945 | Phantom of the Opera | Lubin, Arthur | 1943 | USA | 92 |
7457 | 8846 | Scandal in Paris, A | Sirk, Douglas | 1946 | USA | 100 |
7458 | 7946 | Party | Nihalani, Govind | 1984 | India | 110 |
7459 | 7949 | Blue Steel | Bigelow, Kathryn | 1990 | USA | 102 |
7460 | 7950 | Greatest Man in the World, The | Itami, Mansaku | 1932 | Japan | |
7461 | 7951 | Heavy Traffic | Bakshi, Ralph | 1973 | USA | 76 |
7462 | 7952 | Terence Davies Trilogy, The | Davies, Terence | 1984 | UK | 101 |
7463 | 8671 | About a Boy | Weitz, Paul & Chris Weitz | 2002 | Germany | 101 |
7464 | 8674 | Red Dawn | Milius, John | 1984 | USA | 114 |
7465 | 8164 | Carry on Screaming! | Thomas, Gerald | 1966 | UK | 97 |
7466 | 8165 | Mule, The | Eastwood, Clint | 2018 | USA | 116 |
7467 | 9021 | Evil Dead | Alvarez, Fede | 2013 | USA | 91 |
7468 | 8448 | Deadpool | Miller, Tim | 2016 | USA | 108 |
7469 | 7954 | Vampiro, El | Méndez, Fernando | 1957 | Mexico | 95 |
7470 | 7955 | Feed the Kitty | Jones, Chuck | 1952 | USA | 7 |
7471 | 7956 | Dream of a Rarebit Fiend | Porter, Edwin S. & Wallace McCutcheon | 1906 | USA | 8 |
7472 | 8485 | Chase, The | Ripley, Arthur | 1946 | USA | 86 |
7473 | 8166 | Home Movie | Smith, Chris | 2001 | USA | 66 |
7474 | 7957 | Princess and the Warrior, The | Tykwer, Tom | 2000 | Germany | 135 |
7475 | 7958 | Anna Christie | Brown, Clarence | 1930 | USA | 74 |
7476 | 8167 | Raw Meat | Sherman, Gary | 1972 | UK | 87 |
7477 | 7959 | White-Haired Girl, The | Khoua Choui & Wang Bin | 1950 | China | 111 |
7478 | 8433 | Another Sky | Mamuliya, Dmitry | 2010 | Russia | 86 |
7479 | 8434 | Vsyo budet khorosho | Astrakhan, Dmitriy | 1995 | Russia | 100 |
7480 | 8921 | Kika | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1993 | Spain | 115 |
7481 | 10064 | Dolce... | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2000 | Russia | 61 |
7482 | 9132 | Innkeepers, The | West, Ti | 2011 | USA | |
7483 | 8170 | Carnaval Atlântida | Burle, José Carlos & Carlos Manga | 1952 | Brazil | 95 |
7484 | 7961 | Tarzan the Ape Man | Van Dyke, W.S. | 1932 | USA | 100 |
7485 | 9690 | Supermarkt | Klick, Roland | 1974 | West Germany | 84 |
7486 | 7962 | Flamingo Road | Curtiz, Michael | 1949 | USA | 94 |
7487 | 7963 | Our Town | Wood, Sam | 1940 | USA | 90 |
7488 | 7964 | That Sinking Feeling | Forsyth, Bill | 1979 | UK | 92 |
7489 | 8173 | Zootopia | Howard, Byron & Rich Moore | 2016 | USA | 108 |
7490 | 9987 | Femme de nulle part, La | Delluc, Louis | 1922 | France | 61 |
7491 | 7965 | Thief or Reality | Angelidi, Antouanetta | 2001 | Greece | 83 |
7492 | 8174 | Informe general sobre unas cuestiones de interés para una proyección pública | Portabella, Pere | 1977 | Spain | 240 |
7493 | 10065 | Kandahar | Makhmalbaf, Mohsen | 2001 | Iran | 81 |
7494 | 7969 | Nastroyshchik | Muratova, Kira | 2004 | Russia | 154 |
7495 | 8906 | Chuji's Travel Diary: Story of Bloody Shinshu | Ito, Daisuke | 1927 | Japan | |
7496 | 8907 | Chuji's Travel Diary: The Official Story | Ito, Daisuke | 1927 | Japan | 107 |
7497 | 8454 | Awakening of the Beast | Marins, José Mojica | 1969 | Brazil | 93 |
7498 | 8175 | Illustrated Auschwitz, The | Farkas, Jackie | 1992 | Australia | 13 |
7499 | 8176 | Mid90s | Hill, Jonah | 2018 | USA | 85 |
7500 | 8911 | Music Man, The | DaCosta, Morton | 1962 | USA | 151 |
7501 | 8699 | March of Fools | Ha Kil-jong | 1975 | South Korea | |
7502 | 7971 | Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro | Mirza, Saeed Akhtar | 1989 | India | 111 |
7503 | 7972 | War Lord, The | Schaffner, Franklin J. | 1965 | USA | 123 |
7504 | 8177 | Junun | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 2015 | USA | 54 |
7505 | 7973 | Reader, The | Daldry, Stephen | 2008 | USA | 124 |
7506 | 8492 | Una familia de tantas | Galindo, Alejandro | 1949 | Mexico | 130 |
7507 | 8180 | Our Song | McKay, Jim | 2000 | USA | 95 |
7508 | 8181 | Kick-Ass | Vaughn, Matthew | 2010 | USA | 117 |
7509 | 8183 | Cloud-Paradise | Dostal, Nikolay | 1990 | USSR | 79 |
7510 | 9696 | Mado | Sautet, Claude | 1976 | France | 130 |
7511 | 8638 | Way of the Gun, The | McQuarrie, Christopher | 2000 | USA | 119 |
7512 | 7975 | Rain People, The | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1969 | USA | 102 |
7513 | 7976 | Farewell, My Lovely | Richards, Dick | 1975 | USA | 97 |
7514 | 8184 | Maravillas | Gutiérrez Aragón, Manuel | 1981 | Spain | 95 |
7515 | 8186 | Gentlemen of Fortune | Seryj, Aleksandr | 1971 | USSR | 88 |
7516 | 7978 | Beyond the Darkness | D'Amato, Joe | 1979 | Italy | 94 |
7517 | 7979 | Dreamchild | Millar, Gavin | 1985 | UK | 94 |
7518 | 7980 | Summer Holiday | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1948 | USA | 93 |
7519 | 8715 | Living End, The | Araki, Gregg | 1992 | USA | 92 |
7520 | 7981 | Friendly Witness | Sonbert, Warren | 1989 | USA | 22 |
7521 | 8526 | Woman in the Window | Emmer, Luciano | 1961 | Italy | 90 |
7522 | 9025 | Magical Girl | Vermut, Carlos | 2014 | Spain | 127 |
7523 | 11055 | Treno popolare | Matarazzo, Raffaello | 1933 | Italy | 59 |
7524 | 8474 | Twilight Portrait | Nikonova, Angelina | 2011 | Russia | 105 |
7525 | 7985 | Face Behind the Mask, The | Florey, Robert | 1941 | USA | 69 |
7526 | 7986 | Day of the Fight | Kubrick, Stanley | 1951 | USA | 16 |
7527 | 7987 | This Happy Breed | Lean, David | 1944 | UK | 114 |
7528 | 7988 | Dans le noir du temps | Godard, Jean-Luc | 2002 | France | 10 |
7529 | 7989 | Man Push Cart | Bahrani, Ramin | 2005 | USA | 87 |
7530 | 8191 | Inside Daisy Clover | Mulligan, Robert | 1965 | USA | 128 |
7531 | 7994 | Screen Test #2 | Warhol, Andy | 1965 | USA | 4 |
7532 | 7991 | Screen Test #4 | Warhol, Andy | 1966 | USA | 33 |
7533 | 7992 | Screen Test #1 | Warhol, Andy | 1965 | USA | 5 |
7534 | 7993 | Screen Test #3 | Warhol, Andy | 1966 | USA | 33 |
7535 | 7995 | Maicol | Brenta, Mario | 1988 | Italy | 90 |
7536 | 7996 | Fun | Zielinski, Rafal | 1994 | Canada | 105 |
7537 | 8192 | Deuce, The [TV] | Various Directors | 2017-19 | USA | |
7538 | 9027 | Tree, the Mayor and the Mediatheque, The | Rohmer, Eric | 1993 | France | 105 |
7539 | 8954 | White Angel, The | Matarazzo, Raffaello | 1955 | Italy | 100 |
7540 | 7997 | Wait Until Dark | Young, Terence | 1967 | USA | 108 |
7541 | 7998 | People in Sheffield | Nestler, Peter | 1965 | West Germany | 41 |
7542 | 8195 | Ali | Mann, Michael | 2001 | USA | 156 |
7543 | 8196 | American Sniper | Eastwood, Clint | 2014 | USA | 133 |
7544 | 7999 | Long Riders, The | Hill, Walter | 1980 | USA | 100 |
7545 | 8197 | Two Men and a Wardrobe | Polanski, Roman | 1958 | Poland | 15 |
7546 | 8198 | Good Shepherd, The | De Niro, Robert | 2006 | USA | 167 |
7547 | 8199 | Dheepan | Audiard, Jacques | 2015 | France | 115 |
7548 | 8542 | Summer Wars | Hosoda, Mamoru | 2009 | Japan | 114 |
7549 | 10010 | Climax | Noé, Gaspar | 2018 | France | 97 |
7550 | 9740 | Who Are You, Polly Maggoo? | Klein, William | 1966 | France | 101 |
7551 | 8204 | Limbo | Sayles, John | 1999 | USA | 126 |
7552 | 8759 | Man from London, The | Tarr, Béla | 2007 | Hungary | 139 |
7553 | 9619 | Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom?, The [TV] | Curtis, Adam | 2007 | UK | 180 |
7554 | 8206 | From Beijing with Love | Chow, Stephen & Lee Lik-Chi | 1994 | Hong Kong | 94 |
7555 | 8207 | Body Snatchers | Ferrara, Abel | 1993 | USA | 87 |
7556 | 8784 | System Crasher | Fingscheidt, Nora | 2019 | Germany | |
7557 | 8208 | My Grandmother | Mikaberidze, Kote | 1929 | USSR | 72 |
7558 | 8000 | Bells Are Ringing | Minnelli, Vincente | 1960 | USA | 127 |
7559 | 9223 | Time to Love | Erksan, Metin | 1965 | Turkey | 86 |
7560 | 8209 | Crazy Stone | Ning Hao | 2006 | China | 106 |
7561 | 8606 | Footloose | Ross, Herbert | 1984 | USA | 107 |
7562 | 8210 | It Felt Like Love | Hittman, Eliza | 2013 | USA | 82 |
7563 | 8213 | Golden Vision, The [TV] | Loach, Ken | 1968 | UK | 75 |
7564 | 9438 | Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr. | Morris, Errol | 1999 | UK | 91 |
7565 | 8215 | Bugsy | Levinson, Barry | 1991 | USA | 135 |
7566 | 10041 | I Was at Home, But… | Schanelec, Angela | 2019 | Germany | 105 |
