1. Untitled
Chi hu shu sheng (Soul Snatcher). 2020. Directed by Haolin Song, Liqi Yi. China/Hong Kong, China: TWR Visual Effects. This website is freely available for ...
This website is freely available for any non-commercial use.
2. LIU Yi Origin of Species - ShanghART Gallery
"Origin of Species" is an ink wash animation created through reflections on life, nature, and biological evolution. Focusing on microscopic life forms like ...
3. Liji 禮記(www.chinaknowledge.de)
8. (10.) 禮器, Liqi, Utensils of rites. 9. (11.) 郊特牲, Jiaotesheng, The ... Xiang yinjiu yi, The meaning of the drinking festivity in the districts. 43 ...
Liji 禮記 is a collection of descriptions of ritual matters written during the late Warring States and Former Han periods. It is one of the Five Confucian Classics (wujing 五經) and one of the three ritual classics (sanli 三禮).
4. [PDF] Restoring the Epic ofHou Yi - Asian Ethnology
The stories or the legendary Chinese archer Hou Yi are contained in a wide variety of ... nor a sin-liqi-unninni to weave the disparate threads into a coherent.
5. Chinese herbal medicine for treating recurrent urinary tract infections in ...
Observation study of the use of Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang in the treatment of 35 cases of recurrent UTIs. Special Issue of the Society of Chinese Medicine 2011;19:191 ...
Acute urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common bacterial infection that affects 40% to 50% of women. Between 20% and 30% of women who have had a UTI will experience a recurrence, and around 25% will develop ongoing recurrent episodes with ...
6. LIU Yi Origin of Species_Ink Book 3 - ShanghART Gallery
XIANG Liqi... | XLQ, XU Zhen | XZ, XUE Song | XS, YAO Qingme... | YQM, ZHANG Qing | ZQ, ZHAO Bandi | ZBD, ZHOU Zixi | ZZX, O WORKS | OT. Home | Exhibitions ...
7. Yi Hwang's and Yi I's Interpretations of - AccessON
(liqi yiwu 理氣一物) would be harshly criticized by Yi Hwang.5 Yi I, who ... and function come from the one source” (ti yong yi yuan 體用一源); this.
8. Compass School Liqi Pai - Divine_FengShui
Generally, the Chinese Feng Shui is categorised into San Yuan School ( 3 Cycles Combination ) and San He School ( 3 Combination System ).
Generally, the Chinese Feng Shui is categorised into San Yuan School ( 3 Cycles Combination ) and San He School ( 3 Combination System ). San Yuan School uses San Yuan Luo Pan and San He...
9. Chinese Arts - Plastic and Graphic Art Calligraphy 書法 - Chinaknowledge
Yi Ying Bei 乙瑛碑(153 AD), a stele for the chancellor of the kingdom of Lu, erected in the Confucius temple; Liqi Bei 裡器碑(156 AD; honoring Han Che for ...
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