7567 | 8579 | Adventures of Captain Vrungel | Cherkasskiy, David | 1976-79 | USSR | |
7568 | 9087 | Effrontée, L' | Miller, Claude | 1985 | France | 96 |
7569 | 8218 | Close Shave, A | Park, Nick | 1995 | UK | 30 |
7570 | 10407 | Themroc | Faraldo, Claude | 1973 | France | 110 |
7571 | 8219 | Search, The | Zinnemann, Fred | 1948 | USA | 104 |
7572 | 8614 | James and the Giant Peach | Selick, Henry | 1996 | USA | 80 |
7573 | 8220 | Crossing Guard, The | Penn, Sean | 1995 | USA | 114 |
7574 | 8222 | Last Family, The | Matuszynski, Jan P. | 2016 | Poland | 122 |
7575 | 8224 | Pledge, The | Penn, Sean | 2000 | USA | 124 |
7576 | 8225 | King of Masks, The | Wu Tian-Ming | 1996 | China | 91 |
7577 | 8228 | Magic Box, The | Boulting, John | 1951 | UK | 103 |
7578 | 8230 | My Architect | Kahn, Nathaniel | 2003 | USA | 116 |
7579 | 10012 | Mother! | Aronofsky, Darren | 2017 | USA | 121 |
7580 | 8234 | Ociel del Toa | Landrián, Nicolás Guillén | 1965 | Cuba | 17 |
7581 | 9455 | Where the Wild Things Are | Jonze, Spike | 2009 | Germany | 101 |
7582 | 8236 | Boiling Point | Kitano, Takeshi | 1990 | Japan | 96 |
7583 | 9459 | Masseurs and a Woman, The | Shimizu, Hiroshi | 1938 | Japan | 66 |
7584 | 8609 | Batman: Mask of the Phantasm | Radomski, Eric & Bruce W. Timm | 1993 | USA | 76 |
7585 | 8237 | View to a Kill, A | Glen, John | 1985 | UK | 131 |
7586 | 8238 | That Uncertain Feeling | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1941 | USA | 84 |
7587 | 8240 | Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS | Edmonds, Don | 1975 | USA | 96 |
7588 | 10450 | Winter Soldier | Winterfilm Collective | 1972 | USA | 96 |
7589 | 8241 | Oskar Langenfeld. 12 Mal | Meins, Holger | 1966 | West Germany | 13 |
7590 | 9198 | Winged Migration | Perrin, Jacques | 2001 | France | 89 |
7591 | 8820 | Morgan! | Reisz, Karel | 1966 | UK | 97 |
7592 | 8242 | Yellow Sea, The | Na Hong-jin | 2010 | South Korea | 140 |
7593 | 8823 | Roxanne | Schepisi, Fred | 1987 | USA | 107 |
7594 | 8243 | We're the Millers | Thurber, Rawson Marshall | 2013 | USA | 110 |
7595 | 8244 | King of Kings | Ray, Nicholas | 1961 | USA | 168 |
7596 | 11075 | Asphalt | May, Joe | 1929 | Germany | 94 |
7597 | 8245 | Mayerling | Litvak, Anatole | 1936 | France | 89 |
7598 | 23005 | Gauntlet, The | Eastwood, Clint | 1977 | USA | 109 |
7599 | 23820 | Ginger & Fred | Fellini, Federico | 1986 | Italy | 127 |
7600 | 15208 | Prisoners of War | Gianikian, Yervant & Angela Ricci Lucchi | 1995 | Italy | 64 |
7601 | 8248 | Red Peony Gambler | Yamashita, Kosaku | 1968 | 98 | |
7602 | 8249 | Muro | Tião | 2008 | Brazil | 18 |
7603 | 8250 | Respectable Life, A | Jarl, Stefan | 1979 | Sweden | 102 |
7604 | 8841 | Dolgaya schastlivaya zhizn | Shpalikov, Gennadi | 1966 | USSR | 70 |
7605 | 9099 | Opera | Argento, Dario | 1987 | Italy | 107 |
7606 | 8253 | Magnum Force | Post, Ted | 1973 | USA | 124 |
7607 | 8254 | Lyubit… | Kalik, Mikhail & Inna Tumanyan | 1969 | USSR | 73 |
7608 | 9435 | Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans | Herzog, Werner | 2009 | USA | 122 |
7609 | 9019 | Love & Friendship | Stillman, Whit | 2016 | Ireland | 92 |
7610 | 8255 | Taare Zameen Par | Khan, Aamir | 2007 | India | 165 |
7611 | 8256 | Dakan | Camara, Muhammad | 1997 | Guinea | 87 |
7612 | 8845 | Images | Altman, Robert | 1972 | UK | 104 |
7613 | 8258 | Arabian Nights: Volume 1 - The Restless One | Gomes, Miguel | 2015 | Portugal | 125 |
7614 | 8663 | Little Shop of Horrors, The | Corman, Roger | 1960 | USA | 70 |
7615 | 8259 | Lassie Come Home | Wilcox, Fred M. | 1943 | USA | 88 |
7616 | 8849 | One Hundred Days After Childhood | Solovev, Sergey | 1975 | USSR | 94 |
7617 | 9485 | It Felt Like a Kiss | Curtis, Adam | 2009 | UK | 54 |
7618 | 9048 | Home from Home: Chronicle of a Vision | Reitz, Edgar | 2013 | Germany | 231 |
7619 | 8890 | Bergkatze, Die | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1921 | Germany | 79 |
7620 | 8261 | Lord Jim | Brooks, Richard | 1965 | UK | 154 |
7621 | 8262 | Ordre, L' | Pollet, Jean-Daniel | 1973 | France | 44 |
7622 | 8263 | Godfather Mendoza | Bustillo Oro, Juan & Fernando de Fuentes | 1934 | Mexico | 85 |
7623 | 10070 | Intruder in the Dust | Brown, Clarence | 1949 | USA | 87 |
7624 | 8264 | This is the End | Rogen, Seth & Evan Goldberg | 2013 | USA | 107 |
7625 | 8268 | Flower Drum Song | Koster, Henry | 1961 | USA | 133 |
7626 | 8282 | Coeurs verts, Les | Luntz, Édouard | 1966 | France | 90 |
7627 | 8284 | Man from Acapulco, The | de Broca, Philippe | 1973 | France | 95 |
7628 | 8285 | Marrying Kind, The | Cukor, George | 1952 | USA | 93 |
7629 | 8286 | Two Thousand Maniacs! | Lewis, Herschell Gordon | 1964 | USA | 87 |
7630 | 8287 | House on Haunted Hill | Castle, William | 1959 | USA | 75 |
7631 | 8288 | Horror Castle | Margheriti, Antonio | 1963 | Italy | 83 |
7632 | 8695 | Martian, The | Scott, Ridley | 2015 | USA | 144 |
7633 | 8290 | How to Steal a Million | Wyler, William | 1966 | USA | 123 |
7634 | 10510 | Blind Date | Losey, Joseph | 1959 | UK | 95 |
7635 | 9146 | Nuit de Varennes, La | Scola, Ettore | 1982 | France | 133 |
7636 | 8291 | Border Incident | Mann, Anthony | 1949 | USA | 92 |
7637 | 8292 | Fall of the House of Usher, The | Corman, Roger | 1960 | USA | 85 |
7638 | 8298 | Sissi | Marischka, Ernst | 1955 | Austria | 102 |
7639 | 8710 | New Jack City | Van Peebles, Mario | 1991 | USA | 97 |
7640 | 8918 | Face | Sakamoto, Junji | 2000 | Japan | 123 |
7641 | 8299 | Song of the South | Foster, Harve & Wilfred Jackson | 1946 | USA | 94 |
7642 | 8300 | Cry Danger | Parrish, Robert | 1951 | USA | 79 |
7643 | 8301 | Bird People | Ferran, Pascale | 2014 | France | 127 |
7644 | 8302 | Zhenitba Balzaminova | Voinov, Konstantin | 1964 | USSR | 90 |
7645 | 8303 | Uirá, Um Índio em Busca de Deus | Dahl, Gustavo | 1973 | Brazil | 90 |
7646 | 9150 | Whip It | Barrymore, Drew | 2009 | USA | 111 |
7647 | 8306 | Devil Strikes at Night, The | Siodmak, Robert | 1957 | Germany | 97 |
7648 | 8308 | Anna Boleyn | Lubitsch, Ernst | 1920 | Germany | 100 |
7649 | 10320 | Berlin Chamissoplatz | Thome, Rudolf | 1980 | West Germany | 112 |
7650 | 8309 | Constant Factor, The | Zanussi, Krzysztof | 1980 | Poland | 96 |
7651 | 8312 | Bullet Train, The | Satô, Jun'ya | 1975 | Japan | 115 |
7652 | 8314 | Lost Patrol, The | Ford, John | 1934 | USA | 73 |
7653 | 12010 | Catch, The | Somai, Shinji | 1983 | Japan | 140 |
7654 | 9177 | Silence Before Bach, The | Portabella, Pere | 2007 | Spain | 102 |
7655 | 8315 | Breakfast (Table Top Dolly) | Snow, Michael | 1976 | Canada | 15 |
7656 | 8319 | Nickel Ride, The | Mulligan, Robert | 1974 | USA | 99 |
7657 | 8320 | Out-of-Towners, The | Hiller, Arthur | 1970 | USA | 101 |
7658 | 8332 | Devil and Daniel Johnston, The | Feuerzeig, Jeff | 2005 | USA | 110 |
7659 | 8333 | Walk with Love and Death, A | Huston, John | 1969 | USA | 90 |
7660 | 8334 | Adventures of Tintin, The | Spielberg, Steven | 2011 | USA | 107 |
7661 | 8335 | Legend of 1900, The | Tornatore, Giuseppe | 1998 | Italy | 169 |
7662 | 8336 | Collector, The | Wyler, William | 1965 | USA | 119 |
7663 | 8736 | Submarine | Ayoade, Richard | 2010 | UK | 97 |
7664 | 8337 | Trishul | Chopra, Yash | 1978 | India | 167 |
7665 | Au pan coupé | Gilles, Guy | 1967 | France | 80 | |
7666 | 8338 | Scarlet Letter, The | Sjöström, Victor | 1926 | USA | 115 |
7667 | 8696 | Conspirators, The | de Andrade, Joaquim Pedro | 1972 | Brazil | 100 |
7668 | 8340 | Black Harvest | Anderson, Robin & Bob Connolly | 1992 | Australia | 90 |
7669 | 8341 | Where the Sidewalk Ends | Preminger, Otto | 1950 | USA | 95 |
7670 | 8742 | Pineapple Express | Green, David Gordon | 2008 | USA | 111 |
7671 | 8342 | Peggy Sue Got Married | Coppola, Francis Ford | 1986 | USA | 104 |
7672 | 10321 | Election 2 | To, Johnnie | 2006 | Hong Kong | 93 |
7673 | 8344 | Mr. Canton and Lady Rose | Chan, Jackie | 1989 | Hong Kong | 105 |
7674 | 8345 | Strong Man, The | Capra, Frank | 1926 | USA | 75 |
7675 | 8347 | Moneyball | Miller, Bennett | 2011 | USA | 133 |
7676 | 8350 | Ice Cold in Alex | Thompson, J. Lee | 1958 | UK | 124 |
7677 | 8956 | Red Cliff | Woo, John | 2008 | China | 148 |
7678 | 8352 | Breathless | McBride, Jim | 1983 | USA | 100 |
7679 | 9190 | Girls Trip | Lee, Malcolm D. | 2017 | USA | 122 |
7680 | 8353 | Dresser, The | Yates, Peter | 1983 | UK | 118 |
7681 | 8354 | Tempest | Mazursky, Paul | 1982 | USA | 140 |
7682 | 8361 | Tito and Me | Markovic, Goran | 1992 | France | 104 |
7683 | 8362 | Spirit of St. Louis, The | Wilder, Billy | 1957 | USA | 138 |
7684 | 8363 | Copacabana Fools Me | da Fontoura, Antonio Carlos | 1968 | Brazil | 96 |
7685 | 8706 | Insidious | Wan, James | 2010 | UK | 102 |
7686 | 8364 | Ryoma Assassination | Kuroki, Kazuo | 1974 | Japan | 118 |
7687 | 8750 | Bronx Tale, A | De Niro, Robert | 1993 | USA | 122 |
7688 | 8366 | Gates of Paris, The | Clair, René | 1957 | France | 96 |
7689 | 8367 | Akanishi Kakita | Itami, Mansaku | 1936 | Japan | 77 |
7690 | 8990 | Snake of June, A | Tsukamoto, Shin'ya | 2002 | Japan | 76 |
7691 | 8368 | Han Wu di meng hui Wei fu ren | Li Tie | 1954 | Hong Kong | |
7692 | 8369 | River of Fireflies | Sugawa, Eizo | 1987 | Japan | 115 |
7693 | 8370 | Silverado | Kasdan, Lawrence | 1985 | USA | 132 |
7694 | 8371 | I Want to Live! | Wise, Robert | 1958 | USA | 120 |
7695 | 9217 | Early Spring | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1956 | Japan | 144 |
7696 | 8372 | Tora-san's Tropical Fever | Yamada, Yoji | 1980 | Japan | 104 |
7697 | 8729 | Cabaret Mineiro | Correia, Carlos Alberto Prates | 1980 | Brazil | 75 |
7698 | 8373 | Miracle Woman, The | Capra, Frank | 1931 | USA | 90 |
7699 | 8375 | Medicine for Melancholy | Jenkins, Barry | 2008 | USA | 88 |
7700 | 8376 | Zigzag udachi | Ryazanov, Eldar | 1968 | USSR | 88 |
7701 | 8377 | Love Will Tear Us Apart | Yu Lik-wai, Nelson | 1999 | Hong Kong | 114 |
7702 | 8379 | Hail the New Puritan | Atlas, Charles | 1986 | UK | 85 |
7703 | 8385 | Agony | Klimov, Elem | 1981 | USSR | 151 |
7704 | 8766 | Sentimental Policeman, The | Muratova, Kira | 1992 | Ukraine | 115 |
7705 | 8388 | Ronin | Frankenheimer, John | 1998 | USA | 121 |
7706 | 9035 | Lady Macbeth | Oldroyd, William | 2016 | UK | 89 |
7707 | 11011 | Pedicab Driver | Sammo Hung Kam-Bo | 1989 | Hong Kong | 95 |
7708 | 9232 | Student of Prague, The | Wegener, Paul | 1913 | Germany | 85 |
7709 | 8391 | Ears, Nose and Throat | Everson, Kevin Jerome | 2016 | USA | 10 |
7710 | 9041 | Edge of the World, The | Powell, Michael | 1937 | UK | 74 |
7711 | 9235 | German Chainsaw Massacre, The | Schlingensief, Christoph | 1990 | Germany | 63 |
7712 | 8393 | Dry Summer | Erksan, Metin | 1964 | Turkey | 90 |
7713 | 8394 | Spring Forward | Gilroy, Tom | 1999 | USA | 110 |
7714 | 9230 | My Big Fat Greek Wedding | Zwick, Joel | 2002 | USA | 96 |
7715 | 8397 | Junoon | Benegal, Shyam | 1979 | India | 141 |
7716 | 8398 | Visitors, The | Kazan, Elia | 1972 | USA | 88 |
7717 | 8745 | Lair of the White Worm, The | Russell, Ken | 1988 | UK | 94 |
7718 | 8399 | Glenn Miller Story, The | Mann, Anthony | 1954 | USA | 116 |
7719 | 9236 | Kubo and the Two Strings | Knight, Travis | 2016 | USA | 101 |
7720 | 8400 | Jaime | Reis, António | 1974 | Portugal | 35 |
7721 | 9047 | Insomnia | Skjoldbjærg, Erik | 1997 | Norway | 96 |
7722 | 8402 | Mare's Tail | Larcher, David | 1969 | 143 | |
7723 | 8403 | Long Hot Summer, The | Ritt, Martin | 1958 | USA | 115 |
7724 | 8405 | Potted Psalm, The | Broughton, James & Sidney Peterson | 1946 | USA | 18 |
7725 | 8407 | Mr. Frenhofer and the Minotaur | Peterson, Sidney | 1949 | USA | 8 |
7726 | 8406 | I... | Brakhage, Stan | 1995 | USA | 35 |
7727 | 8408 | Mix-Up ou Meli-melo | Romand, Françoise | 1985 | France | 60 |
7728 | 9060 | Autumn Has Already Started | Naruse, Mikio | 1960 | Japan | 79 |
7729 | 9080 | Hijos de Fierro, Los | Solanas, Fernando E. | 1972 | Argentina | 134 |
7730 | 8411 | Sons of Katie Elder, The | Hathaway, Henry | 1965 | USA | 122 |
7731 | 8414 | Marooned | Sturges, John | 1969 | USA | 134 |
7732 | 8415 | Chorus, The | Barratier, Christophe | 2004 | France | 96 |
7733 | 8417 | 127 Hours | Boyle, Danny | 2010 | USA | 94 |
7734 | 8781 | Gongofer | Kilibayev, Bakhyt | 1992 | Russia | 98 |
7735 | 8763 | 8 ½ $ | Konstantinopolskiy, Grigoriy | 1999 | Russia | 95 |
7736 | 9092 | Bye Bye Monkey | Ferreri, Marco | 1978 | Italy | 113 |
7737 | 8418 | National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation | Chechik, Jeremiah | 1989 | USA | 97 |
7738 | 8440 | Kiss, The | Heise, William | 1896 | USA | 1 |
7739 | 8795 | Anjo Nasceu, O | Bressane, Júlio | 1969 | Brazil | 90 |
7740 | 8441 | Absolute Beginners | Temple, Julien | 1986 | UK | 107 |
7741 | 9096 | I, the Worst of All | Bemberg, Maria Luisa | 1990 | Argentina | 105 |
7742 | Killers of the Flower Moon | Scorsese, Martin | 2023 | USA | 206 | |
7743 | Perfect Days | Wenders, Wim | 2023 | Japan | 124 | |
7744 | 8443 | Spoiling the Wedding Day | Zhu Shilin | 1951 | Hong Kong | |
7745 | 8444 | Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go | Longinotto, Kim | 2007 | UK | 100 |
7746 | 8833 | Dam Busters, The | Anderson, Michael | 1954 | UK | 102 |
7747 | 8445 | Intimate Stories | Sorín, Carlos | 2002 | Argentina | 91 |
7748 | 8835 | He Got Game | Lee, Spike | 1998 | USA | 136 |
7749 | 8447 | You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger | Allen, Woody | 2010 | Spain | 98 |
7750 | 9105 | Red Squirrel, The | Medem, Julio | 1993 | Spain | 104 |
7751 | 9290 | Romanze in Moll | Käutner, Helmut | 1943 | Germany | 98 |
7752 | 9291 | Enemies, A Love Story | Mazursky, Paul | 1989 | USA | 119 |
7753 | 9107 | Night Falls | Gavaldón, Roberto | 1952 | Mexico | 85 |
7754 | 8453 | Screamplay | Seder, Rufus Butler | 1985 | USA | 90 |
7755 | 9016 | X-Men | Singer, Bryan | 2000 | USA | 104 |
7756 | 10140 | Hindle Wakes | Elvey, Maurice | 1927 | UK | 120 |
7757 | 9109 | Al-lail | Malas, Mohamed | 1992 | Syria | 116 |
7758 | 9110 | River of Grass | Reichardt, Kelly | 1994 | USA | 76 |
7759 | 8456 | Roman de Werther, Le | Ophüls, Max | 1938 | France | 85 |
7760 | 8457 | Backbeat | Softley, Iain | 1993 | UK | 100 |
7761 | 8458 | Nippon musekinin jidai | Furusawa, Kengo | 1962 | Japan | 86 |
7762 | 8459 | Black and White in Color | Annaud, Jean-Jacques | 1976 | France | 90 |
7763 | 8847 | Good, the Bad, the Weird, The | Kim Jee-woon | 2008 | South Korea | 130 |
7764 | 12525 | Banshees of Inisherin, The | McDonagh, Martin | 2022 | Ireland | 114 |
7765 | 8461 | Scene of the Crime | Téchiné, André | 1986 | France | 90 |
7766 | 8853 | Pursuit of Happyness, The | Muccino, Gabriele | 2006 | USA | 117 |
7767 | 8462 | Year My Voice Broke, The | Duigan, John | 1987 | Australia | 103 |
7768 | 9022 | Perks of Being a Wallflower, The | Chbosky, Stephen | 2012 | USA | 102 |
7769 | 8848 | Stir of Echoes | Koepp, David | 1999 | USA | 99 |
7770 | 10148 | Soldier of Orange | Verhoeven, Paul | 1977 | Netherlands | 165 |
7771 | 8466 | Peter Pan | Hogan, P.J. | 2003 | USA | 113 |
7772 | 8467 | Lime Kiln Club Field Day | Hunter, T. Hayes & Edwin Middleton | 1913 | USA | 65 |
7773 | 9320 | Shadow of the Vampire | Merhige, E. Elias | 2000 | UK | 93 |
7774 | 9023 | 21 Jump Street | Lord, Phil & Christopher Miller | 2012 | USA | 109 |
7775 | 8487 | Goliath and the Barbarians | Campogalliani, Carlo | 1960 | Italy | 86 |
7776 | 10234 | Kansas City | Altman, Robert | 1996 | USA | 116 |
7777 | 9297 | Unfaithful | Lyne, Adrian | 2002 | USA | 124 |
7778 | 8488 | Fantasmagorie | Cohl, Émile | 1908 | France | 2 |
7779 | 10077 | Twilight | Hardwicke, Catherine | 2008 | USA | 122 |
7780 | 9310 | Dick | Fleming, Andrew | 1999 | France | 94 |
7781 | 9005 | Man in the Moon, The | Mulligan, Robert | 1991 | USA | 99 |
7782 | 8496 | Zhang Ga the Soldier Boy | Cui Wei & Ouyang Hongying | 1963 | China | 101 |
7783 | 8497 | Adelheid | Vlácil, Frantisek | 1970 | Czechoslovakia | 99 |
7784 | 8498 | Sling Blade | Thornton, Billy Bob | 1995 | USA | 135 |
7785 | 9151 | Beware of the Car | Ryazanov, Eldar | 1966 | USSR | 94 |
7786 | 8499 | Cat Concerto, The | Hanna, William & Joseph Barbera | 1946 | USA | 8 |
7787 | 8501 | Pat and Mike | Cukor, George | 1952 | USA | 95 |
7788 | 8503 | Foolish Love, A | Panousopoulos, Giorgos | 1981 | Greece | 121 |
7789 | 10031 | Censor | Bailey-Bond, Prano | 2021 | UK | 84 |
7790 | 8504 | Genuine | Wiene, Robert | 1920 | Germany | 88 |
7791 | 9006 | Parinda | Chopra, Vidhu Vinod | 1989 | India | 154 |
7792 | 8507 | Strawman | Wang Tung | 1987 | Taiwan | 94 |
7793 | 8508 | 10th Victim, The | Petri, Elio | 1965 | Italy | 92 |
7794 | 8509 | 35 Up [TV] | Apted, Michael | 1991 | UK | 128 |
7795 | 9170 | Serfs | Li Jun | 1963 | China | 93 |
7796 | 8510 | Swimming Pool | Ozon, François | 2003 | France | 102 |
7797 | 8511 | Step Across the Border | Humbert, Nicholas & Werner Penzel | 1990 | Germany | 90 |
7798 | 8514 | Enough Said | Holofcener, Nicole | 2013 | USA | 93 |
7799 | 8516 | Linda | Davenport, Dorothy | 1929 | USA | 75 |
7800 | 9174 | Fight for Us | Brocka, Lino | 1989 | Philippines | 94 |
7801 | 8518 | Bog of Beasts | Assis, Cláudio | 2006 | Brazil | 82 |
7802 | 8806 | Kundun | Scorsese, Martin | 1997 | USA | 134 |
7803 | 8533 | Blood and Bones | Sai, Yoichi | 2004 | Japan | 140 |
7804 | 8534 | Actress | Greene, Robert | 2014 | USA | 86 |
7805 | 8535 | Little Theatre of Jean Renoir, The [TV] | Renoir, Jean | 1969 | France | 100 |
7806 | 8536 | Red Badge of Courage, The | Huston, John | 1951 | USA | 69 |
7807 | 8537 | Masoom | Kapur, Shekhar | 1983 | India | 165 |
7808 | 8538 | Night Train to Munich | Reed, Carol | 1940 | UK | 93 |
7809 | 8540 | Hallelujah, I'm a Bum! | Milestone, Lewis | 1933 | USA | 82 |
7810 | 10009 | Sandlot, The | Evans, David M. | 1993 | USA | 101 |
7811 | 9321 | Blob, The | Russell, Chuck | 1988 | USA | 95 |
7812 | 8543 | Barcelona | Stillman, Whit | 1994 | USA | 100 |
7813 | 8544 | Looking for Richard | Pacino, Al | 1996 | USA | 118 |
7814 | 8545 | Girl Next Door, The | Greenfield, Luke | 2004 | USA | 109 |
7815 | 8546 | What's New, Pussycat? | Donner, Clive | 1965 | USA | 108 |
7816 | 8895 | Sita Sings the Blues | Paley, Nina | 2008 | USA | 82 |
7817 | 8548 | Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds, The | Newman, Paul | 1972 | USA | 100 |
7818 | 8549 | Dream Work | Tscherkassky, Peter | 2002 | Austria | 10 |
7819 | 8550 | Falling Leaves | Guy-Blaché, Alice | 1912 | USA | 12 |
7820 | 9573 | Falsa Loura | Reichenbach, Carlos | 2007 | Brazil | 105 |
7821 | 8552 | Prisoner of the Iron Bars | Sacramento, Paulo | 2003 | Brazil | 123 |
7822 | 8553 | Bezhin Meadow | Eisenstein, Sergei | 1937 | USSR | 31 |
7823 | 8936 | Blablablá | Tonacci, Andrea | 1968 | Brazil | 26 |
7824 | 8978 | Great Waldo Pepper, The | Hill, George Roy | 1975 | USA | 107 |
7825 | 9210 | Myra Breckinridge | Sarne, Michael | 1970 | USA | 94 |
7826 | 8554 | Rey del barrio, El | Martínez Solares, Gilberto | 1950 | Mexico | 100 |
7827 | 8555 | Bloody Sunday | Greengrass, Paul | 2001 | UK | 110 |
7828 | 9708 | Only a Mother | Sjöberg, Alf | 1949 | Sweden | |
7829 | 10190 | Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? | Wilkerson, Travis | 2017 | USA | 90 |
7830 | 17681 | Temptation Island | Gosiengfiao, Joey | 1980 | Philippines | 113 |
7831 | 8556 | Enforcer, The | Windust, Bretaigne | 1951 | USA | 87 |
7832 | 9220 | Classic, The | Kwak Jae-young | 2003 | South Korea | 127 |
7833 | 8558 | 'Burbs, The | Dante, Joe | 1989 | USA | 103 |
7834 | 8568 | City of Fear | Lerner, Irving | 1959 | USA | 81 |
7835 | 8569 | Pacific | Pedroso, Marcelo | 2009 | Brazil | 73 |
7836 | 8570 | Julie & Julia | Ephron, Nora | 2009 | USA | 123 |
7837 | 8602 | Murder! | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1930 | UK | 108 |
7838 | 8603 | Find Me Guilty | Lumet, Sidney | 2006 | Germany | 125 |
7839 | 8604 | Garden of Women, The | Kinoshita, Keisuke | 1954 | Japan | |
7840 | 19538 | Grbavica | Zbanic, Jasmila | 2006 | Austria | 95 |
7841 | 8605 | Vibrator | Hiroki, Ryuichi | 2003 | Japan | 95 |
7842 | 8607 | Witches, The | Bolognini, Mauro/Vittorio De Sica/Pier Paolo Pasolini/Franco Rossi/Luchino Visconti | 1967 | Italy | 105 |
7843 | 9442 | Tell Them Willie Boy is Here | Polonsky, Abraham | 1969 | USA | 96 |
7844 | 10369 | Sleeping Beauty | Leigh, Julia | 2011 | Australia | 104 |
7845 | 8612 | Blindspotting | Estrada, Carlos López | 2018 | USA | 95 |
7846 | 8613 | Tokyo Fist | Tsukamoto, Shin'ya | 1995 | Japan | 87 |
7847 | 9039 | People vs. Larry Flynt, The | Forman, Milos | 1996 | USA | 127 |
7848 | 8615 | Pejesapo, El | Sepúlveda, José Luis | 2007 | Chile | 90 |
7849 | 8616 | One Foot in Heaven | Rapper, Irving | 1941 | USA | 108 |
7850 | 8617 | Ixe | Soukaz, Lionel | 1980 | France | 48 |
7851 | 9451 | Birds, the Bees and the Italians, The | Germi, Pietro | 1966 | France | 115 |
7852 | 10978 | Hamoun | Mehrjui, Dariush | 1990 | Iran | 120 |
7853 | 9179 | Lightning Over Water | Ray, Nicholas & Wim Wenders | 1980 | West Germany | 91 |
7854 | 9241 | Priest | Bird, Antonia | 1994 | UK | 97 |
7855 | 9246 | War is Menstrual Envy | Zedd, Nick | 1992 | USA | |
7856 | 10051 | Post, The | Spielberg, Steven | 2017 | USA | 116 |
7857 | 8619 | Fox and the Hare, The | Norshteyn, Yuriy | 1973 | USSR | 12 |
7858 | 8620 | Oh! What a Lovely War | Attenborough, Richard | 1969 | UK | 139 |
7859 | 9456 | Amantes | Aranda, Vicente | 1991 | Spain | 103 |
7860 | 10438 | France, La | Bozon, Serge | 2007 | France | 102 |
7861 | 9253 | Hôtel Monterey | Akerman, Chantal | 1972 | Belgium | 63 |
7862 | 8624 | Aldea maldita, La | Rey, Florián | 1930 | Spain | 88 |
7863 | 8628 | I, a Man | Morrissey, Paul & Andy Warhol | 1967 | USA | 99 |
7864 | 10002 | Blood on the Moon | Wise, Robert | 1948 | USA | 88 |
7865 | 8636 | Cocoanuts, The | Santley, Joseph & Robert Florey | 1929 | USA | 96 |
7866 | 9269 | Foxtrot | Maoz, Samuel | 2017 | Israel | 108 |
7867 | Oppenheimer | Nolan, Christopher | 2023 | USA | 180 | |
7868 | 10237 | Nail in the Boot | Kalatozov, Mikhail | 1931 | USSR | 53 |
7869 | Fallen Leaves | Kaurismäki, Aki | 2023 | Finland | 81 | |
7870 | 8640 | Matter of Resistance, A | Rappeneau, Jean-Paul | 1966 | France | 92 |
7871 | 8642 | Retaliation | Hasebe, Yasuharu | 1968 | Japan | 94 |
7872 | 8644 | Air de famille, Un | Klapisch, Cédric | 1996 | France | 109 |
7873 | 8645 | Flame in My Heart, A | Tanner, Alain | 1987 | France | 106 |
7874 | 8646 | Awful Dr. Orlof, The | Franco, Jesús | 1962 | Spain | 90 |
7875 | 8648 | Headhunters | Tyldum, Morten | 2011 | Norway | 100 |
7876 | 8649 | True Confessions | Grosbard, Ulu | 1981 | USA | 108 |
7877 | 8650 | Ma'loul Celebrates its Destruction | Khleifi, Michel | 1984 | Israel | 31 |
7878 | 8652 | O Beautiful Istanbul | Yilmaz, Atif | 1966 | Turkey | 97 |
7879 | 8651 | Chaos Class, The | Egilmez, Ertem | 1975 | Turkey | 87 |
7880 | 8653 | Deep Water | Osmond, Louise & Jerry Rothwell | 2006 | UK | 92 |
7881 | 8655 | Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma soeur et mon frère… | Allio, René | 1976 | France | 130 |
7882 | 8656 | White Shadows in the South Seas | Van Dyke, W.S. | 1928 | USA | 88 |
7883 | 8657 | Games of Love and Chance | Kechiche, Abdellatif | 2003 | France | 123 |
7884 | 8658 | Brassed Off | Herman, Mark | 1996 | UK | 107 |
7885 | 8659 | Father of the Bride | Minnelli, Vincente | 1950 | USA | 93 |
7886 | 8660 | To Die in Madrid | Rossif, Frederic | 1963 | France | 87 |
7887 | 8661 | Jack and the Witch | Yabushita, Taiji | 1967 | Japan | 80 |
7888 | 8664 | Ponyo | Miyazaki, Hayao | 2008 | Japan | 103 |
7889 | 14016 | His Motorbike, Her Island | Obayashi, Nobuhiko | 1986 | Japan | 90 |
7890 | 8665 | Examined Life | Taylor, Astra | 2008 | Canada | 87 |
7891 | 8666 | But Where is Daniel Wax? | Heffner, Avraham | 1972 | Israel | 94 |
7892 | 8667 | House That Jack Built, The | von Trier, Lars | 2018 | Denmark | 152 |
7893 | 10023 | Tuesday, After Christmas | Muntean, Radu | 2010 | Romania | 99 |
7894 | 8668 | How the West Was Won | Ford, John/Henry Hathaway/George Marshall | 1962 | USA | 155 |
7895 | 8669 | Quo Vadis? | D'Annunzio, Gabriellino & Georg Jacoby | 1925 | Italy | 90 |
7896 | 10006 | Big Night | Scott, Campbell & Stanley Tucci | 1995 | USA | 108 |
7897 | 8670 | Land of the Dead | Romero, George A. | 2005 | USA | 93 |
7898 | 14314 | Letter to Brezhnev | Bernard, Chris | 1985 | UK | 94 |
7899 | 8681 | It Happened Tomorrow | Clair, René | 1944 | USA | 84 |
7900 | 8682 | Bad Son, A | Sautet, Claude | 1980 | France | 110 |
7901 | 8684 | Seisaku's Wife | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1965 | Japan | 93 |
7902 | 8685 | Super 8 | Abrams, J.J. | 2011 | USA | 112 |
7903 | 8687 | British Sounds | Godard, Jean-Luc | 1970 | UK | 52 |
7904 | 9318 | Segredo da Múmia, O | Cardoso, Ivan | 1982 | Brazil | 85 |
7905 | 9319 | Kansas City Confidential | Karlson, Phil | 1952 | USA | 98 |
7906 | 9510 | American Hot Wax | Mutrux, Floyd | 1978 | USA | 91 |
7907 | 8688 | Go West | Keaton, Buster | 1925 | USA | 82 |
7908 | 8689 | Con Air | West, Simon | 1997 | USA | 115 |
7909 | 8690 | San Clemente | Depardon, Raymond & Sophie Ristelhueber | 1982 | France | 90 |
7910 | 8693 | Lorenzo's Oil | Miller, George | 1992 | USA | 129 |
7911 | 10027 | Life of Riley | Resnais, Alain | 2014 | France | 108 |
7912 | 9008 | Topkapi | Dassin, Jules | 1964 | USA | 120 |
7913 | 9142 | Eld ombord! | Sjöström, Victor | 1923 | Sweden | 99 |
7914 | 8697 | Sea Devils | Walsh, Raoul | 1953 | USA | 91 |
7915 | 8698 | Sun in a Net, The | Uher, Stefan | 1962 | Czechoslovakia | 90 |
7916 | 10078 | Big Gundown, The | Sollima, Sergio | 1966 | Italy | 110 |
7917 | 8824 | Paradise: Hope | Seidl, Ulrich | 2012 | Austria | |
7918 | 8703 | Lady from Musashino, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1951 | Japan | 88 |
7919 | 8704 | Education of Sonny Carson, The | Campus, Michael | 1974 | USA | 105 |
7920 | 9145 | Obvious Child | Robespierre, Gillian | 2014 | USA | 84 |
7921 | 19818 | Sunchaser, The | Cimino, Michael | 1996 | USA | 122 |
7922 | 8705 | No Intenso Agora | Salles, João Moreira | 2017 | Brazil | 127 |
7923 | 9331 | Akaler Sandhane | Sen, Mrinal | 1980 | India | 115 |
7924 | 8707 | Far from the Madding Crowd | Schlesinger, John | 1967 | UK | 168 |
7925 | 8708 | From the Life of the Marionettes | Bergman, Ingmar | 1980 | Germany | 104 |
7926 | 9337 | Mare, Il | Griffi, Giuseppe Patroni | 1962 | Italy | 110 |
7927 | 9341 | Stahltier, Das | Zielke, Willy | 1935 | Germany | 44 |
7928 | 8709 | Mimino | Daneliya, Georgi | 1977 | USSR | 97 |
7929 | 9376 | Pointsman, The | Stelling, Jos | 1986 | Netherlands | 97 |
7930 | 8711 | Sure Thing, The | Reiner, Rob | 1985 | USA | 94 |
7931 | 10520 | To Die For | Van Sant, Gus | 1995 | USA | 106 |
7932 | 8712 | Rush It | Youngman, Gary | 1976 | USA | 78 |
7933 | 10032 | Compulsion | Fleischer, Richard | 1959 | USA | 103 |
7934 | 8713 | Q: The Winged Serpent | Cohen, Larry | 1982 | USA | 93 |
7935 | 9555 | Talk of the Town, The | Stevens, George | 1942 | USA | 118 |
7936 | 9381 | Born to Kill | Wise, Robert | 1947 | USA | 92 |
7937 | 8714 | Traviata, La | Zeffirelli, Franco | 1982 | Italy | 112 |
7938 | 9383 | My Universities | Donskoi, Mark | 1940 | USSR | 100 |
7939 | 9156 | Hollywood Shuffle | Townsend, Robert | 1987 | USA | 82 |
7940 | 8716 | Untitled Part 3b: (As if) Beauty Never Ends... | Salloum, Jayce | 2002 | Canada | 12 |
7941 | 9848 | Something Wild | Garfein, Jack | 1961 | USA | 112 |
7942 | 9385 | Smile | Ritchie, Michael | 1975 | USA | 113 |
7943 | 9163 | Only Old Men are Going to Battle | Bykov, Leonid | 1973 | USSR | 92 |
7944 | 8725 | Waxworks | Leni, Paul | 1924 | Germany | 65 |
7945 | 8726 | Espions, Les | Clouzot, Henri-Georges | 1957 | France | 125 |
7946 | 8728 | Or des mers, L' | Epstein, Jean | 1932 | France | 73 |
7947 | 9168 | Short Term 12 | Cretton, Destin Daniel | 2013 | USA | 96 |
7948 | 8738 | High Sign, The | Keaton, Buster & Eddie Cline | 1921 | USA | 21 |
7949 | 8739 | Apostle, The | Duvall, Robert | 1997 | USA | 133 |
7950 | 12057 | Skeleton of Mrs. Morales, The | González, Rogelio A. | 1960 | Mexico | 92 |
7951 | 9394 | ivansxtc. | Rose, Bernard | 1999 | USA | 92 |
7952 | 8743 | Desperate Hours, The | Wyler, William | 1955 | USA | 112 |
7953 | 10028 | Old School | Phillips, Todd | 2003 | USA | 90 |
7954 | 9400 | Gatekeepers, The | Moreh, Dror | 2012 | Israel | 95 |
7955 | 9876 | Women in Revolt | Morrissey, Paul | 1972 | USA | 97 |
7956 | 9200 | Buck and the Preacher | Poitier, Sidney | 1972 | USA | 102 |
7957 | 8746 | Beach Bum, The | Korine, Harmony | 2019 | USA | 95 |
7958 | 9883 | Bayan ko: Kapit sa patalim | Brocka, Lino | 1984 | Philippines | 108 |
7959 | 9196 | Mans, Le | Katzin, Lee H. | 1971 | USA | 106 |
7960 | 8747 | Soufrière, La | Herzog, Werner | 1977 | West Germany | 30 |
7961 | 9611 | Yuri's Day | Serebrennikov, Kirill | 2008 | Russia | 137 |
7962 | 8748 | Two Men in Town | Giovanni, José | 1973 | France | 100 |
7963 | 8749 | Coming Apart | Ginsberg, Milton Moses | 1969 | USA | 110 |
7964 | 10036 | Stardust | Vaughn, Matthew | 2007 | USA | 127 |
7965 | 8752 | Alamo, The | Wayne, John | 1960 | USA | 161 |
7966 | 9425 | Female Prisoner Scorpion: Beast Stable | Ito, Shun'ya | 1973 | Japan | 87 |
7967 | 10367 | Law and Order | Cahn, Edward L. | 1932 | USA | 70 |
7968 | 10371 | White Nights on the Pier | Vecchiali, Paul | 2014 | France | 94 |
7969 | 9212 | Mark of Zorro, The | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1940 | USA | 93 |
7970 | 8754 | Ship of Fools | Kramer, Stanley | 1965 | USA | 149 |
7971 | 8755 | Voice of the Turtle, The | Rapper, Irving | 1947 | USA | 103 |
7972 | 9433 | War Room, The | Hegedus, Chris & D.A. Pennebaker | 1993 | USA | 95 |
7973 | 8782 | Spur der Steine | Beyer, Frank | 1966 | East Germany | 139 |
7974 | 8783 | Living | Sigarev, Vasili | 2012 | Russia | 119 |
7975 | 10683 | Péril jeune, Le | Klapisch, Cédric | 1994 | France | 101 |
7976 | 8787 | Imagens do Inconsciente | Hirszman, Leon | 1987 | Brazil | 205 |
7977 | 13702 | Irezumi | Masumura, Yasuzo | 1966 | Japan | 86 |
7978 | 10381 | Singing Behind Screens | Olmi, Ermanno | 2003 | Italy | 98 |
7979 | 9328 | Schizopolis | Soderbergh, Steven | 1996 | USA | 96 |
7980 | 8788 | My Homeland | Vas, Robert | 1976 | ||
7981 | 9010 | Columbus | Kogonada | 2017 | USA | 100 |
7982 | 8791 | Blue Jasmine | Allen, Woody | 2013 | USA | 98 |
7983 | 8792 | Wanderers of the Desert | Khemir, Nacer | 1984 | Tunisia | 95 |
7984 | 9756 | Hero Never Dies, A | To, Johnnie | 1998 | Hong Kong | 86 |
7985 | 8793 | Autumn Leaves | Aldrich, Robert | 1956 | USA | 108 |
7986 | 9330 | Real Genius | Coolidge, Martha | 1985 | USA | 104 |
7987 | 8794 | Burden, The | von Bahr, Niki Lindroth | 2017 | Sweden | 15 |
7988 | 9439 | Heimat 3: A Chronicle of Endings and Beginnings [TV] | Reitz, Edgar | 2004 | Germany | 689 |
7989 | 8796 | Secret of Roan Inish, The | Sayles, John | 1994 | USA | 103 |
7990 | 9229 | Sorrows of the Forbidden City | Zhu Shilin | 1948 | Hong Kong | 120 |
7991 | 9011 | Avengers: Infinity War | Russo, Anthony & Joe Russo | 2018 | USA | 149 |
7992 | 10601 | Endless, The | Benson, Justin & Aaron Moorhead | 2017 | USA | 112 |
7993 | 10014 | Penalty, The | Worsley, Wallace | 1920 | USA | 90 |
7994 | 8801 | Amer | Cattet, Hélène & Bruno Forzani | 2009 | France | 90 |
7995 | 9012 | Ballad of Buster Scruggs, The | Coen, Joel & Ethan Coen | 2018 | USA | 133 |
7996 | 10523 | Spider Baby | Hill, Jack | 1967 | USA | 81 |
7997 | 8802 | Don Quixote | Pabst, G.W. | 1933 | France | 81 |
7998 | 8804 | Family Viewing | Egoyan, Atom | 1987 | Canada | 86 |
7999 | 8805 | O Dreamland | Anderson, Lindsay | 1953 | UK | 13 |
8000 | 8808 | We're Going to Eat You | Tsui Hark | 1980 | Hong Kong | 90 |
8001 | 9453 | Guilty of Romance | Sono, Sion | 2011 | Japan | 113 |
8002 | 8809 | Since You Went Away | Cromwell, John | 1944 | USA | 177 |
8003 | 8810 | Rain | Jeffs, Christine | 2001 | New Zealand | 92 |
8004 | 9608 | Michael Jackson's This is It | Ortega, Kenny | 2009 | USA | 110 |
8005 | 8811 | Before Stonewall | Schiller, Greta | 1984 | USA | 87 |
8006 | 8812 | Officer and a Gentleman, An | Hackford, Taylor | 1982 | USA | 125 |
8007 | 10436 | Petites fugues, Les | Yersin, Yves | 1979 | Switzerland | 140 |
8008 | 10018 | Nobody's Daughter Haewon | Hong Sang-soo | 2013 | South Korea | 90 |
8009 | 9659 | Thérèse Desqueyroux | Franju, Georges | 1962 | France | 109 |
8010 | 8814 | Paradise | Dvortsevoy, Sergei | 1995 | Kazakhstan | 25 |
8011 | 9015 | Baby Driver | Wright, Edgar | 2017 | UK | 112 |
8012 | 8957 | Paradise: Faith | Seidl, Ulrich | 2012 | Austria | |
8013 | 9462 | Tiresia | Bonello, Bertrand | 2003 | France | |
8014 | 9463 | Happy Feet | Miller, George | 2006 | USA | 108 |
8015 | 9017 | Cobb | Shelton, Ron | 1994 | USA | 128 |
8016 | 8821 | Rock-a-Bye Baby | Tashlin, Frank | 1958 | USA | 103 |
8017 | 8822 | Super 8½ | LaBruce, Bruce | 1993 | Canada | 94 |
8018 | 11269 | Great Day in the Morning | Tourneur, Jacques | 1956 | USA | 92 |
8019 | 8825 | Meilleure facon de marcher, La | Miller, Claude | 1976 | France | 82 |
8020 | 9467 | Scenic Route, The | Rappaport, Mark | 1978 | USA | 76 |
8021 | 9606 | Night of the Comet | Eberhardt, Thom | 1984 | USA | 94 |
8022 | 8828 | Fighting Elegy | Suzuki, Seijun | 1966 | Japan | 86 |
8023 | 8829 | In Search of a Midnight Kiss | Holdridge, Alex | 2008 | USA | 90 |
8024 | 9018 | Brigands - Chapter VII | Iosseliani, Otar | 1996 | France | 129 |
8025 | 8831 | L.A. Story | Jackson, Mick | 1991 | USA | 95 |
8026 | 10338 | Hard Labour [TV] | Leigh, Mike | 1973 | UK | 70 |
8027 | 8834 | Free Solo | Vasarhelyi, Elizabeth Chai & Jimmy Chin | 2018 | USA | 100 |
8028 | 8836 | Mongoloid | Conner, Bruce | 1978 | USA | 4 |
8029 | 9278 | They Came Together | Wain, David | 2014 | USA | 83 |
8030 | 8837 | September | Allen, Woody | 1987 | USA | 82 |
8031 | 10111 | Lords of Salem, The | Zombie, Rob | 2012 | UK | 96 |
8032 | 8840 | Thieving Magpie, The | Gianini, Giulio & Emanuele Luzzati | 1964 | Italy | 11 |
8033 | 8842 | Fighter, The | Russell, David O. | 2010 | USA | 116 |
8034 | 9557 | Half Nelson | Fleck, Ryan | 2006 | USA | 107 |
8035 | 9284 | Halloween III: Season of the Witch | Wallace, Tommy Lee | 1982 | USA | 96 |
8036 | 8843 | Three Sisters | Wang Bing | 2012 | France | 153 |
8037 | 9258 | Bone Tomahawk | Zahler, S. Craig | 2015 | USA | 132 |
8038 | 9309 | Barabbas | Fleischer, Richard | 1962 | USA | 134 |
8039 | 9687 | Grand Canyon | Kasdan, Lawrence | 1991 | USA | 134 |
8040 | 8850 | Spanish Earth, The | Ivens, Joris | 1937 | USA | 52 |
8041 | 8888 | Outsider, The | Mann, Delbert | 1961 | USA | 108 |
8042 | 8889 | Hotte im Paradies | Graf, Dominik | 2003 | Germany | 118 |
8043 | 8891 | Yella | Petzold, Christian | 2007 | Germany | 89 |
8044 | 10236 | Tell No One | Canet, Guillaume | 2006 | France | 131 |
8045 | 8894 | That Old Dream That Moves | Guiraudie, Alain | 2001 | France | 51 |
8046 | 9313 | Comfort and Joy | Forsyth, Bill | 1984 | UK | 105 |
8047 | 8896 | To Sleep So as to Dream | Hayashi, Kaizo | 1986 | Japan | 81 |
8048 | 8897 | Sisters in Law | Ayisi, Florence & Kim Longinotto | 2005 | Cameroon | 104 |
8049 | 10442 | Donna scimmia, La | Ferreri, Marco | 1964 | Italy | 92 |
8050 | 13564 | Batang West Side | Diaz, Lav | 2001 | Philippines | 315 |
8051 | 14221 | Silence | Collins, Pat | 2012 | Ireland | 87 |
8052 | 10524 | Touch, The | Bergman, Ingmar | 1971 | Sweden | 115 |
8053 | 8898 | Union Pacific | DeMille, Cecil B. | 1939 | USA | 135 |
8054 | 8899 | Bloodsport | Arnold, Newt | 1988 | USA | 92 |
8055 | 8900 | Mutum | Kogut, Sandra | 2007 | Brazil | 95 |
8056 | 9024 | Viola | Piñeiro, Matías | 2012 | Argentina | 65 |
8057 | 8901 | Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The | Hathaway, Henry | 1935 | USA | 109 |
8058 | 8902 | Laurel Canyon | Cholodenko, Lisa | 2002 | USA | 103 |
8059 | 8903 | Menage | Blier, Bertrand | 1986 | France | 84 |
8060 | 9521 | Fango | Campusano, José Celestino | 2012 | Argentina | 105 |
8061 | 8904 | Little Murders | Arkin, Alan | 1971 | USA | 108 |
8062 | 8905 | Chance or Coincidence | Lelouch, Claude | 1998 | France | 120 |
8063 | 9525 | Thelonious Monk: Straight No Chaser | Zwerin, Charlotte | 1988 | USA | 90 |
8064 | 9526 | Walker | Cox, Alex | 1987 | USA | 94 |
8065 | 8908 | Wild Angels, The | Corman, Roger | 1966 | USA | 93 |
8066 | 8909 | Mifune | Kragh-Jacobsen, Søren | 1999 | Denmark | 101 |
8067 | 9532 | Day Night Day Night | Loktev, Julia | 2006 | USA | 94 |
8068 | 8910 | Dementia | Parker, John | 1955 | USA | 56 |
8069 | 10332 | Cast Away | Zemeckis, Robert | 2000 | USA | 143 |
8070 | 9963 | Toda Nudez Será Castigada | Jabor, Arnaldo | 1973 | Brazil | 102 |
8071 | 9333 | Blacula | Crain, William | 1972 | USA | 92 |
8072 | 8912 | Till We Meet Again | Imai, Tadashi | 1950 | Japan | |
8073 | 8919 | 49 Up [TV] | Apted, Michael | 2005 | UK | 180 |
8074 | 9380 | Summer at Grandpa's, A | Hou Hsiao-hsien | 1984 | Taiwan | 93 |
8075 | 8922 | Perfect Couple, A | Suwa, Nobuhiro | 2005 | Japan | 104 |
8076 | 8924 | Private Hell 36 | Siegel, Don | 1954 | USA | 81 |
8077 | 8939 | Sylvie et le fantôme | Autant-Lara, Claude | 1946 | France | 90 |
8078 | 9026 | ParaNorman | Fell, Sam & Chris Butler | 2012 | USA | 92 |
8079 | 8941 | Indiscretion of an American Wife | De Sica, Vittorio | 1953 | Italy | 90 |
8080 | 8944 | Landscape | Loznitsa, Sergei | 2003 | Russia | 60 |
8081 | 10033 | Rescue Dawn | Herzog, Werner | 2006 | USA | 126 |
8082 | 8946 | Foxy Brown | Hill, Jack | 1974 | USA | 94 |
8083 | 8947 | In Search of the Castaways | Stevenson, Robert | 1962 | USA | 100 |
8084 | 8948 | Dust Devil | Stanley, Richard | 1992 | UK | 87 |
8085 | 10331 | Passing Fancy | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1933 | Japan | 100 |
8086 | 9722 | Hahaha | Hong Sang-soo | 2010 | South Korea | 115 |
8087 | 8949 | Torn Curtain | Hitchcock, Alfred | 1966 | USA | 128 |
8088 | 8950 | Bullhead | Roskam, Michaël R. | 2011 | Belgium | 129 |
8089 | Kutya éji dala | Bódy, Gábor | 1983 | Hungary | 150 | |
8090 | 8951 | 4:44 Last Day on Earth | Ferrara, Abel | 2011 | USA | 82 |
8091 | 9735 | Pitfall | de Toth, André | 1948 | USA | 86 |
8092 | 8952 | Dialogues of Exiles | Ruiz, Raúl | 1975 | Chile | 100 |
8093 | 8953 | Silver Bullet | Attias, Daniel | 1985 | USA | 95 |
8094 | 9324 | Suicide Club | Sono, Sion | 2002 | Japan | 99 |
8095 | 8958 | Birch Wood, The | Wajda, Andrzej | 1970 | Poland | 99 |
8096 | 9422 | Andromeda Strain, The | Wise, Robert | 1971 | USA | 131 |
8097 | 8960 | Hated: GG Alin & the Murder Junkies | Phillips, Todd | 1993 | USA | 90 |
8098 | 8961 | Labor on the Douro River | Oliveira, Manoel de | 1931 | Portugal | 20 |
8099 | 8989 | Jesus of Nazareth [TV] | Zeffirelli, Franco | 1977 | Italy | 382 |
8100 | 9031 | Armageddon | Bay, Michael | 1998 | USA | 150 |
8101 | 8991 | Blood on Satan's Claw, The | Haggard, Piers | 1971 | UK | 97 |
8102 | 9628 | Ararat | Egoyan, Atom | 2002 | Canada | 115 |
8103 | 9032 | Madonna: Truth or Dare | Keshishian, Alek | 1991 | USA | 118 |
8104 | 9420 | Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale | Helander, Jalmari | 2010 | Finland | 83 |
8105 | 9631 | Be My Star | Grisebach, Valeska | 2001 | Germany | 65 |
8106 | 10107 | Red Dust | Fleming, Victor | 1932 | USA | 83 |
8107 | 8992 | Apprentis, Les | Salvadori, Pierre | 1995 | France | 98 |
8108 | 10001 | Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Miss Osbourne, The | Borowczyk, Walerian | 1981 | France | 92 |
8109 | 8993 | 23rd Psalm Branch: Part I | Brakhage, Stan | 1967 | USA | 48 |
8110 | 10098 | Rocketeer, The | Johnston, Joe | 1991 | USA | 108 |
8111 | 8994 | Zoo | Wiseman, Frederick | 1993 | USA | 130 |
8112 | 8998 | Chuck & Buck | Arteta, Miguel | 2000 | USA | 95 |
8113 | 9634 | Bubu | Bolognini, Mauro | 1971 | Italy | 105 |
8114 | 8999 | Chihwaseon | Im Kwon-taek | 2002 | South Korea | 116 |
8115 | 9000 | Journey to the Sun | Ustaoğlu, Yeşim | 1999 | Turkey | 104 |
8116 | 9637 | Aandhi | Gulzar | 1975 | India | 133 |
8117 | 9033 | Regeneration | Walsh, Raoul | 1915 | USA | 72 |
8118 | 9034 | Spy | Feig, Paul | 2015 | USA | 119 |
8119 | 11734 | Water Magician, The | Mizoguchi, Kenji | 1933 | Japan | 110 |
8120 | 9036 | 7 Plus Seven [TV] | Apted, Michael | 1970 | UK | 52 |
8121 | 9037 | 21 Up [TV] | Apted, Michael | 1977 | UK | 100 |
8122 | 9038 | Annie | Huston, John | 1982 | USA | 127 |
8123 | 9767 | Voitures d'eau, Les | Perrault, Pierre | 1968 | Canada | 110 |
8124 | 9391 | Grindhouse | Tarantino, Quentin & Robert Rodriguez | 2007 | USA | 191 |
8125 | 9040 | Pattes blanches | Grémillon, Jean | 1949 | France | 92 |
8126 | 10048 | King and I, The | Lang, Walter | 1956 | USA | 133 |
8127 | 10390 | Young Törless | Schlöndorff, Volker | 1966 | West Germany | 87 |
8128 | 10113 | Pistol Opera | Suzuki, Seijun | 2001 | Japan | 112 |
8129 | 9402 | Inadequate People | Karimov, Roman | 2010 | Russia | 106 |
8130 | 9043 | Piranha | Dante, Joe | 1978 | USA | 94 |
8131 | 9044 | Apache | Aldrich, Robert | 1954 | USA | 91 |
8132 | 9045 | Bandit, The | Turgul, Yavuz | 1996 | Turkey | 128 |
8133 | 9774 | Tin Men | Levinson, Barry | 1987 | USA | 112 |
8134 | 9046 | Allegretto | Fischinger, Oskar | 1936 | USA | 3 |
8135 | 9452 | From Dusk Till Dawn | Rodriguez, Robert | 1995 | USA | 108 |
8136 | 9052 | Recreation | Breer, Robert | 1956 | USA | 2 |
8137 | 9653 | Laughter | d'Arrast, Harry | 1930 | USA | 81 |
8138 | 9053 | | Hegedus, Chris & Jehane Noujaim | 2001 | USA | 107 |
8139 | 9054 | Back to Back, Face to Face | Huang Jianxin | 1994 | China | 138 |
8140 | 9055 | Very Eye of Night, The | Deren, Maya | 1958 | USA | 15 |
8141 | 10700 | Chronicle | Trank, Josh | 2012 | USA | 83 |
8142 | 9083 | Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears | Menshov, Vladimir | 1980 | USSR | 150 |
8143 | 9084 | Poulette grise, La | McLaren, Norman | 1947 | Canada | 6 |
8144 | 9085 | Murder, My Sweet | Dmytryk, Edward | 1944 | USA | 95 |
8145 | 9088 | Good and Evil | Leth, Jørgen | 1975 | Denmark | 78 |
8146 | 9089 | Bob's Birthday | Fine, David & Alison Snowden | 1993 | Canada | 12 |
8147 | 9091 | How Do You Know | Brooks, James L. | 2010 | USA | 121 |
8148 | 9746 | When a Stranger Calls | Walton, Fred | 1979 | USA | 97 |
8149 | 10453 | Akitsu Springs | Yoshida, Yoshishige | 1962 | Japan | 113 |
8150 | 9661 | Confessions of an Opium Eater | Zugsmith, Albert | 1962 | USA | 85 |
8151 | 9093 | Fabulous Baker Boys, The | Kloves, Steve | 1989 | USA | 113 |
8152 | 11193 | Crabe-tambour, Le | Schoendoerffer, Pierre | 1977 | France | 120 |
8153 | 9095 | Love Everlasting | Caserini, Mario | 1914 | Italy | 90 |
8154 | 10460 | Himatsuri | Yanagimachi, Mitsuo | 1985 | Japan | 120 |
8155 | 10061 | Sorrow and Joy | Malmros, Nils | 2013 | Denmark | 107 |
8156 | All of Us Strangers | Haigh, Andrew | 2023 | UK | 105 | |
8157 | 10131 | Rejeanne Padovani | Arcand, Denys | 1973 | Canada | 96 |
8158 | 10135 | Best Man, The | Schaffner, Franklin J. | 1964 | USA | 102 |
8159 | 10134 | Monkeys Like Becky | Jordà, Joaquim & Núria Villazán | 1999 | Spain | 97 |
8160 | 10013 | Mad Love | Freund, Karl | 1935 | USA | 70 |
8161 | 9101 | Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion | Ito, Shun'ya | 1972 | Japan | 87 |
8162 | 9102 | Adventures of Barry McKenzie, The | Beresford, Bruce | 1972 | Australia | 114 |
8163 | 10003 | Love Serenade | Barrett, Shirley | 1996 | Australia | 101 |
8164 | 9104 | Dragonslayer | Robbins, Matthew | 1981 | USA | 108 |
8165 | 9106 | After Dark, My Sweet | Foley, James | 1990 | USA | 114 |
8166 | 9108 | Two Careful Fellows | Rodríguez, Ismael | 1953 | Mexico | 111 |
8167 | 9111 | Rocky II | Stallone, Sylvester | 1979 | USA | 119 |
8168 | 9112 | Alexandra | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2007 | Russia | 95 |
8169 | 9113 | Killer is Loose, The | Boetticher, Budd | 1956 | USA | 73 |
8170 | 9114 | Cosmos | Zulawski, Andrzej | 2015 | France | |
8171 | 9685 | Skin Deep | Edwards, Blake | 1989 | USA | 97 |
8172 | 9118 | Beauty Knows No Pain | Erwitt, Elliott | 1972 | USA | 26 |
8173 | 9126 | Yukoku | Masaki, Domoto & Yukio Mishima | 1966 | Japan | 30 |
8174 | 9686 | Voyage en ballon, Le | Lamorisse, Albert | 1960 | France | 85 |
8175 | 9127 | Surveyors, The | Soutter, Michel | 1972 | Switzerland | 85 |
8176 | 9128 | Naya Daur | Chopra, B.R. | 1957 | India | 173 |
8177 | 9129 | Butterfly Kiss | Winterbottom, Michael | 1995 | UK | 88 |
8178 | 9130 | Great Mouse Detective, The | Clements, Ron/Burny Mattinson/David Michener/John Musker | 1986 | USA | 80 |
8179 | 10025 | Loved Ones, The | Byrne, Sean | 2009 | Australia | 84 |
8180 | 9457 | Koktebel | Khlebnikov, Boris & Aleksei Popogrebsky | 2003 | Russia | 100 |
8181 | 11335 | Green Knight, The | Lowery, David | 2021 | Ireland | 130 |
8182 | 9131 | Beauty and the Devil | Clair, René | 1950 | France | 80 |
8183 | 9133 | Vacuum Zone | Yamamoto, Satsuo | 1952 | Japan | 129 |
8184 | 10026 | Ever After | Tennant, Andy | 1998 | USA | 120 |
8185 | 9134 | Cure, The | Chaplin, Charles | 1917 | USA | 24 |
8186 | 9697 | Green for Danger | Gilliat, Sidney | 1946 | UK | 93 |
8187 | 9135 | Matrix Reloaded, The | Wachowski, Lana & Lilly Wachowski | 2003 | USA | 138 |
8188 | 9136 | Anguish | Luna, Bigas | 1987 | Spain | 89 |
8189 | 10221 | Taxi to the Dark Side | Gibney, Alex | 2007 | USA | 106 |
8190 | 10075 | Halloween II | Zombie, Rob | 2009 | USA | 105 |
8191 | 9139 | Tony Manero | Larraín, Pablo | 2008 | Chile | 97 |
8192 | 9140 | Wizards | Bakshi, Ralph | 1977 | USA | 80 |
8193 | 10029 | Palm Springs | Barbakow, Max | 2020 | USA | 90 |
8194 | 9703 | Quiet American, The | Mankiewicz, Joseph L. | 1958 | USA | 120 |
8195 | 9704 | House, The | Bartas, Sharunas | 1997 | Lithuania | 120 |
8196 | 9144 | Baby Face Nelson | Siegel, Don | 1957 | USA | 85 |
8197 | 9147 | No Way Out | Donaldson, Roger | 1987 | USA | 116 |
8198 | 9148 | Glas | Haanstra, Bert | 1958 | Netherlands | 11 |
8199 | 9149 | Brief History of Time, A | Morris, Errol | 1992 | UK | 80 |
8200 | 11342 | Habanera, La | Sirk, Douglas | 1937 | Germany | 100 |
8201 | 11458 | Madness of King George, The | Hytner, Nicholas | 1995 | UK | 107 |
8202 | 9152 | Days, The | Wang Xiaoshuai | 1993 | China | 75 |
8203 | 9153 | Lars and the Real Girl | Gillespie, Craig | 2007 | USA | 106 |
8204 | 10081 | Footnote | Cedar, Joseph | 2011 | Israel | 107 |
8205 | 9993 | Cry-Baby | Waters, John | 1990 | USA | 85 |
8206 | 9155 | Street of Shadows | Vernon, Richard | 1953 | UK | 76 |
8207 | 10083 | Heartbeats | Dolan, Xavier | 2010 | Canada | 101 |
8208 | 11478 | Cobain: Montage of Heck | Morgen, Brett | 2015 | USA | 145 |
8209 | 9160 | Alambrista! | Young, Robert M. | 1977 | USA | 110 |
8210 | 9158 | Rose Tattoo, The | Mann, Daniel | 1955 | USA | 117 |
8211 | 9157 | Making "The Shining" [TV] | Kubrick, Vivian | 1980 | USA | 35 |
8212 | 9164 | School for Scoundrels | Hamer, Robert | 1960 | UK | 94 |
8213 | 9165 | Suburbia | Spheeris, Penelope | 1983 | USA | 96 |
8214 | 9166 | Brainstorm | Trumbull, Douglas | 1983 | USA | 106 |
8215 | 9345 | Western Deep | McQueen, Steve | 2002 | UK | 24 |
8216 | 9344 | Carib's Leap | McQueen, Steve | 2002 | UK | 41 |
8217 | 9169 | Pride of the Yankees, The | Wood, Sam | 1942 | USA | 127 |
8218 | 10302 | Funhouse, The | Hooper, Tobe | 1981 | USA | 96 |
8219 | 9171 | Longing | Grisebach, Valeska | 2006 | Germany | 88 |
8220 | 10584 | Jaguar | Brocka, Lino | 1979 | Philippines | 100 |
8221 | 9172 | Bolivia | Caetano, Adrián | 2001 | Argentina | 75 |
8222 | 11503 | Masked and Anonymous | Charles, Larry | 2003 | USA | 112 |
8223 | 9854 | Nainsukh | Dutta, Amit | 2010 | Switzerland | 90 |
8224 | 10169 | Duck Season | Eimbcke, Fernando | 2004 | Mexico | 86 |
8225 | 9173 | You're Missing the Point | Bustillo Oro, Juan | 1940 | Mexico | 112 |
8226 | 9175 | Bridges at Toko-Ri, The | Robson, Mark | 1954 | USA | 102 |
8227 | 9178 | Paris vu par... | Chabrol, Claude/Jean Douchet/Jean-Luc Godard/Jean-Daniel Pollet/Eric Rohmer/Jean Rouch | 1965 | France | 95 |
8228 | 10094 | Profession of Arms, The | Olmi, Ermanno | 2001 | Italy | 105 |
8229 | 9515 | Dois Córregos - Verdades Submersas no Tempo | Reichenbach, Carlos | 1999 | Brazil | 112 |
8230 | 9180 | Corridor, The | Bartas, Sharunas | 1995 | Germany | 85 |
8231 | 9181 | Samskara | Reddy, Pattabhi Rama | 1970 | India | 113 |
8232 | 9183 | Semiotics of the Kitchen | Rosler, Martha | 1975 | USA | 6 |
8233 | 9184 | Baise-moi | Despentes, Virginie & Coralie Trinh Thi | 2000 | France | 77 |
8234 | 9185 | Daibosatsu tôge: dai-ippen - Kôgen itto-ryû no maki | Inagaki, Hiroshi | 1935 | Japan | |
8235 | 9186 | Blood and Sand | Mamoulian, Rouben | 1941 | USA | 125 |
8236 | 9188 | Two Tars | Parrott, James | 1928 | USA | 21 |
8237 | 9562 | American Pie | Weitz, Paul | 1999 | USA | 95 |
8238 | 9192 | Dogtown and Z-Boys | Peralta, Stacy | 2001 | USA | 91 |
8239 | 9193 | Age of Consent | Powell, Michael | 1969 | Australia | 103 |
8240 | 9574 | Color Adjustment | Riggs, Marlon | 1992 | USA | 86 |
8241 | 9194 | Torment | Sjöberg, Alf | 1944 | Sweden | 100 |
8242 | 9195 | Crossfire | Dmytryk, Edward | 1947 | USA | 86 |
8243 | 10637 | Wild Boys, The | Mandico, Bertrand | 2017 | France | 110 |
8244 | 11096 | Bishop's Wife, The | Koster, Henry | 1947 | USA | 108 |
8245 | 9202 | Grey Fox, The | Borsos, Phillip | 1982 | Canada | 92 |
8246 | 10181 | Emil and the Detectives | Lamprecht, Gerhard | 1931 | Germany | 75 |
8247 | 9203 | Don't Make Waves | Mackendrick, Alexander | 1967 | USA | 97 |
8248 | 9204 | Urgences | Depardon, Raymond | 1988 | France | 105 |
8249 | 9205 | Night in the Show, A | Chaplin, Charles | 1915 | USA | 24 |
8250 | 9741 | Son of Paleface | Tashlin, Frank | 1952 | USA | 95 |
8251 | 9558 | Forgotten, The | De Seta, Vittorio | 1959 | Italy | 20 |
8252 | 10100 | My Life as a Zucchini | Barras, Claude | 2016 | Switzerland | 70 |
8253 | 11113 | Street Angel | Borzage, Frank | 1928 | USA | 102 |
8254 | 9209 | Drifting | Naruse, Mikio | 1962 | Japan | 124 |
8255 | 9211 | Taurus | Sokurov, Aleksandr | 2001 | Russia | 104 |
8256 | 10038 | Edge of Seventeen, The | Craig, Kelly Fremon | 2016 | USA | 104 |
8257 | 9213 | American Hustle | Russell, David O. | 2013 | USA | 138 |
8258 | 9214 | Parvarish | Desai, Manmohan | 1977 | India | |
8259 | 9215 | Hill Farm, The | Baker, Mark | 1989 | UK | 18 |
8260 | 9216 | Arabian Nights: Volume 2 - The Desolate One | Gomes, Miguel | 2015 | Portugal | 131 |
8261 | 10106 | Wings of Honneamise, The | Yamaga, Hiroyuki | 1987 | Japan | 120 |
8262 | 10108 | Neruda | Larraín, Pablo | 2016 | Chile | 107 |
8263 | 9224 | Making Love | Hiller, Arthur | 1982 | USA | 113 |
8264 | 9633 | Housing Problems | Anstey, Edgar & Arthur Elton | 1935 | UK | 16 |
8265 | 10204 | October Sky | Johnston, Joe | 1999 | USA | 107 |
8266 | 10037 | Summer 1993 | Simón, Carla | 2017 | Spain | 97 |
8267 | 9226 | Cry of the City | Siodmak, Robert | 1948 | USA | 95 |
8268 | 9227 | Beat Street | Lathan, Stan | 1984 | USA | 106 |
8269 | 9559 | Vie des morts, La | Desplechin, Arnaud | 1991 | France | 54 |
8270 | 9228 | From the Journals of Jean Seberg | Rappaport, Mark | 1995 | USA | 97 |
8271 | 10203 | Belle | Asante, Amma | 2013 | USA | 104 |
8272 | 9231 | Street Trash | Muro, James | 1987 | USA | 91 |
8273 | 11079 | Eternity | Catacora, Óscar | 2017 | Peru | 86 |
8274 | 9233 | Finding Christa | Billops, Camille & James Hatch | 1991 | USA | 55 |
8275 | 10046 | That Night's Wife | Ozu, Yasujiro | 1930 | Japan | 65 |
8276 | 9234 | Otro día, El | Agüero, Ignacio | 2012 | Chile | 120 |
8277 | 10116 | Wings of the Dove, The | Softley, Iain | 1997 | USA | 101 |
8278 | 10214 | One Night | Belvaux, Lucas | 2012 | France | 104 |
8279 | 9237 | Quills | Kaufman, Philip | 2000 | USA | 123 |
8280 | 10415 | Will it Snow for Christmas? | Veysset, Sandrine | 1996 | France | 90 |
8281 | 9629 | Lovely & Amazing | Holofcener, Nicole | 2001 | USA | 91 |
8282 | 9238 | Oscar, The | Rouse, Russell | 1966 | USA | 119 |
8283 | 13282 | Tiburoneros | Alcoriza, Luis | 1963 | Mexico | 100 |
8284 | 9239 | Diary of the Dead | Romero, George A. | 2007 | USA | 95 |
8285 | 10049 | Homesman, The | Jones, Tommy Lee | 2014 | France | 122 |
8286 | 10045 | Five Deadly Venoms | Chang Cheh | 1978 | Hong Kong | 101 |
8287 | 9240 | Love is Strange | Sachs, Ira | 2014 | USA | 94 |
8288 | 9242 | Flat Jungle, The | van der Keuken, Johan | 1979 | Netherlands | 90 |
8289 | 9251 | Keep the Lights On | Sachs, Ira | 2012 | USA | 101 |
8290 | 9252 | Behind the Candelabra | Soderbergh, Steven | 2013 | USA | 118 |
8291 | 10123 | Falcon and the Snowman, The | Schlesinger, John | 1985 | UK | 131 |
8292 | 9254 | Cabaret Balkan | Paskaljevic, Goran | 1998 | Yugoslavia | 102 |
8293 | 9255 | Mission to Mars | De Palma, Brian | 2000 | USA | 114 |
8294 | 9256 | Life of Wu Xun | Sun Yu | 1950 | China | 208 |
8295 | 9257 | How to Survive a Plague | France, David | 2012 | USA | 120 |
8296 | 10054 | Tekkonkinkreet | Arias, Michael | 2006 | Japan | 103 |
8297 | 9259 | Twixt | Coppola, Francis Ford | 2011 | USA | 88 |
8298 | 9260 | Fantômas | Hunebelle, André | 1964 | France | 100 |
8299 | 9262 | True Grit | Hathaway, Henry | 1969 | USA | 128 |
8300 | 9266 | Navrang | Shantaram, Rajaram Vankudre | 1959 | India | |
8301 | 10058 | Spooky Bunch, The | Hui, Ann | 1980 | Hong Kong | 97 |
8302 | 9267 | Stranger, The | Welles, Orson | 1946 | USA | 95 |
8303 | 9268 | Vereda de Salvacao | Duarte, Anselmo | 1964 | Brazil | 100 |
8304 | 9270 | Night Wind | Garrel, Philippe | 1999 | France | 95 |
8305 | 23620 | Our Lady of the Assassins | Schroeder, Barbet | 2000 | Spain | 98 |
8306 | 9272 | Lady in the Lake | Montgomery, Robert | 1947 | USA | 105 |
8307 | 10128 | Flight of the Eagle, The | Troell, Jan | 1982 | Sweden | 139 |
8308 | 9274 | Death Watch | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1980 | France | 117 |
8309 | 10133 | Christine | Carpenter, John | 1983 | USA | 110 |
8310 | 9276 | Narita: The Sky of May | Ogawa, Shinsuke | 1977 | Japan | 81 |
8311 | 9277 | Beatrice | Tavernier, Bertrand | 1987 | France | 130 |
8312 | 9279 | Straight Outta Compton | Gray, F. Gary | 2015 | USA | 147 |
8313 | 11004 | Cowards Bend the Knee | Maddin, Guy | 2003 | Canada | 60 |
8314 | 9280 | M. Butterfly | Cronenberg, David | 1993 | USA | 110 |
8315 | 9281 | Animal Love | Seidl, Ulrich | 1996 | Austria | 120 |
8316 | 9282 | Royal Affairs in Versailles | Guitry, Sacha | 1954 | France | 152 |
8317 | 9954 | These Thousand Hills | Fleischer, Richard | 1959 | USA | 96 |
8318 | 9283 | Hotel Rwanda | George, Terry | 2004 | UK | 121 |
8319 | 9285 | From Noon Till Three | Gilroy, Frank D. | 1976 | USA | 99 |
8320 | 9286 | Alfie | Gilbert, Lewis | 1966 | UK | 114 |
8321 | 9287 | Treasure, The | Porumboiu, Corneliu | 2015 | Romania | 89 |
8322 | 9288 | Tetsuo II: Body Hammer | Tsukamoto, Shin'ya | 1991 | Japan | 83 |
8323 | 9289 | ...And the Moon Dances | Nugroho, Garin | 1995 | Indonesia | 125 |
8324 | 10138 | Pechki-lavochki | Shukshin, Vasiliy | 1972 | USSR | 90 |
8325 | 9292 | Speedy | Wilde, Ted | 1928 | USA | 85 |
8326 | 10481 | Legend, The | Yuen, Corey | 1993 | Hong Kong | 100 |
8327 | 10005 | Arth | Bhatt, Mahesh | 1982 | India | 138 |
8328 | 9294 | Last Action Hero | McTiernan, John | 1993 | USA | 122 |
8329 | 9295 | Gelin | Akad, Lütfi | 1973 | Turkey | 92 |
8330 | 9296 | Millions | Boyle, Danny | 2004 | UK | 98 |
8331 | 9302 | Thigh Line Lyre Triangular | Brakhage, Stan | 1961 | USA | 5 |
8332 | 9299 | Young Guns | Cain, Christopher | 1988 | USA | 107 |
8333 | 9306 | Blessed | Kokkinos, Ana | 2009 | Australia | 113 |
8334 | 9307 | Family Submerged, A | Alche, María | 2018 | Argentina | 91 |
8335 | 9639 | Junebug | Morrison, Phil | 2005 | USA | 107 |
8336 | 10916 | Wild Blue Yonder, The | Herzog, Werner | 2005 | Germany | 80 |
8337 | 10915 | Red House, The | Daves, Delmer | 1947 | USA | 100 |
8338 | 10256 | Hell's Hinges | Swickard, Charles | 1916 | USA | 64 |
8339 | 9311 | Midnight Special | Nichols, Jeff | 2016 | USA | 112 |
8340 | 9312 | Waitress | Shelly, Adrienne | 2007 | USA | 107 |
8341 | 10007 | Bandini | Roy, Bimal | 1963 | India | 157 |
8342 | 9314 | Scream 2 | Craven, Wes | 1997 | USA | 122 |
8343 | 9315 | Curse of the Werewolf, The | Fisher, Terence | 1961 | UK | 93 |
8344 | 9316 | Touched in the Head | Doillon, Jacques | 1974 | France | 104 |
8345 | 9317 | Filmeur, Le | Cavalier, Alain | 2005 | France | 101 |
8346 | 10151 | Marathon Family, The | Sijan, Slobodan | 1982 | Yugoslavia | 92 |
8347 | 9817 | Southern Comfort | Hill, Walter | 1981 | USA | 106 |
8348 | 9322 | Any Number Can Win | Verneuil, Henri | 1963 | France | 121 |
8349 | 9821 | Hand in the Trap, The | Torre Nilsson, Leopoldo | 1961 | Spain | 91 |
8350 | 9323 | Alleluia | du Welz, Fabrice | 2014 | Belgium | 93 |
8351 | 10156 |